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Tig(~r Creek No. 2 located
approximately 8 miles by road
call by the City I reasurer ror
prior redemption whenever there
north of Belfair. The sale is
composed of all timber bounded
by clearcut boundary tags and
property lines on part SE]/4 NEll4,
part NEI/4 SEI/4 of Section 18,
Township 23 North, Range 1
West, W.M., containing 17 acres,
AN ORDINANCE fixing the
amount, form, date interest rate,
maturity and denominations of
Local Improvement District No.
24 Bonds and directing the
issuance and sale thereof to H.O.
shall be sufficient money in the
"Local Improvement Fund,
District No. 24," to pay the same
and all unpaid bonds of the issue
of which this bond is one, which
are prior to this bond, in
numerical order, over and above
that applications for examination
for the position of Chief of Police
will be received by the Centralia
more or less, comprising PuhnofShelton, Washington.
approximately 160,000 bd. ft. of
amounts sufficient for the City Clerk, City Hall, Centralia,
THE CITY COMMISSION- payment of the interest on allWashington 98531, from
Douglas fir, 20,000 bd. ft. ofERS OF THE CITY OF unpaid bonds of this issue. The September 15 through October 5,
hemlock and white fir, and 5,000 SHELTON, WASHINGTON, DO call for payment of this bond of 1973. Application forms may be
AGATE- $640 AN ACRE.• • bd. ft. of cedar, or a total of ORDAIN, as follows: this issue of which this is one, obtained from the City Clerk and
10 and 20 acre tracts available at this low price. Lots of trees. Good access. ]85,000 bd. ft. Section 1. The total amountshall be made by the City must be received by 5:00 P.M. on
Minimum acceptable bid: of the assessment roll in LocalTreasurer by publishing the same October5 1973.
Easiest of terms. $13,487.50. Improvement District No. 24 in once in the official newspaper of M I N I'MUM QUALI FICA-
Timber will be sold on a cash the City of Shelton, Washington, the City not less than ten nor TIONS: Applicants must be a
or installment plan basis. Timber created under Ordinance No. 838, more than twenty days prior toU.S. Citizen age 21 to 55
BUILDING SITE .... must be removed prior to June was $85,818.75. The thirty-daythe call date and when such call inclusive with a High School
Mostly cleared 2 acre site on the Agate Loop road. $2,500.00 and as little as 31, 1975. period fol making cash payments is made for the payment of this education. 10years of police
$300.00 down will handle. This won t last. On or before September 25, of assessments without interest in bond, it will be paid on the day experience with a police
1973, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder the District expired on July 30, the next interest coupon thereon department ofcomparable or
must make a minimum deposit of1973, and the total amount of shall become due after that call larger size to the Centralia Police
JOHNS PRAIRIE. •. $1,348.75 in the form of cash,assessments paid in cash was and upon that day interest upon Department will also be required.
money order or certified check. $48,221.62, leaving a balance of this bond shall cease and anyCollege course work or ormal
10 acres for $5,000.00 just has to be the buy of the month... Part of area under Said deposit shall constitute an assessments unpaid on the remaining coupons shall be void. police training may be substituted
power lines butstill usable•Good contract termsavailable, opening bid at the appraised assessment roll in the sum of IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, on a year for year basis for
price. Upon award of this sale, the $37,597.13. Local improvement Recited and Declared that all acts, experience.
respective deposits shall be district bonds of Local conditions and things required to Applicants who are not
HARSTINE ISLAND . . . returned to the unsuccessful Improvement District No. 24 be done precedent to and in the currently covered by the
7Vz acres on County Road. Good land. Small duck pond in back portion. Just bidders. On the day of sale, the shall, therefore, be issued in the levying of such special taxes or W a s hen g t o n S ta t e Law
purchaser must pay the balancet o t a I p r i n c i p a I s u m o f assessments and the issuing of Enforcement and Fire Fighters
$5,950.00... between the bid deposit and the $37,597.13. Bond No. 1 shall be these bonds have been property Retirement system must be no
full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of in the denomination of $597.13, done, have happened and have older than 34 years of age. A
sale fee, or may, if the purchaser and the remaining bonds been performed in regular andPolice and Credit check will be
LAKE LIMERICK so elects at the time of sale, pay numbered 2 to 38 shall be in due form, as required by law; and conducted on all candidates.
