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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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's Trail and Guide ]uarters 1019 Cots, Shelton Trail Trips Into Heart of Olymp CAMPS: Staircase Resort, Lake and Waumila Lodge, oars Ange! uss Your Hunting Trip With Us Now • DAY ALL-EXPENSE TRIPS For Immediate Delivery 7-INCH STEEL Orders in Lots of 5000 (Sample sent npon request) $I.15 per 1000 FOB Seattle, Washington TERMg--CSH WITH ORDER US PROPERTIES € Telephone LAnder 6000 O. Box 3386 • Seattle 14. WashJngt0 rgan & Lumber Co, 324 OLYMPIC HIGHWA:f Phone 656 eg 1 SPECIAL PAINT ..... gal. d Outside Paint (in 5-gallon canS) ee rG AND BUILDING "Dirt will your Diesel if you don't ,odE, if there's Old Man Dirt in y00t iuble ahead. Every drop of fuel ,zle holes small as a human hair. et dirt-worrl, that does it, brother. [esel and leads up to repair bills. to use a CLEAN fuel, use 100% for PURITY. 122 Sou th e,ol, e E TODAY.. you will be sure Lving the things will want lvite you to learri and profit in our DETAILS, NO )tember 18, 1947. $11.90 t $11.50 Lke .... $16.95 ...... $2.65 Tax 's Depot First & Grove PHONE 162 ipre, v.qr .vvv v .qp--qvvqtr .v v ..,..,.q,. v..wl-v.ql Pickering Miss Mary Jane Woods of Win- nipeg and Miss Pat Wilson of Van- couver, B. C., were guests of Mr• and Mrs. Earl MacMillan from Wednesday to Saturday of last week. Miss Woods is the {ae- MilIans' niece. Mrs. Earl Harriman and V[rs. Roy Page drove to Naches last week, and brought back with them Mrs. Page's mother, Mrs. Emma Hall, for a visit at the Page home. Mrs. Soren Loft and daughter, Patsy, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hoback of Olympia from Wednesday to Saturday of last week• The Hobacks brought them home and stayed for the week end. The previous week end Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Itoskings of Seattle were guests of the Erik Christensen and Loft families• Don Howard left Sunday for Pullman where he will enter State College. The first meeting of the Pick- ering Homemakers Club after the summer adjournment will be next Friday, Sept. 19, with Mrs. Dixie Lowman and Mrs. Earl Harriman as hostesses. ATTENTION FARMERS AND HUNTERS Mountain View Lockers will stay on Sundays through the months Sept:ember and October for your .ce. MT. VIEW LOCKERS F, BOYSEN PHONE 62-R start to finish--there's fun driving With SHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE Premium you get more than You get performauce by Shell Research. is a gasoline of many dif- componentsa group balanced and rigidly by Shell scientists to give me exactly what it needs for SItELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Doctors Warn Philatelic Patter Of Botulism In wm. Let's Look at Egg Quality Home Ca ning t We came to Shelton just one |1 'ear ago. It's a grand little, town Safety is the key note when I in every way,. but we were par- you start eating home canned ticularly delighted to find it a "The subject of egg quality is a blg more breakdowninqualitythanoccurs foods! philatelic town! Only a stamp one and certainly can't be covered in a matter of hours at 90 to 100 °. N[edical authorities warn ns collector cau appreciate a phil- completely in ashort space," says Dr. "The second cause of loss in quality that botulism is a deadly food atelist's hunger for frequent peT'- T.T. Milby, Research Associate, (as eggs are graded at present) is loss poisoning occurring in improp- sonal contact with fellow mem- General Mills Larro Research Farm. of moisture. This involves no known erly home canned foods, N[iss berg of the Grand Order of the "A good egg has a sound, strong, lossin food value and is not necessarily Clare Hartnett, nutrition consult- Stamp Tongs,, Perforation Gauge, clean shell. The shell must be sound related to the true egg quality at all. ant for the State Health Depart- Watermark Detector, Magnifying and strong to stand up under corn- But the situation is analogous to that merit, said today, but following Glass and other philatelic pars- mercial