September 20, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 20, 1973 |
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• tllltllllllltlllllllltllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltlllllltl lllllltlllllllltlltlltlllllttllllllttllttlllllllltltlllllll ~)01
Elementary & Hi~
/ ,~ These tides are for the
i/l~J~r"i."/.~ I'Y-"\'\ .,'f " ' ;~ er ide j ohnls plrelparatol ryl schl,lotl inB',I f" / ~A" Union area. For Shelton and lllmliiMlil~l/lllllHARI EY'ijy
" < John's University. rreo /~lner Oakland Bay add an hour Applying for marriage licenses Set2
Car Exp t ~ O11 August 15, 1895 he was and a halfand2.4 feet. in the Mason County auditors Week of P.
invested as a novice of the Order F r e d M i n c r, 6 2, o f office this week were: Monday LaSagne"
.......... i BringYou of St. Benedict and made his Shcnandoah, lowa, died of cancel Thursday, September20 naroldRedman, 22, Shelton, buttered brocc°ll' I
Profession of First Vows a w'ar in the Shenandoah Hospital onLow .......5:29 a.m. 0.0 ft.and Diane Munro, 19, Shelton. chocolate pudding and
/l~i later. He continued theological September 12. He had spent the High ....... l:lgp.m. 10.8ft.
A Colorful ' • Low ..... 6:25 p.m 76 ft. Thomas Pearson, 29, Shelton, Tuesday ScottybU'9
studies at the seminary conducted summer of I ~71 m Shelton. Hit " " • " --" '~'" " and Victoria Yockey, 19, Sheltom juice, tossed green
Surviw)rs include his wife h ......,,,. =..... -- ...... crlsp and milk.
Ruby o] ~ncnanuoan: ms morner . " "" f" Springfield, Oregon, and Karal Wednesday -- spaniSillI
Floor Show ,, ¢, and was ordained a deacon in .......... ' LOW ....... 6:39a.m.u., t.
Washington to serve as a member Albrecht and Marge Bent, both of Low .......7:55 p.m. 6.9 ft. ~" t a nley" "'nendricks,~ ~21," cinnamon rolls ana .....
Sheho11 nephews Donald Grimm
of the new community of St. " Saturday, September 22 Montesano, and Teresa Perkins, Friday
Turkey &.i
AI' "~"' ~ ~ i ~ I Marti11's Pri°rY at Lacey" °f Shelf°11 alld Jerry Grimm °f High 12"40 a m 9 6 ft 19' M°rltesan°" whipped p°tat °e't':~' '
Father Mark was ordained a Portland archon. Low i iiiii. 7148 a~ml 015 ftl , . bread and bu
' "~ High ....... 3:11 p.m. 11.6 ft. lrvle Wingert, 73, She]ton, pineapple upside-dOWll
, Bishop Edwaid O'dea at Holy Faults Sunday, September 23 William Gott
Jr., 36, Shelton,
~Carpet '73 G~ Rosary Church, Tacoma, and sang All the faults of the age come High ....... 2:04 a.m. 9.8 ft. and Linda Fredrickson, 25,
his first Solemn Mass at Sacred from Christianity and journalism. Lgw ....... 8~50 a.m. ,0"8 !t. Shelton.
~"'.,/::!!/", .~rL..~ ~..; Informativeful- , ~") i*'i ". * tleart ('hutch, Freeport,
~, :~ 7"--'------~_ color 60-page earn,OF. .... .... Suffer the children : .
Minnesota o11 July 4, 1901. All diseases of Christians are to be ~ ~
" ~ ~,,/' ~ ?~k for it at ,~ars. ~;~ } ~ For 1wo years he served as
• ~./he's at your service! Our professional carpet BE~ ~| ill Iprefect for students i11 the ascribed to demons; chiefly do ,,
salesman will come to your home with swatches and aim I Li mII • • dormitory and taught ,nora] they torment freshly-baptized LUMBER II
answers, on carpet styling, fiber choice and price ll i 11 ll • 1 theology, piallo and (;erllm11. lie
was then nanred Pastor of the new-born infants.
