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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 20, 2022     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 20, 2022
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ELIMINATE GUTTER clean— ing forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris- blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off En- tire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1—888-360—1582. (W tfn) PREPARE FOR power out— ages today with a Generac home standby genera- tor. $0 money down low monthly payment options. Request a Free Quote. Call now' before the next power outage: 1-888—674—7053. (W tfn) r MUSIC MEMORABIJE EVENTS - Add a touch of class with a live cello soloist. Call (360) 490-4695 for details and availability. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS MASONS, GUESTS: Union City Lodge #27 F. A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Casino, ‘ North of Shelton on High— way 101, on the 2nd Thurs— day of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June, ist Thursday.) Sojourners wel- come! (U tfn) PET SERVICES SYLVAN PEI' Lodge has created a low—stress, healthy environment with soft lighting, music, a regu— lar exercise program, and frequent, individualized at— tention. We treat every pet with affection, respect and kindness. Now also offer- ing pet grooming! Call (360) 426—3052. 270 SE Spring Place, Shelton, WA 98584 E-mail: (8 tfn) KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Cats and kittens are available to indoor only homes. Website kittenresq. net, contact (360) 427— 3167. (K 5/23 tfn) REAL ESTATE helton LAND HOMES L‘IISJJLE-fi) , I LI I‘ sewers-«5555 Lovely, Lake Limerick! bdrm 1.5' baths on- Lg lot. $349,000. MLS# 1997300 Shelton Land Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Shar- ron 360-253-1946. (S 9/26- 10/20) Double-wide fixer on 1+ acre. owner contract sold “as is" $198,000. MLS# 1981112 Shelton Land ' Homes LLC 360-426—5555, or Jodie 360-589—9694. (8 9/26—1 0/20) Beautiful 2+ acres w/5 bdrm home car garage, barn & gardens. $649,500.! MLS# 1986156 Shelton Land Homes LLC 360- 426—5555 or Kedda 360- 490-9566. (8 9/26—10/20) Elma-owner contract bdrm shop w/tenants sold “as is” $170,000. MLS# 1967218 Shelton Land Homes LLC 360-426—5555 or Jodie 360-589—9694. (S 9/26—10/20) South Bend- old 2 story \fictorian fixer, owner con— tract sold “as is" $180,000. MLS# 1986847 Shelton Land Homes LLC or Jodie 360-589—9694. (8 9/26-10/20) Tiny Home on lot (power, water, no septic) Little Tim— berlake’s. $100,000. MLS# 1987584 Shelton Land 8L Homes LLC or Jodie 360- 589-9694. (S 9/26—10/20) Beautiful 5 Parcels 72+ acres of trails around old Christmas trees.$850,000. MLS# 1979666 Shelton Land Homes LLC 360— 426-5555 or Jodie 360- 589-9694. (S 9/26—10/20) EQUAL HOUSING oppor— tunity - We Do Business in Accordance With the Fed— eral Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988). It is illegal to Discriminate Against Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handi— cap, Familial Status, or Na- tional Origin. This applies: In the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, In adver— tising the sale or rental of housing, In the financing of housing, In the provision of real estate brokerage ser- vices, or In the appraisal of housing https: com/drive/u/1/folders/1 S4 19quvK35n86rKsVN52nt E303Yg7Vs. Blockbusting is also illegal. Anyone who feels 'he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination: 1—800-669— 9777 (Toll Free), 1—800—927— 9275 (TIY). U.S. Depart— ment of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Fair Hous- ing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, DC. 20410 (U tfn) , ROOFING ASCEND ROOFING Com— pany. Residential and Commercial roofing spe— cialists. New Construction, Re—Roofs and Repairs. Contractor License: AS— CENRC780DP. Financing options available. Call our office for your free estimate. 