Super choice lot. Over 90 feet of lake frontage. Nice beach. Lots of fir trees, an additional amount, to bringdenominations of $1,000.00 each. that these bonds have not been All applicants must certify
the total amount of the deposit, The bonds shall all be dated issued in an amount in excess of that they are physically qualified
$10,000..------ exclusive of fees, to equal l0% of October 1, 1973, and shall be the cost of the improvement, for full service. A qualifying
the full bid price based on the payable on October 1, 1985, with IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the physical exam will be required.
cruise estimate, provided that the right reserved to the City to City of She]ton, Washington, has E X A M I N A T I O N
Estate such deposit shall not be less than redeem the bonds prior to caused this bond to be signed by PROCEDURE: All tests will be
I "A trusted name in R ' $5,000.00. This balance may bematurity on any interest payment the facsimile signature of its Mayor administered in the City Hall of
paid by personal check. Purchaser date, in numerical order, lowest and attested by the manual Centralia. The examination will
must also furnish within 30 days numbers first, whenever there signature of its City Clerk and its consist of a written test weighted
of date of sale a surety bond of shall be sufficient money in the corporate seal to be hereto affixed, 40% and an oral test weighted
$3,000.00 to guarantee "Local Improvement Fund, and the interest coupons attached 60% designed to evaluate the
compliance with all terms of the District No. 24," created by to be signed by the facsimilecandidates overall technical,
bill of sale. All checks, money Ordinance No. 838 passed signatures of those officials this 1st supervisory, administrative and
Services leg=l Publications Legal Publications orders, etc. are to be made October 3, 1972, to pay the day of October, 1973. managerial abilities, knowledge
payable to the Commissioner ofbonds so called and all earlier CITY OF SHELTON and skills. The written test will be
-~-----------------------------~ --------------------~---------------------v--~---. ~ Public Lands. numbered bonds over and above WASHINGTON administered first, and only those
Accessibility: Via Private and the amount required for the By (facsimile signature) applicants who receive a passing
HORSESHOEING -- JIM NOTICEOF NOTICE OF HEARING Department of Natural Resourcespayment of the interest on all Mayor score on the written will be
Brummitt - extended service call CANCELLATION OF SALE ON PETITION access, unpaid bonds, by publishing ATTEST: admitted to the oral examination.
357-6151. B3/29tfn The Canyon River H1,73 sale FOR AWARD Purchaser must enter into a notice of such call once in theCity Clerk E X A M I N A T I O N
scheduled to be sold to Simpson NO. 4319 Road Use Permit with Pope & official newspaper of the City not COUPON FORM SCHEDULE: The written test will
AUTO PAINTING r~a~nnable Timber Company Seattle In Probate Talbot, Inc. less than ten nor more than Coupon No. be given October 10, 1973, at
nrices AIsotr~il~r~ ~tr A wnrk Washington, on September 24 SUPERIOR COURT OF Complete contract and twenty days prior to the call date, $62.50 7:00 P.M. The oral test will be
...................... 7 ' M
euaranteed Phone 426-4322, 1 9 3 is hereby cancelled. WASH INGTON FOR ASON specifications may be examined at and upon such date the interest .-. ($37.32 on Coupon No. ]) given October 17, 1973, at 7:00
~202CotaSt. R7/20tfn Cancellation of sale is due to COUNTY In the Matter of the South Puget Sound Area on bonds so called shallceaseand un the FIRST DAY OF P.M. Candidates eligible for oral
legislation effecting export Estate of LAWRENCE ARLO Headquarters located at each and every coupon OCTOBER 19 the CITY OF will be notified.
