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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i I I -  7 .... I t I Illll =J gplm ,. CONCRETE Basements, Walls, Floors, Driveways, Sidewalks, Sea Walls, Commercial and Residential Form Work and House and Roof Framing. Concrete mixed and placed on the job by Mastee local Craftsmen . WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL State Will Have Slight Boost In Agriculture Cash Washington, D. C. (Special)--- The state of Washington will re- ceive approxima.tely $2 lnillion 1here ill agricultural funds this fiscal year than would have been granted without Senate increase in funds, Senator Warrefi G. Mag- nuson said today. Total estimated allocations to NORMAN Phone 655 or 19-F-3 ANDERSON• 215 HARVARO AVE. LLING just as popular in them days as it is now. I re-call they wuz party of Shelton men went a up to Lake Cushman fer hunt- ing, and just like now-adays, they had an alibi fer not get- ting anything. They claimed thet they wuz a party of New Yorkers had pre- the state under various Depart- men* of Agriculture programs amount to about $10,320,000. This • includes forest, conservation, crop insurance and electrification loan fund.. Congress appropriated $225 rail- .lion for the department's farm program. Amounts granted to .Washington state will be general, ly less thm last year's dt to cuts under budget estimates. While the state will receive , i , ,JJ more titan $2 million over the alnount recommended by the t:fouse, the t(Rsl wil be about $1[5 million under the figure proposed in the budget estimates. Con- gress trimmed $25 million from the tota budget estimate. Among the' amounts budgeted we re: Forest Service, includin/_: pro- tectiou and management, forest highway construction and rod development, recommended $2,-' 692,888; final approved, $2,830,- 060. Loan funds, R{iral Ele,etrifica- ties Administration, $2 million; final approved $3 million. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, oper- ating expenses, $2,400; final ap' proved $i5,250. The I'edt/ctiofl in loan funds resulted mainly from a $1,600,000 cut in administrative funds below the budget estimate. Illinois was the first state in the Uniono ratify the Woman's Suffrage amendment to the Con- stitution. Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Late Redafe WaLI rec'lect thet a feller name of Will Hunter made good by his name back in 97. Killed a cougar on the Upper Skokomish. This hunter feller wuz reely a tough customer, too. Killed thet big cat with a axe. Seems .the* hunting wuz ceded them up into the mountins, and eousequently they wuzn't MOTORISTS How many times did you "beat" a traffiolight this week? Or speed? Or commlf any of the other traffic violafMns fhaf cost 28,000 American lives last year? Remember, traffic laws were created by experts in saving llfe. When you vlolafe them ... you fake a chance with death. Be smart.., drive safely. Check your driving against:fhese seven accident creators: 1. Failure to grant right.obway. 4€ 2. Driving on Wrong side of road. PEOPLE PEDESTRIANS How many times did you Jaywalk this week? If you did ... you're lucky. You're lucky fo be alive to' hear fhls re- minder that LS00 Americans just like you jaywalked end never made the opposite curb. They were killed . . . so think about them next time you start Iaywalklng or step off the curb against the red light.., then be smart... walksafely. Obey these five pedestrian safety rules: Excessive speed. Driver inattention Driving too close to era. ahead No signals or wrong signals. Driving while drunk or after drinking. 1. Stand on the curb till the lightis green. 2. Umbrellas have no windows... watch oufl 3. At night wear white or carry alight. 4. Walk hcingrtrafiiv 5. Use the crosswalk. Jaywalking i dangerous. / l Illi I HI I I I i I These, Sponsorihg Firms Have Paid For This Bd... To,Help Save Lives SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY RAYONIER INCORPORATED GEO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION CO, ROY J. KIMBEL ENTERPRISES LUMBERMENS MERCANTILE SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A. F. OF L. LABOR UNIONS OF SHELTON WERBERGEIg WINERY STRETCH ISLAND WINERY ® ,,SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB II rill IIHI I ........................................ ' ............................................. nuthing left fer them to shoot at. They came back with some fish though. Trout. James B. Nes- bit* and W. M. Metcalf thet wuz, made the trip. I wuz down to the grocery store last week, and some of the prices brought to mind a story I re- called from the Journal back in q) 7. They wuz a Shelton man name of Ed Crowell who left town fer Alaska in the spring of thet year aud he had the for(sight to carry lots of food with him. Wal, the eggs he took brought him $4 a dozen and butter. $1 a lb. He also sold lemons fer 50 cents each, and ten sacks of spuds fer $1,000. Guess times hain't changed so much after all. i Yep, mining shore wuz in the news, them days. I rec'lect they WtlZ a party of men located a mine in the Olympic Mts. Which had ore with gold and copper assayed at 5100 a ton. I They wuz reported to be located between the Duckabush and Ham- ma Hamma rivers, which is easy to reach. Couple