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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ouse con ati 1 ".c re undergone several hun- Washington council reviewing dred thousands of dollars of work, funded mostly 83-year-old county building from historic preservation grants in the past several By NATALIE JOHNSON grant is helping fund proj- years. ects to preserve the court- In August 2011, the ............................................. : ...... house, including adding a county finished the first new boiler, phase of a project to reha- A towering piece of Ma- . "It could also open upbilitate the courthouse. son County history may additional funding oppor- Phase 1 of the county's soon become a national tunitiesforhistoricpreser- courthouse rehab project treasure too. vation," Keates said. included removing hazard- The Washington State The National Register ous materials, an elevator Advisory Council on His-of Historic Places, created upgrade, new carpet, win- torical Preservation' is re- in 1966, is an official list dow blinds and audio/visu- viewing a nomination of of places nationwide that al systems for the it's main the Mason County Court- are worthy of preserva- courtroom. house to the Natidnal Reg- tion based on their historic It also included new ister of Historic Places. value, signs in public areas and The building, finished Placement on the list upgrades to the informa- in 1929, was listed on the gives a location national tion technology systems in Washington State Historic recognition, protects itthe building. Register in 2002. from actions by state orThis May, the county "Having a property list-federal government that awarded a bid to do work ed in one or both of these could have an adverse im- under phase 2 of the proj- registers is an honor," said pact on the property andoct. Allyson Brooks, state his- places the property in a po- That part of the project toric preservation officer, sition to win preservation included replacing the in a statement, grants, if and when suchbuilding's aging boiler John Keates, director offunds become available, ac- and was funded by the Mason County Facilities,cording to the Department Save America's Trea- Parks and Trails, nomi- of Archaeology and Histor- sures Grant and REET 1 nated the building to the ic Preservation. funds, or money from the national register. Keates said the county county's real estate ex- "It was a byproduct of has also nominated a house cise tax. the latest grant we got to on its Oakland Bay County As part of phase 2, the nominate it for the Nation- Park property for the na- county also plans to do al Registry,"~he said. tional register, projects to upgrade the dis- In order to qualify for a The house, built around trict and domestic violence Save America's Treasures1897, is in disrepair. Ke- courtrooms with new walls, Grant from the National ares said the national rec- doors, floors and ceilings, Trust for Historic Pres-ognition could help secure and also a fire alarm sys- ervation, the departmentgrantsto preservethe tern and seismic structural had to nominate the build- house, upgrades, among other ing for the registry. The The courthouse has changes. suspe nges p STORE & DELl SPECIALS-- SEPT 20- 26 By EMILY HANSON Initial reports showed that the first 911 emi[y@n~asoncoun,"-""call reporting the structure fire came in at ~~~ 5:14 a.m. However, an earlier disturbance call was discovered from 2:41 a.m? The suspect of a July home fire changed Mason County Sheriffs Office Chief his plea this week. Deputy Dean Byrd said the internal inves- On Monday, Jason Falter, 34, changed tigation into the lack of response to the 2:41 his pre~ous not ~lty plea to guilty for the a.m. call had been finished ~gnd was in. the ~i~harge of first-degree attempted arson, review process. With Sherfff(Casey Salis- : ,'~He chargedlwith attempted first- bury out of town until Sep~ 25, Byrd sa~d degree arson and we think the state can the investigation would not be finalized un- prove that,,' said Run Sergi, Falter's court- til after that date. appointed defense attorney. "Jason has ac- With a previous conviction for residen- knowledged his responsibility." tial burglary from 2006 on his record, Fal- Falter is scheduled to be sentenced on top has an offender score of one. This means Monday for the home fire, which occurred his standard sentencing range for the arson on July 7 at 36 W. Wivell Road, Shelton. charge is 19 1/2 months to 25 1/2 months Prior to the fire, Falter broke out the win- and this conviction will count as the first of dows of his rental house, busted holes into three strikes. the walls and threw knives at the walls. He Sergi said Falter will be sentenced and then put fireworks, wood debris and Cloth- serve time in prison. After his release, he'll ing items into the oven and set it to 550 de- be under probationary supervision for 18 grees Fahrenheit, its highest setting, months. KidnaPping, assault trial to begin Oct. 2 By NATALIE JOHNSON natalie@~aso~cou~(y.corr~ James Alan Shelton, the man accused of assault and kidnapping after an inci- dent at 2:30 a.m. on July 28, will soon stand trial for the charges. Shelton appeared in Ma- son County Superior Court Monday for a pretrial hear- ing. His~trial is expected to last two to three days and is scheduled to begin by Oct. 2. Shelton was charged with second-degree kid- napping and fourth-degree assault on accusations that he attacked and tried to ab- duct a woman in Shelton. He is being held in the Mason County Jail on $100,000 bail. According to the Shel- ton Police, the victim, Cale Eoff, was walking up the hill on Olympic Highway and walked up on Eoff, North when she heard foot- restrained her and then steps behind her. secretly held her in place Police say Shelton came where she was not likely to out of the bushes and at- be found. Probable cause tacked Eoff from behind,exists for the arrest of They struggled, and ac- Shelton for kidnapping in cording to the police re- the second degree and as- port, Shelton dragged Eoff sault in the fourth degree." 30 feet down the hill. Eoff was able to break The police report statedfree and flag down a Mason that Shelton's truck wasCounty SherifFs Officer. parked at the bottom of A Shelton Police offi- that hill. cer stopped Shelton in his Eoff was able to escape truck not long after the at- after she bit Shelton on the tack. hand. He had a fresh bleeding Shelton Police Officer wound on his hand. Calvin Moran explained According to Moran's re- the justification for the port, Shelton denied any charges of kidnapping and intent to harm or kidnap assault in his report. Eoff. "Based on the time of Shelton was convicted day, minimal lighting and of murder in Snohomish secr'etive manner in theCountyin 1974. He was re- way that Shelton parked leased in 2010. The headline in the What's Cooking article from the Sept. 13 edition of the Journal stated that money raised as part of a fundrais- er selling Ladies of Mason County Calendars would benefit Mason County Fire District 17. The funds will benefit district 17 and other participating fire districts. ..... ~-., Mon-Fri 6:30 a.m.-6:00 Sat 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. aml @r 21S South Second • 426-3371 Member Serving She~ton and Mason County for 86 years ] Journal photo by Natalie Johnson The Mason County Courthouse, completed in 1929, is being considered for placement on the National Register of Historic Places. Inclusion in the register could open up grant opportunities to fund further preservation of the building. have fishing 427-9099 supplies/ Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) @ 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 [ [ Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. 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