September 20, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 20, 1973 |
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u.tiooSCan 0xp+ener t ea Alaska corrections facil o r%' s?sayMat % °uUr
have paid off for Mason County's
.... ~ , E,,,for" in their custodial activiiy:training after he had his college degree.He his new job September 5. ltis
HerbMaschner, who was recently ~v:ekrSdsaY, and StUdy on Maschner took 102 quarter lieutenant for two and a half went to Arizona when it was ll5 wife, Jane, and children Herb. 14.
_ gas boycott tightens appointed correctional
superintendent of Alaska s " hours from Olympic College's years, during which time he degrees to look at a prison there. Dean, 11 and Jennifer, 9, who
M . night school program in Shelton trained all custody personnel: and tte said the prisoners get no air now live on Pickering Pass, will
~rts frorn the Automobile Club of Washington's AAA affiliate Northern Regional Correctional law aSnCfhner was enrolledcmthe from August of 1969 to June of unit program supervisor since
conditioning and the prison is in move to Alaska in a few weeks.
|~0n show that a vasoline boycott is well under wa in that state Institution in Fairbanks.
statewlde, o ° " . . y ." .. orcement e au atlon 1971 to ~et his Associate of February of this year during the d,esert. He also said he Maschner plans to study for
~I-- p 11, 23% of the stations statew~de were closed. Th~s For four years, Maschner asmstance pro,ram, which is a - "~ ....... " , ? . ,
- , ~ ° ,- - Technical Arts de~ree in wnlcla time ne ulrccteu couldnt take theheat. Fairbanks, his Masters degree in social
attended night school four days a ieaerat program in whicla the . . *" . . . .... "
_ .'~ ...... corrections, tie then attended supervised and evaluated he said, has averagetemperatures science at the University t~f
week all year long to earn a govemmenLpays :or tumon and morenight school in Shelton on a correctional officers and way below zero during the winter. Alaska in Fairbanks. But it won,t
degree which would qualify him OOOKS. rue sam aoout ou _ -- - .... counselors
em lo e ...... St Martin s t.ouege program, • 'You can always put on more be strictly another "long grind.'
for a job such as the one in p), y ,es, m wct~ are now du[ing which he took 66 semester Maschner said his getting the clothes, but you can only take off He enjoys hunting, fishing and
Alaska. During the "long grind," enrouea lney are smart to take ........... "ob in Alaska wa " of a
advanta e of th .,, ., hours Irom aepremoer ol iv/J to J ' *s oecause • so many,' he said. skiing, which he plans to do in his
he would work at the Washington g e program, said ..... natio " " •
,, ..... may ot this vear to earn a comol n ot experienceanu Maschner, 39, flew to new environment.
Corrections Centerin Shelton Maschner.All they have todd is '~ ~'' ~" ~ ~ "- education lie r~" *) ....... ~-~"~
t, acnelor Ol Arts uegreeu, • oct illlllCllUCU tile
s' o+hol+ ,+ ,oo ,o o,,++
mg available for Vets Maschner has also taken an Maschner said education meant
ITBE ill trainine is still available for some veterans who were ~ ~ 18-hour course in management, a more to him, after he had some Effective Oct. 6
ed from . .o ::: • ~ ~ .... !
t' military service as much as 12 years ago. Post-Korean lO0-hour course of the Federal experience. " You ca~a understand
Ii, 1961lose who were discharged between January 31, 1955, and ~!i i ~ ~ !~ Bureau of Investigation Law what they are teaching you in a
. ', Enforcement School, 100 hours corrections class better if you idds ~aJt,,
~.i,~, ~ have two more years to take flight training, farm or
• ,~,, tral.: _ -
L ,-rag Under the G.I. Bill. of advanced riot and disturbance have already worked in an
~ control training and several institution,,and seen the problem
• " " L ~ seminars, first hand, he explained, a nd
t" law will curb solicitors :i~: ~ He graduated from Lincoln Alaska, with a population of
[,rli~~ C.haritable Solicitation Act, which goes into effect in ~': iiii ~ High School in 1954 and entered about 300,000, has few jails, said •
• giant ste ~ discharged from the service in for male and female juveniles
|0iih,~. p toward assuring that money collected m the ~ ii .... : !~ the Navy. After being honorably Maschner. He will be responsible n Pails & 1
"'~UlSadvanta,,e,, ed o i f*. t m.. " ?.: " f~::.i ............. +.,.: .......
