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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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n e Planning For Smorgasbord S The major part Grange meeting, Potluck supper will, t, be discussing the to be All members are Present so that the be successfully Portion of the cial Club's turned out for the week. Four guests the Charles Dunlaps, the e becoming new the business part :unate that more of which are COme to these special etings) were not this interesting Presented by of the P.U.D. The Samples and Showed a color Pointed out the trees and uses of Following that plans for the the Island in latter part being nterest to this area's have through the months become fact that much of equipment in our n t function as well men shed some pun) on when this situation to is hoped that by this year new tween here and been installed residents here and mainland a much of voltage than to, especially months this burst of applause residents may have rning was not It came from anders who were delight in finding )usily surfacing piece of known as north of same the source many since it in mid-summer. WOndered if that to be passable Winter months if d prior to bad Illand has been the recipient of further modernification (don't look for that last word in your dictionary -- it's an original!) recently. Thursday of last week the equipment that writes its own brand of morse code on our highways and byways was on the Island performing its messages on all the paved roads. The main message being, now we all, residents and visitors alike are suppose to be able to tell which portion of the road is our respective share each side, not the middle! And the first part of this week some of the P.U.D. crew were busy installing light standards on the bridge so that in near future we'll be able to find said bridge on dark winter days and nights. Somehow this reporter feels those pretty red and one green light won't be quite colorful with this forthcoming bit of modernizing. Now for a tidbit of reader service. If some of the rest of you like myself went to the Bookmobile last Thursday at the regular time and waited to no avail for the for-mentioned vehicle. Now hear this (and pay attention) - the time of arrival was changed as of last week. On the Bookmobiles next visit which will be Sept. 25 or Thursday of next week it will be at the School between 11:20 a.m. and noon. The Sid Baunsgards had an enjoyable couple of days at Lake Quinault last week. They stayed at the Lodge and enjoyed beautiful weather and tried a bit of stream fishing which wasn't successful, only fun. Overnight guests and the Irvie Wingert home the latter part of last week were the Antone ttendericksons, a cousin of Hilma's. She reported it had been 11 years since the visitors, from Seattle had been to the Island. Visiting the Bud Glaser family this week is Donette's mother, Mrs. Don Eddy from Hoquiam. Another note from the Glaser home is that Pat Glaser is currently on crutches as of a knee injury which occurred du'ring hcr P. E. class last week. She pulled some ligaments and will be on crutches yet for a couple more weeks. Wilbur and Doris Jacobsen'last week headed east of the mountains for a short camping trip in the Yakima area. They planned the outing to conclude ai Randle Saturday, so as to be on hand for the wedding of Arnold Pratt and his bride. He is the son of some very close friends of Doris and Wilbur, the Frank Pratts also of Randle. This week the Wilbur Jacobsons headed for Eugene for a bit of business and to visit their daughters and families also while in the area. Recent guests of Marie Crouch and also the Wilbur Jacobsons, was Les and Vi Johnson of Olympia and three of their sons. Rusty Yates parents surprised him for his ninth birthday by planning' an outing to a horse show near Elma. Island friends the Chuck Bridges family who are horse enthusiats, had told them of the Fun Day Show, scheduled for this past Sunday. Since that was the date of Rusty's birthday it gave the Glenn Yates the idea. Going along for the llorse Show and picnic type birthday were Tacoma friends, Carol Bengelsdorf and children, Susan and John and also the three Seamen youngsters, Christine, Brad