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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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a member of the Evergreen Wranglers mare will go to Kathy Jones, who was this year's winner. the colt which was born last week to the Karen says she has not yet selected a name for the colt, Wrangler's Folly. A member of the club is which, like its mother, isa registeredquarterhorse. Breeding tregistered quarterhorse mare each year. The service for the mare was donated by Mrs. Nancy Jacobs, Oraiseacolt from the mare and then keep the Matlock. Sire of the colt is King Beetch, a stud on the ,e mare is passed on to the next winner, Karen Jacobs quarterhorse ranch. She will also donate the breeding :he mare last fall. When the colt i... s weaned, the service for the mare next year. Report Given there are similarities, rise significant the enonomic t0ttay which arc industry and 1966-67. difference is that CUrrent credit past, demand much faster case after the according rnes, Executive Western Wood A Came during an gave Friday, the 1969 Fall rtland tlilton improve, and he noted that it would seem that now is the time for retailers to begin replacing depicted invemorics....,, "Efforts to compare the past with the present have been greatly complicated by the distortions that have been introduced into money and credit figures by recent actions of the Federal Reserve," Barnes said. The action of the federal government in cutting back on its construction projects will not Regional Library Board To Meet that the forest The Timberland Regional is caught in a Library board of trustees will brought about hold its regular September federal timber meeting at 7:30 p.m., today, at s, rising laborand the Nor'Wester Restaurant in Centralia. Members of the berC°Upledprices with and Centralia and Chehalis City Commissioners and City library boards from Centralia, C'hehalis boom is and Winlock have been invited to Continued. The attend. continues to more families The Timberland Regional nation should Library district's 1970 budget will be under discussion as well as lard the largest cooperation between the cities 3wn. and the regional library district. timing of that The monthly meeting, which is vary economist, normally held at Timberland ut, adding that Regional Library headquarters in monetary Olympia, is open to the public. reversed in the The board plans to hold 970. monthly meetings throughout the r market will five-county area in the next few months. Supplies may be limited! EEKEND . Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only MISS BRECK HAIR SPRAY ' Franklin 426-3327 create as much of a problem as it might first appear, he explained. "l..ast spring, when the bo0mmg housing market br?ught about a shortage of available timber, WWPA's field foresters found 3 billion board feet that could be sold by the l:orest Service and harvested without the need for construction of additional roads," Barnes said, adding, "'And, of course, if the sale is large enough, industry will build the roads." He urged a "wait and see" attitude for lumbermen, warning that the experience of any other year or era does not necessarily provide a meaningful parallel to the events of 1969. SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE. SOMEBODY was careless with FIRE! Hurryl Hurry! 2 '69 Dodges Left and 1 '69 Dodge Truck teftl '66 MUSTANG harp condition. New Tires $1495 "65 FAIRLANE 500 6 Cyl. stick $995 '64 FORD ½ TON 8 Cy'. 3-speed $1095 '63 Dodge Convertible c $895 '63 orvair Monza $395 SEE 'EM AT PAULEY DODGE Front & Railroad 426-8183 III Oyster Drill Regulations Set New regulations to control the regulations pertaining to oyster 4. Three new restricted in some detail may be obtained spread of oyster drills (an oyster drills as required to properly shellfish areas were established in from the Department of Fisheries predator) in Puget Sound, Grays index the regulations in the Puget Sound (Hamma tiamma in Olympiaatthattime. Harbor and Willapa Bay were Washington Administrative (?ode Flats, Hood Canal; tipper Case adopted by the Department of Book. Inlet, North Bay; Henderson Smokey Says: Fisheries in Olympia today after The modifications and Inlet, South Bay). public hearings to discuss the new additions to existing regulations 5. Certain existing regulations w e r e c o In b i n e d a n d t h e .