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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Cindy Hovind Rainbow Officers Installed In Open Meeting SaturtJay Shelton Assembly No. 19 Order of the Rainbow for Girls installed officers Saturday at 8:00 p.m. under the theme "Wear Your Love Like lteaven" with the colors purple and pink. Elected officers are: worthy advisor, Cindy Hovind; worthy associate advisor, Diana Tokos; charity, Georgia Clayton; hope, ira Lannman; faith, Shelley Chappell; recorder, Shawn Leahy; treasurer, Suzanne Roessei. Appointed officers include chaplain, Marilyn Martin; drill leader, ftolly Manke; love, Luanne Bartz; religion, Diane Munro; nature, Wendy Hovind; immortality, Janet Myers; fidelity, Debbie Parsons; patriotism, Dena Stracke; service, Sean Simpson; observer, Mary Painter, choir director, Sana Brewer; musician, Jane Pogreba; Rainbow dad, Fred Ferris. The courtesy officers are Bible bearer, Kerri Kimmerty; scrap book chairman, Lois Pearsall; Keepers of paraphernalia, Resa Everist and Kay Geist; lecturer, Lynn HasBrouck; orator, Patty Dunbar; historian, Nancy Dayton; east page, l)ebi Ness; west page, Janet Lockwood; keeper of jewels, Patsy Batstone; standard flag bearer, Cindy Wokojance; and Rainbow flag bearer, Cheri Fuller. Choir members are Cindy Wokojance, Ann Phillips, Kathy Jones, Vicki Stoner, Jacki Mays, ('indy Pierce, Nancy Dayton, Gall tlasBrouck, Michelle Hester, Cheri Fuller, Brenda Daugherty, Donna l)ahman, l)enise McKay, Patsy Batstone, Susan Swayze. A reception followed the ceremony. THE DIRT DOBBERS GARDEN CLUB received the 1969 Atlantic Richfield Award for beautification at the log monument. Mrs. O. Hoovan made the presentation to Mrs. Connie Franklin, conservation chairman. Dirt Dabbers Receive Award For Log Monument Planting On Monday, at the log monument, Mrs. O. Hoovan, past District Director of (:ross Sound of Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, presented to the Dirt Dabbers Garden Club the 1969 Atlantic Richfield Award for their beautification at the site. At this time a Hemlock, the Washington state tree, was planted. After the presentation the club served pot luck at the home of Connie Franklin in honor of Mrs. Hoovan. Attending the Cross Sound District Executive board meeting in Bremerton on September 8 were Vi ttoover, president; Carole Sadler, vice president; and Connie Franklin, conservation chairman of WSFGC. The Dirt Dabbers Garden Club was organized 17 years ago Tuesday. I I I II II II I i I / \\; I IlUll OoE.S. CHUCK WAGON DIHHER Friday, Sept. 19-4 to 8p.m. Masonic Temple, Shelton Live Music Tickets $2 OTUND THE_d OWN',-00m Today, Thurs. Sept. 18 Past Matrons Welcome Chapter OES potluck, noon, Masonic Temple. Hood Canal Woman's Club, 12:30 p.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Port commission meeting, 8 p.m., court house. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD conference room. Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Mason County Democrat Club. 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. FRIDAY, SEPT. 19 Georgnne Reed Orthopedic Guild, noon, home of Mrs. Phil Bayley. Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild, noon, home of Mrs. Beulah Nichols in Steilacoom. Chamber of Commerce board meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 Shelton Jaycees host District 15 fall meeting at Jaycee hall. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., court house basement. SUNDAY, SEPT. 2 ! Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Mason County Pamona Grange, 1 I a.m., Shelton Valley hall. Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., clubhouse. MONDAY, SEPT. 22 Epsilon Omicron Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Mike Ogden. PUD No. 3 commission meeting, I p.m., PUD conference room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., court house. Sheiton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. Goodwill truck in town. Phone 426-4847 for pickups. TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 Welcome Wagon Club kaffe klatch, 1 p.m., home of Gall Stillwell. Degree of Honor Adult Lodge, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Junior Degree of ltonor guest night, 6:30 p.m,, Memorial hall. Shelton Music Club, 8 p.m., Methodist Church. Mason General ttospital Auxiliary, 12:30 p.m., Lake Ltmntlck. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Timbers Restaurant. City commission meeting, 8 p.m., city hall. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall. Mason County Credit Women, 7:30 a.m., Timber Restaurant. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., court house basement. Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Mason County Hospital District Commission meeting,l Oa.m., court house. