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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CUds Of Thanks bF THAN KS cpress our deepest vely floral our grief Dyed one John Swanson Jr. 59/18 Ibd Estate :res with creek, $550 acre, two lton. Owner. CABIN water and ront home, 15 [d "Ski,, Purdy Canal Properties ft. waterfront x 00.00 completely bank beach, Quest cottage, ,500. 140 x 700 Double ft. $75.000. beautiful Condominium view of r, $34,500.00 ireplace, best m acreage. Canal I) CANAL 3PORT or 877-5277 AGENCY .ET SPECIAL "'k lots on the bay These lots are ;d finest left $190.00 per and snap while it is 20% down at Irooms? 21/2 baths, room, 3 r heat, large II court, fruit to make it a Selling contact this Iterest rate. and with 3 ted close-in a number trees on today as it Priced at RADE ith one down Ctric heat, With nook. space and ding on rage or of well kept t home in tional if ith luest oc d on trees (20) and some 12 miles ,500.00 and cl on 2 lots Commercial. ;s of being very livable. $1,500 down PROPERTIES s available for Id enjoyment. r COurse and  available on CT SPECIAL :ET qth plenty of s or woo d I to sell at ,er & sewer r60ft, x 00' ISlde lots for Wood supply, 00ENC l9 0 InSUrance b426.6188 y legal Publications NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Special Meeting for the purpose of reviewing the final budget of Southside School District No. 42, will be held on Thursday, September 25, 1969, at 7:30 P.M., at the Southside School. Any interested taxpayer is welcome to attend. VERN L. BEDELL, Clerk Southside School District No. 42 9/18-25,2t Real Estate Hood Canal New 2 bedroom home- all new furniture and appliances. Beautiful carpets and drapes. Large landscaped lot includes close beach access with dock and float, 5 minutes to stores. School bus at corner, $33,500. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-521 ! or 877-5277 Union 898-2155 Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A. M., Monday, September 29, 1969, at the Mason County Commissioners Office in the Courthouse, for furnishing the Highway Department with one (1)used Diesel Powered Motor Grader. Specifications and Proposal forms are available at the office of the Mason County Engineer. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept only that bid deemed most advantageous to the County. DATED at Shelton, Washington this 15th day of September, 1969. Board of County Commissioners Mason County, Washington By RUTH E. BOYSEN Auditor and Clerk of the Board 9/18,25-2t Real Estate PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center-- P.O. Box 410 Gig Harbor-- 857-2121 Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND State of Washington Department of Natural R eso u rces Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 29th day of September, 1969, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Shelton District Headquarters, located at Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, by the District Administrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to wit: MASON COUNTY Application No. 33889 Nordby Lake Sanitation located approximately 18 miles by road Northwest of Shelton. The sale is composed of all timber marked with blue paint bounded by sale area boundary tags and property lines on part of El/2 SEV4 of Section 9, Township 22 North, Range 4 West, W.M., containing 7 acres, more or less, comprising approximately 50,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir. Minimum acceptable bid: $2,600.00 Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to August 31, 1970. Cabin on Sherwood Creek $7,950 On or before September 29, !i 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder 3 Bedroom home, Grapeview must make a minimum deposit of $24,750 $260.00 in the form of cash, 3 Bedroom home, Grapeview money order or certified check. $15,000 Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised 6 tenths of an acre, Brockdale price. Upon award of this sale, the Road $1,950 respective deposits shall be "THE ACTION OFFICE" 226 N. 1Bt St., $hefton 83' SALT WATERFRONT. Spectacular Marine View. Gravel beach. $6,500.00. Terms. 180' BAYSHORE ROAD FRONTAGE. Close-in. Marine View. Old well. $5,200.00 Terms. HUGE CITY LOT. 2 Room Cottage. Room for another residence or mobile home. $4,500. 5 ACRES. Solid LOG CABIN. $4,950. HOME & BUSINESS LOCATION! 4 Bedroom dwelling, Shop, Garage, 150' highway frontage. All city conveniences. $11,000.00 terms. FOUR CITY LOTS for $3,200.00 terms. BIG, Recently Renovated, 5 BEDROOM HOME. 21 ACRES fenced pasture, good barn and LOTS OF COUNTY ROAD FRONTAGE. $32,000.00 terms. WE HAVE SOME EXCELLENT FARM PROPERTIES, with or without buildings. HARSTINE ISLAND -- we have three good waterfront tracts available on the Northwest Side. CALL 426-1141 NOW! Evenings G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 426-8858 Albert Windell, Assoc. Broker 426-3681 "Jim" Roush 426-8522 226 N. 1st St., Shelton LaBISSONIERE Real Estate PRIVACY & FISHING: See this almost new 3 bedroom home, completely carpeted, built-in range, and lots more. Country living, private lake fishing & boating, paved county access, and school bus service almost to the front door. $16,500. UNDER $1,000 DOWN: This lovely 3 bedroom home has been completely refurbished inside and out. The neighborhood is country like but inside city limits. North Shelton. See it today at only $13,500. 