tblrecto, g d es n act go to he , accordmg to Jack ~ 1958, he worked as a correctional from age 12, male and female
lhfeo-. , u, me deoartment of Motor Vehicles whose Business
officer and correctional sergeant felons, and those who have will be open
~t~S~nS.Administration will administer the law. The law A , at the Washington State committed misdemeanors, *all of
&i~.. cttaritable o~o- izations nrofessional fund-raisers and
ipuaai s,,~:,t~al Use..~,,.n ,~. f~i~ ~ ~ ~ i i Ref°rmat°ryin M°nr°e" Hewh°m will be at his instituti°n" week-daysa:3OtoS:30Stdv
~to v,c~tors and requires that they make full public disclosure
~it~b~rsus and organizations who solicit funds from the public moved his family to Shelton in There are no counties in the state
1964 when the local corrections and most cities have no jails,
trlc~ purposes, the purposes for which the funds are solicited center was built and he has which means all offenders go to
::~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~ worked at WCC since, lhe stales institutions, said _aUF_ClI
t~ • ::::/~i IlIIl 1 ~ ~ Maschner held five positions Maschner.
[' of pavement in state Herb Maschner at WCC during his stay there: He said he will have an ideal
I~onSt~.[' ~nY h~ghway miles are there in Washington State? The correctional lieutenant for his position in Alaska because the O a'~/~'~O:~j '~-II'L'~I
first four years; transportation prison has only 140 inmates -..-___
~'178 rnl'°tal~ri a ate HighwaYof 7,178Departmentmiles therep°rtSstatethatHighwayaS of JUlYsystem.1, 1972,Of E'~e ii _ lieutenant for a year, during (compared to900 in some o|" the ~f- ~--- -~-------------------------------
on ] O: i,eg which time he picked up state's institutions). Each inmate
[igh~a,' ues only 313 were still lines (designated highways) on the
~laes~fmap'So, as far as motorists are concerned there were plans open Ik ous convicted felons from the can receive more attention from
Ill counties and transported them to the prison's 40 employees.
'state highways opened for travel. Shelton; correctional captain for a Maschner will also make periodic ormerly open 'til 5:30)
The Evergreen State College any buildings on campustn which year, during which time he was inspection of all bush jails and
240 ni-,ht classes m Olympia will hold a public they are interested for a closer responsible for assigning and will supervise a forestry camp.
• "~ a Vo . '~
I~npr^ cat,dual Technical lnstitute's 17th annual Continuing open house from 1 to4 p.m. on look. Nichols said the library, the developing correctional Maschncr went to two
~illi0nU~a.rn begins Monday, September 24, according to Gerald September 30, said Dick Nichols, media section in the library
TESC director of information(which includes television studios, |
~l|bYte~VTl~v~l inS CEPthe directOr.olympia Overarea 240this eveningfall, includingClasses willovTlbe services and chairman of the open graphic arts and photography),! I
~tiin C~mcal courses, Centralia College extension courses, state house, t he corn puter center, the
lbivisi~Pr°grarns, and Central Washington State College and Nichols said the entire campus classroom area, the college
l?er~~ of Continuing Education extension and resident credit will be open during the affair and recreation center, the lecture halls
|~t 0~lq,n advises f',dl quarter students to register as soon as there will be free parking. Visitors building and for the first time, the
) I s campus, 2011 Mottman Road Southwest, Olympia will be given general information laboratory building will be open
about the college, maps, and a list for public inspection.
of the facilities open during the Complimentary coffee and tea
day. An eight-minute slidToand will be served in the second tloor
l t Us tree in spotlight tape presentation, which am nts lobby (main lobby) of the library
• ~on on
r0rthw_ marketing Christmas trees will be held at the 15th to a general campus tour, will be b u i I d i n g a n d m u s i c a I
shown at 15-minute intervals entertainment will be provided by
~hd So'.st Christmas Tree Association Tree Fair scheduled for throughout the afternoon. Olympia's American Legion Band
~ir~l ~tUrday, September 21 and 22 at the Jantzen Beach After viewing the show, and an Evergreen bluegrass group
| 'rmtor Inn, Portland.
visitors will be invited to go to
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Thursday, September 20, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17