and Craig. (They and their morn, Jacky, have been renting the home formerly owned by Florence Jerrells since about the middle of the summer. The three children are attending Pioneer School). Another surprise for Rusty came when Grandma Lila and Aunt Ella Kennedy who is presently visiting from Colorado appeared at the Ilorse Show. Crashing the party much to their delight as well as Rusty's was another Aunt, Elizabeth Nelson and her son, Tim and daughter, Jean, as they were ending a trip around the Loop together. (More about this later.) After all the events were over, some of which the Chuck Bridges family placed among the winners, a birthday picnic followed complete with cake and pudding and presents. But the events which were to makethe birthday very memorable were yet to CO lne. Usually one and one add up to two, or at least this is what most mathematicians will tell us. ltowever, Sunday evening they were to add up to eight very sleepy youngsters, plus one sleepy bus driver (yours truly) come Monday morning. It all began when Chuck brought his truck down to load the three horses, Tonka, Chip and Tinkerbell. The truck bogged down in loose sandy gravel to start things off. Thinking the weight of the horses might help, Chuck started loading them on the truck. During this process Tonka managed to get away from him while he was changing the bridle and halter. After some time he was once again rounded up and loaded along with the other two. Seeing this was not going to do the trick a neighbor with a tractor was called for help. Several tons of horse flesh was just too much for the tractor to hack - so the horses were unloaded. After much shoveling and pulling with the tractor the truck was finally freed from its near sandy grave. Another spot was chosen for the loading process and at last all were on their way home. But unbeknown to everyone all was not well. The Yates car coming around the corner near the old ferrylanding suddenly came upon about ten bottles, mostly beer bottles, scattered clear across the road, not in the ditch where most litterbugs pitch them, and was unable to miss all of them, which made the car owners furious since they'd just put four new tires on the car last Friday. Which leads this reporter to make this observation: Judging from the ditches along roads all over the country of ours, beer drinkers are certainly messy people. Perhaps we have more than enough laws now, but one more seems like it might be more effective. That is, instead of fining litterbugs as is now being done, if they were made to clean up a portion (several miles) of our highways and byways, they might think twice before they opened the window and heaved anymore rubbish out the window! The Chuck Bridges weren't out of the woods yet either. While taking their horses back to pasture on the Sunset Hill they ran out of gas just as they nearly reached the turn. This meant a three mile hike for Chuck back to the Seward home for gas. By the time they finally resolved these lastest problems, the three Bridges children could have won a contest for least amount of sleep of the whole bunch. All in all a very, very memorable ninth birthday for Rusty Yates. Thursday evening of last week Lila Peugh and her sister Ella Kennedy visiting from Colorado set off for Seattle. The next morning joined by a third sister, Elizabeth Nelson and her daughter, Jean and son, Tim they all set off on a trip around the Olympic Pennisula. First they stopped north of Seattle to visit Elizabeth's oldest daughter, Cleo Somers and family. MASON COUNTY'S entry in the agriculture and horticulture exhibits at the Western Washington Fair won second place in the county competition. The Fair continues through Sept. 21 in Puyallup. Exhibits are judged on a point system, with 200 points being awarded in five separate categories including livestock products, agricultural products, horticultural products, vegetables and overall booth arrangement. 13TH YEAR OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING OLYMPIA ADULT EVENING SCHOOL (In Cooperation with Centrolia College)  LUMBEHMEN/S REGISTER NOW ! ! '""""" s,.,,. ,,o.,d.,, ,, letely - Comp Enrollments will als° be received during week when classes start" of Shelton Register at Even00.g School Office - 1302 North Street - Olympia Class Instructor 8rent names combine to bran8 you dins carpet buy of the year: Of ShaRon • Installed $ @ Guaranteed Installation with 52 Oz. Sponge Rubber Cushion and Tackless Strip. 