September 18, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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For hie
COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from
' color negatives only, 19c. 5x7
enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's
Camera Shop, ]24 No. 2nd.
For Sale Used Cars
We specialize in quality compact coupe for sale. $125. Phone
furniture for your mobile home. 426-8808• D9/4tfn
At Olsen Furniture you're always
welcome, 4th and Cote. 1946 CHEVROLET =/2 ton
tillers. See now at Mike's RELAXAWAY, the original
McCulloch Sales and Service. "Slim-Gym". World's easiest
2215 Olympia Hwy. North. method of active exercise. For
3/28tfn information Call 426-1276.
FOR SALE -- Large selection of M7/!7tfn
reconditioned ranges, SLIM-GYM. Lose inches, tone
refrigerators, washers, dryers, muscles. Free home
Eells & Valley Appliance Center. demonstration. Call 426-6707.
6/Stfn W9/4.tfn
or black/white with each roll left
at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it.
426-6163• 5/25tfn
TRADE IN YOUR old furniture
at Olsan Furniture, 4th and Cote.
4/] 4tfn
ALDER, FIR, any length,
delivered Shelton vicinity. Phone
426-8113. B8/7tfn
room.size rungs. Custom-made
draperies. We measure, expert
installation. Your satisfaction is
/uaranteed. Free estimates.
ou're always welcome at Olsen
Furniture, 4th and Cote.
426-4702. O11/18tfn
Regular $675.00 now $595.00.
Johnny's Music Box 205 Cote.
426-4302. J7/7tfn
YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut
and wrapped. Expert cutting and
wrapping. Shelton Foods.
426-6523 S3/27tfn
ONE KITCHEN electric ran(i•,
double kitchen sinK,
HOTPOINT refrigerator, 14.2 cu.
ft., cross-top freezer, frost-free,
white. 5 yrs. old. Like new, $]50.
426-1531. C9/11-18
condition, ideal for children and
beginners. Call 426-3431.
FOR SALE -- Good, effective and
inexpensive advertising. Just call
The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tfn
FOR SALE or trade hunting rifle.
Phone 426-3]72. Rg/] ]-10/2
USED INSIDE doors for sale.
Phone 426-6725. C9/11-18
USED 6-year crib, $10; used TV,
$40. Phone 426-]214 anytime
except Saturdays. T9/11-18
FOLDING Porte -- Cycle or
bicycle folds to 24 x 27 inches to
take in car. $65. Also 15 gal. fish
aquarium complete. 426-6552.
78 sq. yds. good used carpet. Call
after 6 p.m. or weekends. Phone
426-6683. U9/18
ickup. 4 speed transmission.
uns good. $125.00. Phone
426-6152. F9/18tfn
WANTED 1959 or 1960
Chevrolet or Buick, 2 door, also
410 gauge shotgun. Phone
426-6072. 09/]8
1960 FORD convertible 352,
4-barrel. Must sell -- college.
$300. 426-6177. W9/18
WRECKED car will sell for parts.
1960 Dodge V-8 good engine.
$50. Phone 426-2575. 19/]8
1954 RAMBLER, automatic
transmission, clean, low mileage,
economical transportation, $150.
Phone 426-3054 after 4:30 p.m.
Used Cars
'69 Galaxie Hardtop .... 3395
'67 Mustang Hardtop .... 1895
'66 Plymouth Belvedere .t 195
'66 Merc Hardtop ...... ! 595
'66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795
'64 Rambler Sedan ...... 695
'64 Galaxie Convert ..... I ! 95
'63 Chew. Impala ........ 895
'63 T-Bird (air) ........ 1095
'62VauxallWagon .,....695
'62 Dart Wagon ......... 695
miscellaneous doors and windows. 10" RADIAL Power Kraft '61 Mercury Sedan ........
Hoodsport 877-5312. $8/28-9/18 tri-power shop, model TPC23008, Boat, Motor and
........ for sale. Phone 426-2003. Trailer ................ 695
SWEET CORN for sale. Stun H9/18-25
Johnson, Skokomish Valley .......
Phone 426-1467. J9/4-25 MOVING must sell some
YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut' furniture and household items. 23 MORE CARS
Sat. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 624 Birch.
and wrapped. Expert cutting and C9/]8 TO CHOOSE FROM !
wrapping. Shelton Foods.
