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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos; • , r, ¸  - • ,:i  'ii, Thursday, Seute _.,L . I,, ....... , " " J'? - I 9 - --- '', --.,r" .... r r ".Jr ".--[ ' : ..... 00.rHIGHCLIMBERS FAIL TO IMPRESS. Joe Rank s 604 In J e I I I N q I h N T 0 Ip00- ,1 / * 1£/ IJIJAII IJ k/J.,Ig)t.l.l J, I ' [IN JAMBOREE; OFFENSE IS WEAK Commercml Best [ 0 a I I IIMl:K|[;00iN LI"UIUnFi . axltl I While- 9 000 fns looled on the Anderson roturning it from the n ...... D.-- ,,..1 I [ I • = • "= m = = =  i: ,, ...... ' Shello) ..... 14ighciimbers,. played., a five to the the quarter. . ended. . U'Jtlllll Ill[ lYti{:ll !  nrysler - Plymou t.oCC[NG I role m the SouthwesL Shelton k,ckeq oft to Hoqumm Joe Rank's 60t highligited the ................... [ er-Plymou --'-- " ' ' ' ' .... "! " tO " " i ( ' " bUI/./IIMI SO-Called scrap IlS/1 oy rotonone : r r v.  Wa.hmgten ]ngh :ehool football 11 the "e nd affa r, gave up a commercial lea,ue reetinf, to the ....... ...... ' . I ................................ 1! \\; ,At ]' _ l:)l)r   t I j'''''' rdary night at Hoquiam first down on Hoquium's 35 on an 1947-48 seso last wk, the ... seerns.°2'ssp°rrss, crLe :eame,. .aa- ]  |: ,-..o - . Zl. I .)J¥112-]kiWI as .tly battled to scoreless t,es 11 yard nd un, took a y a, d away drunert Servme archorman being .... S k / j I: ano ro l)/l ---__ ..... i r ne Gr ' . • should fred a different word than Speaking of a e Spencer s re- .S €. lU . i wn:n mnna ann rmqmam m a pa r zom  . Lzzhes on uuce nne the only kegler in any of the four ................. I r . ," , ' ' th I r s' • '€ . " . . pomomng o uescmoe ls use o roo cent roonone trcamenL ,. 9• . ,',, • _L I of .[,mff(},.g,es.. ............  P}:'Y, c 2 got^po.fiess[")[o[,HOlle, agt}es whmh ushered m their tonone "o clear Washington lakes Hack, one of this community's ar- [ :.  We Are Equipped to "" [ their deft nsive chor(s the High- punt play fouled up on a bad pass ] magic 600 figure .. .?:?:.,y ..... - =u uu..2_.= v ::y o pro:  , :._ -PII ma • " - • ' . " . • • kNOt mac one word poison is ex- eeoc ano llnpvo e our Ilsfling 511o chmburs had then • backs to their from center. Bob [ce rq)ped offt And stramrelv it came with a .................. -- " '- - " -- " (.o _ q%,,1, _ rp, Modern Equipment J own goal line throughout their eigh yards but Hoquiam inter- ' losing cause orrunert,s lost the actly, nmccurae, zor I'h,nave:o ynU?gry^nas__2ooyr?o " -=,- ru.- : • e ted a )ass I I , . au{XXlb I. )gul.ty UrOll= glililcax UL tdlU ualladv *v t;l-ap IIn (11(1 " ,,o m _ . ] skrnush wth Lima, probably the ep ' I *. Pay later and he d odd game to Pantorium s conmst-  ...... , ............................ out oulati .......... mP  I: n,ogglng • LAN0 CLEARING |the Highclimbers fun,bled the the Griz:,]y 48. '" leaders by scoring a triple tri- g " g • ' ' .  UL.;l3ectricRSwTli!Weldir leather twice before getting , ,': In the two qua,'ters the High- umph over Kimbel Motors in a 'a re meer us thndtemfarT:aChir 'g 30 inhalel;s where Lake- r' ' -- ": ' ..... ound to running the ball back, to ..... climbers were on the offensive for match featured, chiefly, by the lack. movm'o" " ene"'l:¢ waters" " oxygenP Y";nus" sma,'l trout have oeen- SpenCegoingS r_ -: ?',::t ' IUHU_f @ BULLDOZING the Sh(.lton 22 On the first I)lay a total of nine plays, including the of any lngh scoring anywhere m ...................... ears in .......... =_[11_ 1 m  ! . • • • • " • causing Lne ilSfl in IL CO SutIocate (ne€ y , €o one oetHes or $ the I li'hclimbers fumbled ag',in Ehng 'kckoff one penalty play, etherhneup The lastgamewent ..................  : , . -- '-'" ' , • . . an file 1£ su ests, Ior instance ' percn ago Ease. /no eron nave 0 ......... and Elma recovered on the ]9 but one attempted punt, and one pass to the Electmcmns by a shm three ._ : _" . "_gg: ................ P , '-- : . mmmm U IT6HING despite an 11-yard pass competion which wa.s intercepted. Only two pins• nin:tlicisneo,nueStC°?i 'Pj'eP;tlYnagm:;: '..  MIM ................ tile Eaples 1;ist the ball inches plays gained yardage, indicating Morgan-Eacrett Lumber, behind ......... ' "   ..... tiE: lUlII . .eiNIIr.N. AV./- short Of a first down because the the Higllelinlber offense needs a Bugs Dani(ls and Charlie Cole, .,,i ^ate a .nle[_o, ia..s2" an a_a em;gm:: 6a.eaa ,lsn on .-day, "'"  Ir .... • ING ' " " o""= --=- .o -.- =,.. ov • _.XI: Illl • from fish I netted from Lake lr, Hack has one otJ]er project  ,",}/] laldv " BULKHEADING Spencer a week ago Saturday fox" helping the fish population in 'l /l Mill when, that Mason County lake crease which he Would like to see ¢,:J \\;/ ii v Jl -- was 'poinsoned" with rotonone, the proper authorities--in this in- UIL i'll'UYJl - UJL/JkgF- 1;  i rnwcno and both were as tasty tidbits stance the federal government _ __...,--., .............. " ' " out That' " --  ........ of fmh as Ive been privileged to carry . s to open the sea- -  :'! _ 'or ,,and or waer  = .. ou.,.n, v  ,,,,, ,..,,., .,. eat In my life. son on hooded mergansers. ' ' "'., For Hire PHONE 601 • PILING AND LOGS For Sale. Highclimber line tossed an Elma. lot of stepping up before hopes odd-gamed Olympic Plywood, and back lor a three-yard loss on the] can be high for a victory over Local 161, W;th Lee Friend and first play, then held for l:wo downs l Olympia tomorrow night. Bill O!iv.e: getting.the important on theiz: own nine after the pass l JAMBOREE JOTTINGS--Coach pros, aecmmne re.ell nevrom.j.n connection . /Norm Hillyard's prediction that me oner maven aespe k'olne Glen Anlerson picked u. a first] the Highclimber line would be po- Ge:hardt's strong pinwork, Bob ........ ;. -, - - .-- r tent was m'ett" well borne out in 'mcner, arold AhlsKog and Bop uown on l:ne l-llgnCJln]Der 21 on/ '" *" ' J ............ the first play, but there the of-Ithe jamborec action despite the oc 3omen xorces to storage the 11 DUMP TRUCKS tense stalled, gaining nothing in'X'p 00r showing of Kearny Carlson, [°n?..dg:ne  ,,f2r,TeP'oYW°°U thr.e nlnvu ,s M(¢I ,a,,m.o.  o* letterllan end• Met £Newlnan. uecl-: ....... :" ........ :...  .... . tempted punt was blocked when (.rowe and DaveEager did yoe-'Eloriei,', " "":t¢'.., one of th(; Highelimber backs for- man worJ< in tne orwara wall ...... . ,., ,! ..... r.m* f , " , ' '. • l-lanalcap "lyt Hanamap ZO got to fill Newman s hole at guard ff the 3amboree performance of ............ • " • • oourn zv w.t*earson az o  the teams can be taken as a cr Lima failed t con lect on two .  " Lem-- 35 ]m  pass tres and lost five yards on erim, M ontesano s the chlb to Bnardrnan R70 T-Tunfv .247 O a£ Ior I:fle Lentral Lea ue Dune a runmng play then punted wzth - - g " .r ...... + oJr .... +.  g thin yea unless Chehalis .......... I ...... t' '" UalKlnS zv,t .marl vz w nch wasn t among those present 803 "^8 "8 23891 .... - ........ " O Ii 1118 "IO'/ 'lID 2£j1 l rlday, has unexpected strength • ...m a o - '---, 111 , . , *aUtAI l UL ,1 ZV]LJt .,1a¥. t-/ • • . Raymond zevealed a big club H n-'" a 269 ....... with a cod .... a uc p .Hanmcap  g running oacK wno Friend 502 McNiel 402 @ will make the Seagulls dangerous Oliver 459 Wiseman 417 • , . much of the enjoyment of the Jacobson 458 Toney 405 jamboree action was denied the Wright 4471Gerbardt 493 big crowd which jammed Olympic N.Westhmd 330 Dundas 369 stadium because of the failure of 888 751 826 2465 850 842 655 2469 the public address system to func- tion . . . Norm Hiliyard of Sbel-I M°rgan Lbr. (2) Plywood (1) Handicap 237[ Handicap 685 ton and Chuck Semancik of Aber- Gibler 423 Fletcher 38.f deen were the only holdover H.Daniels 458 Ahlskog 442 coaches at Friday's Jamboree for Hoquiam introdhced Jack Swart- DummyC'C°le 450/4711H°itjessup 272336 hout, Elma presented George Fall- R.Anderson 454[Dickie 382 strum, Montcsano is now under 803 829 861 24931765 918 818 250/ ...... Pantorium (2) Grunerts (1) Handicap 373 d Handicap 135 Maon County Post No. 1694 Lindberg 4771 Bare 473 Besch . 447] Struthers 441 Veterans of Foreign Keever 445 Kenyon 426 Keir 440 416 Cormier Wars E.Anderson 432 Rank 604 881 831 878 2590827 894 798 2519 TIDE Regular Meeting Friday, Sept. 198 p.m. Memorial Building W. T. Jackson, Commander Phone 697 J. H Gray, Q.M. Adj. Phone 352J Thor Peterson, and Raymond has Win Fountain for new coaches this year ... only two of the six games ] resulted in scores Friday, Hoquiam ] edginff Monte, Aberdeen shading I Raymond, both by 6 to 0 . . . other J scoreless tiffs besides Shelton'sl pair were Lima-Raymond and Ab-J erdeen-Monte. WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY brings you the 22nd year of AS$OCiA.TED FOOTBALL SPORTCASTS On thc highway.., on the air ball with Assodated/ This month starts another cycle in a great public service brought to you by Friendly Associated Dealers every- where in the West. Interest in football is at a new high this scason. Go to the games when you can. Tune in Associated Sportcasts and cheer your team from your favorite armchaii: when they're away from the home grounds. "Play Ball wlth Free Schedules at all Assodated Dealers Remember" makes any car a better, car to drivel . L Nor does the rotonone reduce the water's usefulness for drinking purposes, swimming or watering gardens. It does cause fish to suf- focate through lack of oxygen, but, taken in the generally accepted connotation of poison, a misleading impression of the use of rotonone is given. I think the game department would find public acceptance of its use of rotonone a little more cor- dial if the word poisoning was dis- continued entirely in all references to the department's program of clearing this state's lakes of the Now protected by federal law under their classification as a mi- gratory waterfowl, mergansers are probably the worst fish pirates among the feathered clan and do more to destroy fish in streams than any other bird. WHAT'S BECOME OF Bud Burst, believed by many sports fans to be the best four- sport athlete ever produced on Highclimbor teams (he played center, tackle or end with bril- lance in football, was a high-scor- ing center in basketball, a capable weight man in track, and a strong- armed, heavy-hitting catcher in baseball in the middle 1930's) is PHONE 196 Have a full oil tank and be able to keep y0Uf thermostat set for constant comfort, j We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE /tl from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner imtalBtl° Frisken Oil Mason County Distributor for Associated 011 o Associated Out In now a successful contractor living in Olympia. Front With 3-Ply CH,T CH,00 N UiVi iI! FREDSHEI Happy college athletic days re- ---- lived for Homer Taylor, assistant City Loop Opener city superintendent of schools, last iN c. Tking advantage of their up- Thursday night when he enjoyed FEED & AI ponents poor scoring, Associated an evening in Seattle with A.L. HBIPf (Across Fro Oil greeted the new. city league "Anchor" Christie, now