handling and protect the con- of yolk color. Loss of moisture is simple precautions will protect )hernalia. tents from deterioration. It must be judged by the size of the air cell. you. Five years away from such con- clcan, because dirt carries germs which A newly laid egg has no air cell at all. Never taste questionable foods, Sects had brought us to the verge may penetrate the shell and either Miss HarSheSt cautioned. Even of philatelic starvation, but the make a bad impression on the con- sumer if left on the egg or require smell of Carbons, the sweet mu- extra labor and expense for cleaning. one small taste of this poison can sic of philatelic chatter, the com- be fatal. Neither tasting nor "Inside the shell, a good egg has a smelling will reveal the presence radeship of ph611ow philatelists el- firm albumen and upstanding yolk. of botulism. If in doubt, boil the fected a quick recovery. Briefly, the egg has thick and thin canned food rapidly for ten min- Shelton Is retti;y a philatelic albumen. The more thick the albumen, utes to make it safe for eating, town. We started tim Shelton the better the egg. As an egg deterio. The nutrition consultant said Stamp Club soon after our arrival rates in quality, the amount of thick botulism occurs most frequently and lomw at least; fifty Shelton albumen becomes less and the amount in non acid foods which inelude collectors, young and old, men, of thin albumen becomes greater. all vegetables (except tomatoes), women, and children. ro have "Another factor you may hear a meats, fish, poultry and animal heard of many others, and know lot about is yolk coloring and that's products. She said any home pre- that there are many more who a 'toughy.' Most markets like a light served food should be destroyed lutve not been brought to our at- colored yolk. On the other hand, the if it has a bad odor, shows any tention, biologists know that under practical evidence of gas formation, has In Shelton we have seen the fin-. conditions the darker yellow the yolk, est U.S. collection we have seen the more vitamins it is apt to contain. A fresh egg has a small air cell, less than caused container or lid to bulge or rust, or-has a bad odor after anywhere--ad we've seen manyl Under commercial grading, darkyolks " deep, and shows ilflle or no yolk In Shelten we hgve it least two are graded down, because when can- shadow even under the candle. This high boiling for ten minutes. Colledtors who would be rated ex- dling the eggs the yolk casts a shadow quality can be maintained in eggs for Miss Hartnett pointed out that parts any plae. In the Shelton which may indicate deterioration of several weeks with careful handling and the safest known method of can- area, if hearsay is true, is an ae- quality. No way has been devised yet proper storage. ning is a steam pressure cooker, cumulation of philatelic treasures to separate yolk shadow duc to albu- equipped with an accurate, re- that would trouse the envy of men breakdown and yolk shadow due The air cell is formed when the egg cently checked gauge or thermom- even the most advanced collectors, to a dark colored yolk. Though it may contents are cooled after laying and is etez'. If any other canning meth- At least three stamp dealers are bc biologically unsound, the producer quite small. Under practical handling od i used, for complete safety operating in or near Shelton. must avoid feeds which produce dark conditions as they exist at present, the canned food should be rapidly And Shelton should be a phil- colored yolks, thc increase in size of the air cell by boiled for ten minutes before ekt- atelie town! If you've ever seen "Practically all eggs are good eggs loss of moisture paraUcls the lowering ing. the sneer of contempt on a post- when they are laid, and with the cx- of quality with the passage of time. The nutritionist said when master's face alld suffered the ception of yolk color and shell thick- The size of thc air cell, thcn, is a properly done, home canning of impatience of a l0st office clerk, ness, what the hen cats has practically