IN ' P UM I an R a r volumes Saewill be readvertised PRICE Deceased . . Enumclaw, County Auditor's representing interest not accrued SHELTOIXl, WASHINGTON, SALARY: Approximately
B G S L B NG d ep . • • . • , • .
Call 426-5397. BI/4tfn wynn.eM. MauJe Notice is hereby given mat a office, and office of the on such date shall be void. Thepromises to pay to bearer at the $12,000.
bonds shall bear interest at the office of the City Treasurer the /s/Gilbert Kimbrough
rarest :~upervisor petition for an award in lieu or Commissioner of Public Lands, rate of 6V4% per annum, payab!esum shown hereon, this sum being
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, Olympic National Forest homestead has been filed with .the Olympia• Gilbert T. Kimbrough
accurate. Precision grinding. Now 9/20-1t clerk of this court and that meTo be sold at South Puget annually, beginning on October t, twelve months' interest due that Secretary-examiner
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. ~ petition will be heard on October Sound Area Headquarters 1974, to be represented by day on Bond No. of the bonds of Civil Service Commission
Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn NOTICE N 9, 1973, at 9 a.m. in the (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, interest coupons to maturity Local Improvement District No. 9/20-27
O• 329 courtroom of the presiding September 25, 1973 at 10 attached to each bond. 24 and not otherwise, provided ------
--~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF department of this court, o'clock a.m. Section 2. Each of the bondsthat this coupon is subject to all
Additional information on and interest coupons attached terms and conditions contained in NOTICE OF EXAMINATION
ALDER BARK or sawdust. 8 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Dated this 14th day of terms and procedures of sale are thereto shall be in substantially the bond to which it is annexed
yards or .more $3~00 per yd., FOR MASON COUNTY IN September 1973. Written examination for the
DelivereD. Lall ~J45-~J~q.:) orPROBATE Inez O'D Price contained in the "Public Auction the following form: and, if that bond shall be called position of Patrolman wi~h the
49]-885] Olympia. L9/13tfn IN THE MATTER OF THE Personal "Representative Sale pamphlet. No. $1,000.00 for payment before maturity City of Shelton will be held by
ADOPTION OF JACKIE ANNE Stanbery Foster, Jr., Said timber on said land will ($597.13 on Bond No. 1) hereof, this coupon shall be void. the Civil Service Commission J
DAY & SONS custom rotovating, CLARK and SUNI LORETTA of FOSTER & FOSTER be sold for not less than the UNITED STATES CITY OF SHELTON 7:30 p.m., October 2, 1973 at
lawns, gardens, farm work, CLARK, Both Minors. Attorneys for Petitioner appraised value, as appraised by OF AMERICA WASHINGTON City Hall. Applicants must be at
clearing and blasting. LicenseD. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY 701 Evergreen Plaza the Commissioner of PubliC LanDs STATEOFWASHINGTON By (facsimile signature) least 5' 10" with weight in
426-8750 cr 426-8887. No job CONCERN: Olympia, Washington 98501 in the manner provided by law, a LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Mayor proportion, have a high school
too large, no job too small. Y O U A R E H E R E BY 943-1770 notice of which is now on file in BOND OF ATTEST: education, and be between 21 and
DG/21tfn NOTIFIED that there has been 9/20-1t the office of the Auditor of CITY OF SHELTON (facsimile signature) 35 years old.
filed in this Court a petition for Mason County, and in the office 6V4% City Clerk Applications are available at
the adoption of the above-named, ~ of the Area Manager of South N.B. The laws of the State of Section 3. The bonds shall be City Hall, Shelton, and must be
11111111 71N praying also that there be first an Puget Sound Area. Washington under which this printed on lithographed forms, returned to the City Clerk no
~vub-,mv-- v adjudication that the consent of NOTICE OF HEARING /s/Bert L. Cole bond is issued contain the shal~ be signed by the facsimile later than September 27, 1973.