26 acres near Shelton $22,750 60' Waterfront home, Treasure Island $25,500 Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-6911 evenings and weekends. D AN/ELS EALTY 1618 Olymilo Highway 8oath 426-1600 MORTGAGE ASSUMPTION Assume this 5V4 F.H.A. Mtg. on this 3 bedroom home-- fireplace -- large rooms -- double garage - 2 lots -- $4,700 takes over the mortgage with $132 per month includes -- taxes and insurance -- Come in and ask us about this one. SPENCER LAKE 2 lovely lots with waterfront access -- $3,500 per lot -- Owner will hold contract -- Get ready for next summer now. CHARMING 3 bedrooms -- carpeted living room and dining room --bright sunny kitchen -- patio -- garage -- bath -- basement -- close to schools and stores -- $18,500 RAMBLER ON MT. VIEW Corner lot -- 3 bedrooms -- bath and a half -- carpeted living room -- paneled dining room --kitchen with built-in stove-- large utility room-- oil furnace -- workshop-- carport -- $19,000. Building Lots -- water & sewer -- 4 lots -- $4,000 -- 30 ft. lots -- Angleside VIEW LOTS 2 lots -- overlooking city -- small house on property -- $8,900. Contract will be held by owner -- small down and monthly payments. SEATTLE BUILDING LOTS 6 -- 30 ft. lots -- Close to Boeing -- Quick sale $5,500 WALKER PARK 2 building lots -- $2,500. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426-1600 WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 Associate Broker iiii • returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, the purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional "amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00 This balance may be paid by personal check. On the day of sale purchaser must also furnish a cash bond of $200.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: via Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District Headquarters, on Monday, September 29, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administrator of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 9/4,11,18,25-4t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A special meeting for the urpose of reviewing the final udget of the Grapeview School District No. 54 of Grapeview, Mason County, Washington will be held on Thursday, September 25, 1969 at 7 P.M. at the Grapeview Schoolhouse. Any interested taxpayer is welcome to attend. SARAH F. CLAYTON Clerk-Director School District No. 54 9/18,25-2t Mr. Realy State says: "Picture yourself in one of these homes:" DOWNTOWN-- $11,000 • Creek Frontage • Good Storage • Large Lot • Double Garage • Fireplace • Carpeted Living Room • 3 Bedrooms • FHA Terms HILLCREST-- $14,5OO • Newly "Remodeled • Close to School • Fenced Yard ,lllltiiii • Potential 4 Br's. • Excellent Condition • FHA Terms 5 Acres... Totten Shores... Only V2 mile from the city limits to this 4 bedroom family home. Get away from it all in this 565 square ft., 2 bedroom house. Extra choice ground for the weekend farmer to raise that extra Handy access to community park, beach and boat launch area on beef. We think you'll like what you see and you can use our trade-in program to sell your present home. $17,950. Reduced Pricell 4 Acres... If you have dreamed of owning a truly find country home, now is the time to make your move...we're proud to offer this well-planned home andwe know you will enjoy owning it. If you can imagine over 3,000 sq. ft. of finished living area with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, spacious living-dining rooms, 3-car garage, deck and even a stable, you have some idea why we want your family to inspect this fine home at $39,500. Call now for an appointment. Four Down... Over 1700 square feet of living area in this new Hillcrest home. The 4 bedrooms are on the first floor and the rest of the rooms, including a large family room on the second floor. Nice view of Olympics from the kitchen window. Priced at $17,000 with terms. FHA-$12,000 "[his 3 bedroom South Hill home can be yours for only $530 in down payment and closing costs. Payments of $105 include your tax and insurance. Lots of room in the house and located on a large lot. Let us show you how easy it would be to own this home. Totten Inlet. Good drilled well on property. $7500 cash, or will consider terms. Woodland Manor... Brand new 3 bedroom with 1V baths, 1-car attached garage, and a 90' x 12]' wooded lot. This is a good quality home at a price that many families can afford. Call us today for more information, and ask about our trade-in plan. Your Place Too Big? Then let us show you this extraordinary 4 year old, 2 bedroom home on Angleside, located on a spacious corner lot in an area of race homes. A range and refrigerator are included, and there's a single attached garage with plenty of elbow room. A good buy at $14,500. Quick Henry, The Carlll Don't wait to see this conveniently located 2 bedroom home on a Southhill corner lot, for $7950. There's 800 sq. ft. of living area, electric baseboard heat, formal dining room and 1-car garage. If you have $1000, and can pay $75 per month, you can buy it. Investment or Recreation!! 