readily observed and casily measured foods is a good way to stretch the you'll think opr Shelton post office no influence on egg quality. The diet index of quality which can be dctccted food budget throughout the year. a paradise because of its friendly may have a lot of influence on how without brcaking the cgg. Full details of proper canning in- and cooperating' postmaster and many eggs thc ben lays or on how well "The third cause of loss in eggs is structions may be obtained by writing to your local County Ex- I staff" If you can't afford a phil- they hatch, but the old hen lays a fertility, wben accompanicd by high atelic library of your own, our complctc, good, edible egg or none tempcraturc. A fertile egg if cooled tension Office fo Farmers' Bulle- i Shelton Public Library has gone at all. promptly, after laying, to room tcm- tin 1762.  a long way toward supplying you "There arc a few cxccptions that peraturc and kcpt at low temperature with philatelic literature, should be mcntioncd in passing. Thcsc will not dcteriorate any faster than an Connecticut is one of our great- And now, through the courtesy exceptions arc mcat spots, excessive infertile egg. Unfortunatcly, this scl- eeL manufacturing slates, of the Shelton - Mason County amounts of thin albumen, poor shell dom happens. In the first place, many Journal, Shelton will have its own quality, 'and an occasional 'bad egg.' hens lay early in the morning and philatelic column. Whether the If the flock which produccs such ab- other bans gct on the nests as soon as This country, with its institu- column will be worth reading de- normal eggs were trapnested, it would they get off. This goes on all day and. lions, belongs to the people who ponds .upon how much our local be found that only a few hens were by egg gathering time the eggs have inhabit it.--Abraham Lincoln. philatelic experts "step forward responsible for most of the poor eggs. been subjected to several hours of to give us a had. That's an in- It has also becn proved that meat incubation. Such eggs are already vitation! spots, poor shell texture, and low dangcrously close to spoilage if fertile, re'll bring you philatelle news, quality albumen, can be reduced and a few more hours at tcmperaturc alvanee information on new is- greatly by selective breeding, of 80 to 100 ° will makc them inedible. sues and other items of interest to "The causes of deterioration in egg ' "The fourth cause of loss is dirt. when new items are available at quality can be conveniently grouped A dirty egg will spoil a lot more onr post office; we'll lalk about under 4 headings. The first of these is quickly than a clean egg, and some- stamps, stamp collecting, and heat. Every egg which is laid starts to what more quickly evcn if it is clcaned stamp collectors. Iu short, we'll deteriorate in quality as soon as it is soon after laying. Dirty eggs must bring you Philatelic Chatter. If laid. How fast this occurs depends either take a big loss on the market you have any .questions or corn- greatly on the temperature. Eggs can or require a lot of extra labor and menis of a philatelic naiure, drop :be held for weeks at 35°F with no expense to clean them." us a line in 'care of this paper. The Slwlton Stmnp Club, Junior vvvvv,,,vvv,-,vvvvvvvTvvv During 1940-1941, Chungking moo,, ovo., Air Drift  m was .continuously bombed by the evening at 6:30 at Mount Olive Japanese and many Chinese chin Lutheran Church, Itighway sad ' dren were orphaned. Cascade, Hillcrest. Adult philate- The enlisted men attached to lists interested In forming a club SHELTQ AIRPORT NEWS 'the LSS Tutuila (which was of their own are invited to an by Wllma hafer and Kurt Mann moored in Chungking) adopted organizational meeting at 8:00 11 of these orphaned children o'clock, same place, next Tuesday ._..A and contributed money to feed, evening, Sept. lt5. Not much news this week, but clothe and educate them, When • ' ,. ' pe0pe do seem to be m°vin e¢z'Z sailor was detached it was Sister; BornHere, ''aroud*:from one place to another: stood l:hat the man who