difference. He II even help with decorating sugges- III II II I I Christians, yea, even the guiltless .^.. 428,1
~:tsa free estimate, too! He'll measure rooms and II/I ll II • l Church of the Visilalion, Tacolna, St. Augustine I mile South on n;
give complete estimates on total labor and material ~ III ~11 • and remained there for six years. " " "
cost. From 1~.09 until 1~.11 he laughl
He 11 even arrange installation! Let Sears do the music in St. Merlin's after which , " ~ .... . , ~,. ,- . . Wednesday, September 26
entire job for you. III II IIII JeSUSt'nrlsloiL.alterlJay;ba111[s
• " de }le'i High .......5:23a.m. ll.O ft. 3k"k'k
Visitation Parish in Tac,)ma as Survivors inciu ' " Low ...... ll:16a.m. 2.7ft.
Pastor. husband. Bill Booth who was High ....... 5:26 p.m. 11.9 ft.
111 1914 he became Pastor of formerly a deputy sheriff of Low ......11:50 p.m. 1.2 ft. ~A COMPLETE FARM & GARDEN cfl
Ih)ly Rosary ('hutch. Tacoma, Mason ('aunty and now serves as Thursday, September 27
Father Wiechmann wh0re he served unlil he came h, deputy sheriff of Jefferson ,High ...... =6:16a.m. ~.~{!. AND PET SERVICE
I ~- ~:JI Death came early ,,n the She]to11 ('oulllv herpare,rts. Mr. andMrs. ~Og~ ...... t~:.~p.m, l~:~fL :~ ,
I ,~z~~~~ morning of Seplcmber 13 for The body of t:ather Mark wasJesse Allen of Hopper, Utah; a .......... ~ SHELTON-2121 OlYMPiC HIWAY N.-4126"$'
OSB, who served as pastor of St. Friday evening Through the night three step-daughters, Mrs. Jo Ann
Edward's Catholic Church in his Benedictine confrereskepl the Kazlauskas of Chicago, Illinois
1 Shelton fron, 19.t5 until histraditional watch, and at 6:20 and lhe mesdames Carol 'k-k'k
I ~,, ,,.4~,d,, a,~,~,,, I retirement to St. Martin's Abbey a.m. on Saturday fire Office of Gustafson and Billie Florek. both S G Woodward •
1 ~"~°~"."~":%"°'" "~" I in 1965, shortly aflc, his 90th the Resurrection was reciled, of Shelton; and nine " ~ ,` [,~j(jv
1 .~AVkl Price InCluCles I birthday. At 10:30 a.m. Saturday the grandchildren, earns promotnon ,
1 ...4,,q~l~.,..l'.".. I FatherMarkwasb°rnAugustMass°fChristia11Burialwassung a funeral Elder Kart,I Bills officiated alheld at ~ P in MarineLanceCorporalStanley ~ has_
, I.,' ....... ~.._.,- ..... , 25, ,875. in Oslerfine, in the Abbey Church with Abbol Wednesday in lhe Church of Jesus G'W°°dwardJr"s°n°faMrd';nd " Sp~'ml
I ON SALE 'IRIS WEEK ~ ~h, q~A I Oldenburg, Germany. He was d~e Dunstan Curtis as Princqgal
I ~~~m.~ ~UU~ I son of tlenry BernardWiechmalln Celebrant and with many other ('hrist of Latter Day Sainls, SheltonMrS" StanleYwas G.romotedWOOdWalo ms'" ~ ~t
I ~;,', . o'~'~". "7 .,, ,,a [ and Beradina Austing Wiechmann. priests as concelebrants. Shelton Burial will occur al II ' ' P .
I ~ily. In 1,5 ....... ] The family came to the U11iled The graveside service in lhe a.m. Saturday in Memorial present rank while serving at the PI
r ...., ..... Marine Corps Base at Lamp Le CBrn hl [,([
s ! a i e s w h e n h e w a s Abbey cemelery was taken by ..,amens. uguen, utah ........
-mntPlan approximately eigh I years old. A rchbishop Than lee A. ('o1111olly - J eune, P~orm L ar ouna. ~~~
U, eSear, EasgPage lie art ended Frcep°rt' °fSeattle" i Id 'a
Prices are Catalog Prices Minnesota public and Catholic ~~/
,gatts[acUon ~uaranteed or Your Mone'~ Back
• " ' -' ' schools prior to enrollment in St. Alma L. Clark Attention!