10 Acres Near Shelton-- Just 3/4 mile from city limits with county road dividing property into two parts. Approach to road in on both sides. Invester terms $1,000 down, $75 per month at 7Vz% interest. Total price $8,000. 10 Acres-- Agate-- Wooded. Secluded. Public road to property. Power nearby. Priced at $7,500 with terms. 5 I/2 Acres Nr'. Spencer Lk00, Near public access to lake. Lots of county road frontage. Recent survey. Perfect for that out of town mobile home site. $5,500 with excellent terms. Cabin-- Just across Hamersley Inlet from the Bayshore Golf Course. Some view of water and mountains. Water and power in. Enjoy it now while you finish the interior to your liking. Priced to sell at just $5,850.00. Waterfront $50 Per Foot Hard to believe, but true. Nice cleared lot at Star Lake on channel just off main lake. Water and power to lot. Total price only $2,250 with terms. Lot Near Hospital. Nice wooded building lot on dead end road. Owner will sacrifice for $1,100 cash. Mt. View Location...$24,500 Here's a good, practical 3 bedroom rambler, that is sure to please. Just 5 years old, it has lJ/2 baths, big 2-car garage and fenced back yard. A family like yours will buy this one. Angleside View Homel A very nice 12 year old home with nearly 1500 square feet plus a full basement for a 4th bedroom, shop and rec areas. Price is $24,500 and owner can help with the terms. Planned For Important People 01d Country Perfectionll r'--'"""""-'-'-'"-'""""" 1 to, that add that certain something to this 3 bedroom suburban finest homes, is this sparkling new rambler with 2,000 sq. ft. of carpeted living room, extra large living area. It has 4 bedrooms, 2Vz baths, huge living room with home. It s close to town on half an acre with trees for country style kitchen, large utility double fireplace, push .button kitchen, and an intercom system background. A $22 500 home just 4 years old. room, shop or store room, | with AM-FM radio. Ano it s convenient to most everything. carport, much more. Edge of town, outside city limits, i i • • , , ak=.,I A Custom F,mshed Beautvl DOLL HOUSE: Here s a dream of ,| Plan ruev.e*** , In the range of fine homes th:s one stands out ashav ng more of I k hi out see if ou don t a-ree this downtow ...... r lot those expected features for less dollars than other a one bedroom home for the I Chec t's ... y  H Uf.¢ S now been young couple starting out or ....  ......... v .......... There s use that could .... t ea h, ...,',,, ,,÷ .... ,^,=,,,;= ' even an old ho offered. The master bedroom suite s one such ,tern Let us r h= ,,;,,+=, ,,,h; .......... ;÷ Ca nnn qnterestedVl our.Tancy .we and..g ve you a guided tour throu h this 29 someone just a little older ................ y ..........  .....  .... ,. . , . g $ ,900, withtheWantingc°untrY'accessa smallerjustnearacrossthehome.saltthelt' i I • • . oeoroom "'home." ,t's got everything! Excellent condition and you New Lnstlngei . afur! Oynn,  lr €/o Lvkrdelh w°n't believe the price! Call n°w" I I : ie:eVendnvt I N V E S T M E N T M IN D E D oDl(d;r t rlsthSoo°ne'" Ofci/°JsWlrthfm rut .X O  ' mrr ecu laantc 2 :u redroo m h o me BUYERS WANTED: 3 nice rental basement. The upstairs bedroom could be div'd . . ! Y . . P P • . .  g g .Y wn private units, 2 furnished, excellent I 1 I ooinion at $11500 Good contract terms Why not De first oock. TneswimmingisgreaToo.-rice-- oumghtnotbelieve-- cndition. Close to school and irlstead of too late again. See it now! " is just $21,500. Contract terms with $3,5K( down too!! grocery store. There's a double garage and 2 way access" Better I :: I • AtBI • • see these today. Listed at ryl Rambling F00xer-Upperl , Ve mpremvell Walk into this tremendous home and you won t want to leave. It . s of dollars to be made here for someone handy at sha ing WE STILL NEED LISTINGS IN TOWN OR IN THE COUNTRY' I I is on a large tract adjoining a lake development and enjoys all thlngs uP" Nearly 1900 square feet and a big beautiPullYlandsca ed double lot w,th frutt trees r I privileges of the development. 3 bedrooms for size and a very ..... I ., ' " , ga den and a I. Only EXCEPTIONAL 2 bedroom desireable property at $22,500. You really should see it! )*o,ouuandthatsarealbuy! It's vacant, too! house for rent, no pets. Furnished or unfurnished and owner will I I accept 1 child. 10 miles from DICK KNAUF 426-8110  "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 town. $125.00 plus damage deposit, ii--  || DAVE THACHER 426-8635-- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 1 il lilll N Jl B Call 426-1641 S VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 -- -- .., --l,- BevThomalon426-8615 : = E R00AIT , n LaBI$$OHIERE REAL EaTATE- INSURANCE I 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. L. 5G& Railroad 426-8231 . I Thursday, September 18, 1969- Shelton-Mason C0unty Journal - Page 21