September 18, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 18, 1947 |
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Thursday, 18, 1947.
............................... _ .................................................... 2 ...... ! ...... y .....
:ing roof- • ' Fornler Hood Canal
fishes, is Resident Passes Away CHANGES URGED
in Utah. Heating and
E M I-h, nry Norby, 70, an early rest- IN BENEFITS OF
r it more Plumbing D I o do,t of Hood, died lst SOCIAL SECURITY
week at the lmme of his sister,
emocrat- 650 Dearbm AVe; 11 1[ U Mrs. A. J. Anderson, in Seattle, Last week's article discussed
Lpology .2-" i
• and was btn'ied at Port Townsend, some propos.ed changes in the
BEAUTIF his home fo:" many years, old-age and survivors insurance
L I-Ie was born in Norway. but program, heginning with exien-
came with his parents to Mason sion or coverage,
'OUR FREIGHT &'::/l01! CANA: and West County in 1890, wiure his parents In view o[ ,ne ,,,gh living
] 0UI located on a homestead on the costs, Congress has also been
hill above Hoodsport. In recent m'ged lo make. a general in-
years he was with the state high- crease in the am(rant of hene-
U ion way department, fits. It is also suggested that
IY e0Ay }k'AS isBesides his sister in Seattle, hesurvived by two sisters, workers he given credit for a
• Mrs. maximum of $3,600 wages a
IETS c. i-i. Olberg and Mrs. Eliza Cle- year, instead of the present
ments of Port Townsend, and a $3,000 maximmn.
_rffiL.EIyIC]N i, ' brother, Peter Norby, now visiting Another I)roposed improve-
ld be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry RU will remember the family, stemlible ford?benefits65... Thisat agewould60, in-in"
. St.r. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Before 17.99 the U.S. Senate held elude working women, wives,
No. 2 • secret meetings only. widows, and mothers.
Wives are usually younger"
: ,IEWELRY , than their husbands, and many
L daily, except-Sfinday at 5 p. In. for '1'i ! men fcl obliged to continuo
Olympia and Shelton /}l • Shelton working,wives areif theY65 and"an'eligibleuntil their?or
Shelton daily, except Sunday l i w, Lodge No. 62 benefits.
ICE CARLANDER, Presldent_,, n I.O.O.F. Many firms retire women at
)UND FREIGHT LU 6o, and the gap between retire-
Meets Every Wednesday merit and age 65 creates many
8 p.m. hardships. A woman who ix
I.O.O.F. HALL widowed or loses her joh after
Visiting Members will be 60 often finds it extremely all?-
Cordially Welcomed ficult to get work.
until 8 p.m. GUY CALL, Secretary
00uby 00.dgo Me00-W Bonneville Needs
Mondays Second and Fourth Fridays
Mary 00obson, N.G. Truck Drivers
. [ Elizabeth Butler, Secretary
zou shave you'll want. ,__^$ ,1, l:)ll] Y Federal Civil Service announces
examinations for probational up-
............................... pÙintments to the positions as
See the new Re( bpu" shown below in the Bonnevnie
Power Administration, U. S. De-
aler Tanks. Call partment of the Interior, in the
states of Idaho, Oregon, Washing-
for your heating ...... Iv ton and western Montana.
:'.M Persons who desire permanent
you on our regular deliVii!t positions will have an opportunity
to file for a civil service examin-
ation leading to probational ap-
pointment with permanent classi-
:' fled civil service status in these
positions shown below:
Class I ........... $1.35 per hour
Class II .......... $1.52 per hour
Class IV .......... $1.62 per hour
Applicants must be between the
ages of 18 and 62, except that
these age limits may be waived
for veterans.
Further information .on these
examinations; and the necessary
application forms for applying
may be obtained from either the
Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex-
a shipment of 'aminers, Bonneville Power Admin-
Last winter Batter-
• almost impossible to istration, P.O. Box 3537, Portland
be the same. When 8, Oregon; or Director, Eleventh
many batteries go U.S. Civil Service Region, Room
there is a grand 4, Central Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash.
to buy a new one. You also may contact the See-
new battery in your
retary, Board of U. S. Civil Ser-
I C K r r vice Examiners (at any first or
• . second class post office).
|l i i i |
i L i _ ±L -£
Sad Sam, the Hot Driver
No. 3 of a series on Motoring Safety sponsored by Mobilgas Dealers
""I'm afraid this is going to cure me forever
of not looking sideways at intersections"
i |m . i WL • I II I 2 --
Boy Scouts Slate
Board of Review
Meeting Tonight
Shelton Troop 10, Boy Scouts of
America, will have its first Board
of Review and its annual registra-
tion for the coming year tonight
at the Scout hall.
