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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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le mis FISHER LIMERICK _ All of and pro golfers that don't forget there golf clinic Saturday and 8 a.m. youngsters may be aps Relish Dish by International resul quite happy to get back to school with the rash of bicyclitis that has been going about - first David Goldsmith, then the Mariotti children, with little Gina just having her stitches removed from her foot this last week, and such a relish dish is just one of 13 beautiful Inter- gifts for you to choose from at all of our TCF o deposit of $1,000. You can purchase it for with a $3.00 deposit or only $5.50 with a min- $50. as many items as you wish. Add to your collection . . . and they make great gifts, Stop by and see this collection of beautiful silver they last. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Olympia - Shelton - Lacey • • • • in injuries 426-4085 or myself at 426-4581. Also present was Gladys Rishel, who finally made it to one of our meetings. She displayed a lovely afghan with raised flowers, crocheted, and her plaques of wood with announcements interposed, and plaques for toothbrush holder, a flower painted flower pot that also serves to serve potato chips or as a small chair, with a cushion over the top for little moppets. Another new guest is Mrs. Betty Palumbo and Mrs. Goldy Kirsche, with Fern Martinson working now on a brown draw string purse of rug yarn, Oly Bieniek busy as usual, teaching, June is learning, hopefully to knit some large, long socks for winter, and making a cape of lovely flower design in green and pink and a light tan bordering all in a lovely, delicate lacy design. Me, I just had to show off the two baby dress and soaker outfits I had finished and the sacque I was working on and some unusual greeting cards sent to me. Also present, was out Rita Minor, discussing for the edification of all present, her photography work of the First Communicants at St. Edward's, some pictures of which she still has; and her chickens again. She has a pullet hen that lays eggs the size of a pea or Robin's egg and cogitated a chicken dinner, but her compassion got the best of her as she says she felt the little thing was trying, so she'd give her a bit longer to make the grade A. Carol Walter is getting out of the house in an financially advantageous way by taking a part time job at the Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center with hours suiting her perfectly with her entire day at home to take care of home and hearth and the 4-8:30 p.m. work hours usually spent in relaxation, put to good use. Carol told me of something that 1 know from speaking to many of you will be very well received information. Mrs. Barbara Knight, wife of Fire Chief, Dick Knight of Fire District 5, of which Limerick is a member, will be giving First Aid instructions here at Limerick in the banquet room every Tuesday, from 7-10 p.m., and anyone may attend for the price of a Red shame, so close to the end of the season. If you've been driving up the Mason Lake Road you may have noticed the renovation at Rundall residence with a new porch in evidence, built with the diligent hands of Roy Goldsmith and his helpful sidekick, wife Mabel. Did you see Tuesday night's Exploration Northwest? Apparently our Shelton is renoun for a motor cross rally made in a loop beginning and ending at Shelton and encompassing a loop through the Olympic foothills, Quinault, Prairie Creek Ridge (where there was an accident so the race continued then at Wynoochee) and back home to Shelton. It was quite a rough course that tested car and driving skill to the nth degree. Leslie Gray and sister with Laurae Marie were up to see Oly Bieniek this past Monday so Leslie could be instructed on the finishing touches of her baby outfit. They went on to visit at Fern Martinson's the next day before returning to Selah to present her precious bundle to some oohs and aahs. Hope we all have an opportunity to participate in admiring her baby one of these days. Our hobby group met on Wednesday at June Hobarrs home with fuchsias of many varieties flowering about her wire sculpture as you entered the front door. June is working on her broomstick afghan and a quilt of lobster design that was admired by everyone there. Also present was Babe Waring, a new member, with an orange knit jacket with gray, black and white geese knitting into it. She says she has trouble keeping up with the kids as she knits one for one and the other wants one, so is very busy indeed. She brought some hobby issues for us all to see and related that relatives of hers had been in Canada where we had visited, just a short distance from the Fable cottage, ane never saw it or realized it was there. The hobby club is in full swing again with meeting scheduled now, by mutual agreement, from 11 a.m to 2 p.m on Wednesdays, unless otherwise decided at the meeting the week before. If you're in doubt, call Oly Bieniek at I ung Cross First Aid book, of $1 remittance, if you don't have one. They started the 11 th and will be going for about six weeks, so come on down and brush up for emergencies. I was just talking to Ralph Bennett, our manager of the club and secretary Marlene, and found out some of you folks