Jill-== JMl~J~u|~u the father of such child is not Prancnise~ppdcation BERTLCOLE following section (RCW signature of its Mayor and JohnGray, Secretary
No 458
8UIIil nlllllWllUl7 required b law. . Commissioner of 35.45.070): attested by the manual signature Civil Service Commission
YOU /~RE ALSO NOTIFIED Amendment No. 3 Public Lands "Neither the holder nor of its Clerk and shall have the seal 9/6-13-20-3t
-- Quick Service that the consent of the mother of In the Matter of the Application 8/30-9/6-13-20-4towner of any bond, interest of the City of Shelton affixed
-- Excavatino the above-named, such mother s of Pacific NW Bell Telephone Co. ~ coupon, or warrant issued against thereto and the coupons shall
....... ~ - . . name being SHEILA ANNE for a franchise to construct, a local improvement fund shall bear the facsimile signatures of
t~CK tilling & clearing
-- CLARK (now SHEILA ANNE operate and maintain have any claim therefor againstthe Mayor and the Clerk. NOTICE OF HEARING
42&-l"}Ao RAMSBOTTOM) has already 400/200/100 pair burieD NOTICE OF PUBLICHEARING the city or town by which it isSection 4. H.O. Puhn of PETITION TO SET ASIDE
.... - ..... been given or is not required by tele.phonecables upon a. portion Shelton Consolidated School issued, except for payment fromShelton, Washington, has offered PROPERTY IN LIEU
the special assessments made for to purchase all of the local OF HOMESTEAD
Ola-Vl.'~ law. A hearing for such purposeOfcounty, WashingtonSta~e t~ouEe No. 101, m Mason Washington.District No. 309, Shelton, the improvement for which the improvement bonds of Local THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
will be had on the 19th day of WHEREAS, the Pacific bond or warrant was issued and Improvement District No. 24 ata WASHINGTON FOR MASON
P~in*i~ "ranirm October, 1973, at the hour of Northwest Bell Telephone Pursuant to law, notice is except also for payment from the price of par plus accrued interest COUNTY
hereby given that the Board of local improvement guaranty fundfrom the date of issuance to the
......... u " ---e-..D 9:30 A.M. at the Courtroom of Company, a corporation, has filed IN THE MATTER OF THE
Texllurina - Wall Panering said Superior Court, at Shelton, with the Wash ington State Directors of SHELTON SCHOOL of the city or town as to bonds date of delivery of the bonds to E S T A T E O F A R M A I.
DISTRICT NO. 309 will hold a issued after the creation of a local the purchaser, the City to furnish SPRINGER, Deceased.
" -~ Washington, or to such other Highway Commission, under the Public Hearing in said School improvement guaranty fund of the prirlted bonds and the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
Woodwork Pre-finidled department of the Court to which provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCWDistrict at 8:00 p.m., September that city or town. The city or approving legal opinion of that the Petition of the
said matter may be then and there and amendments thereto, an 25th, 1973, in the Library of the town shall not be liable to theRoberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Administrator to set aside
LICENSEDFREE ESTIMATES & BONDED. personstransferred"nterestedl when andshallwhereappearall constructapplicati°n, opf°reratea andfranchiSemamtam., to.. followingEVergreenpurpose:SCh°°l' for the holder or owner of any bond, Gay & Moch, municipal bond property to the surviving spouse,
. • . -. • • _ and show cause why such 400/200/100 pair ourieo interest coupon, or warrant forcounsel of Seattle, Washington, at from the assets of the estate
1141 ntl.I, IPiIIiIhnn Irn adjudication should not be made, telephone cables upon a portion SCHooLTO REVIEWBuDGET THEFoR 1973-74FINAL any loss tothe local improvement the City's expense. The City property up to the value of
==~,,,~ =~ ,by• and why, if made, SUCh petitionof State Route No. 101. in Mason Any taxpayer may appear and guaranty fund occurring in the Commission, deeming that no $15,000.00, in lieu of homestead,
Chuck Heinitz 426_aea~ should not be thereafter heard (county, Washington, for a period lawful operation thereof. A copy better offer could be received for will be heard in the above entitled
be heard for or against any part of of the foregoing part of this the bonds and that it is in the best Court at the Mason County
-'~"" forthwith and the prayer thereof which shall expire July 30, the budget. Copies of the budget section shall be plainly written, interests of the City to accept Courthouse in the City of
granted. 1979 at the following locations: are available in the Business printed or engraved on each such offer, hereby accepts theShelton, County of Mason, State
_ _ WITNESS the Honorable Beginning at a point on the Office of the Shelton School bond."