The Board of Review is a final
opportunity of' examining thp ap-
plicants for advancement t'o a
higher class and those seeking
merit badges before the formal
Court of Honor net week.
The annual registration will en-
able prospective new scouts, as
well as "old-timers" to join up
for another year. The registration
fee of $1.75 for each scout for the
year includes a year's subscrfption
to the magazine "Boy's Life."
Scouts .scheduled to appear be-
fore the Board of Review in pre-
paration for the Court of Honor to
be held September 25 include Cal-
vin Getty, Leonard Coutts, Ronald
Coutts and Alan Carter.
James Skagen
Dies at Shelton
A long-time resident of Shel-
Applications must be received
CHAR: by the Board of U. S. Civil SPry-
• all Einds of bed?cry ice Examiners, the Bonneville on, James. Skagen, passed away
Free wotoJ" anytime. Power Administration, P.O. Box September 11 following a long
e the mos MELL CHEVROLET 3537, Portland 8, Oregon, not later illness.
ray of fine First and Grove e'none 777 or 778 than October i, 1947. Mr. Skagen was born April 19,
1886, in Nordland, Norway, and
ion's finest PARTS WHOLESALE - RETAIL , Use the Journal Classifieds-- had lived in Shelton for 22 years.
ed in the they really get resultsi Funeral services were
r favbi"iteS .... ......... , : ..........
3 p,m. Monday in the Masonic
)ur cheese Temple with the Rev. Wayne
EWAY 77 NEW COLORS Wright in charge. Burial was at
the Shelton Memorial park.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Gudrun Skagen, four sons, Jimmy,
Roy, George, all of Shelton, and
" in Calvin of Bremerton, a daughter,
i Mrs. Henry Aarts, Seabeck, a sis-
, ter, Mrs. Dina Hansen, in Norway,"
MURPHY a brother, Alfred Skagen, MeN
S bourne, Australia, and six grand-
Mr. Skagen was a member of
...- , 00.o000e
Spry, pure, crearaY, and A.M. of Washington, the
Vegetable .... .N " Olympia Chapter No. 7, Royal
3-LB. t,r,-- Arch Masons of Washington, and
Olympia Commander of Lodge No.
€ 24, Knights Templar, o£ Washing-
For wlfiter, brL
) er washeS!
Z= i=
BAR .....
Crystal Wlite,
'19¢ REGU L'/ R Ih
.96¢ SU"
re 7¢ lotion • Good luck to you--and make
the Job easier for yourself by
letting us take care of the
transportation of your ef-
,37¢ C R We Have Just Received ,eot00.n,w,ere ,. Washln.
• tonl
49¢ saltedSUUshire' IO THE NEW MURPHY
I SWAN COLOR SCHEME , 8.2nd Phone66
Baby mild floating which provides 77 colors in
,€) .................................... pNV To give practically any shade
of any color desired
:ure ................ 6-OZ. BOTTLE Custom Colors Without Custom Cost
k We Invite You to Look Over Our New Murphy
asp o'f 48 tall $5.28)....TALL Color Chart whenever you have painting to do.
....................... 1V2. LB" LOAF '!
¢age 16¢) Evcrctt Dillon and Joe S.impson, Props.
420 Soutfi First Street .Phone 56
Open Saturdays Until Noon
Lumber Output In
Douglas Fir Area
Hits Post-war Peak
Portland, Sept '11. August
lumber production in the Douglas
fir region of Oregon and Wash-
ington hit a post war peak, while
orders continued a firm upward
trend, H. V. Simpson, executive
vice president of the W e s t
Coast Lumbermen's association,
announced today.
Calling attention to the rail-
road car shortage in the Pacific
Northwestl Simpson declared the
entire month's production could
have been shipped had sufficient
transportation been available.