were quite upset about the lack of Limerick news. Well, for goodness sake, call me at 426-4581 and give me the news, or put me wise to some news you know of that I can check on. We have some new lot owners to welcome to Limerickland, a John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cole, Gerome Wilmoth sold his lot in Division 1, lot 179 to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Deans who have a slue of kids - six at least. Last night was a special treat for the employees of the Limerick Inn as the Board of Trustees took them all out to dinner at the Tyee. Included in the assemblage were Billie Jacobs, Ralph Bennett, Marlene Sheldon, Karen Kellogg, Bev Halverson, Velma Bennett, Shannon Chapman, Jan Daugherty, Ed Slagle, Patsy Jones, Bob Wallace, Ernie Page, and, of course, the board members. Legal Publications NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Grapeview School District No. 54 Mason County, Washington Pursuant to law, notice is hereby given that the School Directors of Grapeview School District No. 54 will hold a public hearing at the Grapeview School at 7 p.m. the 21st day of September 1973 for the following purpose. FIXING AND ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 54 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1973-74. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of 'the budget. /s/Hildred M. Bunch Hildred M. Bunch Director-Clerk Grapeview School Dist. No. 54 9/13-20-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4417 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of ALMA GRACE SYLVESTER, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the recen This weekend brought an unusual happening at the club with a retreat Friday and Saturday given by Reverend Halverson. Coming up also, is a special seminar of teachers from Pioneer School and other members of the Mason County branch of the Washington Education Association. This is put on by WEA for the rural teachers and features six topics from which each teacher may pick three to attend on planning time, child response and the like. This was passed by the school board last Monday as a one-time occasion that will begin at 1 p.m. and last through the evening and give the kids the half day off. The date is the same as Mason County day at the fair, so Baird Barr is looking into the possibility that the date may be changed, as the fifth and sixth grade teachers would not be able to attend the event, if scheduled on September 18 as now planned. The birthday party for Millie Gonter at her home was a roaring, hilarious success, with poor Fern Martinson so naive about how to play poker and winning more games than anyone else with the help of Oly Bieniek as coach; little Jimmy Lane supplying the acoustics, mother Vicky as vivacious and channing as ever and Mary Gerry helping out with the goodies along with yours truly. Many gifts donned the guest of honor's table with recipe cards that had plastic envelopes to keep them clean, multi-colored envelopes and notes with bugs of various types growing on stems; a coaster holder that looked like miniature chest of drawers, a check protector and upholstery, clothing, rug brush; a cup and saucer set that Millie doesn't have in her extensive and ornate collection and a lovely plate to be hting with the cute saying "Every bird in a bush has a friend in there with him." Millie's cake was a sour cream white cake with coconut and almond frosting topped with white frosting decorations and candles of pink and white. An early reminder for all those planning to attend the Halloween Costume Ball - it will be October 27 and be sure to get your costumes made in time. Kempton joins the Coast Guard Enlistment ceremonies were held at the U.S. Coast Guard recruiting office in Tacoma on September 10 for Danny Eugene Kempton, the son of Mrs. Mildred Johnston of Shelton. H6 has enlisted in the Coast Guard for four years and initially will undergo nine weeks of basic training at Alameda, California. Upon termination of his basic training, Danny, a former Shelton high school student, will receive advanced technical schooling at Fire Control Technician school in Great Lakes, Illinois. Unaware Christendom has done away with Christianity without being quite aware of it. Soren Kierkkegaard Lowrey & PIANOS F NT OR BUY ON EASY TERMS MUSIC BOX 205 Cola 426-4302 I | I i e e Air Conditioning and Heating Engineering Sales & Service Kellogg Mechanical 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 24-hr. erne,, service Chain Saws Stihl & McL:tlllOCh {~'halll Saws I~entals * New SrllaH motor tune-up & repa.s. SHELl;ON SAW SHOP INC. ~]OLJCS: 8 a.i]l, to 6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 2213 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-4639 Coins Coins Bought And Sold estate appraisals for appointment: 426-4719, P.O. Box 866 oLYMPIC GATEWAY George T. Booth Plumbing New and .Report mg BOON'S PLUMBING & HEATING RADIATOR REPAIR "Servilrg Mason Cotlnty SilICe 1948" 1916 L) lyfllplC ilwy. N.426-3483 I Radiator Repair l I 426-3483 I Boon's Plumbing, Heating '1 & Sheet Metal • J1916 Olympic Hwy. No. Air Conditioning & Heating *Oil *Gas *Electric Bean's Plumbing l Heating Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON lefrigeration Commercial- Industrial Sales - Service KELLOGG