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Thursday, Sept. 29, - Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page 5
Election coverage
Begining with this week’s edition of the Shelton-Mason Journal, the paper
will begin
running a series of question-and-answer profiles with general election
candidates. We will also >
start running endorsement or opposition letters to the editor regarding
candidates for'office and
cantinue through the Oct. edition. No letters regarding candidates will be
published in the Nov.
3 newspaper, which is the final edition prior to the Nov. 8 election. , -
The Journal’s question-and-answer schedule, which is subject to change
because of candidate
availability, is as follows:
This week — 'Congresional District 6, Assessor, Sheriff
Oct. .6 — 35th District Senate, Auditor, Prosecutor
Oct. 13 35th District Legislature Pos. 1, Clerk, Coroner
Oct. — 35th District Legislature Pos. County Commissioner
Editor’s note:'Steve Duenkel is a
candidate for Mason County auditor.
This letter is being published as a re-
buttal toa previous letter. Letters by
candidates for public ofiice in Mason
County will generally not be published
except in response to previous letters.
Rebuttal to
Ericson’s column
Editor, the Journal,
would like to respond to several
points in Journal columnist Kirk Eric-
son’s column in the Sept. 22 edition of
the Journal.
Washington state law mandates use
of US. Elections Assistance Commis—
sion (EAC) standards as the primary
means to ensure that certification test
ing validates voting machine integrity
and reliability in election operations.
The law also states that the secretary
of state cannot approve a voting device
unless it has been tested and certified
by anEAC—designated independent
testing authority.
In March Secretary of State
Kim Wyman issued a certificate des—
ignating ClearVote 2.1 as a certified
system. The secretary of state website
claims that this system completed test-
ing at an EAC-approved testing lab,
though provides no copy of the test
report. The secretary of state’s desig—
nation is also at odds with the EAC’s
own statement that ClearVote 2.1 “is
not an EAC Certified system.” The EAC
provided this statement in a recent re—
sponse to a Freedom of Information
Act request. With that, there are no cer-
tification test plans or test results for
ClearVote from any EAC-approved
testing lab posted on the EAC’s website
where all certified voting system ma-‘
chine test data is archived.
Mason County upgraded its Clear
Ballot voting system machine with
ClearVote software in December
and ran the elections in
and the primary with it. Mason
County will'be running the November
general election with this sofli'vare as
well. Clear Ballot offered to upgrade
the Mason County voting system ma-
chine with EAC Certified ClearVote
in April but the currentAuditor
refused the upgrade. Why is the audi—
tor conducting our election operations
with software that has not met EAC
certification requirements rather than
EAC Certified ClearVote 22?
While KING News and the current
auditor attempt to discredit the can-
vassing work done by Mason County
Voter Research Project, it is important
to‘note that both ultimately admit that
there are unresolved anomalies in our
voter rolls. Our voter rolls are not cur—
rent or correct. No one should be
happy about this.
PUD 3 Commissioner District 1
One of my priorities as auditor will
be to educate voters on every aspect
of our election system, so that the peo-
ple understand what works well and
where there are breaks in the chain of
custody of ballots and other vulner—
abilities where bad actors can influence
the outcome of an election. Then, we
will work together to make the system
Steve Duenkel
Republican candidate
for Mason County auditor“
No on Rhodes,
Editor, the Journal,
Steve Duenkel is a liar; he is trying
to stoke a revolution with fear, and he
has no basis for his claim that there is
any illegitimacy or valid concern for
the integrity of any election that has
ever occurred here in Mason County.
He lies when he says that he does,
and he refuses to answer any questions
about his lies. He also lacks literally
any qualifications for the job that he
is seeking. Duenkel is a danger to our
democracy and to the peaceful status ’
quo of our nation. His cohort, Charles
Rhodes, is running for county clerk
against the experienced, esteemed and
supremely qualified incumbent, Sharon
Fogo. '
Mr. Rhodes was a failed candidate
in for auditor, which is the office
Mr. Dunkel is seeking now.
Rhodes, like Duenkel, is a bufi‘oon
and a danger to our form of govern—
ment and way of life; like lying Steve
Duenkel, Rhodes also lacks any qualifi-
cations for the ofi‘ice that he seeks.
These peoples’agenda is clearly .
nothing other than the overthrow of
our existing government. They are
both traitors to our state and federal
constitutions, and they are either stu- '
pid or wildly dishonest. believe that
they are both delusional. Regardless,
neither one is credible, trustworthy or
Vote against both of them.
Eric Valley
Mason County
The Duenkel‘lyknow
Editor, the Jodrnal,
am writing on behalf of Steve
Duenkel, Republican candidate for
Mason County auditor. have had the
honor of knowing Steve for over
years, eight years in a business capac-
ity and the past 27 years as a personal
and valued friend.