,'4HOP A'I'SEARS [ ~1~ ] Evergreen Square ' '' " Memorial se rvices were held al ~ *~'~%%" %X~k~
,,,, ,~,vE, :~ears i Ph. 426-8'01 Collegeville. Minnesota. From l0 a.m. Wednesday in Batstol/e :IF : ~ ,
Call Norm | I for 24-hr. shopping. 1890 lo 1894 he attended St. Funeral tlome for Alma L. Clark
,,, who ,o PLANT OUR /
' ' Fir Lane Terrace Collvalesccnt Saturday, September 22
~e//'s MysteryFarm Centerattheageof89years. Mr.Phil Galtigher officiated. DANCEAT9:30p.m. ! DUTCH BULBSNOW!
Mls. Clark was horn May 12,
::- ..................... -:=_=:.-_-:::- ..... Of the Week 1884 in New York. She had :
resided in the Shelton area since . Saturday, Sepfember 29 , • *
• * Come ,n now whnle
1918 and was a member of the 'JAM SESSION" at 9:30 p.m. • •
ChrislianChurch. ~ select,on ,s best.
Surviving her are a daughler,
...... ( ~ i.~i : i[;:~e~:i~';'i;::;i~i Mrs. Virginia Waiters of Shelton: SWIMMING AT AIRPORT POOL
..... three grandchildren; and fourevery 3rd Thursday, Moose members only. King Alfred Daffodils .............. 10 °r
i ...... great-grandchildre11 Red Matador Tulips ................ I0
| " @ores Bulb, ..................... SS'
C 1 child. , Choose your selectionDh,.l '-tar.,
" } ..... ,-. /lU~b,l~ IKI
- " ~: ~ Trom ~U alTTerent .. sur#
! le. 5x7", . ,-.rq ,-,,-. uutch bulbs are
? ..... ..... ; *;: 2 •
, ,- : ; Bloom,ng Heathe!.
..... rl = i • = ..... •iil F
, a,, ~,oom,n~ ---- '~111
ii varieties, i!l
..... : v. .......... ..... * gal. cans Ea. • jll
: "/....,~ ,,,. ,~'~.,:~ ::~%, ~::~ ~ ~*~'~ ~ ~¢*:~'~~ .~ ,,..
.... 3~, ~,~;*,~, ~ :~ .~ ,~ ~:.3~; "i3~. ;5,;:,>. . •. ...... . :,~, :.. :;.~: :;.~/~:: ,r.....:7>: ,~:..7.i~:;:~~
Color photo free to owner, pick up at Mell Chevrolet. NOW FOR SPRING! I --- I"
• • • 1 I Evergreen
73 s are moving out : Harvey's deluxe I Azalea,
e i Seed "$114' I .......
...we mum make room for more tradel| ] ' ~ • Lb
16"-8 only...
This week s clean-out specials .2 children photographed
j together - 1.49 each child ~" ~""""'"'""'"'"""'"'"'"'"'"'""'"'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' "'""
68 Mustang was $1,195 ............................ NOW 945 I • All portraits delivered
' " $ ~" Blue Plattys 39~ea ~"| "l'
72 Ponha{ LeMans 2-dr HT, was $3 495 .................. NOW 3095 I tO you at our store
'68 01dsVista Cruiser Wagon $1,695 ............. NOW $1499 1 • Age limit: 12 years *= .........
Twin Bar Plattys .... or t)
i Bumble Bee Goby... 2/69/:
, s2 ~| Multi-colored Discus. $9.88 Ea.~ d
69 Jeep Wagoneer ,,-8. au*o..4 wa, $2,995 .......... NOW 595 ;, African Butterfly... $3.98 Ea.l J ,{
'70 Chev El Camino We, $1 995 ...ow 1795 ,z .,..,...,-,.,..,..,.,. Illi
, ................... .o. 550 "..,,'.,
64 Int. Carryall v-,, was ~,~ ......................... ~,, ou, ~,,, T,,~ ,o, o,,., s,,
Plus many more at discount prices.
1st & Grove
Quick Service Mon.-Sat.
Used 426-6367
Lease - Rental - MIC Ins.
we never
9:30-5:30 (lunch 12-1)
Shelton, 305 Railroad
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 20, 1973