vice-presi- bowling season with a three-ply dent of the Pure Oil Company but * victory over the Electricims and the center on the Montana State SHELTON ] in so doing gained the opening College football team from whom  Hardware, Funitur zfight edge over their rivals, who Taylor, as quarterback, received i odd-gamed the other matches the ball just before World War L Phon Friday night. The two old teammates hadn't seen OW HAVE * Lake Cushman, twice champions each other since 1919, had gone of the Commercial league, made its debut in the city circuit a vic- torious effort by decisioning Ac- tive Club after dropping the first game, Pastime edged the Lumber- men's Meremtile, and Simpson Log shaded Boo, with's. The veteran Paul Fredson, an- choring the Simpson lineup, took home opening night individual scoring honors with a 230 single I game and a 597 total, but couldn't make it a sweep for his team when George Merrick and Phil Bayley each produced an even 200 in the last skirmish of the match to win the finale for Beck- with's by ten pins. LUrch Staley and Johnny Dotson hit stiff paces to lead the defend- ing champion Pastime squad to its triumph, while Lake Cushman owes its victory to its father-and- son combination of Allte and Clarence Robinson. The lineups: Cushpmn (2) Active Club (1) Handicap 252 t Handicap 308 A.Robinsou 523] Gardner 444 C.Robinson 505 Stevenson 40l L.Carlsou 4681Peterson 450 Durand 416J Price 385 Joe Forrest 435Carter 468 8189278542599! 8248/08222456 Associated (3) Electricians (0) Handicap 2551 Handicap 203 Tucker 470 LH.Woods 44l Skelscy 519 L.Westlund 449 Foster 393 D. Woods 442 Holt 5111 W.Smith 431 J.Daniels 490 W.Woods 486 859 876 903 2638 808 791 853 2452 Simpson (2) Beekwlth's (1) Handicap 258 Handicap 92 Aronson 526 Merrick 569 C.Hokonson 371 Dodds 555 Snelgrove 484 Deer 423 Funk 503; W.Earl 467 P.Fredson 597 Baylay 539 888949902273918728619122645 Pastime (2) L.M. (1) Handicap 63[ Handicap 150 Allen 490] R.Stewart 534 Staley 568/R.Gustafson 458 Kopperman 4921McCaslin 501 Dotson 572 / :Mackey 457 Ferrier 443/G.Gustafson 535 866919843262818608699062635 Mr. O.K. A Says By R and R ]ewdy Fol ¢ A IS: golfer friend of ours cracked a s,wcnty-six, the other day. Hc stopped at the third hole, butlle made a seventy-six. I-le did the seventy.six roughly? speaking. Sonde of them were done without Swearing, though. lie got in a trap at the second hole. He got out in nine strokos. Ono of them apoplexy. Wh(,n he took off his socks in the club house, he found he had made a hole in oue, • Golf is a good old game, It let the cows out of the pasture and let the bull in. W]Jen we p]ay go]f, we slways tavtd too close, to the ball--alter we have hit it. All golfers aro entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of golf balls. You are entitled to the best. lJavo your tires recapped by our infra-ray system and you're' sure of tho best, RAUSCHER & SON 1528 Olympio Hiway (HIIIcrest) PHONE 585 through two wars since their last sight of one another. On his way to Seattle, Taylor stopped in Ta- coma to pick up Myron Carr, Lin- coln high school coach, who was also a member of Bobcat football teams with Taylor and Christie. Seems like tbe Highclimbers have taken on a mighty potent gridiron foe for that October 24 date when they tackle the Pouls- bo Vikings. North Kitsap, as the Vikings are officially known, are the pre-season favorites to take the Olympic Peninsula League f00tball crown and showed good reason for this elevated rating with a powerful showing in the jamboree at Port Orchard last Friday• The Vikings whipped Bainbridge, 12 to 0/and Silver- dale, 6 to 0, in the abbreviated periods. Names