The weekly average of West
Coast lumber production in Aug-
ust was 145,573,000 board feet as
i against an average of 102,746,000
board feet in July, Simpson said.
Orders jumped to an average of
139,924,000 feet, an increase of 3,-
247,000 over those for July. Aug-
ust shipments rose to 137,055,000
from 101,040,000 in July.. Sharp
increases over the previous month,
Simpson pointed out, were due to
sawmill shutdowns during the
Fourth of July period.
"The encouraging production to-
tal," explained the lumber execu-
tive, "was' due primarily to a
heavy demand for lumber from
the Pacific Northwest coupled
with favorable weather condi-
umulattve production for the
firht 35 weeks of 1947 was 4,615,-
065,000 b.f.; 35 weeks, 1946, 4,168,-
167,000 b.f.; 35 weeks, 1945, 4,632,-
760,000 b.f.
Orders for 35 weeks of 1947
break down as follows: Rail 3,-
132,850,000 b.f.; domestic cargo,
569,740,000; export, 644,966,000;
local, 447,255,000.
The industry's unfilled order file
stoodat 682,491,000 b.f. at the end
of August; gross stocks at 533,-
893,000 b.f. r
Harstine Island
M|'. and Mrs. Ed Whaley of
Shelton spent a couple of days
the first of last week at the home
of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Hitchcock.
Mrs. W. E. Gillette and Mrs.
Earl Gillette spent one day last
week visiting friends in East
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks of
Olympia visited recently at the
Iryie Wingert home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe F. Page
entertained several days last week
their son and family, Mr. and
Mrs, Wanaford Page,, from south-
era Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Callahan and
sons of Bainbridge Island were
week end guests at the Lee Carl-
son home.
:Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gillette
had as house guests the past wek
Miss Queenie Blake 'of Lopez Is-
land, Miss Elsie McNair of Port-
land, Ore., Miss Grace Ploegsma
from Whidby Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted V. Hile an'd
sons and Kenneth Hile, up from
Hoquiam, are visiting at the Earl
Harriman home.
Harstine Island' roads are being
graded this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George WHite and
daughter of Olympia, were vis-
iting at the Paul Smith home last
The Harstine Women's Club
meets this Thursday, the 18th at
the home of .Mrs, Zelda Strecken-
bach for a potluck lunch at 12:30,
Auto Parts-Accessories
Automotive Lacquers --Enamels
Brake Shoes Relined
Complete Automotive Machine Shop
Automobile Accessories, Oil, Tires, Batteries
218 N. First St. Phone 126
Medical Jobs
Opened by Civil
Service Office
Federal Civil Service announces
examinations for appointment to
the positions of Pharmacist,
$2644 to $4149 p/a; Dental Hy-
gienist, $2168 to $2394 p/a; Den-
tal Mechanic, $2168 to $3397 p/a;
Electrocardiograph Technician.
$2168 to $2394 p/a; and Electroen-
cephalograph Technician, $2168
to $2394 p/a.
Persons who desire permanent
positions will have an opportun-
ity to file for a Civil Service ex-
amination leading to probational
appointment with permanent clas-
sified Civil Service status in these
postilions in the Veterans Admin-
istration in the states of Idaho,
:Montana, Oregon and Washington.
Thosapplying for these exam-
inations will be graded on the
basis of their experience, educa-
lion and training. No written
test is required.
Applicants must be between the
ages of 18 and 62, except that
these age limits may be waived for
veterans and under certain condi-
tions for war service indefinite
Further information on these
examinations and the necessary
application forms for applying
may be obtained from the Board
of U. S. Civil Service Examiners,
Veterans Administration, Branch
No. 11, Exchange Building, Seattle
4, Washington.
Or, you may contact the sec-
retary, Boardof U. S. Civil Ser-
vice Examiners, at any first or
second class post office; or from
the Director, Eleventh U, S. Civil
Service Region, Room 4, Central
Building, Seattle 4, Washington.
Applications for the position of
Pharmacist will be received until
October 20, 1947; for the positions
of Dental Hygienist, Dental Mech-
anic, Electrocardiograph Technic-
tan, and Electroencephalograph
Technician, until further notice.