re. Betty Butler, secretary for Shel- lieved him should take over the Dies ill Seattle Home ton Air Service this past summer, custody of the youngsters. Sister Mary Carmelite, assist- is returning to Bellingham to re- The 11 children were known as ant superior of St. Vincent's home sume her studies. May Gwaw Bing Tchwaners for the aged in Seatlle, died there Flight instructor Bob Short is (members of the American gun- September 9 following a three- leaving for Oregon State College boat). weeks illness, where he is majoring in aeronaut- Sister Mary Carmelite was borrl ical engineering. The state of Missouri is one of Georgiann McDonald, i Arcadia, Frank Gratzinger, of Skokomish the chief sources in the U.S. for near Shelton, seventy,four years Valley, is moving to California lead and zinc. ago. She took her vows as a member of the Order of Sisters of near Los Angeles, and will leave Charity of Providence in Vancou- his PT-26 haagared here for the ver, Wash., in 1889, and for the wluter. "' , next 23 years taught at school of H. It. Woelfol, who flew an the order in Idaho, Montana, and Aeronca Champ cross-country to rashington. Roseburg, Ore., last week, will be In 1925 ,she was appointed to returning to Woodland, Wstsh., to the staff of the St. Vineent's home, live. , where she later became a. member * * * of the executive council and a di- CIRCUITS AND BUMPS: Tom rector of the St. Vincent Auxiliary York flew an Aeronca Champ to Society. Hood River, Ore.; Arnold Tahja to Solemn requiem mass was said Everett in  PT-26, Keith Crab- at 9 a.m. September 19, in the St. tree to Toppenish in a PT-26, Len Vincent home chapel, with burial Parrots to Troutdale flying a T in Calvary cemetery in Seattle. craP and Fran t Davis our fly- Staler lIa y Carmehta is sur- , in" ctvnndnn flo'xr fn Vakima in a rived by Mrs. Herbert C. Clinton !'..--'-' - ....... "Operation" -- is and Mrs. Roy P. Simpson, both I " ,, .... • our watch and jewelry of Shelton. " : ...... eek No I Pat Wick soloed this w. . - repair shop. Bring us Nobody ever went blind by look- bdy tells us these thinignS oahd your costume jewelry or ing on the bright side--Covln=ton I ume so we can gec your most valuable prec- free cokes  (Ohio) Postscript. " " ,  t MorrUci i Norman lIcNulty has moved his ious pieces for repair, re- nt^a ;- +he r^ -  .... _ r,. I family to new qarters at the mr- styling and remounting. laom**on);rl*, ....... port. Forest Service deemed it Service when promised; • l advisable that a fire warden be ' TT." th'  ¢;a/l stationed here permanently lasting quality work- manshlp. today's driving. You can measure the rcsuhs in quick-startlng and plcktq) . . on steep, steady climbs • . . or along smooth, straightaway; travel. : Shell Premium Gasoline, you'll find, is oneof the r&earch-eng/neered products that Shell Dealers have for your betr driving everywhere. MATHENY & BACON One of The World's Largest Building Wrecking Firms NOW WRECKING 2.0 DORMITORY WINGS AT EAST PORT ORCHARD HOUSING PROJECT (2 Miles East of Port Orchard) Biggest Building Bargains Include Blanket Insulation . Doors and Windows Air Conditioning Furnaces as low as $500000 Lumber of All Kinds turston County rigs & Loan OF , 10{ 3D ...... per ft. PE AT B]REMERTON Security Bldg., Olympia, DI R ECTORS t ,TON z. SEARS DRAI-IAM IC AmR FRED t-IOI YARD, 16th and CHESTER Yours truly (W.S.) lan(h] at Bromerton one day last week 0nly to stagger out of the club ship with a fever of 102 degrees.. Mrs. i'Mayer,,who was there ex- to meet a hale, healthy drove this unhappy party to her home, stuffed it full of as- "" pirln, plied it with orange juice and insisted that a nap was next in line. Next thne wo fly to visit a friend, we trust the flu will not also: fly. :B ;l: =l: Rea Howry and Norris Rau flew to Wenatcl]ce in the PT-26 to visit Converse and Ensley, who are pre- sumably still de-bugging h'uit or- chards from Steerman panes spec- ially rigged out for that purpose. * $ * We were talking to  "blurb" pilot the other day (one who is specially trained to do sky-writ- ing for advertising firms) and