-xit. l".OWll-'lll regulatiOnSseptember were3 andhetdininNahcottaOlympia follows:Which adopted today are as requirements for a permit to r.;l..F=. a=-,-''l] September 4. 1. Four restricted shellfish transfer oysters and oystering "V/,'d-/nl The new regulations define new areas were established in Willapa equipment within a restricted area " .f-...,  J restricted and unrestricted Bay (Middle Sands, Nemah and or within an unrestricted area .,]k,,v_¢€91 shellfish areas, reword previous Nemah South Side, Goose Point, were changed. ::.llli.))lT regulations pertaining to Cedar River. ) 6 Recodified the regulations ¢;'* PlllllVllllkl transferring oysters and oystering 2. The ren, ainder of Willapa pertaining" ' to oyster drills" as. ,:,"//,'i.;.fia,k'"]!'' equipment within and between Bay was declared an unrestricted required to index then, in the '///@.,l',/,,l,{k "qmUl|l restricted and unrestricted areas, shellfish area. Washington Administrative Code r:/ k  ' C O m bines certain existing 3. (;rays ilarbor was declared Book. i' ] ', ",'i,. [ regulations, and recoclifies all an unrestricted shellfish area. The new regulations will take LK_ 1',..4,,, .'1 effect thirty days after filing, ts of sometime the later part of 17J id October, and copies of the " n C en regulations which describe the unrestricted and restricted areas ..... - s kill wildlife. Bat Bites Told 0r---------------'-'s,= ,.= 0 date this year, according to William H. Barker, M.D., comn]unicablc disease sectiom State Department of llealth. 'F°ur °f the 37 bats submitted t° the State Health ' I!, Department Laboratory for examination this year were found to be rabid, Dr. Barker reported. One ot" these bit a Chelan (ounty boy in June Another bit a woman in July in Lewis County. A bat exhibiting 'i   O unusual behavior was found on a man s front porch in Skagit (ounty, and another was found near a home in Okanogan County. Neither bat had bitten anyone, but both bats were rabid'so long as good weather holds up and bats continue to forage, they arc a potential source of danger, said Dr. Barker. ,, He repeated his warning abot, t bats. Any bat may be t FORD AND MERCURY l rabid, whether it appears ill or not. The public, children in particular, should be warned, against handling bats, or other I AT l wild animals, forthat matter. : JIM PAULEY'S NOW' t Instances of people having beenbitten by a raccoon and a skunk have been reported this year; and both situations I FREE I required administering anti-rabies treatment to those bittern according to Dr. Barker. The following steps are recommended when a person is ! ! bitten" by a bat, wild animal, or an unprovoked dog or cat: As I COFFEE • DONUTS • PRIZES ! the rabies virus is carried in the saliva, cleanse the wound thoroughly with alcohol, soap or detergent."- # FRIDAY and SATURDAY # C°ntact I°cal health auth°rities t° arrange f°r a I I I laboratory examnination of the offending animal, if it can be SEPTEM_ER 19 & 20 captured or killed. Great caution should be taken to avoid I aIM PAUtEY $ t damaging the animal s brain. , Consult a physician or the local health officer promptly about further steps which ntight be necessary, l 5th b Railroad 426-8231 0 I I IIIII I BRAND NEW from It1!1 CG 530 CORNER GROUP 2nd & Cota Streets q APPLIA__NCES_ • • FURNITURE Phone 426-4663 Thursday, September 18, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13 AVAILABLE: Correlated Tweed and Stripe; Gold, Amber or Blue (illustrated) OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 117" x 75" x 36" deep MATTRESSES: (2) Sealy Quality Innersprings TABLE: Stain-proof Laminated Top, 36" x 42" x 24" COVERLETS: (2) Dupont Fibercoil filled Quilted Tweed, Scotchgarded ® BOLSTERS: (3) 36" Wedge shape, Correlated Stripe ak= a= -- BASES: (2) Correlated Boxspring units with Shepherd ball casters =4 t9 OPTIONAL: With POSTUREPEDIC mattresses and boxsprings WITH POSTUREPEDIC