426-6523 S3/27tfn ,_ DON T merely brighten your
;OR carpets•B,ue Lustre
them...ellminate rapid resoiling.
fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat Rent electric shampooer $].
trailer. 426-6286 W6/Stfn IPJkr
Coast to Coast 9/18 Used Tru.._s
E*oVE EXCESS Body flU|d BUNDY Clarinet with case $80.
with Fhidex tablets, only $].69
Viola, student size, with case, '65 Ranchero ......... 1495
at Neil s Pharmacy, Franklin
Square.... R9/]8-10/23 $90. Phone 426-3021. sg/18 '65 F.250 Pick.up ...... ,395
; ...... SARAH Coventry. Jewelry by '65Ranchero .......... 1395
fashion show or will show in your
home, privately. 426-8172. '56.1nt.A-Ton, 4x4. ..... 695
NEARLY antique. Matching solid
front china cabinet and buffet.
Solid quartered oak, hand carved, 8 MORE TRUCKS
natural hand antiqued waxed
finish. $225. 877-5211 or TO CHOOSE FROM I
877-5277 evenings. K9/18
8ee at GARAGE
Clothes, washer, jars, furniture, JIM
OIsen Furniture bow00ing ball. Miscellaneous
.,..Do,. ....0. 0,,,c,o. F,,0. ,, -AULEYP
426-6629. F9/18 |S
WOOL RUG for sale. ]2 x 17,
' with pad. Good condition.
Neutral tweed, $50. Phone BOB--BUS--BILL
426-8787. M9/18 5th and Railroad 426-8231
Immediate Delivery , TRADE -- Bolex Zoom camera, l()rli;; ; V
NWOIMT projector and screen for chain
saw• Table, $15. Phone _ _
Hoodsport. 877-5856. F9/18 ....
Model Cabin ,.., Evinrude and Homelite
motors. Factory-tralned
10 Year mechanics. Hood Canal Marina,
L u m be rmen's Vacation Union. 898-2252.4/Jtfn
Free ReplaGement
The Ilotpeiat Custom elan|lee
water heater provides the ulti-
mate In autemstle, sMe, era-
elent operation. And best f all,
It Is Ie, elced by 1O year tonk
replemeat warranty.
Fells & Valley
Appllenoe Center
2nd A Cote 8t.
Phone 4211-46113
Complete Homo Furnishing
Homes have outgrown itsi
present model cabin on
Lumbermen's Parking lot.
Will move to your lot for
cabin, office, etc. Easy terms
-- $6,995.
Used Car=
]961 FORD econoline pickup.
$450. Call 426-4574 Monday
through Thursday. $8/21 tfn
2 ton 1946 FORD truck, big box,
$250. Phone 426-]386. $9/11-18
1946 FORD coupe, has Chev.
283. Needs work and
transmission, many extras. Make
offer. 426-2103. L9/11.10/2
Form, Boston Whaler, Schock
sailboats, Evlnrude, Homelite.
Uppy's Hood Canal Marina,
Union 898-2252.2/15tfn
16 ft. BOAT, motor and trailer.
426-4870 evenings. E8/14tfn
18 ft. BRYANT Convertible, 2 18
hp. Evinrude motors with trailer.
McCulloch chain saw, 42" and
36" bar. 426-6190. S8/28tfn
Pets, Uvestock
K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle
clipping and pet grooming. Call
Mrs. Kimball for appointment.
426-8988. 8/31tfn
Nye Building Supply
Complete Building Supplies
Weekly Specials
235 lb. roofing
Seal Tab roofing
235 lb.
Interior Latex paint $3.25 gallon
Semlgloss enamel $4.95 guile.
Off the
Phone 426-8224 Cole Road,
-P-e 20- Shelton-Mason County Journal- TlSeptember
our dog with us if over 20 Ibs.
eI.Ru Kennels 426-2387.
N8/14tf n
FOR SALE $250. 200;r. aiack
Angus bull, sired by one of
Carnations best bulls. 426-6158.
V9/1 ttfn
FOR A WELL mannered obedient
dog,. enroll in. Companion Dog
Tratnlng bcnool. Beginners
obedience classes startin Sept. 10
and Oct. 7. Confirmation open
and utility classes. Knowledgeable
instructor former German
Shepherd Club training director.
