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More than 2,000 runners take part
For the girls, the top finisher was
freshman Courtney Burke in 184th
fJl place with a time of 23:37.5. Burke and
in Fort Steilacoom invitation, v, the rest of the Shelton girls' team ran
.the varsity 5,000-meter course with
227 other runners.
By EMILY HANSON below their usual standards. Prior to the Fort Steilacoom meet, the
en~iZy@~a,~onco~y,com "Cody and Zach got trapped early on Highclimbers ran against Lincoln, Olym-
................................................................................... in the pack, so they spent a great deal pia, Gig Harbor and South Kitsap on
of their energy working their way up to Sept. 12 at Lund Park in Port Orchard.
Racing competitively against morea reasonable place," White said. "Cody "We ran our sixth and seventh var-
than 2,000 runners is no easy feat, but eventually finished llth, but had he sity guys, the girls' team and the rest of
the Shelton cross country team gave it gotten his normal start, he would have the boys' team," White said.
a go last week. been in the lead pack." Due to an error with the results,
On Saturday, the Highclimbers Williamson, a junior, was the top team scores were not announced-for
competed at the Fort Steilacoom Invi- finisher for Shelton with a time of 16 this meet.
rational in Lakewood among 62 teams minutes, 8.1 seconds. On the 2-mile varsity course, junior
from all classifications. "Zach also had a nice time but he could Adam Tweed was the top finisher for
"At Fort Steilacoom, they had a re- have broken 17 minutes in the 5K had he the boys with a time of 11:29. Burke
cord of over 2,000 runners competing," had a better start as well," White said. once again ran the fastest for the girls,
Shelton head coach Daryl White said. Taylor, a senior, finished in 51st finishing in 14 minutes flat.
Racing in a field of 38-7 boys on the place with a time of 17:06.4. The team i~ set to compete next on
varsity 5,000-meter course, the High- white said this was the first time Saturday at the Bellevue High School
climbers' top two male runners -- Cody many of the Shelton runners had par- Invitational at Lake Sammamish State
Williamson and Zach Taylor -- finished ticipated in a 5K and commended their Park in Issaquah.
Courtesy of Daryl White
Shelton's Melissa Fulton runs the course
Saturday at Ft. Steilacoom for the
Highclimbers cross country team.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Mary M. Knight junior setter Hannah Frost hits
a hard serve Monday during the Lady Owls'
home match against Taholah.
em jy,,'a)rna ~o~cou nt:v con~
The Mary M. Knight vol-
leyball team could not con-
think physically we can beat
Senior outside hitter Ash-
ley Sowle and junior setter
Hannah Frost both served
five aces. Sowle led the team
"It's some of the funda-will be working on getting be-
mentals that we need to hind the ball this week.
work on," she said. "I think "We need to get rid of
we have the potential to be those sticky feet," she said.
better but we're not to the At 5:45 p.m. tonight, the
point we want to be at this Lady Owls (2-2) are set to
tinue a two-game winning in serves for the night with season." play at Three Rivers Chris-
streak to three this week.18. Brehmeyer said the team tian.
On Sept. 12, the Lady Sophomore setter Mi-
,Owls defeated Oakville in randa Sowle had 27 assists,
three games 25-18, 25-23 Frost scored four kills, soph-
and 25-14. Then, on Sept. 13, omore defensive specialist
MMK won over Wishkah in Lauren Dierkop had 24 digs
three sets 25-13, 25-22 and and Frost knocked down
25-11. Both matches were on three blocks.
the road. "The momentum swung
"We played really well and we couldn't seem to get
against Oakville and Wish- our focus back," Brehmeyer
kah," head coach Kitty Breh- said. "I think we're holding
meyer said. on to errors and not letting
On Monday, the Lady them go."
Owls returned home to play She said the serve per-
against Taholah with an en- centage for the team was
tirely different result,decent -throughout the night
In the first game, MMK and that she saw some really
lost 28-26. The team rebound- good hustle plays.
ed for the second and third "It seemed like we re-
games, winning 25-12 andlaxed on the easier things too
25-21. In the fourth game, much," Brehmeyer said. "We
Taholah defeated MMK 25-need to keep the intensity
17 and in the fifth and final up."
match, Taholah won 15-7.Ashley Sowle said she
"I'm not sure where the thought the team played
breakdown is, but it's men- well, but that they could've
tal," Brehmeyer said. "Iplayed better.
i ..........
Rams swim past
Lady Highclimbers
~ the start
of their
Going into its meet lastwe strug-
week, the Shelton girls' swim gie is mid-
team knew North Thurstonrace," he
was a powerhouse in the wa- SEPT. 13: said. "We
ter. N. Thurston126 start our
On Sept. 13, the Rams Shelton ........ 47 season by
showed the Lady Highclimb- w o r k i n g
ers just how fast they can TODAY: on tech-
swim, winning 126-47. Shelton vs. nique re-
"North Thurston was Lincoln, finement
good," co-head coach Chad 3:45 p.m. and then
Youngquist said. "They were we work
actually a little better than I on conditioning."
expected.,' Co-head coach Rob Phel-
Despite the loss, the an said the divers had a
Shelton girls still put forth tough time against North
strong performances in their Thurston.
events. "Lanna (Keltner) strug-
Hannah Womer qualified gled a bit," Phelan said. "I
for for districts in the 100 think she was just tired and
breaststroke with a time of ran out of gas."
1 minute, 20.5 seconds -- a Danielle Ewm;t dove for
personal record, the junior varsity team. This
Carissa Kunkle qualifiedwas her first time competing
for districts in two events -- as a diver.
the 50 freestyle with a time "I think Dani can be on
of 28.55 and the 100-back- varsity in a few weeks,"
stroke with a time of 1:12.13. Phelan said. "She needs six
Finally, Sarah Myers dives with one in each cat-
qualified "for districts in the egory."
100 freestyle with a time of At 3:45 p.m. today, the
1:00.05. Prior to this meet, Lady Highclimbers are
Myers had already qualified swimming against Lincoln.
for districts in the 50 free- "We should look good
style and the 200 freestyle, against Lincoln," Youngquist
"Their swimmers weren't said.
blazing fast," Youngquist Phelan said Keltner
said. "They were a little fast- should dive well against Lin-
er, but they're a vel~/ deep coln.
team at all levels. They were "Lanna made some big
well-rounded and solid."improvements before school
Youngquist said the Ladystarted and I'm hoping she'll
Highclimbers • are good at continue to grow," he said.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Sept• 20, 2012
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