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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5:" Orthopedic roup slates ea market A Flea Market to be sponsored by the Potlatch Orthopedic Auxiliary on Saturday and Sunday on the Mason County fairgrounds will raise money to directly benefit children from the county who are receiving care at Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle. In under-cover stalls and at outdoor booths and from the trunks of cars will be offered everything from houseplants to kisses. European bottles, hot doughnuts, knit goods and decoupage will rub shoulders with books and candles and general rummage. Children's Orthopedic Hospital, which had its beginning in 1907, has grown from a seven-bed ward in Seattle General Hospital to a 200-bed facility which last year accomodated 8025 youngsters from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, other states and seven foreign countries. For the first time, Mason County groups provided full financing for all free care given to its children. Those wishing to participate in the Flea Market may contact Mrs. Doug Hanna at 426-1009 or Mrs. Peter Janda at 426-8735. BOOKS are among the many items to be offered at the weekend Flea Market to be sponsored at the Mason County fairqrounds by the Potlatch Orthopedic Auxiliary. Karen Bittle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bittle of Shelton, is one of many Mason County children who have been treated in the Children's Orthopedic Hospital of Seattle, the facility to receive funds raised in the Saturday and Sunday swap-meet. Karen has spent five of her ten years under treatment in the hospital and will return for further surgery in January. Linda DeMiero will address homemakers Ms. kinda DeMiero, home economist and extension agent, will speak at the Shelton United Methodist Church on Monday at 7:30 p.m. Her topic is "Consumerism as Related to Food." She will give helpful insights to homemakers who are trying to balance the budget in our inflated economy. The program, sponsored by United Methodist Women for the women of the community, will be followed by a coffee hour. Eight and Forty installs officers Officers installed on September 10 in the Memorial HaU by Mason County Salon 508 Eight and Forty were Mary Dobson, Le Petit Chapeau; Merle Smith, Le Demi Petit Chapeau Premier; Addle Norris, Le Demi Petit Chapeau Deuxieme; Mary Sykes, Le Petit Secretaire-caissier; Beryle Faubert, Le Aumoniere; Mildred Lakeburg, Le Archiviste; Alice A. Hill, Le Petit Concierge; Ada Clothier, Pouvoir. Installing officer Jenny Perry from Thurston County Salon 642 Eight and Forty was accompanied by four visitors from her Salon. A potluck dinner was held at 7 p.m. Readers' queries are answered by WSU service Questions from readers are answered by Lorraine Kingdon of the Washington State University Cooperative Service in a column called Consumer Cues. For further information contact the Mason County Extension Office. Here are excerpts from a recent printing: JOANN SAMADUROFF, Lima music teacher, will present the program at the Tuesday meeting of the Shelton Music Club to be held at 8 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. She displays a musical instrument made of a calabash and animal skin brought from Togo, West Africa. Mrs. Samaduroff, her husband and their five children lived in Africa for five years as members of the Peace Corps. Her presentation will include slides, music and a discussion of her experiences. All interested persons may attend. Membership rally by Girl Scouts Girl Scout leaders of Shelton and Hoodsport voted to hold a Girl Scout membership rally next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Mountain View School At the same meeting, imld last Thursday, tile leaders voted to have all Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts, with their parents and leaders, hold a potluck dinner to I want to buy a nice, warm, snuggly fur coat this fall - fake, of course. What do I look for when 1 shop for the best fake fur 1 can afford? First of all, look for the same things you'd check in any other coat - eye appeal, fit, comfort, style and price. But Beret Mason, Extension clothing specialist at WSU, also says to check the construction. Every seam should be reinforced and taped - just as if the coat was made from real fur. Of course, this type of construction adds to the cost. Check the care label for cleaning instructions. If you have to clean il as il it were real fur, your fake is going to cost you over the years. Look for a lining fabric that has an anti-static finish. Fake furs Avila winner Potluck planned Ishmael Avila of Shehon All men of the Aerie are claimed the silver medal for inviled Io attend the potluck woodcarving in the senior creative dinnerto be served at 7 p.m. division of the Western .... Ttt¢sdayifi"l]~e Eagles hall at the Washington Fair. airporl by lhe Eagles auxiliary. multi-purposeroom, complete organization of the tend to create static electricity Purpose of the rally is to bring Cadette and Senior troops. The when you wear them with clothes Silver Stars already-registered Scouts together date of this dinner was not made ofsynthetic fabrics. with those wishing