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Zonta Slates
Convention will be held at the
Olympic Hotel in Seattle on
October 2, 3, and 4. The theme of
the convention is "Widening our
The international president,
Helvi Sipila, from Helsinki,
Finland, will be a representative.
Attending from the
Shelton-Mason County Zonta
club will be the club president,
Marguerite Thackeray, and Lucille
McBride as alternate; Esther
Morgan as laison delegate; and
members Edith Hess and Lucille
Junior Degree
To Fete Guests
Guest night of the Junior
Degree of Honor will be held
Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the
Memorial Hall.
Each member will bring a guest
to the meeting, which will include
entertainment, games and
Jaycees To Host
Fall Meeting
The Shelton Jaycees will host
the District 15 Fall meeting on
Saturday at the Jaycee Hall. A
meeting will be held for the men
and the women, with a dinner and
social to follow.
MAMIE KNIGHT finds her carrot cake a rich and delicious
dessert to serve to her family and friends. This recipe is one
of many she has collected during years of professional
Mrs. Knight's Carrot Cake
Rich And Tasty Dessert
"Everyone," says Mamie
Knight, "seems to like my carrot
cake. It's a real favorite with my
husband, Walter."
Mrs. Knight Eas clone
professional cooking in rest
homes, nursing homes and
hospitals, and in her own
restaurant in Newport Beach,
She came to Shelton in 1918
and moved to California 20 years
a gO,
and Shelton. She and her husband
Auxiliary Plans
Fall Luncheon
Next Tuesday
The fall luncheon of the Mason
General Hospital Auxiliary will be
held at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at
Lake Limerick,
Tickets priced at $2.25 will be
sold at the door. For reservations
phone Pat Ring (426-4693) no
later than Friday.
A sportswear style show will be
presented by Lloyd's, with ladies
of the Auxiliary modeling.
Guild To Hold
First Meeting Of
Fall Season
Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild
will meet for the first time this
year on Friday in the home of
Mrs. Beulah Nichols in
Steilacoom. It will be a noon
luncheon meeting.
Members planning to attend
will meet at I 1 a.m. at the home
of Mrs. Betty Deegan, 323 So. 1
St., to pool rides.
Bordeaux PTA
Holds The First
Meeting Of Year
The Bordeaux P.T.A. held its
first meeting for this year at 7:30
p.m, Monday in the school
auditorium. The teachers were
introduced and following the
business meeting the rooms were
opened to give parents an
opportunity to visit and to get
acquainted with their child's
teacher. Parents are urged to
attend meetings.
Mrs. Harry J.
Teacher of Piano,
Organ and Voice.
Route 3, Box 652
(Lost Lake Road)
Phone 426-6943
have been living in a mobile home
on Mountain View since last
lter hobby is knitting. In
addition to wool afghans and
sweaters, she makes lovely and
distinctive dresses knit of special
ribbon imported from Italy. She
also reads a great deal, and enjoys
gardening. She is a member of the
Ruby Rebekah Lodge.
She has four grandchildren and
Bridge Club
In the Monday night game of
tile Shelton Duplicate Bridge
Club, North-south winners were
Dick Pickman and Dave Whitcher,
Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bennett.
East-west winners were Doris
Chrish and Gusti Goldschmid,
Kay Jackson and Elsa Schlosser,
Ann Batchelor and Etta Rector.
The club meets every Monday .... 0p
at 7:15 p.m. in the PUD building.
All bridge players are welcome, o " '/
Teri Lick was elected president
of the Evergreen Wranglers at
their September I meeting in the
PUD building. Other officers are
Jenifer Cheney, vice-president;
ten. Kay Giest, secretary; and Liana
CARROT CAKE (three layers) Meeting time Was changed from
7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and members
were reminded to bring $1 for
4-H insurance to the next
Community service projects
were discussed. Some of the
members will assist the Silver
Stars in picking up rocks in the
arena at the airport.
Marlene Schmidt and Toni Cole
will teach sewing this year. Kay
Giest was named chairman of the
bake sale, and plans were made
for a rummage sale on October
There were six new members at
the meeting.
2 C. flour
2 tsp. baking powder, heaping
or rounding
2 tsp. cinnamon
I tap. salt
2 C. Sugar
4 eggs'
1 ½ C. Wesson Oil
2 C. grated carrots
1 eight-ounce can crushed pineapple
½ C. chopped pecans.
Sift all dry ingredients. Mix oil,
sugar and eggs. Beat after each
addition. Add dry ingredients to
this mixture and mix well. Add
carrots, pineapple and nuts. Bake
35-40 minutes at 350 degrees.
