September 20, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 20, 1973 |
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son of Mr. and
Rt. 3, Box 475,
,was announced this week
Merit Scholarship
it a senior at Shelton High
fit one of approximately
nation's high school
have been named
in the 1974 National
compete for some
Scholarships to be
next spring. In the
i i semi'lna'" iSavage says'bill willsave ' ": ' money
eighteen annual competitions The Semi-fainalists were th Semifinalists to all regionally schools, confirming thei high ,eu,s,a,lve ,
completed to date, 34,450 highest scorers in each state of the accredited U.S. colleges andPSAT/NMSQT scores on a second A constitutional amendment papel and printi,g. Sava~'c
students have won Merit Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude universities. Many Senfifinalists examination, and by providingdesigned to save inilliot~ ofexplained.
Scholarships valued at more than Test/National Merit Scholarship find this recognition useful in evidence of their academic and dollars in unnecessary lc~,.i~l:liive Savl-c in asking stlppOlI hu
$95.5 million. Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)seeking financial aid from sources other accomplishments. Ninetyc o s t s, i n t r o d u c e d b \ his measure, told tlouse membe~,s
According to Edward C. administered last October to over other than the Merit Program and percent or nlore of tile Representative Charles .%v;~,.~e ~1 thai an evc.n mme cxt~a;'>,:mt
Smith, president of the National one million students in about in the process of gaining Semifinalists are expected 10 Shclton, was the iit~t such xvasle of lnOllCV rcslilts II~;1H I]/c
Merit Scholarship Corportation 17,000 schools nationwide. These admission to college, become Finalists, and each measure to be apptovedo by die four or five• days dew,tud tt~
(NMSC), The Semi-finalists are students, who constitute about Semifinalists nmst qualify as Finalisl will receive a Certificate ttouse durin~ tl,etcccn~ "'windinR down" ihe old ~es~i,q~
representative of the nations one-half of one percent of the Finalists to advance in the of Merit in recognition of "stint-session." :rod the five or six. days lequired
most academically talented young graduating secondary school competition for Merit distinguished perfornlance in the Savage's proposzil to Io repn>cess the old hill,, before
people, and they bring honor not
only to themselves, but also to
their families, their teachers, and
their communities.
seniors in the United States, will
complete high school and enter
college in 1974.
NMSC identifies the
233 South First
The complete staff would like to invite
you to the 1974 new car showing
Stop in and see the exciting new
models and body changes for 1974.
will be on display
All models on display will be available
for purchase or lease Thursday
5th and
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Scholarships. To become
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WCC announces
The promolion of two staff
members of lhe Washington
Corrections Center were
a n n o u n c e d ! h i s w e e k b y
Superintendent Robert R. Raises.
Dennis C. Paul~on, an
employee of the ctuFections
center since September, 1064,
will be promoted to the position
of Correctional Lieutenant
effeclive October 1. Pattlson
began work with the institution