September 18, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 8
........................ u
_7_-. .... ................................................................. j. ............................... 22 ............
Union, Wash.
$1.50 year in Mason County
Dog owners can now ob-
tain a broad new insur-
lance policy that will pay
for theft of dog or dead,
caused or made necessary
:by numerous accidents,
including being hit by
auto, bitten by other dog,
gunshot, etc. Ask for full
i Angle Bldg, w Phone 304
Rcprcscntlng The S(andard Fire
Jnsuran¢¢ Company of Hartford, Conn,
(Continued From Pago 1)
sixty days to consider the appoint-
ment ana Mason County commis-
sioners feel that they should move
slowly and carefully ill appointing
a mall who will hold such a posi-
tion of importance in the legisla-
ture. Eight members of the nine
commi.':sioners are Democrats, so
it seems reasonable that the new
state senator shall be a member of
that political faith, but Mason
county's part of the,, selection
group feel that the best material
available slould be utilized in a
position that (tan be of great help
to the entire district.
][EARSON, " Democrat and rep-
1 resentative for several ses-
I sions, has not been altogether im-
bued witl a spirit of self sacrafice
in offering himself up as a public
servant, nor neither has be been
altruistic in his legislative terms.
Rather he has made much good
out of his politics, being one of
the state's lawmakers who have
been given a place on the state's
payroll. Governor Walgren has
been criticized much for appoint-
ing members of the legislature to
state jobs for what his critics
;charge are merely favors to legis-
lators so that they will ass!st
along his own legislation, making
hem more or less hired hands of
the chief executive and not unfet-
tered public ,servanLs. It is felt
'that Mason county people can
have full faith and confidence in
:their commissioners, that their
(,ffm:'ts shall: be turned toward
giving this legislative district the
use of ability and energy from the
best possible h candidate•
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Blain A. Bunce, 215 Har-
vard Ave., September 15, at the
Clinic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Thoran Ryan of
Union became parents of a girl
born to them September 1.6 at
the Sbelton General Hospital.
Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED'
Representative in Mason County for
00o_Jt_00 Wood
IIigh Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils
1st and Franldin Phone 397
Announces Its Formal
Saturday, Sept. 20
125 Railroad Avenue
(former location of Needham Men's Wear)
Featuring Complete Lines of
at Popular Prices
By Such Famous Manufacturers as
Also Other Lines of Footwear
i i lU . i iii i i ii i ii i i IS
Gilsonite, used in coating roof-
Mack Urges Flyers Feast On Tax Valuation l]00ash Opening New ing material and varnishes, is
_...Plannln= For Barbecued B'ar Final _.00,Fi00ures i Plumh00n00 Service found in large quantities in Utah. Heating and
Olympic Park theKeen-eyedShelton airportaViat°rSwhoflyinghave°Utspot-°f C( mpiled Here -= "" "-'f l)lumber'Adding toMikehis personnel,Drake' veteranwalt (HearlyIn eaChappearsSUCCeedingthat ourYeardemocrat-it more Plumbing. - -re R I 0 S
Hoquiam, Sept. 13 - Olympic ted several forest fires this sum- Complete figures on the 19,18 Nash announces this week the ic principle needs no apology.-:-- 650 DearDm *''
National Park has thc greatest mer and saved fire fighting crews:Maso n County tax assessment ev- start of a plumbing service for 'Grover Cleveland. • L
commercial value of any National vahmble .time ..the1:eby: are now aluations were released last week ltl.e .co nvellience of c[stomers of .