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Golden Age Club business meeting, 5 p.m.; potluck, 6 p.m., Memorial hall. / Shelton ! MRS. BERNICE STEWART (seated) is the new president of the Shelton Music Club. Mrs. Kathryn Steinberg is the new vice-president. Music Club To Begin Fall Season With Guest Night Guest night and a special musical program will highlight the opening meeting of the Shelton Music Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Methodist lhurch. Bernice Stewart, president, will preside. A business meeting will follow the program, after which refreshments will be served. Many programs are being planned to correlate with this year's theme "Moods in Music." These include "Crusade for Strings" by alga Stewart and Florence Paulsrude; a folk music program organized by Mrs. Dexter Edge; and an evening devoted to the study of Indian music, led by Mrs. Gladys Flakus. The Shelton Music Club, which is affiliated with the National Federation of Music, is a non-profit organization founded in 1942 by a group of women who were both civic minded and music-minded. Their goal was to enrich the life of the community through music. These efforts continue through regular club programs held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, by the awarding of scholarship grants for music to high school students, and by support given to various musical functions in the community. In 1969, Joyce Fisher was chosen to receive the annual award of a membership grant to Camp Flagler, where the study of music is conducted in a wholesome camp atmosphere. Also presented annually is the Arian Award, which is given to an outstanding graduate who excels in music. Larry Lawrence was the recipient for the class of 1969. The community is also served by club members sharing their musical talents in the presentation of programs at nursing and convalescent homes in the area. National Music Week, sponsored by the local club and by the National Eederation, has proven to be a highly successful effort to promote the enjoyment and appreciation of music. A worthwhile and interesting club season has been planned. Those interested in music are welcome to attend. Ritual Of Jewels To Be Feature Of Sorority Meeting The Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will hold the Ritual of Jewels on Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mike Ogden. Eloise Dean, 1070 Convention Chairman, and Lois Nichols, City Council President, will attend the meeting to discuss plans for the coming convention to be held next summer in Olympia. Two officers of the chapter having left the area, new officers were elected at the last meeting. Mrs. Linda Fore was elected vice-president and Mrs. Larry Knudsen is the new recording secretary. Installation of officers will also be held Monday. Square Dance Lessons Still Being Given Here Square dance lessons are being given at the Mason County Fair grounds every Tuesday evening from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. This week will be the second session, and classes will be open for two more lessons. The caller is Bennie Berndson of Olympia, who calls for the Salty Sashayers, the local square dance club. He is assisted by his wife, Hilda. "World's Easiest Method of Active Exercise" The Amazing RELAXAWAY original "SLIM-GYM" SEE IT TODAY AND TRY IT FOR YOURSELF AT YOUR CONVENIENCE For more information call ELAINE PETZOLD $1.O0 OFF On All Foldable Footwear Free 426-4582 i Merle Norman Cosmetic Makeup Lessons , through Sept. 30 by appointment ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON Elaine Petzold, Owner Closed Monday 6th & Laurel • Shelt0n • 426-4582 -- III I I I Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 18, 1969 Troop Leaders Meet Thursday Members of Service Unit 28, Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council, met at the home of Mrs. Ernest Malloy last Thursday to make plans for the coming year. Troop leaders attending included Mrs. Carl Anderson, Troop 43, Bordeaux; Mrs. Ed Cole, Troop 505, Mt. View; Mrs. Harold Zangl, Troop 374, Bordeaux; Mrs. Carl Johnson, Troop 533, Evergreen; Mrs. S.W. VanderWegen, Troop 306, Mr. View; Mrs. Richard Wolfer. Troop 603, Mt. View; Mrs. Everett Goldsby, Troop b34, Pioneer; and Mrs. James Dean, new Brownie troop at tloodsport. It was decided to celebrate Julielte Low's birthday with a tea November 6, and to have an arts and crafts fair and demonstration during Girl Scout week in March. Troop organization was discussed. Both leaders and assistant leaders arc needed for troops at each school. Troop organizers and Consultants are also needed to complete the Service Team. Any adults desiring to work in (;irl Scouting should contact Mrs. Malloy, 426-3488; Mrs. Goldsby, 426-1296; Mrs. Robert Fuller, 426-6449; or Mrs. VanderWegen, 426-4346. Sale Proceeds Will Benefit Jayette Project The Shelton Jayettes held a bake sale on Saturday, the proceeds from which will go to benefit their community projects. School record Books, Current Stationery Notes and Jayette Cook Books are still available. Those wishing to purchase them should contact Mrs. Jerry Swartos. The