~,~a ~l~n~l~14)mm~ GERRY L. ALEXANDER, Judge left side of SR 101 opposite same. The bonds shall, therefore, of Washington, on the 12th day
District. THE CITY OF SHELTON, immediately upon their execution of October, 1973.
luUeUlU dpl~u~nnum|~mmmm~ of the said Superior Court, andapproximate Mile Post Station /s/Louis R. Grinnell
Custom cuttirm and wrann n- the seal of said Court hereunto349.80 located in the NW V, NW WASHINGTON, a municipal be delivered to H.O. Puhn of /s/JOHN C. RAGAN
It~l~l f~chlnn~'~lJrinndnn~er~l~(~ affixed this 14th day of V4 of Section 32, thence in a LOUIS R. GRINNELL corporation of the State of Shelton, Washington, upon JOHN C. RAGAN
oVeDoero'nT"and~'sa'u's=aoe" °a-de September, 1973. general easterly direction to a Washington, hereby promises to payment therefor in accordance Attorney for
Livestock bounht sold and /s/Elaine Province point opposite approximate Mile Board of Directors pay to H.O. Puhn of Shelton, with said offer. Administrator 9/20 it
.... By Order of the Board of Washington, or bearer, the sum of
• - = ' CLERK Post Station 349+97 located in PASSED by the City
nau=eo. Glenn E Correa the SWI/4 NWV, of section 32, all Directors of Shelton School ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Commission of the City of
District No. 309, September 11,($597.13 on Bond No. 1) Shelton, Washington, and
~ _¢lau, tmiiP~l Attorney at Law in Township 20 North, Range 3 1973,
• ..... "~"" " ..... 121 S. 4th Street West, W.M. in lawful money of the United APPROVED by the Mayor at a NOTICE OF HEARING
Glenn & B.J. Probst Shelton, Washington NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE 9/13-20-2t States of America, with interest regular open public meeting N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y
426 1415 Kamilche 9/20-27-10/4-3t IS HEREBY GIVEN: thereon at the rate of 6z/~% per thereof this 18th day of GIVEN: That the Board of
annum, payable annually out of September, 1973. County Commissioners of Mason
" ~ That a hearing will be held onNOTICE OF APPLICATION the fund established by Ordinance /s/F.A. Travis County, Washington, will hold a
said application by the FOR SHORELINE public hearing in their office at
_ LEGAL NOTICE W a sh ington State Highway No. 838 of the City and known as Mayor
~aP 11'am~m~, Notice is hereby given thatCommission at its office in theMANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL "Local Improvement Fund, ATTEST: the Courthouse in Shelton,
I~ the Commissioners of Mason Highway Administration Building, DEVELOPMENT PERMIT District No. 24 " and not
==I= ""•'~' /s/Helen W. Stodden Washington, on Monday, October
• City Clerk
County Fire Protection DistrictOlympia, Washington, on the Notice is hereby given that otherwise, except from the 1, 1973, at the hour of 11:15
=•w=~wvwwt=w•v ~ No. 3, Grapeview, have completed 15th day of Ocotber, 1973, at Donald O. Nelson has filed an guaranty fund, as herein provided. FORM APPROVED: a.m., for the purpose of the
application for a substantial Both prinicipal of and interest onB. Franklin Heuston proposed adoption of an
500-gal., 750-gel, l,O00-gal,their preliminary budget for 1:30 P.M., or as.soon thereafter as development permit for the this bond are payable at the office City A
Drain Fields. Ditch Di¢~inQ, ! 974. The commissioners will nearing, may De nao. ttorney O r d i n a n c e r e I a t n g t o
construction or development of of the Treasurer of the City. Environmental Policy for Mason
.... " _ . -7_ - meet in the firehall at 7:30 p.m. L) A / P_ U a t OI y m p ia,barges and floats for deep water Coupons are hereto attached County.