All breeds welcome. Es 7-1647 or
TR 6-8939. L8/28-10/2
[i ';:
• l lib i:i
: l lJ RATES ;[
I 15 words or le $1•50. _
I • 10 cents for each additional word over llk !
• FOUR (4) insertions for the prioe of
THREE ($). eedaY ' lf
• Cleselfled dudllnel 3 p.m. Tu ' !F ,
o. o :o o
Mmellaneous Red
CALL 426-8773
7/4 t"
I i i
BABYSITTING wanted in 'my
home, one child only, hourly.
FlosSle P_arle, phone 426-4309.
Inquire 1505 Mason St. E9/18
and night classes available. Mike
Ceramic. 426-8655. R9/18-10/9
services Wanted Wanted to Rent ' i
ELECTROLUX SALES & SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st WANTED to rent 3 or 4 bedroom EARN EXTRA Christmas money FOR SALE: Lalg V/t@"a "nome. Downt°wn'furnl#d'
Service. Electrolux bags available, and Mill. lways buying copper, home with good furnace. Call with Rawleigh Cosmetics, spices 'furnished or
Free delivery. Call Jack Manley brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-1264 after 6 p.m. H9/4-25 and extracts. Write for free 79 L
426-3544. 1622 Boundary. 426-8626. S6/26tfn booklet and interview. Minnie '426-2544orft
M8/15tfn --- ------------- ---- --------- Daniels. 710 Exchange St., bKIr00fl
WANTED --Alder Logs. 9" Aberdeen, Wash. R9/11-18 VERY NICE kitChen,
EXCAVATING, HAULING, and diameter and up. Mason For Rent carpeting, neoWldsbOrOUl,t
clearing. Free estimates. Ph. Hardwood Co. formerly Smith _-_-_-..--_-__-_-_-_--_- ---------------'----------"-'" 135 ft. ocn terr.4 z°'" |lh
426-4378.M4/4tfn Gordon B. Moore. NEEDAIder Mill.RIDE426-1411.from SheltonM4/24tfnto Sherman-Clay,S7"95 RENTS asouthnew SoundPian°" Real Estate s9/18512'5°° ........
CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, Olympia, 5 day week, 8 a.m. to 5 Center, Lacey. Phone Olympia ---------------"-----'-------"----- j
speedy, accurate. Precision p.m. Contact after 6 p.m. or 491-3370. S8/22tfn THREE BEDROOM houses, close -- #
grinding. Now at Saeger Motor weekend 426-8656. C9/18-I0/9 in. One bedroom country house• .
Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. For Rent. One upstairs apartment Must have some cash. 426-8113 R I .1
1/]Stfn WANTED pump shotgun. Will for single, quiet person. Inquire or inquire 311 Cookson St.
reload shotgun shells. Phone 526 Franklin. B7/24tfn B7/24tfn
remodeling. Roofing, patios, FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 4 years
carports. Smaller jobs also. Call unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill old. Drive by 2009 Stevens. Call E "'L ...SL, ,--,
Osborne's 426-6241. O]/25tfn Help Wanted Apartment. 426-6593. B7/lOtfn Essex 7-8161. E8/14tfn
ORGAN LESSONS, Shelton area.
Call Sherman.Clay, Olympia. -------'----------------------------- FOR RENT one bedroom house 3 BEDROOM home, 4 lots V4 mile
furnished, view, large garage. $75. out Arcadia on Stewart St. Phone
491:3370.9/4tfn EARN WHILE you learn. Farmers Hood Canal R.E. 877-5211 or 426-8987 after 4:30 p.m. $9/4-25 -sIDE, $ 2g'000" 0o ,1)0.
Insurance Group has opening for 877-5277.9/18 ANGLI whendY.
PIANO LESSONS GIVEN, high trainee. All lines of Insurance. MT. VIEW. 3 bedroom, fireplace, And you'll agraverYu.l
school student with professional Call -- write Russ Fry, Route 1, WATERFRONT one bedroom carpets, drapes,patio and carport, that it s worn, e
backing. Call Cinda Watson, Box 381-D1, Olympia, Wash. unfurnished apartment for rent. Fenced yard• 426-218] after 4 much more than hecusto
426-8239. W8/14-10/2 352-7996. F9/11-10/2 Hoodsport area. References p.m. A9/ll into this 2 levees, _,[2full
required. Call Hoodsport homealRfieuPlll.!nP,,__du,. ]11.
BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light WOMEN TO demonstrate and sell 877-5312. S9/18tfn BY OWNER -- 3 bedrooms, rec. top q on an
grading, back filling, sewage Kosmetics, Hair Fashions & Eye room. with bar, 1½ baths, garage, we can go
systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Fashions. No experience BRAND NEW, never been lived 6% mortgage. Asking $17,500. you see it.
Kadoun, phone 426-6893. necessary. Will train. CalI KOScot in, Sound view, 7 miles from 426-8077. D9/18-10/9
7/22tfn Distributor Mrs'. Bridges town. 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,
426-2488. B9/1]-10/2 fireplace, carpeting, drapes, TRADE OR SELL! Charming
AUTO PAINTING,ec55 and up. $150.00 plus damage desposit, place: 2 bedroom home, 4 units
• (rear) Health Spa. 10 miles Palm
Also trailers, Phone SELL BAUM TOYS-- Party Plan! References required. 426.6735. Springs. 3 blocks town. $22,500
426-4322. R9/11-10/30 Car necessary. No Del. We train. M9/18-10/9
Excellent comm. 426-3397. .illness) Box 243. Desert Hot
INSULATION MC7/10tfn SMALL ONE bedroom house for bprings, Calif. $9/18-10/9
APPLICATORS.AND suppliers of adults only. Inquire 722 Pine -PTTRACTI-VE 2 bedroom iiouse,-
rock wool and fiberglass blown WANTED - Responsible lady for Street. P9/i8
and blanket home insulation. Call babysitting and light housework, large lot, fruit trees, carpets,
Two children 6 and 8. Must have fireplace, on Angleside. 426-4877 ALSO ON ANG _ honl.
for quotation, 943-1360. for appointment. B7/31tfn
transportation. 426-8501 or 1 - 2 BR Apartments A 2 bedr°°bSernent'
fireplace, par,/r fU_;
Willamette Valley Co. 7/17tfn 426-1488. H9/18tfn $110 WATERFRONT LOT with 2 I
new torcea'= .........
]PIVI CollJ4tor BOY WANTED for morning Appliances, Drapes, CarpeLs, bedroom home for sale at Lake attached g ar o0,fi t "
paper route. Wyandotte area. Call Nahwatzel. F. E. Hewson, Route and we .0 taW ;
ABe'1' PA.ING 426-6527 before 7 p.m. R9/18tfn Water, G.rbage, Ample Parking 2, Box 137, Grandview, Wash.
io Pets Asking $/,
, * Driveways 882-2484. H9/18tfn 5,000 fal I1
MT. VlEW;$2_,ionllY..:£|
; Parking Lot= HELP WANTED -- Custodian, JEFFoE?tONIeAwPTS. CIAL. Above T " me n.Y '_.
EOB K MIIEL CONIT. start. $440. per month. Apply h ,s exceP" -- ,u,.
district office. Evergreen - • average potential, below average well-built .11o .^u 3:4 .i.
4:18-41 • IltOO Elementary school to Bruce Jaros, -none 426-8663 price, excellent corner, 23/4 acres, right one LOr.;Oa/l,!
-" assistant superintendent or Frank 12/5 t Grapeview, $3,500 terms. Maple ,, ,.
I a rge t .a m_'_ .tilltY ., f h_'!
J ' Willard, director of special ' Valley Land & Homes. Eves call kitchen, laarjeereb,0¢l,ni
GENERAL HAULING services at Reed Building. I " 426-6961, 426-1374. M9/18 built-in g ature"
Sand - Pit Run - Gravel $9/18.25 MT V EW many extra feed cor rl;
H,,,-, oa=,r BY OWNER -- 4 bedroom home,
____.______ well landsCaP btttl,';;/
5-Yard Dump Truck .evvuu ,,Pt,,ar central, $11,000. for quick sale. area of n
and Loader - Peat Soil APARTMENTS Garage, 2 lots, phone 426-4209. Full price .,less aim" ::" "
TEL. - FRANK - 426-3153 )st & Found Mc9/4.25 mortgag e =,, ,
2 BEDROOM talk about it? 'J;I,
8/21tfn • ilLS•• iBLSI=• ell•Ira= FOUR bedr m, dOub car
........... MALE DACHSHUND, brown L MI r I1 I11111 =rll I1 garage, big workshop, completely V i EW, $! 59,Mkak
with light spot on the back. Available NOW, remodelled, built-in kitchen A MT
Bob Ogden Dayton area IVz weeks ago. . .... appliances, .dishwasher, $700 u
426-8949. C9/18 RIO ,'-'ets equity, assume FHA contract, and - om r /PiL
INSTALLATION SERVICE LOST-- Small black diary. CONTACT MANAGER 426-6637. K9/11-10/2 iii!ts!YlVbaeertl,eeki
Contact Charles Stevens, Laugen 426-3100 ....
attached -g*-ent to lt.