Jayettes will be assisting the Jaycees with the Teen-age Theater this fall, more information will be published at a later date. A Ilalloween dance is planned for November 1. All Jaycees and their wives are welcome, and it is hoped that everyone will wear a cost u me. The next general meeting will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Carl Hellman with Mrs. Jerry Swartos co-hostessing. Scientists Services The Christian Science Lesson-Sermon this Sunday includes a prophecy from Isiah: "And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." The subject of the sermon is "Matter." Services are open to all and begin at I I a.m. at First Church, 302 Alder. Another passage in the lesson, from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, reads: "Mortals arc inclined to fear and to obey what they consider a material body more than they do a spiritual God." Mrs. Fuller Is New Chairman Mrs. Robert Fuller has been selected to succeed Mrs. S. W. Vander Wegen as chairman of the Mason Association, Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council. Mrs. Fuller, with Mrs. Ernest Malloy, Service Unit Chairman, now heads Girl Scout activities in the Mason County area. The first Mason Association meeting of this school year will be held early in November, following the conclusion of the National Girl Scout Convention in Seattle. Art Show Is Huge Success Many spectators were attracted to the Sidewalk Art Show presented by the Shelton Adult Art Group Saturday in front of the Penney store. Several of the 51 paintings, shown by 19 artists were sold and also various small articles from the bargain table. Art lovers cast 270 votes for their favorite paintings. A scenic painting by Velma Graves received most votes for first place; Florence Steven's desert scene placed second; and pictures by Hazel Beckwith. Ina Wivell and Vehna Graves tied for third place. A painting donated by Mr. and Mrs. Walt Baker of Allyn was won by Ken O'DelI, Shelton, in a free drawing. Republicans Fete Bremerton Woman Mrs. Albin (Alma) Nelson, 806 Cogean Ave., was notified last week of her selection as the Washington State Republican Woman of the Year by the state club's board of directors. She has been 6th District director for the National Federation of Republican Women in the state of Washington for the past four years, and treasurer of the Bremerton club for the past I0 years. She has also served seven years as secretary of the Kitsap County Central Committee. Mrs. Nelson is a past worthy matron of Order of Eastern Star, past president of Olympic Past Matron's club, social club, and of the Kitsap-Mason County Past Matron's Association, OES. Plant Back Specialist I:our" Robert D. Plant, 19, son of Mrs. Jeanne Plant, Shelton, is one of more than 600 men of the Army's 6th Battalion, 56th Artillery who recently returned to the Air Defense center at Ft. Bliss, Tex., from duty in South Vietnam. He is now assigned to the Air Defense Center. Grange To Meet Mason County Pomona Grange will meet at the Shelton Valley hall on Sunday at 11 a.m. Baha Have Service "Youth - Builders World" will be the year's World peac members of Baha located in over cities will dedicate it to The purpose Day is to spreat of America's sp raise the world. It is the U.S. Baha'i This year observing a yol overall theme World." Youth members 0 Olympia have honoring this held in OlymP 220 E. Union A songfest p.m., featuring popular "folk" singers, an group, a group soloists. At 7 p.m. Everett Peace, with the Jinai Singer welcome to atten Each year tla attracting more Youth are actor Faith and in places to take Baha'u'llah, the Faith. Last year C o m efforts on beha Human Rights Silver Anvil Public Relation' America as the special event the program was ,, Are God-Given The Baha'i Persia (now Baha'u'llah, I (1817-1892) as Bearer of God'S that all true the same pivil the Prophets Word of truth is continuO not final and teaching of oneness of vn headquarters Wilmette, international o Mt. Carmel in AndersOn !! Navy Hosi Marine Anderson, son and Mrs. Claude Shelton, is in t in BremertOn developed malaria' Vietnam. fie arrived in Calif., Sept. 5 to Bremerton. Cpl. Andersor months in Vie to leave with h when he became ill. Experience is schoolmasterS' schoolfees are heavY" Now Appearing Tuesday-Sunday INTRODUCING DAVE & SUE "The Swinging Two" They have been together for three years as a duo. Dave plaYS,,.e organ, trumpet and piano while Sue plays drums Sue sings to ballads and standards wh'le Dave s0n" gs the blues and hard rock,, tunes. They also harmonize on swina tunes Thev pay a styles of music including most of the r'oldies but ClC)odies" as well as the current hits. In the past Dave played with the Jerry Sun Four at the Hacienda in Las Vegas and Harvey's Wagon Wheel in Lake Tahoe. Dine In Air-Conditioned Comfort Sunday Breakfast Buffet 10am to lprn Daily Buffet 11am to 3pm Come By Boat- FREE Moorage AdjaCent To Restaurant Ph. 943.7770 OLYMPIA'S WATERFRONT To