I box powdered sugar
1 stick butter
1 eight-ounce package cream cheese
1½ tap. vanilla
MISS BRENDA KAY Mattocks, was married to James
Frederick EIIcey of Copalis Crossing on July 19 in the United
Methodist Church. She is the daughter of Mrs. Hedy Lynn,
Shelton, and Harry Mattocks of Hoquiam and Cordova,
Alaska. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred EIIcey of Copalis
Crossing. The Rev. Horace H. Mounts officiated. The
reception was'held at the home of the bride's mother. After a
wedding trip through Oregon and California, the James
Ellceys will make their home in Glenoma.
Q. I have extremely oily hair
which must be shampooed
every two or three days. Can
you recommend something to
reduce the oiliness?
A. Use a shampoo which is
specially formulated for oily
hair..and give your hair ]00
strokes a day with a hair brush
wrapped in gauze.
Brushing will help to
distribute the oils evenly along
the hair shaft_and the gauze
will pick up some of the oil
from the haw.
Remember that any lotion
or cream used on your hair will
tend to attract dirt.
Q. My wife sometimes uses a
hair lacquer and sometimes
uses a hair spray. What's the
difference between the two?
A. Many women use hair
lacquer because they believe it
to have a more effective
"holding" qualities. Even if
this is true, the hair may suffer
as a result. In most cases, hair
lacquers are drying and ,give
the coiff re a "stiff"
appearance. There are hair
sprays on the market which
contain no lacquer and still
have "holding" properties.
These hair sprays are kinder to i
the hair.
Neilk Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
:lfth & Frankl n St. -- 426-3827
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
aturday -- 9:30 to 6:00
VFW To Honor
The Gold Star
Parents Friday
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post and its auxiliary will honor
Gold Star parents of Mason
County at a dinner in the
Memorial Building Friday at 6:30
p.m. Chairman for the event is
Mrs. Alice Haines.
The Post and auxiliary served a
steak dinner to members of
district 5 before the meeting last
Saturday evening.
Department of Washington
president Mrs. Lilly Mascher of
Spokane made her official visit
accompanied by several other
department dignitaries.
Mrs. William Gephart of
Shelton presided over the meeting
for the auxiliary and Herb
'Murray, McCleary, presided over
the men's meeting.
Degree Of Honor
Adults To Meet
The Degree of Honor Adult
lodge will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m.
in the Memorial Hall, for their
yearly memorial service meeting.
Refreshments will be served by
Mrs. l]elen Carlson and Mrs. Karl
Women Of Moose
Go To Convention
In Longview
The Women of the Moose,
Chapter 462, attending the
twenty-second annual Convention
in Longview last Friday and
Saturday were Senior Regent
Stella Howard; Junior Regent
Alberta Nagal; College of Regence
Arlene Doak; Guide Donna
Anderson; Eva Hanson, Betty
Schuffenhauer, Ernestine Lane
and Maxine Neese. The Grand
Chancellor Kay Cantle was
present at the sessions.
Rummage Sale
The Shelton-Mason County
Zonta Club will hold a rummage
sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
October 19 in the PUD building.
MR. AND MRS. ERLING Olsen celebrated their fortieth
wedding anniversary at a reception in the Baptist church
August 9. Residents of Shelton for 25 years, they now make
their home in Gig Harbor.
Jim Rotz
High School Sp0rl
Transferring from the
Pendleton, Ore., High School,
where he was vice president of the
Associated Student Body, Jim
Rotz came to the Shelton Iligh
School in November of 1968. In
less than five months he was
elected president of the SHSASB.
He also belongs to the Key Club
and the Pep Club.
lie plays baritone in the band.
His musical training was begun on
piano and his first band
instrument was a sousaphone; he
changed to trombone, and finally
to the baritone which he intends
to play for the duration of his
school years.
His sport is basketball, and he
hopes to make the team as a
guard. He likes hunting, fishing,
boating, and skiing.
His subjects this year are
physics, trigonometry, civics,
senior English, senior choir, and
band. He plans to become a
school counselor.
Jim spent the past summer as a
fire fighter for the Department of
3rd & Railroad
Natural ResoUrCes, living
barracks near
He is the
Hantz A.
brother, Albert,
Jim is 5 feet
dark brown
weighs 180 pc)
in Bend, Ore.
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Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 18, 1969
Nothing like getting s "head start"
on fall with great ssvlngl... Lusteroul
Alligator Lizards of exquisite texture with
the ultra irnIrt curvy little heels you love. t'$'61
Laboratory "Torture Tests" prove
it . . . Park Avenue won't run. We
spike it ... we rub it with steel
wool . .. we file it ... we cut it
... But these beautifully sheer
nylons just won't run.., they are
:made of a special knit to give you
leg glamour and long wear too...
in fashion-right colors...
* If this stoCki,
damage d sr
25c to -
charg e /
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Ou s
lars: Ileh fr
purchase •
.. wit r
facture= ,
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proud o will
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wearing q.
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