he told ns he started out frail-spray- ing and wound up avertlslng toothlSte. We asked him if he meant he'd RAY'S JEWELRY 117 Cota Phone 633 II HEAR! "I know what it is, not to HEAR well." leaned a little too heavily on the spray, but there was no connec- ""r' ............... """ ....... " Out of years of experience ,,o., ,,o FREE found slay-writing more to his Hk- and aclentific approach t. halter hearing. old fur Lho ing. ' [11 free booklotl "OU fly high emugh to keep out of power lines 'and stuff," he  Send "Hearing Through tl Years" to ,explained, "and, oh hey, the fun you have looking back io see if | Name..; ........................ you can read what you wrote! } Besides, I get to 8ce a Jot of races I Address ......................... and baseball games." I ................... , .......... ! * * * We can't figure out how he'd have the time or the X-ray eye to Hearing Test at Your Homo follow a game while spelling out By Request "01d Hapsburg Ale" across the sky, but these fliers can do any- S O N O T O N E thing, we guess. We hope he re- members to cross his "T"s--but THE HOUSE OF HEARING his eyes. Roger. 810 Cogean Ave. JOURNAL WANT ADS Bremerton they really get results. U.S. Jobs Offered To Economists The U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion today announced an exam- ination for filling Economist po- sitions in Washington. D C. and nearby Virginia and Maryland, at salaries ranging from $3,397 to $5,905 a year• No written tesL will be given competitors for these positions, To qualify, they must have had from 5 to 7 years of responsibl experience in economic research. part of which must have been in a specialized branch of economics. Study m a college or university of recognized standing may be substituted for part or all of the required expermnce for the two lower salary grades, and for part of the experience required for the two higher grades• Further information and 'ppli- cation forms may be secured from the Commission's Local Secrctary, Mr. Haley, located at the post- office, from Civil Service regional offices, and from the U. S• Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C. Apphcations must ;o received in the Commission's Washington of- fice not later than Scptember 30, 1947. The disastrous floods of 1947 should be a lesson that would in- duce farmers, land owners and states to build more farm ponds and lakes. Page II FRYE HOTEL 3rd Ave at Yesler Way 325 FireproofOutside Rooms All With Radio 24 Hour Garage Service Private Dining Rooms and Coffee Shop Located within the Seattle industrial, shopping and Theatrical districts Directly across the street from the County-City Bldg. Reservation s Assured Complete AUTOMOTIVE REBUILDING BODY AND FENDER REPAIR RADIATOR REPAIR GLASS REPLACED BODY BUILDING SPECIALTY WELDING AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING AUTOMOTIVE BODY SERVICE Sheiton Auto Body John Bernert and Wayne Burnett, Operators 120 EAST PINE STREET PHONE 145 We* *** THE mot'to-of the United Statcs(--"Onc composed of many 'might well be that 0f the Washingtoa Co-Operative Farmers Association, for it is one organ- izatioh made up of some 30,000 farm families, and entirely democratic in its operations. Only under our American system of individual freedom of cnterprisc and bdiness could such priv/- • leges be enjoyed--the right to unite for mutual better- ment and to benefit, both indivklually and collectively, by our own efforts. Americanism permits both the individual and the co-operative methods of conducting business to operate ide by side and allows cveryonc to choose thc method best suited to his own needs. The members of \\;Vash- /ngton Co-Up have learncd from 30 years of experience that by co-operatmn they can obtain better returns for their work and can procure their necessary farm production supplies marc economically, thaa they could by individual effort, alone. "Amer;can Jarm Jamilies, operating their individual business and working together through their ou, n to-operative association, are the finest examples oJ Free Enterprise." IIII