C=rpeting- Formic- Apts. No. 2, Pine and First St. 42(155 MODERN- 3/4 ACRE ar age'
and a Ppolnw' ,OOrM 1.
Ceramic and Linoleum :/18
'bordering Creek. Plastered 4
Lieensed, Bonded -------------------------------; bedroom, living, dining, laundry, 3 BEDR
NEW -- u,
, Services And ,t can b
& Insured Real Estate Wanted 1 baths, large entry. Loads of . e 0
Birch cupboards and closets, as 5% down'-aca, la'.dll
" .................. Large fireplace, 3 car garage, with firep .1 ,'7lli
Phone 426-31558/8 t room -rage - .a IP'i!P,t
EX;HA--N-P----. '...-T-- --- .... workshop. Garden and Berries. attached gcln a.,-.1I [I
Septic Tank _, ..u," -- wna, you nave -- will carry c,ntract except, k,,, s a )ul"d_bi
for what you want Kurt Mann, :: .. , .... ::'-,. .....
Realtor-exchangor 426-6592 Near MCt.mary--.o-ao. carpeteO,,",n d o,'..1#4,I
Custom Installat,ons 8/18tfn " " V8/7tfn $1 7 ,O uu: will ta"t, "IL'J
500-gal.,'750-gal, 1,OO0-gal. owner-bU"O=-in your hO;¢nt.l°t' gv- J
Uphollterln, Drain Fields. DitchOigging. ' ,00PRIME SELECTIONS etc. aspar I -if,
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire -- -- HILLCRSanTd-ng$' |
Samples shown in your Sharer Digging Service An ou needs --t #.dBl,"
home. Free pickup and Phone426-3660 WA RONT HOMES .... How about 5 acres of !hadOlaael
' delivery. Cr 5-2157, Belfatr 1/27 tfn Spacious 3 bedroom home on semi-cleared forest land for
Arcadia Point with one of the only $650 down with
Phone McCleary 495-3447 finest bulkheaded fronts in the payments of only $30/month Better clleck on , a0..all. '
SB/7tfn Work Wanted area. Along with beautiful on a contract of $5,500?
landscapeD grounds also HILLCRES T'lv''=;vl0l
includes 2 bedroom Dandy 2 bedroom home on This one has had ° 01
HANDSA-W- 'IK--WAN3TED------Mar;ed guesthouse, large garage with Arcadia Road near the city and attenti¢'r°°r.ll!l;!
woman, 37, desires full time plenty or work area, separate limits. Attractive panelled kitchen, dinina¢ i-,
& TABLE SAWS employment, office preferred. 8 boat house, patio by main rooms, electric baseboard heat large utilitY, at , , 1
SHARPENED years experience, payroll and house as well as large cement as well as wood stove, and lovely coveredllu II;f, 'fl'ql-
taxes. Write Box 500, c/o the play area near the water, etc. If some fruit trees Worth witna ,numvra at$ftj
ou want top qualtt --let's o checkin for only cq P.nn
171' Jet,enBon (Mr. View) Journal. 9/11.18 ;ok. $52,500. Y g g ........ Truly a,,,' tr'a
will include
Ph, 426.6687 H 2/17 tJn EXPERIENCED MAID wants How about 43/4 acres of cleared furniture and aP' 11"
wil handle.