to join, and to established. plan campout recruit adults for needed positions in the troops. AU Brownie and S i I v e r S t a r s R i d e r s Junior troops are encouraged to Incorporated will hold a campout participate. at the Tingvall ranch on Saturday and Sunday with potluck suppers planned for both evenings. Winners named Interested persons who have not Winning for North-South at yet signed up should contact the Monday night meeting of the Charlotte Jones at 426-6264. Shelton Bridge Club were Bruce A surprise birthday dinner for Kreger and Clyde Ruddell, and WITH THE PURCHASE OF THIS UPRIGHT CLEANER It Even Cleans Problem Shags! SHAG NOW DIAL SETTINGS FOR MAXIMUM CLEANING EFFICIENCY ON ANY CARPET! • Disposable Dust Bag oToe Switch, Adjustable 3-Position Handlu Q All Metal Construction, Lifetime Lubricated Motor • Fast, Easy Conversion For Above- The-Floor Cleaning Tools $75.90 Value Floyd Fowler was held Monday in the home of Everett and Maralee Morken. The club presented to Fowler a permanent membership with the Silver Stars. At a recent potluck supper and meeting, slides of last summer's high country ride were shown by AI Jones. Simplifier The great artist is the simplifier. Henri Frederic Amiel Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby. East-West winners were Lynn Rust and Shirley Byrne, and Doris Christy and Dusty Goldschmid. Dinner slated Moose Lodge No. 1684 of Shelton will hold a Pilgrim Robing dinner at 7 p.m. and a ceremony at 8:30 p.m. for pilgrim brother Otto R. Hanson. t Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD i Ah, sweet mystery! Who deposited upon my decrepit doorstep not only swelling ears of milky-kerneled corn but also a big bouquet of brilliant sweet peas doubly fragrant in the early chill of autumn? How lovely the dark of brown tassels topping tender tapering cool damp husks that guard the hidden hoard of radiant pearls! 1 arranged the corn in a crystal bowl for a centerpiece. The sweet peas were delicious. 1 survived with fortitude the freeze That nipped my tender taste buds as 1 sought The haughty protein hidden in the cheese And dreamed of beef with every egg I bought. I, a most devout Aquarian Who never ever argues with the stars Am yet a sullen vegetarian While wondering if cattle thrive on Mars. If rice instead of meat must grace my platter - If cupboard bare of bone shall shelter beans - If fish and flesh and fowl have fled, no matter. 1 can live on dandelion greens; But how 1 curse the early frost that stole The happy hyacinth that fed my soul! Water Wheel Gilt Shop t,%La\ ' .. ,, / -, Now ol)el Thursday - Sunday --- Noon "lil 8 p.m. It was decided to hold the annual Arts and Crafts Bazaar on November 23, before and after the Shelton tree lighting ceremony. Anyone wishing to form a troop or participate in a troop should contact Mrs. S.W. Vander Wegen, 426-4346 or 426-1681. The next leader meeting will be held October 11. ,+. Meeting set Twanoh Grange will meet for a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Friday after which a work party will be held in preparation for a rummage sale set for September 27 and 28 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Grange's Belfair hall. (:% i ~ if',' i MR. AND MRS. RONALD THOMAS of Shelton announce the engagement of their daughter, Annette, to Danny Medcalf, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Medcalf also of Shelton. The bride-elect is now attending Shelton High School. Her fiance is serving in the United States Army National Guard. A February wedding is planned. .'.'.v.'.':.; ~'i'" .../.... ".'1.3 i/:I •!!!i .ir Joe's tired of everybody telling him about the good values at Discount Prices at H & H SHOES in Olympia for FAMOUS NAME BRAND Women's and Men's Shoes. & H SHOES 411 W. 4th Ave., Olympia Pacje 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 20, 1973 Roland Starr Roland Start has played football since he was an eighth-grader. He turns out for swimming and he water skiis and he likes to fish and to fly model planes. Born in Detroit on May 2, 1956, Roland moved with his family in 1957 to Champaigne, Illinois, where he started kindergarten. He came to Shelton in time to enroll in first grade. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Start. His brothers are Ran, a sophomore at Washington State University; Greg; and David, a half years old. Sherrillyn, a As a Shelton senior, Roland fourth year civics, physics and He is president of body and presider He is a member of Mr. Olive Lutheran' "' A ft e r grad~ probably University," he sayS. career in some field Beta begins season. The first social event of the season' for ESA Beta Zeta will be held on September 29. At an 8 p.m. meeting held on September 12 in the home of Mrs. Bill Loving plans were made for a November I bazaar to be held in the PUD building. Committee chairmen reported various plans for the coming year~ As an Mrs. Jim McNamara the construction of Mrs. Ray Rice was A used book by ESA Beta Zeta in store. All benefit the County• Discontinued Items er Cadotta ,,,. +,oo tlnnenn Baroque ... +, oo .. er Carnival Reg. $1.98 . . . Lopi ,,,. ...... "" " " MarvelTwist Phentex (Picture Yarn) Reg. $1.19. Lily Cotton Rug Yarn "'° 59¢." Reg. $1.00,