Whenever Fleet Admiral Ches-
ter W. Nimitz, U.S.N. Chief of
Naval Operations in the United
States Navy, visits his home state
of Texas he changes the buttons
in his uniform and wears those of
the Texas Navy, a small but po-
tent "fleet" of vessels which pro-
tected the coastline of that state
from 1839 to 1845, when it was
incorporated into the United
States Navy. Fleet Admiral Nim-
its was commissioned an Admir-
al in the Texas Navy on October
12, 1925. Last year he learned
that the Scovile Manufacturing
Company of Waterbury, Conn.,
had found the dies from which
they had made the buttons for the
uniforms of persons in the Texas
Navy and he immediately asked
them to make him a set.
Page 9
Barbecue Supper Is
f Spanish Club Feature
The R. C. Spanish Cluh met at
the home of Marjorie Jonson
Thursday, September 11.
A barebeue supper was served
followed by the usual evening of
Spanish study.
Those present were Helen Lem-
ley, Helen Watkins Mih'c Grimes.
lgm<lina Daniels. Grace Beekwith,
Nellie Nelson and the Imstess.
The next meeting will be held
thia evcrfing, Thursday, at the
home of Grace Beekwith.
Monu,nents of Freedom We don't lust
No American can pass by the
fields of Bunker Hill, Monmouth, TALK! ice
and "Camden, as if they were or-
dinary spots on the earth's sur-
• face.---Daniel Webster.
We get it donel
AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING Maybe you've hesitated to
GLASS INSTALLED put your washer in for ser-
R I D L E Y" S ice for fear we might be slow
in finishing the work. Please
Body and don't worry about that. We
ARE busy of course, but we
Fender Works make a rule to finish each
service job WHEN PROM-
PICKUP ISED-.and as early as pos.
and sible. Phone us today.
Mt. VIEW 2 S. 2nd St. Phone 334
Next• to Mt. View Grocery
Phone 610
Amana Home Freezers
5 Cubic Foot and 10 Cubic Foot Sizes
With a Deep Freeze Unit
Installed ready to c.ok your $71.95
first meal for ........................................
s65 to $161.50
Phone 48 Klllmer'" s Electric
HARDWARE , 107 Cota Street Phone 664
I 'ir00g:
Retail Delivered Prices
in Shelton
6Cylinder 8Cylinder
=,ne.s Coupe .... $1583 - $1630
Sport Coupe ......
.Door Sedan .....
Sedan Coupe .....
4-Door Sedan .....
Convertible ......
DeLuxe Convertible .
1634 - 1681
1649 - 1696
1680 - 1727
1708 - 1755
2O07 - 2054
2049 - 2096
6 Cylinder
Sedan ..... $1750
4.Door Sedan ..... 1801
Station Waon oo, 2457
DeLve 2534
Station Waoon • . •
Above prices include Federal Taxes and
J3reight--ready to drive. State and Local
Taxe, License, Optional Equipment and
Accessories extra. Prices subject to change
without notice.
8 Cylinder
Standard equipment on all Pontiac models at no extra charge bwludes:
Spare tire, tube and wheel; bumper and bumper guards; metal
spring covers; dual windshield wipers; dual tail lamps; dual
horns; dual sun visors; oil cleaner; cigar lighter; ash receivers;
dual carburetor (8.cylinder models); automatic dome light aad
outside lock on both front doors.
In these trylng days of motor ca
shortages,'it is easy to forget the true
measure of motor car value.
That's why we are publishing, here;
the factory.suggested local delivered
price for each ontiac model.
We feel it may benefit the public to be
reminded that a fine car--which offers
all you could ask of any car--is still
priced by authorized Pontiac dealers
at such reasonable figures.
If your decision is m own a Pontiac,
we ask that you please be patient.
The Pontiac factory is doing all it
can, consistent with Pontiac standards,
to further production.
When your Pontiac is del/vered, you'll
be doubly llad for your patience. For
you'll receive an outstandingly fine
and beautiful automobile-- atd price
which represents sound, honest value.
• • It
Due to ou ufllled ordm on lua:d, you may
experience some delay in getting a new
PottHac. Place your order now to avoid
]urther delay. In the meantime, let us keep
wur resent car oberating at I ecloncy,
233 South First Street Phone 188