to tuck in your memory for October 24 watching are Baker and Maki, a pair of big, hard-running backs who really make the Poulsbo offense click. Principal Bruce Schwarck has come up with a nifty medium of calling attention to the Blazer football schedule this year with pencils on which have been in- scribed the dates of alI the Shel- ton junior high grid engagements for this season. The pencils are one of the means by which the Blazer athletic fund is to be bol- stered but the major fund fatteners are a couple of night games at Loop Field on September 26 with Centralia and October 3l with Chehalis. Tliat September 26 game, by the way, will be the first night football game ever played on Loop Field. High school athletic teams in California, at least in the area in which he is located, are no better perhaps not quite as good in gen- eral as they are here, according to Ned Snelgrove, former Highclimb- er coach now directing the school and municipal recreation program at Selma, Calif., a town of about 6,000 people. Here for a vacation last week, Ned said he is enjoy- ing his work considerably, has four playgrounds, a swimming pool, and considerable other ath- letic facilities under his supervi- sion. His work brings him into contact with several racial groups --Negro, Mexican, Chinese, Jap- anese, Armenian and whitesbut they are no problem. A good part of his program is after-dinner ac- tivity on illuminated outdoor re- creational fields. BOWLING BANTER Probably never before has a Shelton bowling season opened with so many below 100 scores as has the one which took the stage ere last week. Scores ranged all the way from 57 to 244, and we won't embarrass the commercial league kegeler who turned in that low point. It was done with the assistance of seven consecutive gutter balls, the result of several years without rolling a garner and was followed by a second game of 158. Even some of the old hands at the sport had their difficulties get- ting into stride. For instance, Frank Gibler, who has bowled for years, fouled three times in his first game, twice in the first frame for a no-pin count. A glance at some of the city league totals shows the troubles some of the fellows who regularly wind up i-the first ten averages had, getting squared away, .but that s to be expected on opemng nights when the alleys are fast as the result of their annual resur- facing, completed just a few day before. She/tou is not entercd this sea- son in the Olympia scratch lea- gue, in which the Morgan Lumber entry won the second half sched- ule title last year, but we do have an entry, in an inter-city scratch circuit composed of Olympia, Cen- tralia and Aberdeen as other members. HOMES FOR S IN SHELTON • To Veterans • L MR. CAVANAUGH MR. RAWLINGS Here Tuesdays, Thu for Personal Consultations AT 1305 ELLINOR BECKWITH'I 129 Railro ' S H E LTO N SEAT FIRST NATI MASON  CREA: RITNER'S First and it Lumbermen' I/Iverything Shelton From anda M, N 8helton.Mason. Advertising . Cur Office DWIGHT MO ..... MEN'8 123 RailrOad Ave TENDERCRI[ Don Remsberg :; " Phor SHELTON * ci,etLawtOnwrk .L 420 S. First St. SERVICE MILLER'S r - "COMPLETE M R.= Stetsol Hats - V ', '. Ave. Sostonta ason Coun( CLIFF TEXACO • The Start of a New ,.s Tu.,..,, NOrth 1st St. i Pilot Class * 4th nd C6ta -- AND -- • The Formation of a ACC000I ....... Bldg., Room 8 ItlLLCREST mercial Pilot Class • , SPORTIN, Outlo0ard M0 SEPTEMB]EI00 * County ', & Dry € 19 Railroad Ave. helton * Printin The Shelton Air Service, Inc., Com] Irintlng and Office , by the State Board of Edu , =: 0LSEN FUR Veterans Administration for Iille Furniture :  a C0tVSlT OUR ing under the G. I. Bill. ,