Park in the country.--approximate- turning tne,r au:enuon to wnd lif e. I by Assessor Vincent Paul. i .a::fItnels, Jots, ,,ome appn- U L
ly $500,000,000--and improper han- i As a result barbecued bear was The total evaluation for the t a,' ,' .
dling of it may dislocate Pacific enjoyed by the Shelton Air Ser- county upon which 1948 taxes will _ Mr. Drake t brmag s to Nash
Northwest economy, Congressman vice personnel last night after Bob be based has risen more than a Jsrothers over , u y ' ' experience
• I "- m the lumbing tlade, much of it West
Russell V. Mack warned here to-Conine and Norris Rau saw two million dollars to an all-time hie-hi' P Lg "
ac uired in Tac(nna where he
day. black bears near the airport Tues- of $8,211,050 q ' . " '' " "
Congressman Mack, sponsor of day afternoon as they were corn- In g breakdown accordin to)!elped. Inat[e rl.larny eL: tha.t ot.y's
" ' • ' in in "1^-- ^ *1'"* s / l'u'ges ana imes plumbing in- •
two. bil!s relatil]g tothe l'arg, is[ s " ..... ,s,,. I districts, Road District No. 1 isis'tallations He has also worked
to tesuy a me ongressionai Recruiting assistance from Dar- assessed at $1,203 434' Road Dis • " ....... bin ......... ....
, , , " on major p, .... S aau nea,, RASKETS
hearing which opens Tuesday, rell Baldwin and Bob Lemke and trict No 2 is valued at $2144891" -,.u.,; .... throuh,, *-
September 16, at Port Angeles. eqmpped wth hurriedly gathered Road District No 3 at .1 218 922 ............. 'neludin , ........ FAST FREIGHT SERVICE
ri is n • ,,. , , ' o...ww, , b ,,= ,, ...... ' •
The hea ,ng .' desig ed to.a!r op- rifles, they went after the .two[and City of Shelton valued at $3,-.County courthouse, the Olympia WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON
posing, s views on permanent Doun-} bruins and Iound them 3ust wnere 1643,803, . Br-werv. , and manv, contra,_ f"'-" V]0 RUS
dame, for the Park. [ they had spotted them from the -. , " - , oveznment buildings at Fort Lew Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry
,, ...... l-n: reaKmg ne evamaion o n " ' " Tacoma Freight via tr. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee u
ro one has ever maoe a I 1, c. I acordin to the two Public Utility is postoffices and other federal •
thoroughly detailed study of this [ One escaped but the other bit distriet. PUD No 1 has an 'structures, so is eminently quail- No. 2 ,!!A
Park, which is a vast wilderness the dust for good from a bullet assessel' valuat'ion of .752 867 fied by experience to handle any
more than three times as large out of bemke's gun and was served while P U D No 3 llas theremain: Jtyp e, of plumbing and heating pr()- Time Schedule as follows: for EWELRY
as. Rainier National Park and to all who would partake after be- der of .7"45"8 183 ject large or small. Leaves Tacoma daily, except-Sflnday at 5 p.ra. : •
nearly six times as large as ling barbecued in an open pit dug ' The .liyn 'Port District is eval- He has been in Shelton the past Olympia and Shelton ilh])
Crater Lake National Park," !near the hangars. • two years. Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday 1 ,,.
ued at $493,386; the Grapeview ITOOLED
Mack said. Port district at $294,644, and the CLARENCE CARLANDER, President I
"It is keenly important that ' a a' ,J v Fire Proteetion district No. 1 is SON IS BORN PUGET SOUND FREIGHT
we discover e.actly what a,oas 00Tnivers;*- qa,,s va,ued at $171,434. , A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. LLD
belong in the Park and what Jack Hinerman September 15, at
areas a,. ,o,olred for the acon- Rise Expected in Sunset Tracts Open the Shelton General Hospital. •
omic well-being of the region."