uacKnoe,/rancher Tar H~re on Thursday, September 27, Washington, this17th day of mariculture operations located on for each installment of interest to Copies of the proposed
• IL--~M, ~ ~ 1973, for the purpose of fixingAugust, 1973. Totten Inlet, in front of tracts 22 accrue hereon, and interest shall Ordinance are on file in the office
,~H~ ~ ~w,~ and adopting said budget. Any /s/W.M. Foster through 25, inclusive, Arcadiabe p~id only on presentation and of the Mason County Planner.
Phone 426-3660 taxpayer may attend the meeting Assistant Director for Shore Tracts within Section 32 of surrender of such coupons to the STATE OF WASHINGTON Any interested person may
t', K ~K~ ~,,ir 1/9"; ff~ and be heard on any part of the Highway Development Township 20 N., Range 2 W.W.M.City Treasurer. appear at said Hearing to be heard
"" " .... ' ....... " ..... budqet. W.M. Foster OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR either for or against the proposed
E)a t ed at G rapeview, 9/20-27-10/4-3t Mason County, Washington. SaidThe City Commission of the OF THE DEPARTMENT adoption.
development is proposed to be City, as agent of such Local OF ECOLOGY
Tu¢ Washington, this thirteenth day of ~ within Totten Inletand/or its Improvement District No. 24, DATED this 18th day of
,r,~. ~,,, September, 1973. Olympia September, 1973.
~J~,~ /_J.~..--.. ~..4, Arthur F. Zehe NOTICE OF associated wetlands, established by Ordinance No. NOTICE OF APPLICATION BOARD OF COUNTY
~ .Sec~tary to. PUBLIC HEARING Any person desiring to express 838, has caused this bond to beFOR CHANGE OF PLACE OF
his views or to be notified of the issued in the name of the City as USE OF GROUND WATER MASON COUNTY
• ,~^ ~ e~,au,~,~- tne ~.ommlss~oners A Public Hearing on the COMMISSIONERS OF
lieu ¢. rP~,nmv,l. ....... -- ------ ud ac{qo~ taken on this application the bond of such local TAKE NOTICE: That Abner WASHINGTON
• ~lZU-Z/-zt 1973-74 Final B get forthe shoula'~q~tify the Board of Mason improvement district, the bondsSund of Hoodsport, Washington, /s/Ruth E. Boysen
Call 426-2879 for ~ Mary M. Knight School District
free estimates ..... No. 311, Mason County,State of County Commissioners in writingor the proceeds thereof to be used has filed an application to changeAuditor and Clerk
of his interest within thirty days to pay so much of the cost and the place of use of 20 gallons per
1 1 tTn
" m Washington, will be neld in theof the last d~te of publication of expense of the improvement of minute; 4 acre-feet per year, of of the Board 9/20 It
library of the Mary. M. Knight this notice. Publication dates of various streets within the C ty by the waters of a well as granted in
NOTICE TO CREDITORS School at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday
GUNSMITH No 4424 September26, 1973. , this notice are September 13, construction of grading graveling
• R~l~eirtng Modern and Antl¢lU~SIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF /s/Dorothy Trimble 1973 and September 20, 1973. paving and. mi nor ' dra "nage' Ground2.00166 Waterc. Certificate No. G
• I~reclston S¢O1~ & Steht Mounting THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Dorothy Tremble 9/13-20-2t installation and other such That such water is being used
• Shotgun...... Choke Alterat0onso FOR MASON COUNTY Clerk relative work as may be necessary for the purpose of group domesticNOTICE TO CREDITORS
"" ~'"~" 9 in connection therewith at supply on the following described No• 4418
• Shooting Supplies In the Matter of the Estate of /13-20-2t • , -
=u .... = -- CLIFFORD V. DeROSIER, SPECIAL MEETING prowded by Ordinance No. 838, land:
WOl'lrQn ~ ~l)lNIrg . Deceased. ~ The Board of Directors ofas is levied and assessed aga nst IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