20 BOLD COLORSI Sq. Yd. Accounting I Lissner "Accounting I Bowman Accounting II Lentz Accounting, Govt. Wieland Adult Basic Ed. Huston Adult Sac. (Eng 1.3) Riffero Adult Sec. (Erie 5.7) James Adult Sec. (U.S. Hist.) Mesojednik Adult Sac. (Mud. Hast.) Webster Adult Sac. (Gen. Math) Brockway Adult Sec. (Soc.) Arnold Adult Sac (Econ.) Barner Algebra Moody Americanization 'N. Johnson "Art I Heal Art II Benefiel Audio.Vis. Workshop Tidwell Auto Mechanics, Apprentice Hendricks Basic Assembler Lang. Stalling Bookkeeping J. Smith Card Punch Hughes Carpentry, Apprentice McCulOough, Sorter Cashier & Checker Trn|. Hummel Clothing Const., Adv. Wiltz Clothing Const., Beg, (A) Wiltz Clothing Const., Beg. (B) I. Smith Clothing Const., Beg, (C) I. Smith COBOL, Advanced Kohr "Commun;ty Health Kenney *Creative Writing Dolliver "Crime & Delinquency II1 UJL Paterson Data Communications Long Data Processing Survey Michaelis Decision Making for Mgt, Thompson DOS Systems Concepts Conant Drafting & BP Reading Mulligan "Driver and Traffic Safety Ed. I Munson Driver Training Bourn, Remsen, Matthews Duplicating Mach.--Offset Press Schmidt Effective MEt, for Small Bus. Bigeiow Electronics, Basic Dunn Employment Goals--Your Right Place Stovin Engineering Fundamentals McKenzie English as a Second Lang. Mathews "English Composition McGandy Figure Drawing Chamberlaio Film Education McCahe First Aid, Industrial Asp, But'foot, Clancy, Wight, Burwash *Geology I Easton *German I Simmons Gift Wrapping Dresser "Group Dynamics Giroux "Group Processes Giroux Hand Knitting, Intermediate Kennedy 426-2611 TM Trailridge -high-style sheared effect-2O bold colors- "Building Mason County" tvenln I Class Instructor Evening Wed "History of Western Philosophy Saibel Wed T. Th lndus. Arts Curriculum Dev. Workshop Bell Man Man "Inquiry Training Workshop Hunter, Wed Toes Eisenmann T, Th Interior Decoration Lofgren Thurs Man Investments Tuohy Man Wed Guidance, Intro to: Ensberg Toes Tues Landscape Horticulture Edwards Thurs Wed Magtape--Power Typing Reese  Man Thurs Medical Terminology Scheopp Wed Mon ' "Modern Reading Program, Pri. Peirce Thurs Wed "Office Communications Cope Tues Mon Office Practices Review Parker Wed M, W Orchestra, String Wright Wed Tues Organizing Mgt. Time & Budget Systems W. R. Thompson T, W, TN Thurs (3 days) Sat Perception and Human Behavior Eberle Man Wed Piloting (start Sept. ]6) Grindstaff Tues Wed Power Typing/Supervisors Lira Thurs Wed Programming, Computer (Int. to) Swanson Toes T, Th Prosperity's Mental Laws Stovin Toes Toes *Psychology I Carlson Thurs °Psychology, Deviant (U. of W.) Scharf T, Th Man Psycho-Cybernetics Stovin Toes Thurs Reading Improvement Miller M, W Man "RPG System 360/30 Mueller Wed Tuns Retirement, Prep. for (Educators) Hough Thurs Wed *Russian I Ramsauer Thurs ThurS Savings and Loan Accounting Goddinl] Wed lues School Bus Driving Richardson Sept. 22, 2!, Man 25, 26, 2tt Thurs Shorthand I Hanna M, W Man Shorthand la Case M, W Fri Shorthand II Bushnell T, Th Man Shorthand III Benoit T, Th Toes Small Engine Repair EsborB Wed Wed "Sociology Bacon Mort Sat *Spanish I L. Anderson Tues Toes, Wed Spanish II L. Anderson Wed Man *Speech Berg Wed Wed Stenoiraph Shorthand System Stiiwell M, W Thurs Systems Analysis Lund Toes Tues "TABA Higher Level Thinking Proc. Usitalo Thurs Sat Tailoring Parpall "Man T, W Teacher Training III Shull ThurS Tues Typing I Walter T, Th Thurs Typing II and III Murphy M, W *Wed Typing Refresher Kisler Tues Any Understanding & Motivatinll Pennachi Wed Employees (B) Upholstery (A) Cotey Tuac Man " Upholstery (BI Cotey Thurz Mon Welding, Farm Shop (A) Milholland Toes T, W, Th Welding, Farm Shop (B) Anthony Moo T, W Welding, Industrial Shoblom Wed T, W Man *Contralto Colbtl* Dial 943-3910 °Control Wash. Shire €ollq, Office Hours: 12 noon-9:30 P.M. Dr. Leslie H. Armstrong, Director  Mrs. Juno McNamara, Secretary-Rellistmr Thursday, September 18, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - ge 17