Mack urged that a long-range
plan be worked out .to serve the Fall Enrollment Nw Beach Property
I greatest good of the nation as well Seattle (Special)--Enrollment at People looldng for waterfront until 8 p.m.
as the greatest good of Olympic the University of Washington con- property within easy access, of
Peninsula communities, tinued to break previous records Shelton are offered the opportun- Mondays
"Every square mile of land re- during the summer quarter with aity to purchase 100-foot-frontage
qt¢ed for Park purposes must total summer registration of 7,298. lots averaging 300 feet deep in a DID 'OU KNOW
be retained," Mack asserted, new subdivision named Sunset
"We have one of the finest na- Last fall ne all-time high of Tracts located on the Agate pen- C/EiAR SOge UT And when you shave you'll want
rural wonders in the country, 15,594 was reached and an excess insula facing Oakland Bay, OERMS. 'i "TO ET
and we will not permit it to be of 17,000 is expected to attend The subdividing was done by of hot water. See the new Red Spot
harmed or destroyed, classes at the beginning of the fall Johnny and Karl Sells and Art J | 'I=M TO _
r:Az toe: /r;?: stue of quarter, October 1. The University Ward, Jr., for the owner, J.R. "M:fdbkEC tric Hot Water Tanks. Call
b e t at ill en- now ranks tenth in the nation in Stout, who lives on the property.
dure for all time. Trees, like all regard to enrolhnent. Thirty-one lots are included in FUEL CO. for your heating
other vegetable life, grow old, Of the 7,298 summer students, the subdivision and are served by
ripen, die and decay. It is sheer 4,336 were veterans of World War a new road and a recently corn-
economic waste to permit this II and the women students num- pleted power line. The beach is Let us put you on our regular
t° happen In timber'gr°wing re" bered 2'216' T wenty'tw° students gravel the s°il rich the distance :"
gions which contribute nothing were from Mason County. from town 11 miles. The tract j list. ::
There were 6,203 Washington runs from the point of Swindel'sl
to the essential purposes of the students attending in the summer Cove southwest along the peninsula
Park, ,
"Until this matter is settled, session, with 919 from out of the shoreline, is located in See. 15, - .......................
once and for all," the Congress- state and 137 foreign studenL, township 20 N, R 3 W.
man concluded, "many Olympic Canada ranked highest of the
Peninsula communities will con- foreign students, with 79. Next
tinue to remain in jeopardy, and was China with 25, and third was; DAUGltTER IS BOItN
the economic balance of the Pc- Turkey with 12. India had five A daughter was born to Mr. and
cific Northwest will continue to students at the University. :Mrs. Roy Longacre, Rt. 3, Box
be threatened." Of the out-of-state students, the 178-B, September 13, at the Shel-
most came from Oregon, 182 of ton General Hospital.
them, and the next highest state
Fifteen to Attend California with 1000. 00very
'4,k. . :":i%?i:".!ii':::' i:: :;.i.: ======================= ::i:i:i::::.:.v.$':'::::.'::!::'.':
S . ::::::::7.'::.::..': ::#.$!:!::!!!:!$;::
state in the Union, with the excep- ' i::..:.::::::. ": '::'$':'.::::::'z ,:.:.:':: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.,::::)ibW::::::!:.$::.
*---- chool Here Lion of Delaware and West Vi, .... :-' :...
ginia was represented, and every ..... fi!.!i:! !!
Approximately 15 regular police territory but the Panama Canal " i:@:!*'..! ....... ,¢:::!: .m::::::.$%*...:.:.v,.,,
and other law enforcement offi- zone. ,'.::..:..::.%:.:.:. .,::..::.:.:.:...,:.:.:....,...,,,v..,....,:.
ii!?<, . .:.:.x ::V'.:::':
cers will attend the regular FBI i/3.@:;f.i::::...,.::., ,.,;..:.,...::: ...¢..:
police school which began Monday. i..,.¢,.:.:.' " '" '$ ?'': ::.::::..:::.%...v:. :..,;:.v,.::¢v,
S ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .'.bx¢->x¢,:6::
it was revealed by Sheriff Jack chool O.K.'ed , :'' :' r
. . ...... .', :!:.:.,.':::,:..: :,
Cole, Tuesday. ';." i/ :$i;::*:.@..::.*:.¢`.`.:..:.:``*:.`.¥::::::`:¥:.:``.*````
Because it is often necessary (Continued From Page One) j
..:.g -:f. ..,'<.x.:..:. .+.:.>. +
for officers to be on cases, the number of students expected to ' i-$ i:'.. :*:..:::.*:.**:;::2:::>.::::::w:;::z:.`.:.$....:.¢i$.v.