llouto2, IloxTeS Pllono414.|lSO! The undersigned is the Southside School District 42, the property included in the local ' PlatL°tSof BluelS'ox16'Beach.and 17 of the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
appointed and qualified personal Mason County, Wash., will hold a improvement district and FOR MASON COUNTY IN
=.__=~=--- L.._m. representative of said estate. NOTICE OF SALE OF public hearing on Monday, benefited by that improvement, That he wishes to add to the PROBATE
i~ww~mql w-,wm,t,~ Persons having claims against the VALUABLE MATERIAL September 24, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. and the Local Improvement a bove described lands the IN THE MATTER OF THE
~op1~¢ ToIIkl deceased are required to servethe ___O_N STATE LAND at Southside School for the Fund, District No. 24, has beenfollowing lands: ESTATE O F BESSI E F.
............. same in duplicate, duly verified, STATE OF WASHINGTON, purpose of reviewing the final established by ordinance for that Government Lot 4 of Section SAWYER, Deceased.
i~ullClOz0ng, ~I~K.U~ on the unde-signed or the DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL budget for the school year purpose. The holder or holders of 31, Township 23 North, Range 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
1973-74. this bond shall look only tothat West W.M., Mason County, that the undersigned has been
al~leM B~BB attorney of record at the address RESOURCES, Bert l Cole, (Ms) Elizabeth Wolf f u nd a nd to the Local Washington. appointed and has qualified as the
~IWI,=R r~'~e stated below and file the same Commissioner of Public Lands Protests or objections to personal representative of the
426-6539 Shalton with the Clerk of this Court, Notice is hereby g yen that on Superintendent Improvement Guaranty Fund of
a/Gtfn together with proof of such Tuesday the 25~h day of 9/13-20-2t the City for the payment of either approval of this a.ppl!cation must Estate of Bessie F. Sawyer,
include a detailea statement of deceased; that all persons having
SeptemberService within20, four1973,monthSor the sameafter tenSeptember'o'clock 1973,in theC°mmencingforenoon ofat thisthe prmcJPalbond, of or the interest on the basis for objections; protests claims against said deceased are
will be forever barred, said day at the South Puget SPECIAL MEETING This bond is one of an issue ofmust be accompanied by a two hereby re cluired to serve the same,
dollar ($2.00) recording fee and duly verified, on the undersigned
' ~..--.,AI~ ~1~.~,,, /_s/E.~zabet.h. E_Coffman .. Sound Area Headquarters, located The Commissioners of the 38 bonds aggregating in all thefiled with the uepartment of or his attorney of record at the
r~nc~pal su
~~ ~/../~/'~BI=/PI Ic.. LUI'I'M/'~N at Enumclaw, County of King, Port of Dewatto will hold a public p " " m of $37,597.13, Ecology within thirty (30) days address below stated and file the
sued for L
mmam,~,~ ~uzz ~. t~uson State of Washington, by the Area hearing on Friday, September 21, "s t " Ocal Improvement
D0str~c NO24
Tacoma, Washington Manager of said Area, the timber 1973 at 8 p.m. at the Kincj " "~ ar " , all of which frOmwitnessSeptembermy hand20' 1973.and official court,Same withtogetherthe withClerkproof°f theof suchSaid
' Al.~_,,IJ/,1~'~B;(oJ~:dr,',f~'41,~' ROBERT L. SNYDER on the following described state residence for the purpose of bona e subject to the same seal this 21st of August, 1973. service, within four (4) months
Attorney for Estate land will be sold at public auction adopting the budget for 1974. terms and conditions as herein R. JERRY BOLLEN after the date of first publication
' 125V~ N. 5th to the hkjhest bidder, to wit: Anne Y. King expresseD. Assistant Director of this notice or the same will be
~= Shelton, Washington 98584 MASON COUNTY Secretary This bond is payable on Department of Ecology barred.