MECHANICAL 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 O Winter, springtime, summer and fall. Each season with its own outdoor chores. With the work completed, it's so nice to come into the wonderfully warm or the cool Comfort of your temperature-controlled home. A natural gas heating and air con- ditioning system installed in your home can provide the year round temperature You want. No matter what the season or what the weather, your system for all Seasons will provide the exact temperature you select. Contact Cascade Natural Gas and find out how you can have a system for all seasons installed in your home. We recommend central natural gas forced air heating (in combination with cooling from the same system) as a most efficient manner in which to condition your home for all seasons, and still conserve energy. Gas heating, through more efficient heat distribution, and gas air COnditioning, because natural gas more readily available during the summer months, make the perfect combination. Distributors of Naturalgasatisfaction same in duplicate, duly verified, 1916 olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 on the undersigned or the ,, Serving Mason County Since 1948" 7th & Park 426-3344 24-hr. emer. service attorney of record at the address ....... stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, Auto Glass J Drugs' "-'-'--- J Rental Service-- ] together with proof of such J I I -- Helena Rubinstein I J Almost Anything Anywhere / SeptemberService within13, four1973,monthSor the sameafter I Expert Installation I --Cosmetics J Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps / will be forever barred. I JIM PAULEY, INC. I J -- Prescriptions J Folding Banquet Tables J /s/LeRoy Sylvester J I I -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. / LeROY SYLVESTER I Mt. View I I I / 1515 Holman Street I Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 l I NELL'S PHARMACY I LEW RENTS / Shelton, Washington 98584 I J I 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 I 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731/ ROBERT L SNYDER [ I d Attorney for Estate 125Vz N. 5th Auto Repairing' I Floor Covering Shelton, Washington 98584 9/13-20-27-3t I -- Major Overhauls J J - Linoleum - Carpeting -- Brakes & Ignition l - Tile -- Formica -- Welding & Tune-ups J I I ED'S SERVICE J J REX FLOOR COVERING The editor of this 1219 So. 1st 426-1212 1 ~ Ph. 426-2292 paper might be willing to lend you . Back Hoe Service , Glass I I IBroken glassreplacedpromptly! his copy of The Septic Tank InstallationsIInsurance cl aims handled. Plate sheet * Thern'l Christian Science I Ditching I I " opane *Auto IMirrors* Shower & tub enclosures Monitor. I Bonded & Licensed I I -- Free Estimates I SHELTON GLASS CO. But don't count on it. I Dale Fleshman 426-3073 | I For fast service phone 426-1152 He's an expert newsman I , After 5 426-8896 I [ 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. with access to many news sources and a good paper of his own. But he still wants to get the Monitor's worldwide coverage and commen- tary on events. Apart from 2,711 editors, there are 20,000 educa- tors and stiJdents, 82,000 businessmen, 495 U.S. Senators and Congress- men, 3 Supreme Court Justices who read the Monitor. Why should they know more of what's going on, and why, than you do? For less than 11¢ a day, you can get your own special insight into the news. Everyday, like they do. [] Send me 4 months of the Monitor-- over 100 issues-- for only $11, Payment enclosed [] Sill me later Name (Please-Print) Beauty -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Bras ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 Carpet Installation -- CHUCK'S CARPET SERVICE Phone 426-2774 Address Ceramics Ci~-- I Classes Mon., Tues., Wed. I Adult & Children Classes St-aid--- Zip I Greenware Firing The Christian Science Monitor ® i I Box 125, Astor Station ~ LI MT. VIEW CERAMICS Boston, Massachusetts 02123I 426-131 3 leating • Heating & Cooling Sales & Service • Sheet Metal SHELTON FURNACE CO. 321 S. 3rd 426-4792 Insurance Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you! AutG.Home-Boat-Life'Healtt'. Business-Preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance is our only business. ARNOLD & SMITH INsuRANCE AGENCY 117 E. COta 426-3317 Masonry -- Fireplaces -- All brick and -- Block work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Nursery Complete Nursery Stock Perennials - Shrubs - Trees MT. vIEW GARDEN SHOP 1610 Olympic Hiway No. 426-1313 i Sewing Machines AL'S SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Used machines for sale and rent. Mt. View 2004 Laurel 426- 1831 Sheet Metal & Welding-~ BOON'S Plumbing & Heating "Se~vmq Mason County Since 1948" 1916 Olympic nwy. N. 426-3483 Shoe Repah * Polishes & laces of all kinds * All types of boots and shoes repaired. EXPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 311 Grove Street Farm Slaughtering * Cutting & Wrapping * Curing, Sausage Making * Sharp Freezing HOME MEAT SERVICE Kamilche 426-1415 Television Service Roy & Jo's TV Repair 426-8763 Typewriters Adding Machines Calculators * Local Service * SHELTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT ! 14 S. Second 426.2880 Thursday, September 20, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25