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ation announces
The Mason County Con-
cert Association is gearing
up for another season of
bringing quality music and
performers to the area.
The association will wel-
come its first act. acapella
group 42Five at 7 p.m. on
Sept. 27 at the Shelton Per-
forming Arts Center.
The acapella quintet,
based in Orlando. Fla., has
performed around the coun-
try for about 12 years, and
covers musical favorites
from the 1960s to today in
an energizing performance.
The group's sound has
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Sept. 27 - Acape o g oup 42Five 7 o.m..
Nov. ] - Red Chamber, 7p.m.
Jan. 13, 2013 - Yana Reznik, 3 p.m.
:eb. 17, 2013 -- Corned an Robert Post, 3 p.m.
evolved through the years
to blend a street corner,
barbershop sound with
funk, rock, jazz and blues.
With only their voices, the
group recreates the sound
and experience of an instru-
mental band.
The Mason County
ConcertAssociation has
broughtmusic to Shelton
since 1949. It is part of a
national organization es-
tablished in 1926 to bring
first class music and enter-
tainment to small towns.
The non-profit organiza-
tion finances between four
and six concerts a year
through a membership sys-
tem. Each member pays one
low fee for a season pass.
The association's con-
certs feature all kinds of
music, including classical,
folk and popular music. It
also hosts dance groups,
theater and musicals, a
single person or a whole
The concert association
plans to bring four more
acts to the Shelton perform-
ing arts center in the 2012-
2013 series.
At 7 p.m. on Nov. 1, Red
Chamber, a Chinese string
music band, will perform.
The band combines tra-
ditional and contemporary
styles, including ancient
Courtesy photo
Acapella group 42Five will kick off this year's Mason County Concert
Association calendar at 7 p.m. on Sept, 27 at the Shelton Performing
Arts Center.
Chinese string band music in New York City and the
dating as far back in history Moscow Conservatory in
as the Tang Dynasty, from Russia.
618 A.D. to 907 A.D. and At 3 p.m. on Feb. 17,
bluegrass or jazz fusion. 2013, Robert Post will per-
At 3 p.m. on Jan. 13, form a one-man variety
2013, classical pianist Yana show mixing vaudeville,
Reznik will perform, juggling and other acts.
Reznik has performed inThe last show of the
venues including Lincoln 2012-2013 season is sched-
Center and Carnegie Hall uled for 7 p.m. on April 29,
2013, and will showcase the
Side Street Strutters Jazz
Band featuring Meloney
The program will feature
an extensive repertoire,
Costumes, tap dancing and
timeless melodies.
For more information,
call 426-1842 or visit www.
Mason County
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Event offers tips to deal with violent mentally ill persons
By GORDON WEEKS ally, individuals experiencing mental individual and keep a safe distance
gordon@masoncounty,com illness are not dangerous," Jacques between you. This is a non-threat-
.................................................. said. "In fact, they are more likely to cuing stance and gives you room to
be victimized by other people due to move away from the individual if nec-
Learn strategies to deal safely with their vulnerability." essary."
aggressive mentally ill people at a The presentation explores the When encountering an aggres-
presentation hosted by the National causes of violence and aggression as sive mentally ill person, remember
Alliance on Mental Illness Thurston/ they are related to people experienc- that "safety begins with awareness,"
Mason from 7-9 p.m. tonight at Provi- ing mental illness. Audience members JaCques said. "Put down the smart-
deuce St. Peter Hospital, 413 Lilly will learn strategies they can use to phone, shut off the MP3 and stay
Road N.E., Olympia. calm an aggressive person, when and aware of your surroundings. We call
The presentation is by Dr. Kevin how to collaborate with police and this situational awareness. Staying
St. Jacques, who has worked with the how to create and implement a crisis in tune to your surroundings provides
forensic mental health population in plan to increase safety, you with some time to respond to
Seattle since '1999. He began work- When trying to deescalate an en-changes in the situation."
ins with Seattle Mental Health more counter with an aggressive person, The presentation is in the second-
than nine years ago as a forensic men- "First and foremost, remember tofloOr conference rooms 200, 201 and
tel health clinician in the Dangerous keep yourself calm," Jacques said. 202. Go through the cafeteria to the
Mentally Ill Offender Program. "Slow things down, time is your best ~hallway, and through the first doors
"We should remember that gener-ally. Stand at a 45-degree angle to the on the right. Information: 493-6021.
Volunteer teams sought to prepare lunches
Volunteer teams of three can donate the food prepared The center began servingNutrition Program operated
or more people from local or stay within the $3 per Friday lunches in February by Senior Services for South
businesses and service or- person budget for the meals. 2011 at seniors' requests. It Sound. The program is sup-
ganizations are invited .to Center volunteers and staff does not receive any outside ported by funding from the
prepare lunch on the Friday will assist the organizations, funding for the program and Area Agency on Aging and
of their choice at the Mason The center's goal is to work depends on the $3 per person local fundraising.
County Senior Activities with groups that would com- charge and donations to op- For more information on
Center in Shelton. mit to volunteer two to four crate it. Volunteers prepar- assisting with our Friday
Using the center's com- times a year. ing the meals usually donate Lunch Program, please con-
mercial kitchen, teams Volunteer teams must the food themselves, tact Terri Shaw at 426-7374
would plan, prepare lunch, comply with general center Monday through Thurs- or The cen-
serve and clean up for 25-35 standards and have theirday lunches at the center ter is'located at 826 W. Rail-
people. The volunteer teams food' handler's permits,are prepared by the Senior road Ave.
F.,, ,, l.Ch m 1212 C0nnecti0n St
aJm bumeran uu.rl Shelton WA '
A Christ-centered Church (360)
/f~Sunday Morning Worship~ ~ k ~ "
/ Traditional-8:45a.m. / 'qltJ. * ,, •
~.~ • B,ble Study
/C°ntemp°rary-11:00 a.m. J l~ .~'\
Worship Service :: ~ k,. .J &~.,_~ Youth Activities
10:00 : Pastor Steve Olsen
a.m. (J~,lh Paster Brian Weinb .... www.FLCWA.Trg~ "~m
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM ~'(~ both services
} H'"l'~"P'"'"'&aau"~O'~°na';c¢~'~'xv~'q~'"'"h'h'
i,~,,pl,, t,,,, ,,r,,~ Ch/&O~ ,. c7ea~ O~ ,h.,,,~, w,,,'-hir,
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PHONe J ~O0 ,120 2Z5~ WFBSlTe I WWW'~'Itew'oY'¸l:coln
ADDRESS 1405 S 7th st, Shelton
NEED ....... 'i; :N ~::t" Dg'~:a ~fWfl:l e".-~
[-~* "~'~0-4~0 s089-'~7¢ ~:',~ a ;~;e wh;'~re: aliare welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 •
::::, 7:30 &.10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Page B-2 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012
Mt. Olive s.a o. 4 w.coT
Lutheran Church
Missotlri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue www sheltonfbc org
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. S unday M orning Worship ÷ S,$.
hris ia. .................... ..... 9:00 + 10:30
Traditional Worship ............... ll:00 a.m.
• Oomingos =6 pu
Office 426 6353
Daycare 427-3165
Refreshed -- Restored Renewed
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road i,, Rivers of Grace
Shelton, WA 98584 NEW LOCATION
(360) 427=6998 Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are lvdco no.)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Sun. ' 10:30 am ' Thurs,, 7:00 pm Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
Church info line: 360-898-7855
(360) 427-4033 web site:
F I Ill il I