, 9/20-27-10/4-3t ADDlication No. 36816 9/20-1t October 1, 1985, but is subjectto 9/13-20-2t Date of first publication:
"A trusted name in Real Estate"
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 20, 1973
September 6, 19
Personal Re
Attorney for Estate
Bell Building
121 South Fourth
Shelton, Washington
and PETI
NO. 4;
BUXTON, Deceasec
Admx. of the a
estate, has filed in
the Clerk of said C
Report and P
Distribution, askin~J
approve the Final
Petition for Distril
estate; and that sale
and Petition for Di
be heard on 19th
1973 at 9:00
courtroom of the P
in Olympia, Thur
Washington, at wh
place any person int
estate may apP
objections thereto
same. th
DATED this 18
1973. ,.,
Clerk Superior ~,~
By/s/Elaine Prov~
Deputy ~:]
/s/Donald M Ingers_~,
Attorneys for Estate.
422 So. Washington;
Olympia, Wa. 98501
• -~ NO. 3011
~nelton, We~i
that sealed bids will
by the Board o.~.~
Shelton ConsollO
District No. 309, M~
Washington, for one
transit school bus, d!~
integral built - un~
chassis by one ".
Twenty year warram:
obtained at the busir
Shelton School DiS~
Evergreen School, o
Shelton, WashingtO,n;
t Sealed bids w,~ "
he Clerk's off!;
School, 8th and pi,
p.m., October 9, ~
time bids will be o1~_i
The Board ~.
reserves the right t°~
a II b ids or to
irregularities ~n
bidding. ,
.. By order o~ ~
uirectors of S~
District No. ~u
Washington, Sep_te~
~/Louis R. Grm"
.Dues R Grinnell
Sealed bids will ~,
the Board of Dire~
School Distric~ ~t
Evergreen E le~e~
Library, 8th and "
Shelton, Washingt°~'l
Tuesday, Octob~
construction or ~'~,~
Bordeaux Elen~e~"
Shelton, WashingtO~f.
Bids presenteO._~
fixed for open!~l
considered BidS~i
publicly at the au~,l(
and place, and reau~'~l
Bidders and or~
are invited to be P/
Drawings and "~
including Bidding -~
and Contract D.OC~
examined at the t°=~l
1. Lea, PearSO,~,,~
240 Stadium w,,
Washington. .-,,at~
2. Admin~l~,
Shelton, SchOU
Washington. ted
3. Associa ft
Washington. .
4. AssociateD
Tacoma, Washin
Bonafide ~r
obtain one se
specifications a
office upon de
Sub-bidders anl
obtain sets or I
prime bidders a,
paying the cos~
Deposit will be
a bid is sul~
documents are
Each b~
accompanied bY
cashier's check
State licensed s~
surety, in an am'
5% of the basic
alternates, if a
to Shelton Sc
required to fil
Bond, as stat~
with surety
The r clht i~
any or all bi
withdraw his I
set for openi~
award of contr
period exceedir
Secretary o
By Order Of: .
Shelton SchoOl
Mason County,
- tries