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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L llaursday, September 20 Club luncheon, noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., Washington Chapter p.m., Baptist Church. )n meeting, 8 Canal Woman's Club, Potlatch clubhouse. Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., County Democrat PUD. PTA, 7:30 p.m., recital by Monte P.m., Little Theater, School• Guild, 11 a.m., firehall. me Chapter Past Tree Park, noon, sale by Job's 9 a.m. -4 p.m., PUD. el Knott Orthopedic home of Mrs. Helen of Commerce board a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. potluck and ).m. the Reed Orthopedic home of Mrs. Laurie aage sale by Agate - 4:30 p.m., PUD. rtage sale at United King and G View, 9 a.m. - 3:30 22 tshayers, 8:30 p.m., larket to benefit Hospital, 9 i., fairgrounds. Chapter No. 40 uc Temple. 23 churches invite you the church of your |arket to benefit ttospital, 9 fairgrounds. 24 No. 3 comnaission P.m., PUD conference Cummission meeting, ~ridge Club, 7:15 truck in town. for pickups. Association of Mortgage Women, 6 25 2lab luncheon, noon, meeting, 8 shington Chapter health office. 8 pro., airport. Honor, 8 p.m., .II1.~ f Credit Women, taurant. iary potluck, 7 Sams, 7:30 p.m., ~ePtember 26 Chapter No. FROM Health of health care is A recent completed that the cost of increased as Cost of other the drug prices since 1966, the-counter about 10% ,Ph. 426-2165 on St.--426-3327 to 7:30 "9:30 to 6:00 341, 7 p.m., county health office. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn banquet room. Mason County Hospital District commission, 10 a.m., courthouse. Thursday, September 27 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, Timbers Restaurant. 6:45 a.m., Tops Washington Chapter 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Golden Age Club, 6 p m., Memorial Hall. Rock and Mineral Society, Inc., 7:30 pro., PUD auditori,m group The initial meeting of the County Sheriff's Department applicants for Mason County showed a movie depicting the role Sheriff Dan McNair's Reserve of law enforcement officers. program was held September l l in the county courthouse. Graef then gave a short talk on Thirty applicants attended the the need and value of a reserve meeting and were briefed by unit in Mason County. McNair, Chief Criminal Deputy McNair requests that any Tom Creekpaum, Inspector D.W. Todd, and Deputy Dick Gilbertperson who was unable to attend on the overall program and the meeting, but desires to apply training to be given, for the Sheriff's Reserve to Inspector Charles Graef and contact his office for the two members of the Thurston necessary application forms. Indians get grant for wells Congresswonlan Julia Butler Ilansen, 1)., \ka,;hmgttm, ~id this week the l)cpartment or ttealth, Educatiosl and Welfare has awarded a contract t,, provide improved he~dth t'acxlitics for the Skokolnish and Squ:txm Indians on the Squaxin Isl:!mt Reserw~tion in Ma~on Count). The $33,7~)(t ~,+ntract went Io Northwest l'u~,q~ and Drilling (' o tn p a n y ,~ t A u b ul n fo r constructi(m ,,f individual water wells a~d system on the reservation. Dale Bonded Fleshman and Licensed Days After 5 Septic Tanks Drain Fields Water Lines Pert Tests 426-3073 426-8896 IB tl •1 Iil II 1/20, E: PREMIUM PEANUT BUTTER CREAM y "CRUNCHY 18 OZ. JAR 24 0l. BoTI£E HAROLD'S BAKERY APPLE OR CHERRY PIES FRENCH BREAD EA. We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions. PHONE 426-3377 COFFEE MAXWELL $I" HOUSE .......... 9 LB. TIN INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL $ I HOUSE 6 OZ. INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL sis, HOUSE 10 OZ. DONUTS HOSTESS CHOCOLATE 75' ENROBED DONUTS ......... RED TAG SPECIALS ) ELECTRA SOL. ............ 2oo,. 37c 10 ~ OZ. TIN 3 POUND TIN 30.3 DRESSING WISHBONE ITALIAN ......... 8 oz. 42c WOOLITE .L?.U,.O ............. + OZ. 74c GLAD BAGS SANDW,CH os35c SIZE ............ COFFEE MATE ........... ,6' ( FROZENFO -ODS---- / GORTON 'S $ 2~, FISH STICKS OUNOS ........... ! ...... oz. 25c HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS SHAVE CREAM COLGATE 59C AERO-TIN ......... TRAC II BLADES ....... 9PACKSI'' ALKA SELTZER ....... +s COUNT 58c SUNNY LOU No. 1 CARROTS ................... ! 7 HUBBARD SQUASH ..................... 9 RADISHES ...... BUNCH 10 BUNCH 10 MUSHROOMS ......... 87 RED DELICIOUS APPLES LUSCIOUS APPLES BOX WE FEATURE DARIGOLD CHEESE: LUXURY, MILD MEDIUM, SHARP, JACK, CARAWAY, LONGHORN, SWISS, RED BOY AND EXTRA SHARP. FIRESIDE SALTINES POUNDBOX BLEACH 128 OZ. LAUNDRY DETERGENT I0' OFF LABEL 49 OZ. BOX DETERGENT (1 3' OFF) 22 OZ. BOTTLE BON I L U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS WITH GREAT FLAVOR ELESS BAR-S DUCHESS ASSORTED FLAVORS DUCHESS ASSORTED FLAVORS HUNT'S 16OZ. TINS GREEN GIANT VACUUM PACK 3 OZ. PKG. 46 OZ. TINS U.S. CHOICE BEEF LEAN TRIMMED ARM CUTS Lb. I5OZ. TINS U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS, WASTEFREE ROAST S Lb. 12 OZ. TINS F R E S H L Y GROUNDIN OUR OWN MARKET Lb. U.S. CHOICE BEEF WASTEFREE CHUCK STEAKS 19 45 l 19 PATRICK CUDAHY LB. HORMELS CENTER CUTS FOR A TASTE TREAT FRESH, BONELESS FILLETS MEAT....WITH CU DAHY'S MONEY- BACK QUALITY GUARANTEE Lb. II 29 IAL RAPEFRUIT J EY GRAH 49 PRICES PIE ICE KLEENEX WHITE OR ASSORTED -.. 200 CT. U I f~l~ DUCHESS , ~m,.. .....46 OZ. TIN AU SUNSHINE IVll~]p ... ONE POUND REAM BETTY CROCKER ........... 22 OZ. CARNATION HALF GALLON BUNSoR SHOP'mTE HOT DOG 8 COUNT PKG. ZEE ................ S0 COUNT MIX FISHER'S 14 OZ. PKG. 29c+ 49c ¢ C 95c tC C 35c WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING -- EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 DALLY 9 TO 9 EFFECTIVE SEPT. 20, 21, 22, 23 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED INC. Thursday, September 20, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7