' Very charming home with real acreage near Lake Nahwatzel. 7 e "'
LANE - housework, permanent. Have own feel!ng of comfort. Has nearly Very suitable for home .$1 1'
transportation. Non-smoker. Days
HOUSE MOVING only. Phone 426-21,2. L9/lltfn 220 of watertrontwith private construction and has a few SUBURBAN" I .t°..'
dock near the Camp Bishop fruit trees now. Priced at owners willeeofj/,
House. Re!sod, Foundations WANT WO R K -- General end of the lake. Tremendous $3,375 with $750 down and bedroom -
housecleaning and ironing, depth to the land allows more monthly payments at $35 on home on .a=<o/i.'001Tl. t'
and Leveling 426-1032. N9/18 than ample space for a 2nd the balance. - modest 2 "
dwelling with sweeping view'of in the $5,ue ' i5 t II1' ;ltlil,
Phone 426-8147 WILL BABYSIT in my home the water. All of the extras you
1/27ttn Shelton, call 426-3178 after 6 expect with fine property are CITY HOMES .... if our ha .
thiYs might be_,. w0"" " ]rl
p.m. T9/18-25 here. A good value at only
home on Mountainview with WATER
many plus features. Has nice LAKE i.l.IM '''-''np" lal<ef.;''
RESIDENT and Opportunities cozy 2 bedroom home with family room, fireplace, 3 bedr°°m.-,-=n tn-" r,L.
80 of salt water frontage on separate workshop& hobby b: s/ed tvc0vl
COMMERCIAL =--------------------------------- sheltered cove. Really an room, private bath off master t
EARN EXTRA Christmas money excellent retirement bedroom, nice carpeting, reduce youllit,s.";
J. E. HARRIS with Rawmlgh Cosmetics, spices opportunity. Attractive year attractive birch cabinets, etc. financinualitY,,, ' . 1
Bonded and Ineured bookletand extractS.and interview.Write forMinniefree whyr°Und thisView" oneLet USis showeD nice.Y°U Only $17,500. see !tSeW carl P °'' JLI.
Tirepla , see IZ'" *Jlql '
Dent,Is. 710 Exchange St., $25,950. -- Call to 11 t
Aberdeen, Wash. R9/11-18 AL. pI ill;
A RE'A €" r;rlC . Flffl
U n iq ue vaCa Ia @ - .,rq'
Publkoflons bard to believe the price also bedrooms, family room, 2-car bedroOm^n st#fdt r
includes a furnished 3 bedroom garage; good AM-FM intercom cottage ' ch w,°tl# . ,IL'
system, large kitchen with all pebble beJe ,,(;l¢_dPt
of the labor saving appliances, south s"ill ,li r"' "t
covered patio, and handsome prlce,.,¢ L' b
furnisn,,'50 3.
today. :1''
Will Buy or
Personal Furniture or barred. N N
CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed u,._APpllance-s ROBERT705 SouthL. SNYDERLawrence Street
Tacoma, Washington 98405
pregnant teen-age girls. UGN
Agency. Collect calls accepted, ne.y Furmfure
Attorney for Estate
Florence Crlttenton Home, PA 125½N. 5th
2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 625 So. 1st 426.2411 Shelton, Washington 98584
98178, 8/28tfn ....... - , ....... 9/18.25-10/2-3t
18, 1969
NO. 4058
In the Superior Court of the
State of Washington for Mason
C°n't'e"'" Matter of the Estate of
MOLLIE E. FREW, Deceased.
The undersiqned is the
appointed and qualified personal
representative of said estate.
Persons having claims against the
deceased are required to serve the
same in duplicate, duly verified,
on the undersigned or the
attorney of record at the address
stated below and file the same with
the Clerk of this .Court, together
with proof of sucn service.within
four months after eptember 18,
]969, or the same will be forever
How about another Mountain
View home? This is a
Here's a real buy. With 178' of custom-built beauty with all of
salt water frontage on cove and the care in planning that goes
4% acres of fine backland, it's into a fine home. Has 3
home. This really is a dandy
piece of property. A package
buy that can't miss. Low, low
price of only $20,000. fireplace in separate living
ACREAGE AND HOMES .... room. Really a home built to
• last. $29,500.
An excellent 2 bedroom home
• with approximately 2% acres Large 3 bedroom home in
near town. Everything about downtown area. Each room is
this home is just as crisp as an large and really allows you
autumn day. Cheerful space to enjoy your living
fireplace, Iovel panelled walls, room or dining room activities
carport, sew|ng room with without being cramped, down
view, and has about 165' of Features family room,
frontage on year-round creek, fireplace, lk baths, garage, and
Country living with city just all.round comfort. No
convenience is yours for only need to have a car with this
$16,750. Check this one out! one. $19,750.
],10 RAILROAD AVENUE " 426-4447 21 R.R.
Evenings Call: I
DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601
i H