Steve has'always displayed a
high degree of integrity, responsibil—
ity and ambition. He is articulate,
open-minded, innovative and a proven
leader,‘rather than a follower. Dur—
ing our working years together at the
Boeing company where was a factory
superintendent, we worked on many
corporate endeavors. One of these is a
perfect example of his proven leader—
ship. It was a program he helped im-
plement called CQI, or Company Qual-
ity Improvement. He is someone who
was and always is looking for a way to
improve existing conditions, methods
and how to create a better tomorrow.
Steve is an individual I know to be
dedicated in both his personal and
professional life. I wish him the very
best on Nov. 8, and encourage the resi-
dents of Mason County to consider him
the best candidate for the position of
William R. Richards
Camano Island
Watch for ba_|oriey
Editor, the Journal,
The truth is out! It is great that the
voters of Mason County can now see
what the “Voter Integrity Project” is all
about thanks to Kirk Ericsori’s column
and KING 5News.
What is really going on, is that the
ultraconservatives didn’t like the last
election results for president, so they
are working up their “Voter Integrity
Project” to convince the public that
there were almost countless moments ,
of voter fraud with “research” that is so
bogus that a junior high science teach-
er would be embarrassed. The back
story is that these same people don’t
want old, young, progressive and per-
sons of color voters to be voting. ’
Mason County residents should be
very suspect that Steve Duenkel and his
ultracons‘ervativefiiends have an ulte-
rior motive in disenfranchising many l
people they disagree with politically.
Especially when you look at the num-
ber of blue Duenkel posters around the
county that look like they cost more
than the Mason County auditor’s sala—
ry would be. Please keep your baloney
detectors on high sensitivity. '
William Busaccai
. Shelton
Biden, Murray, Kilmer
Editor, the Journal,
We used to say I’m getting grocer-
ies and I’m filling the gas tank. Now we
say, should I buy groceries fill the
gas tank? What happened? Sen. Patty
Murray and US. Rep. Derek Kilmer
aren’t helping us; they’re busily sup
porting President Joe Biden’s policies. '
What are Biden policies? He has
none, but he does have a record; infla-
tion rate on inauguration day:
District 3, Treasurer,
The stock market has dropped about
Americans who are
saving for retirement, education, home
ownership now have less savings.
The mortgage rate has climbed from
to since the start of the
Biden presidency; a 3% gain in mort-
gage interest prices. Sellers will have
a harder time selling their houses and
buyers will have a harder time getting
a loan, which will cost mare. These fi-
nancial reports, stock market results,
rising interest rates show the failure of
Biden/Murray/Kilmer policies.
Now .theytell us the border crisis is
Republicans’ fault. Democrat candi-
dates think we’re stupid (and) lie to us.
Watch, the voter response in the No;
vember Journal. We’ll see how many
fell for their lies. Should be interesting. I
What does Patty say? She had a re-
election commercial all about unlim-
ited abortions; then she had another,
different abortion re—election com—
mercial. Neither commercial bragged
about her success in Congress. No won-
der, because she’s done nothing. We
need a stable economy and lower infla-
tion; Patty’s priority is killing the un—
born. After 30 years of doing nothing,
let’s term limit Patty Murray. Support
Tiffany Smiley. She’s a great candidate
while Patty’s a do-nothing politician
with screwed-up priorities. Vote Tif- -~
fany Smiley for US. Senate. What’s the
political history of Kilmer? Derek Kilm—
er has never been a good representa-
tive. Other than naming a post ofi'ice
and having photo ops, can you name
one thing he’s done? Is that what you
sent him to Washington, DC, to do?
Derek’s been in office too long without
doing anything. If he did do something
great, how come we haven’t heard
about it? Let’s retire Kilmer and elect
Elizabeth Kreiselmaier to Congress.
Inflation, high prices, high mort-
gage rates, border crisis, crime across
the US. tells you the truth about
Biden/Murray/Kilmer policies. Keep
your eyes on the rising 'cost ofgrocer-
ies, gas, more expensive loans, the fall-
ing value of your home, your
retirement, and your paycheck as well
as crime statistics to know the truth.
Has either Derek or Patty promoted
refund the police afler their previous
defund chants? These are the policies of
Patty Murray and Derek Kilmer. Mur— ‘
ray and Kilmer can’t or won’t fix these
problems. Which is worse, can’t or
won’t? Our only option to correct these
broken policies and candidate lies is .
your vote. Let’s elect Tifi'any Smiley to
the U.S.__ Senate and Elizabeth Kreisel—
maier to Congress: .
Ardean Anvik
see LE TTERS, page