attendance may vary from week to be attending the school, and the
week, but at the Monday session fact that the proposed school
there were four men from the would be located iu a. residential .,::,:,: 0 There areal flavors and varietieSthe to please the most
sheriff's office, five Shelton city district, on a street which carries ii . ii cheeses your Safeway
police officers, a state patrol offi- a heavy normal load of traffic, discriminating tastes in
cer, representatives from the State lie was followed by Attorney :ii!iii::iiiiiiii::': .
Forest Service and the State Charles H. Lewis, representing [ cheese-producb,gr ar stOreeepresented_The nation'Sinfinest
Game Department and County Mrs. A. B. Govey, 321 North Sec- rma cneddars, c - eas ar
Prosecutor B. Franklin Heuston. ond Street, who re-stated the ob- ?i:i:;:i:!: ( otter . erny Swiss an ...the
............... _ ed :for Your selecti- *,,- .d other favor.teS
• J.¢ti0is to the school, basing his ..:. neea, vou, a , "". vnaever our
statement upon two points. i!iii .......... ,'QI/ ¢ ]l .... neanswe --_Y cheese
Loe.tion Unsultable : ra StlFEWA¥
:Mr. Lewis' first point was that
the location was not suitable for
a school because it is on a street
bearing heavy traffic, and that :
the site was too small to adequate-
ly care for 70 clildren.
His second point was that a
school located in a residential dis-
trict is not desirable, and pointed
out that his own residence is lo-
cated near the high school Where
andhe iStrashfrequentlYleft byann°yedstudents,bY litterand Dutch Mill Cheese KRAFT VELVEETA 97¢
that the parking situation near Try the cheese with the mild-rich Cheese food ................................ 2-LB. LOAF
his home is f]'equent]y aggravated "golden flavor"
.. 99' COTTAGE CHEESE. 25¢:
At this point, John Lynch, an I, Q¢ -lb.
attorney from Olympia, who was • Loaf Kraft, creamy ............................ 1-LB, CTN.
appearing in the interests of the KRAFT SPREADS 45=
church group, arose to say that i Ch dd Ch
legally there could be no objec- e ar eese Pimento, Relish, 5-oz ....................... 2 FOR
tion to the location of a school in
a residential district, and he cited "Superior" American, aged just KRAFT AMERICAN _qq¢
a similar case from Seattle which right. It's cut fresh daily! Delicious cheese ........................ 2-LB. LOAF
had been carried to the Supreme PER 5]¢ OLD ENGLISH ]2¢
Court. '"rest" Cited POUND .......... Kraft's, popular '/2-LB. PKG.
Mr. Lynch further pointed out ........................
Court decision was whether the ' '
building would affect the public
welfare, morals, safety or health Sunny Dawn, 46-oz. can
tinder the constitutional police TOMATO JUICE.. • ........ '19¢
powers granted government,
He added, that tinder the zon- Royal Satin, 3-lb. Jar
ing regulations and buliding reg- ,., _ SHORTENING ............. 96¢
ulations of the city, Shelton does Lean Meaty Tender Brisket Cuts of
not have legal power to restrict
sUCh a non-commercial building. PORK BOILING Assorted Gelatin Desserts
[r. Lewis objected to the inter- SPARERIBS BEEF JELL-WELL ....... pkg. 7¢
pretation of the law as presented "'"
by Mr. Lynch. Ribs of young grain Here's a meat value
After further discussion by the fed pork. A real value that can't be beat .Suzanna, 10-1b. bag 90¢
two attorneys, of the legal points these days. Guaranteed these days! And plen- Pancake FLOUR 3-1bs. 37¢
involved, Chairmaa Oltman stated good eatialg. 49¢ ty nourishing 29¢
that it was the intention of the LB. too! LB. l-lb. Vacuum Can
planning couneil to reach a fair ,' EDWARDS COFFEE.. 49¢
decision of the controversy with- SPECIAL BEEF PRICES U.$. Good U.S. Gem.
