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rcy rul
hange not fair to all teams
The Washington Interscholastic Athletic 32-0.
Association (WIAA) has sent a clear mes- This score gave the Owls a dilemma: Do we
sage to eight-man football teams this continue to play as usual or do we do all that
season: Don't play your hardest.
Last year and in previous years, eight-man
football had a different mercy rule for games.
If there was a 40-point differential before or by
halftime, the game was called at halftime as
an act of mercy.
This year, in the WIAA's infinite wisdom,
the association has decided to make the eight-
man football mercy rule the same as it is for
the rest of the classifications. Once there is a
40-point difference, the game goes to a running
clock, provided the first half has ended.
That's right; if a team is losing by more
than 40 points and the first half has not yet
ended, play continues as usual until the sec-
ond half.
This is a suitable rule for the larger classifi-
cations because there are more athletes on the
roster and therefore more opportunity for the
players to rest.
Eight-man football is a different world.
Take Saturday's game at Mary M. Knight
for example. The Knight Owls, with a roster
of 19, played Oakville, with a roster of 10. By
the end of the first quarter, the Owls were up
we can to prevent an entirely lbpsided score?
The Knight Owls, under head coach John
Schultz, played with honor and tried to pre-
vent a lopsided score. The coach played his
second string players, while starters were
taken out of the game inter-
The Knight Owls were be-
tween a rock and a hard plaCe
if they scored, the game
would have gone to mercy rule
and a running clock; if they
didn't score, the officials would
declare the game a forfeit in
By EMILY favor of Oakville, saying the
HANSON Knight Owls were making a
mockery of the game.
This is why the change to
the mercy rule was not fair to both teams on
Saturday. Instead of MMK and Oakville play-
ing their hearts out until the Knight Owls
reached a 40-point lead, they were forced to
continue playing after that time.
With less than three minutes left to play in
the first half, two of Oakville's players were
injured and sidelined. With no more players to
put in as replacements, the Acorns were forced
to use each of their timeouts every time any
player needed water or a moment to rest from
a hit that hurt.
At halftime, the score was 40-0, and instead
of being able to actually show mercy on the
Acorns and call the game, the Knight Owls
were forced to continue to play with as much
restraint as possible.
This is not how football was meant to be
played. It is an aggressive contact sport where
both teams are supposed put forth all their ef-
fort for a victory.
A game is not supposed to become a practice
for the younger players to get varsity playing
time while the varsity players rest for three
quarters. That was a disservice to the start-
ers at MMK, but I don't think the WIAA was
thinking of that side of it when it made the
rule change.
No, the WIAA was probably thinking that
the fairest way to have a mercy rule in the
books would be if the rule was the same for all
It makes me wonder if any one of the mem-
bers who made this change to the rule have
ever seen an eight-man football game.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton senior defensive end David Ajamu flips a Wilson player while
tackling him Friday during the Highclimbers' home game.
Football any play."
Because of the basis in
Continued from page C-1misdirection, Hinkle said
the single wing, like the
Frakes also had 10 tack- wing-T, is difficult to simu-
les. late in practice.
For its next 3A test, "The team has done a
the Highclimbers hit the good job all season and.we
road this week. At 7 p.m. will be ready by Friday,"
tomorrow, Shelton plays Hinkle said.
Yelm. Hinkle said the team is
"Yelm is very unique in comfortable with the posi-
its offensive format," Hin- tion it is in. This is the first
kle said. "They run a single time since 2006 that Shel-
wing and it's the first time ton has been 3-0.
we've ever seen. It's a mis- "Everybody's healthy
direction package with the and focused on what they
threat of a whole bunch of want to accomplish," he
guys getting the ball on said.
Mary M. Knight
senior linebacker
Nick Dierkop hits
Oakville senior
Michael Bushnell
with MMK senior line
backer Juan Jimenez,
No. 29, coming in for
the assist Saturday
during the Knight
Owls' home game.
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
MMK Football to 73 rushing yards and 11 passing
yards. Jimenez led the defensive ef-
Continued from page C-1 fort with 10 tackles and one fumble re-
covery while Thompson brought down
with 2:41 left to play when Thompson two interceptions.
intercepted an Oakville pass and ran "I thought the team did very well
a 50-yard touchdown. Thompson also and showed a lot of class," Willey said.
scored the two-point conversion. At 1 p.m. on Saturday, the Knight
"What we are trying to do is work Owls are set to play at home against
on fundamentals and techniques," Lake Quinault.
Schultz said. "It was also about get- "We're expecting another tough
ting our younger kids in and raising game, but whatever the circumstanc-
their confidence to play at the varsity es, I'm sure we can handle it," Willey
level." said.
The Knight Owls held Oakville Schultz said Lake Quinault runs
the spread formation and has thrown
the ball in the past as well.
"They have good team speed so we'll
have to work on containing," he said.
"We're going to work on fundamentals
and go out and see what happens."
After the game, beginning at 5
p.m., is the annual Harvest Dinner
and Sports Booster Auction.
"We do a charity auction to raise
funds for the booster club," Sports
Booster President Chris Willey said.
He said the sports boosters raise
money for all MMK sports, Their lat-
est project was the purchase of a new
Athlete The senior has a 4.0 a smallerschool.
GPA and has taken most- "I figure any of the
Continued from page C-1 ly honors and advanced schools can offer me the
placement classes. She has same things," she said. "I
freestyle is the event I've alsb played the clarinet in like the feel of a commu-
excelled the most at," she the high school band for nityinstead ofbeinglost in
said. four years and is a member a crowd, though."
With her coordination of the Honor Society. She hasn't settled on
skills on land in doubt, When Myers moves on a major yet, but said she
Myers sticks to the pool to college, she said she is thinking about journal-
for her athletic contribu- plans to focus on her stud- ism.
tion to Shelton, though ies rather than continue to "I've been writing for
she said she tried track swim competitively. Mason County DailyNews
last spring. "I'll still swim for fun occasionally for a few
She is also a manager and to keep in shape," she months now," she said. "I
for the boys' swim team said. think it's hard to choose
during the winter sports Though she does not (which major you want)
season, yet know which college she when you're in high school
When she's not in the wants to attend, Myers because you're pretty much
pool, Myers is excelling in said sheis thinking of stay- told what classes to take.
the classroom, ing in state and attending I figure I'll take a bunch
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012 - Page C-3