of the men wuz named Peter Standall and Henry Winslow. From Seattle, I reckon. Alaska wuz the big gold-news territory, thffugh. Every time a ship come into the Sound with miners and gold aboard, they wuz a flock of stories fluttering like the Jay-birds in all the news-pa- pers. The Portland brung down $160,- 000 in gold and the Cleveland wu) expected to have at least a million when it arrived a couple weeks late*'. A group (f men from Hoodsport wuz making plans fer building a steam schooner fer a trip to Klondike in the spring of '98. Boa*builder Robbins and W. W. Martins wuz instigators. They planned to sail right up the river to the gold-fields, carrying plenty of supplies fer sale and expecting to use the boat fer freighting on- the river. illustrating the extent of the gold operations up north, they wuz a brand-new stamp mill set up tact year which wuz the larg- est in the world. The* wuz at Douglasts Island, near Juneau. Wuz a 300-stamp mill, and the previous biggest one wuz at South Africa. A 280- stamp mill. Yep, times wuz reely booming them days. I recall the* the pat- ent medicine bizness wuz good, then too. At least they wuz all advertizing like mad to keep the customers interested. They wuz concentrating on 'scrofula the* year -- Scrofula, thet's a form of consumption. All claimed they could positively and completely cure scrofnla. Also Catarrh, colds, lung and throat troubles. Ye could get anything from Clmmberlain's cough rem- edy to Ely's cream Balm an'd Ayer's or Hood's sarsaparilla fer yore' trouble. Mrs. MacRae Dies at Dayton Shelton residents were shocked this week to hear of the death of Mrs. Mary Robson MacRae at her lmme on Star Route 2 near Shel- ton last Friday. Mrs. MacRae was born in North Bruce, Ontario, Canada, on Octo- ber 24, 1863, and had lived in Shelton for 28 years. Funeral services were held at her home at 2 p.m. Sunday, with interment following at the Shelton Memorial park. Survivors include daughter, Miss Janet MacRae, 3 NeW York City, two sons, D6hald C. and John G. MacRae, both of Shelton, a brother, Duncan MacTaVish, Co- iltan, B. C., and four sisters, rs. Jean Scot, S0uthamt0ii, Ont., Mrs. Isabell Wells, l¢htte ilains, N. Y., Mrs. Jessie Ander- son, Fort Williams, Ont., and Mrs. Helen McMillan, Detroit, Mich. Also surviving are three grand- children, Genny Louise, John Al- exander and Mary Margaret Mac- Rae, all of Shelton. Civil Service Has Personnel Jobs Federal Civil Service announces examinations for appointment to the positions of Employee Rela- tions or Personnel Relations of- ficer and Employee Counselor or Personnel Counselor. Persons who desire permanent positions will have an opportunity to file for a civil service examina- tion leading to probational.ap- pointment with permanent clasm- fled civil service status in these positions in various Federal Gov- ernment agencies in the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The entrance salaries for these positions range from $3397 to $4902 a year. Applicants for these positions will not be required to take a written test but will be graded on the basis of their experience, edu- cation and training. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 62, except that these age limits may be waived for veterans and under certain conditions for war service indef- inite employees. Further information on these examinations and the necessary application forms for applying may be-obtained from the secre- tary, Board of U. S. Civil Service, Examiners, at any first or second- class post office or from the Di- rector, Eleventh U. S. Civil Serv- ice Region,'Room 4, Central Bldg., Seattle 4, Washington, not later than October 1, 1947. The Alamo, R)cated at San An. *onto, Texas, was originally a miS- sion house erected by the Francis- can fathers in 1718. , Lamon's Trail and Guide Headquarters 1019 Cota, Shclton Trail Trips Into Heart of Olyr BASE CAMPS: Staircase Resort, and WaumHa Lodge, oort Discuss Your Hunting Trip With Us Now FOUR 10-DAY ALL-EXPENSE TRIPS $11.90 For Immediate Delivery NEW 7-INCH STEEL Orders in Lots of 5000 (Sample sent npon request), $1.1S per 1000 FOB Seattle, Washington TERMg---CASH WITH ORDER SURPLUS PROPERTIES C Telephone LAnder 6000 P, O. Box 3386 • Seattle 14, ATTEN Morgan & Eac00 L CO, i ' FARMERSAND umber  Mountain View I 1324 OLYMPIC IHGHwA : 0'pell, on Sundays thr( Phone 656 "September and O • , ii • • 3e. 1 S P E C IA L MT. VIEW L WHITE PAINT. .... gal. " .osEN Primer and Outside Paint (in 5-gallon canS) go HAULING AND BUILDING "Dirt will your Diesel if. you don't Sure as hootln', if there's Old Man Dirt iayo., € there's ti'ouble ahead• Every drop of fuel i injector-n0ZZle holes small as a human hair. $ injectors et dlrt-worn, that does it. brother, CO .¢ of your Diesel and leads up to repair bills.  i# m ortant to use a C ndatd • p ,LEAN fuel, use Sta --distilled 100% for PURITY. rn start to fir With SHELL P tl remlum, you get more: I! )e. You get perform a tlable by Shell Researc} is is a gasoline of many 'er componentsa g: nely balanced and ri by Shell scieutists to ne exactly what it need: SAVE TODAY.. and you will be sure of hav!ng the things , you will want 'tomorr# We invite you to learn safety and profit in our FULL DETAILS, NO Thurston County Savings & Loan