-tved a shipmeut of
Last winter Batter-
almost impossible to
be the same. When
many batterics go
there is a grand
to buy a new one.
new battery in your
• oll kinds of baffory
Free warD. anyf/me.
First and Grov
77 N!
' 1
Spry, pure, crearaY,
For wlfiter,
er washeS!
Crystal White,
salted sodas ,
out resorting to legal technical-
ities. T'BONE STEAK .................. 79¢ 69¢ Vacuum packed coffee
Majority Questioned ROUND STEAK.. 77¢ 67¢ WAKEFIELD .......... lb. 45¢
At this point, Grant C. Angle, ................
a member of the planning council. BEEF ROAST, blade cut .... 51¢ 43¢ l-lb. Thrift Package
asked whether or not more than RIB ROAST, standing ........ 63¢ 59¢ NOB HILL COFFEE .... 42¢
the required two-thirds majority
of the residents in the district had FRICASSE FOWL, fresh N, Y. dressed .......... lb. 39¢ Economy Package, l-lb.
to the proposed school,
Planning Council Mere- EVISCERATED FRYERS, MahOUt House .... lb. 75¢ AIRWAY COFFEE ...... 40¢
)er Ed Faubert pointed out that it ROSEFISH FILLETS lb. 39¢ SOLE FILLET lb. 38¢
was doubtful from what Mr. Lew-
is had previously said, that the rl.¢-- OLD ENGLISH
reached, Liquid Wax (Quart bottle 89¢) .................................... PI NT
Mr. Lewis then stated emplmt- SCRATCH R -
ically that his earlier statement EMOVER00
had been that "a majority of the
peopleobjectedeXpressingto thetimmselveS'proposed newhad S Q U A S H POTATOES o,d English, improves furniture ................ 6-OZ. BOTTLfi
Marblehead or Hubbard. U,S. No. 1 Yakima Net- CHERUB MILK
quoted in Faubert's reference to ted Gems. Large size 'A'
his earlier statement concerning Local, thick mcated 100.LBS LB. Evap, Vitamin D increased (case o'f 48 tall $5.28)....TALL
jecting.a majority of the residents ob- PouPERND .... 3 ¢ 3.79 4 MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD
Many Others , White or Wheat 1=/'2-LB. LOAF •
Mr. Angle also pointed out that JONATHAN FANCY APPLES lb. 10¢ ............................................
there are so lnany other semi-
and extra fmcy, wrapped and packed. Fine quality C M.|.,
including churches, a lodge tern- FLAME TOKAY GRAPES ..... lb. 9¢ TS
ple, the court-house and medical ... Raleighs, Luckies, etc. (Package 16€) .......................... C '
clinics, that it would be difficult California's besf! Swcet and ripe
residential area, practically speak- ORANGES, Californ,a Valencias ........ Ib, ,, 000000'00SAFEWAY
ing. CELERY, local all green stalks ........ lb. € /You get more for your money at
The meeting was marked by CORN, local golden bantam ................ lb. 6¢
lack of animosity between the CABBAGE, local solid crisp ................ lb. 4€
two groups, and the discussion LETTUCE, solid heads, local .............. lb. 5¢
was kept at an even-empered, CARROTS, local .................... Ib, 6/2€
frenquently half-bantering level, YAMS, California, smooth and clean lb. 11t/€ __',,.,r,a
in the exchange be- RUTABAGAS, Washington grown .... lb. 7¢
tween the attorneys representimg
the church group and Mrs. Gowy,
Baby mild floating
soap "LR '