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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. % - THIS IS PAR] OF THE crowd which filled the room at the dedication of the Senior Center last week. Jhe Shelton Referral Center was dedicafed last Wednesday evemng :is tile Shelhm Senior Cenler, Tile facility will now be directed t,~ward activities lo help semo¢ dfizens, but, will continue to maintain some of the same services which if has been providing. A capacity crowd, including a large number of senior citizens, were on hand for the dedication. Speaker for the progranr was State Representative Charles Savage tie said senior citizens should take an active part in the community affairs and thai the new senior center would be a place where such activities could start from. Master of Ceremonies was Elda Otto, chairman of the Mason-Thurston Conlmunity Action Council, which sponsored the project. nee The Shelton City Commission volcd Tuesday that no CllVlronmenta] inlpacl statement w~mld bc needed on the new oltlce building planned by Simpson Timber Company off Film Street. The action came on the recommendation of Cily Engineer Howard (;odat who told the conlmisslon he had reviewed plans lor lhe proposed building and lound they would have little efiecl on tile environment. Colonel John Agoa, representing the United Good Neighbors appeared at the meeting to discuss a proposal for solicitation among city employees. The commission stated they would h)ok into the request. A letter was received from Dr. Douglas K Larson of the Shelton Veterinary Hospit~ in which he suggested animals sold from the city pound be given a veterinary check. The commission stated they would ask Police Chief Frank Rains to clear up a couple of points with Dr Larson on the proposal Godat reported the street paving project was making good progress with Shelton Springs Road, the John's Prairie Rtxtd. 13th Sfreet compleled and Northcliff Road started License asked The State kiquol ('onllol Board announced this wcck than an application for a retail license has been filed by Janles Itarvcy Franklin for a tavern license, for "Jim's Tavern", Route I, Box 135B, Hoodsport. UI Judge Gerry Alexander heard guilty pleas from four men who had been scheduled to go to trial during the jury term this month. The four appeared in Mason County Superior Court Friday. Pleading guilty to charges which had been reduced from second degree burglary to petit larceny were Chris and Steven Clinton, both of Shelton. They were charged with taking items belonging to Bennett Cooper which were stored in an unoccupied house last May 9 They were each sentenced to 30 days in jail, with 28 days suspended and were each fined $250 and ordered to pay the cost of their prosecution. Pleading guilty to a charge of second degree arson in connection with an old building which was burned May 20 was Thomas O. Moran, 32, Shelton. He was represented by Fredrick Frohmader, Tacoma Attorney. He was given a two-year deferred sentence and ordered to contact the alcohol information and referral center. Frohmader told the court his client was employed as an electrician at the Puget Sound Motorcycle-car crash injures Arizona man Charles W. Cole, 44, 2014 N. 47th, PI, Phoenix, Arizona, was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon when the motorcycle he was riding collided with a car at Highway 101 and Bellevue, the Shelton Police Department reported. Officers said Cole suffered compound fractures of both legs, internal injuries, a broken arm and a cut on his chin. A passenger on the motorcycle, Peggy tlaisten, 41, Phoenix, Arizona, suffered a cut wrist and possible internal injuries. Both were taken h) Mason General Itospilal and then transfered lo Madigan Army ttospital at lorl lewis by MASI helicopter. Driver of the car which was involved in ~he collision was Tamalyn Anderson, 16, 604 Arcadia, Shelhm. Officers said Miss Andelson was stopped on Bellevue slJeel planning h) lurn llorlhl)ound on llighway IOl. Jhe ('ule motorcycle was southbound on Higl~way I 01. Officers said the passenger on the motorcycle told them they were going up the slow lane on the highway when the accident occurred. Money versus life The employer puts his money into . . . business and the workman his