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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record a complete outfit taken at his residence. reported bicycle. reported someone articles from a to Mike and returned ieh reported horses ee reported a broken. reported three a residence. Wilson reported missing. reported a bicycle reported he had on the docket Glenn Correa in lty Justice Court were: State Patrol Rt. 7, Box no operator's Son, defective Douglas 329, Shelton, 3rfeit; Jack Box 189, passing, $15 Adams, 28 ! Dr., Shelton, $65 forfeit; 1, 2405 S. 204th, to yield right of P. O. Box 74, i t°3 keep right of forfeit; David 1, Box 314, in public, $35 371 Ely. speeding, K. Moore, Salem, Ore., $15 forfeit; n, 1500 Simpson passing, in, Ft. $15 forfeit; 10821 Beacon speeding, $15 transient, days solitary Y Barnard, 8147 speeding, $15 St° Rt. e lfair, illegal intoxicants by 1121 Thomas, $10 forfeit; Rt. 1, Box eding, $10 i 000 :r, speeding, 1128 oft Orchard, $10 forfeit; E. 30th, ?Per passing at rfeit; SE 31st, forfeit; Roger t., Bremerton, at intersection, Wilson, 3001 Speeding, $ I 0 Rt. 5, Box to keep $15 forfeit; O. Box 172, SPeeding, $15 CUshman No. foot brakes, lights, $15 Wards, 22373 OOdland Hills, $15 forfeit; 8, Box 302, Stop for stop COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to George Howard, carport, $700; Henry Blake, addition and remodeling, $2,000; C, F. Peistrup, summer home, $15,000; Ray Patrick, recreation cabin, $8,100; Walter Allison, carport, $500; Paul Jensen, cabin, $3,000; Charles Dunlap, cabin, $5,000; Edwin S. Bell, vacation cabin, $4,500; M and A Development Co., A-frame home, $1,500; Charles Sutherland, cabin, $1,600; Mrs. A. Weaver, cabin, $1,450; Elmer Emmons, porch and storage, $ 1,200; Max Schmidt Jr., barn, $2,000; C. Frank Tyler, summer home, $6,000; W. F. Eldridge, recreation cabin, $5,000. SHELTON POLICE COURT Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolla Halbert Monday night were: Steve James, Rt. I, Box 325A, Shelton, faulty equipment, no operator's license on person, $17 forfeit; Barb Frahman, 1515 Railroad Ave., Shelton, speeding, no operator's license on person, $17.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Michael Knox, P. O. Box 59, Union failure to use due care and caution, $19.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Michael Knox, P. O. Box 59, Union, petit larceny, $25 fine, $2.50 costs; Ronald Giles, 521 Dearborn, Shelton, petit larceny, $97.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Molly Clark, 1514 Union St., Shelton, negligent driving, $66 forfeit; Jack Wilke, 340 E. Pine, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 forfeit; Charles Holman, Rt. 3, Box 192, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 forfeit; Robert Lund, P. O. Box 3 12, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 forfeit; David Armstrong, 2110 Monrbe St., Shelton, disorderly conduct, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Charles Parker, 527 Bellevue, Shelton, disorderly conduct, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Donald Deemer, St. Rt. 1, Box 98D, Sheiton, speeding, $12.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Thomas Doherty, St. Rt. I, Box 142A, Shelton, failure to use due care and caution, $12.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Marvin Roush, 511, Grant, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $47.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Timothy Barnett, St. Rt. 1, Box 139A, Shelton, furnishing liquor to minors, $50 fine, $2.50 costs; Vonda Airhart, 213 Grove St., Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $25 fine, suspended, $2.50 costs. Sheriff's Office Lewis Churchill, 1929 Pioneer Way, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $95 fine, license revoked 30 days, five days in jail, suspended; Michael Nick, P° O. Box 92, Belfair, speeding, $50 forfeit; Jerry Costocas, 3631 57th PI. SW, Seattle, failure to wear helmet, expired vehicle license, $25 forfeit; Forrest Eisen, 3734 Laurel PI., Bremerton, speeding, $40 forfeit; Walter Glaslock, 2703 Kent, Bremerton, no valid operator's license on person, $15 forfeit; Richard Hankinson, Rt. 2, Box 218, Belfair, speeding, $40 forfeit; William Eagon, USS Canopus, Bremerton, drunk in public, $25 fine; William Yager, USS Canopus, Bremerton, minor consuming intoxicants, $25 fine, suspended; Lester Carlson, Box 43, Lakebay, shoplifting, $100 forfeit. Department of Natural Resources John Davis, St. Rt. 3, Box 15, Belfair, setting fire and failure to extinguish, $25 forfeit; Mike Venglar, Box 68, Belfair, setting fire and failure to extinguish, $25 forfeit; Patrick Venglar, Box 68, Belfair, setting fire and failure to extinguish. Utilities and Transportation Commission Jerry Carlson, Rt. 3, Box 2, Elma, no permit authority, $100 fine, $50 suspended. SHELTON POLICE Vehicles driven by Ronald Gunter and Gloria Mays collided at First and Turner. Peggy Adams reported her vehicle damaged by another whose driver did not stop. Her vehicle was parked at the time. Larry Wilson reported rocks thrown at a vehicle. About 500 gallons of oil were released from a truck owned by Jack Wright on East Ellinor St. Lance Willhite reported a motor bike taken. SUPERIOR COURT Default Divorces Default divorce decrees were granted to: Setsuko Vinzant from John Vinzant. Noel Deemer from Janice Deemer. Penny Wilder from Eric Wilder. Roberta Valley from Gordon Valley. New Cases Denver Schmidtke and Mary Dickerson, marriage waiver. Evans Signs Inc., against William Iverson, doing business as Mickey's Dress Shop, debt. David Johnston and Carol Downer, marriage waiver. Hal Williams against H. O. Pixley, quiet title. FIRE DEPARTMENT Sept. 9, 4:30 p.m., brush fire, field behind Mt. View School. Sept. 10, 12:30 p.m. grass fire, Hellman's Grocery, 825 Franklin. Sept. 12, 5:45 a.m. Simpson Insulating Board Plant drier. Sept. 13, 2:30 p.m. brush fire, South First St. Sept. 15, 1:45 l.m. brush fire, Oak and Magnolia. Sept. 15, 7:39 p.m., chimney fire, G. R. Densely residence, 1821 Adams. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the city of Shelton during the past week were to Lumberman's Vacation Homes, cabin to be used as office, $6,240. She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. -Byron LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box Open 'tll 8:$0 p.m. Wed. & Thurs. 2O6 Cots IAL OF | WEEK BUHKIE MATTRESSES Foam $3900 IIOX SPRING & MATTRESS SETS !t%d TWIN OR FULL SIZE SETS Best !'S Better s84" Sl29" "J" and O1' tic N. 426-3: Former Canal Resident Dies Frank R. Wolfram, a long time Lilliwaup resident, died Monday in a Nelson, British Columbia, rest home at the age of 76. lie was born March 7, 1893 in Portland, Ore. He was a retired Standard Oil employee, and had also been a professional baseball player, lie came to Lilliwaup in 1948 and lived there until moving to Canada two years ago. He is survived by one nephew, Carl Wolfram of Grand Forks, B.C. The funeral service will be held Friday at 3 p.m. in the Lewis Chapel in Bremerton. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Mausoleum. W. H. Pulsifer Dies In Ketchikan William Henry Pulsifer, 40, died Monday in Ketchikan, Alaska. He was a resident of Shelton and Mason County for a number of years and at the time of his death was employed as a logger near Ketchikan. He was born Nov. 26, 1928 in Shelton and is survived by his mother, Mrs. Bertha Visser, Shelton; a brother, Robert Pulsifer, Aloha; a sister, Mrs. Leslie (Marie) McGee, Hoodsport; and numerous nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be held Saturday at ! p.m. in the Batstone Funeral Home. Interment will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Never give advice in a crowd. ..... Arab Proverb H. P. Grindrod Henry P. Grindrod Harry Clark Taken By Death Harry Clark, one of the founders of the Mason County Forest Festival, died at his home in Tacoma Sept. 14. He came to Shelton in the spring of 1947 as assistant District Fire Warden. He made his home in Shelton until about 10 years ago. Funeral services were held in Tacoma this week. Men often make up in wrath what they want in reason. -W. R. Alger Succumbs at 82 ltenry Penn Grindrod, 82, died Saturday in an Olympia hospital after several weeks of illness. Mr. Grindrod was born in Olympia Dec. 15, 1886, but spent his boyhood at Cape Horn and his early years boating on Oyster Bay, carrying passengers and frieght to Olympia. He went to Alaska about 1915 where for many years he was engaged in boat building and shrimp fishing. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Grindrod, were pioneers of Mason County. He is survived by his wife, Verda, of the home in Lacey; twin daughters, Mrs. Carl (Marolyn) Darmer, Tacoma, and Mrs. Norman (Carolyn)Hansen, Seattle; two daughters, Mrs. Ray (Myrtle) Conway, California, and Mrs. AI (Muriel) Brucker, Olympia; his sister, Ruby Crane of Shelton; nine grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: John Janney, 49, Kent, and Naidine Brooks, 42, Lacey. Denver Schmidtke, 18, Elma, and Mary Dickerson, 15, Shelton. David Johnston, 18, Sheiton, and Carol Dawner, 16, Shelton. T. R. Thomason, legal, Bremerton, and Ella Wortman, legal, Bremerton. Will Mock, 63, Seattle, and Ann Cook, 60, Seattle. THANKS FOR BEING CAREFUL... Please! 0nly tou can prevent forest fires! The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon in Seleneand II [ Eros Funeral Home, Olympia, During September, no savings in- with burial in an Olympia !1 vestment is necessary to com- 11 cemetery I/ plete your service of Inter- ll i/ national Stainless and Silverplate | ]1] at Capital Savings. Hurry! Offer /i We=tl00er High Low Precil-. September 1 i 83 53--  lj[O  s September 12 78 55 - September 13 69 53 .01 September 14 68 43 -- • JIIIIl SHELTON- First & Railroad, 426-8211 September 15 68 37 -- 1[/11,- Home Office: Olympia September 16 68 40 .... Olympia -.- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton September 17 58 51 .72 FORD Today is 1970 at your Ford Dealers! Ford leaps into the '70s with newer, bolder, better ideas. They are ready and waiting at your Ford Dealer's now. Come in and see the look of tomorrow.., today! 1970 Torino. All new clear through. No matter which 1970 Torino you choose, you'll be driving the most completely changed car of the year. New shape. New size. New style• New power. There are 14 models in all. And you're sure to find one that gives you the value, performance or luxury you want. 1970 Ford. Take a Quiet Break. Move into the quieter world of the sleek new Fords for 1970. Take your choice of five great V-8's and 21 different models including the elegant LTD and popular Galaxie 500. The new Ford gives yqu a ride so smooth and vibration-free that you have to test- drive it to believe it. 1970 Mustang. Run with Number One. No doubt about America's favorite sporty car: it's Mustang all the wayl Take your choice of six different models. Three different rooftines. Nine different engines. Mustang's designed to be designed by you. Find out why Mustang's really Num- ber One for so many drivers. i ! Ford gives you Better Ideas. It's the Go ng Thing JIM PAULEY, INC. 501 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. Thursday, September 18, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3