360—868-2730 or Fax: 360- 868—2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy S, Shelton WA 98584 (A tfn) FIKE’S ROOFING Con- struction. Call us at 360- 490-0013 for a free esti- mate. Fikesroofingcom or find us on Facebook! FIKESR0863LK (F tfn) YOUR NEW roof for as low as $50 per month O.A.C., The Roof Doctor, “We make house calls.” 360—427- 8611. 1131 W. Kamilche Lane, just off Highway 1U1 — near Taylor Town. ROOFDI‘168N8 (R tfn) SERVICES SEAMLESS GUTTERS by Mike, Professional gut- ter installation roof and gutter cleaning. Michael’s Home Maintenance, LLC. Licensed, bonded and in- sured. (360) 490-3611. (8 8/25—11/24) ‘* LAWN ‘ SERVICE Serving all of Mason County. Free Estimates (360) 743-9293 (L tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential & Com- mercial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatching, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weed— ing, brick laying, moss re— moval, painting, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pres— sure washing, fencing, snow removal, concrete pouring, sprinkler sys- tems, constmction, retain- ing walls, land clearing, remodeling excavating. We’re ' licensed, bonded, and insured. General con— tractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Goog|e+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Contact Zacha— rias at 360-463—4834. a week to teac _ NIB ewspapers in Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Shelton-Mason County Journal - page 27 Classifieds - ? Or, zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website:https://www.zjlser- (Z tfn) BRADLEY AIR Company, HVAC, 30+ years experi— ence. Licensed, bonded and insured. ResidentiaV commercial. Emergency service 24/7. Heating, ven— tilation, food service equip- ment maintenance and re- pair. (360) 426—1284, info@ ’ bradleyaircompanycom. (B tin) CHEHALIS SHEEI' Metal, CSM Heating Cooling, Roofing. “Dedicated to your comfort.” Serving you for over 55 years!‘ We’re here to stay. Our quality work- manship is second to none! Independent Trane dealer — it’s hard to stop a Trane. Call today for your Free Es— timate: (360) 352—1996 or 855—0LY—HEAI', csmheat— #CHE HASM252MH (C tfn) SPIRIT Experienced, friendly, reli- able, trustworthy. We love to help our elderly neigh— bors! Need some help around your property? Our services: Mowing, lawn care, roof blowing, painting, gutter cleaning, rock walls, flower beds, sprinkler sys- tem, hauling, blackbem’es, trimming, pruning much more. Free estimates. (360) 728-9497, spiritlandscap— Lic — Bond — Ins — SPIRL*832JP (S tfn) SUPPORT GROUPS LOSS OF a Loved One Grief Support group, NCCU New Community Church Inspire Students to Learn Newspapers In Education During the school year, the Journal supplies more than 500 free newspapers hers, who request them, using local news tobridge the gap betWeen the classroom and the community. ‘ There are ways you .can help us deliver the paper to students in Shelton, Matlock, Hood Canal, C‘Irap‘eiiiew and Belfair. To contribute, just fill in the amount you are willing to give on your subscription form and add it to your payment. Thank you for your help. Together we can build a community of informed young readers! $16 funds one student for the entire school year. $200 pays for a whole class for the year! KW . -3 ' {I (2'9 ucatton You can choose which class tospon‘sor and you’ll receive prominent mention as our partner in our annual thank you ad. Telephone: 560.426.4412 . RO. Box 450 ' 227 West Cota Street - Shelton, WA 98584 LANDSCAPING of Union 951 E Dalby Rd. Union, WA 98592, Last Monday of the month, 3:00 pm — 4:30 pm (N tfn) WANTED VENDOR’S WANTED: Spring Bazaar; Starting April 1st and 2nd, 2023; if interested call Linda (360) 463—2391 for Vendor Ap- plication Information. (9/22— 10/13) WORK WANTED: I do car- pentry, landscaping, handy- man work of all sorts. $25 per heur, have my own tools. Reliable. Call Matt (360) 463- 8715. (J 9/22—9/29) DISABLED MOTHER and son being evicted and need to find a place to live by the end of September, 2022. Pet friendly. (360) 427—5184. (M 9/22-10/20) l i i