life. The o,re has as much right as the other to regulate that business. Clarence S. Da;row In Shelton Flight Instruction [3e(jlllli(?1% Iht li ,](Jv,iil(.efl ~,3}lrl(t ID r/l()(iCrrr (~','HI~] dll~ t,.If{ for more information: John Bernsten: 426-6235 or Capital Airways 357-82 I 2 Olympia REAL ESTATE Buyers Need Salesmanship Too! Vince Himtie HIMLIE REALTY Courtesy and friendly ~elat~ons are the od that makes the wheels of commerce turn easmt; m a real estate transaction they may well save you money Never forget for a minute that we are all humans under the skin complete with emotions, prejudices and preconceived ideas of right and wrong. If ar, owne,'s ,mp~esston of a buyer ~s unpleasant due to a rernark, or attitude of discomtesy it could affect his response to the buye~ 's subsequent offe~ Most people selling a home have lived in it long enough to make fast friends among their neighbors which they may hope to retain even after they move. It is important to them that the people they sell their homes to be nice people their neighbors can accept. These feelings concerning prospective buyers can reflect their reaction to the buyer's offer. Sellers have been known to even lower theu price to sell to a family they felt would be good for the neighborhood And there is literally no end to the road blocks an offended owner can throw up. Remember that the projection of a pleasant attitude usually brings one in return and a smile is very infectious. Festival meeting The Mason ('ounty Forest Festival will hold a meeting, at 7 p.m. Juesday nl tile Puget Sound National Bank building. Reports will be heard from the nominating committee, on the float and on budgels. OPEN EVERYDAY 10 a.m. to 5"30 p.m. Antiques of all kinds. Large selecfion of 2nd hand merchandise. BELOW WHOLESALE New IV Stands {or for ,,tereo components, book shelves, etc.) t 1400 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-9546 .::::v > Malibu Oassi¢. A luxury Chevelle, new this }'ear. With full foam beats. A fohl-dm~n front armrest. Wo-,d-grained invl accents. Elegant irmer door panels. Extremely tasteful upholstery and cut-pile n)hm carpeting. That's just inside. The exterior is just a,~ classic, in character and in detail, as the interior. Yet, it remain~ mid.size. And. it remains all Chevelle. \Vith Chevelle handling and at a Chevelle price. No~ that ~ou'~e looked. come and see the ne~ Malihu Classic-and all the 197.1. Chin rolets. The one,, shou n here. plus Impala. Monte Carlo, Nm a. Corvette. pickups. arts and all our new (:a Is arid trucks. Build~a-bettcrv~tYt°~eetl~e[I~L Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 20, 1973 dealer's Sept.20 Naval Shipyard and that lie had been drinking at the time of tire incident, lie stated Moran had no prior criminal record. Pleading guilty to a charge of sale or delivery of LSD was Ronald Augustine, 25, Shelton. A second count involving another controlled substance was dismissed. He was represented by Ward Rathbone, Olympia attorney, tie was given a two-year deferred sentence and ordered to pay $200 into the current expense fund of the county. Rathbone told the court Augustine had served in the Marine Corps four years and was honorably discharged and is presently employed as a logger. tie stated Augustine had spent 36 days m jail before being released. The ;.it lorney stated Augustine had no prior criminal record, but, did have some drinking offenses. Also appearing in court was David Coffey, who is charged with two counts of negligent homicide m connection with a traffic accideut earlier this year. Donald Ingersol, Olympia attorney, was appointed to represen! Coffey on tire charges. IF YOU DON'T FARMERS NON-SMOKER POLICY will insure youl life and aulo I~l a lol less moneY. AT ©FFICE MARV STILLWELL 125 N. 5th 000 -Paint 'em in wild bright enamels. -Apply a Flecto wood grain finish. -Antique with Flecto antique kits. Great for students. Four Drawer ...... Seven Drawer ...... $ $ CHESTS Sd Four Drawer ..... Five O $i Two s All are constructed of sturdy particleboard and hardboard. Kit- from Flect0 In 16 exciting shades. I ncludes: Basecoat - Glaze Plastic glove - Cheesecloth Complete Instructions Come in today and see how original you can be! LUMB RMEN' Of Shelton * 426-2611 "Building Mason Count '