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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MANY MEMORIES were recalled Monday Grant C. Angle, was I)OStmaster in the afternoon by llerb Anle. left. and Viii early 1,q(10&apos;s. The post office held the Connolly when they attended the l'ostal open house type servi(,e day to give pa- Servit.e I)ay at the Shelton Post offi('e and trons a chance to see some of the ot)era- inspected some of the old re(:orda which lion and to promote the use of zip (:odes were on display. Angles father, the late on mail. County Gets State, Forest Fund Money Lumber Problems D,scus submit recomrrmndations for a division of the schools' share of the money. The commission approved a resolution putting the Harstine Island Bridge Bond project on the Nov. 7 ballot. The commission voted to con- tinue a hearing on the plat of • ••More than 300 lumbermen from the 12 Western states met last week in Portland to discuss industry problems ranging from vandalism in the forests to a new set of grading rules. It was the 4-day semi-annual meeting of the Western Wood formed that the county trea- surer had received $141,576.18 in Federal Forest Funds. The commission voted to split the money equally between the county road department and the schools. County School Supt. g. W. Goodpaster will be asked to • The Mason County Commis- sion was informed at its meet- ing Monday that its first quart- erly allocation from the state from funds provided for counties in the last session of the legis- lature would be $1,422.01. The cam.mission was also in- Lake Arrowhead, Division 6 from L f l O S k i I ,, 25 to oct. 9. The cormm:is- Former Local ea e÷ n me n9 S sion action was taken on a re- Available From Hear÷ Group • "Enjoy the Pleasures of Not Smoking" is a new pamphlet available from Washington State Heart Association. Many See Display At Fair Grounds The display by Certified Manu- facturing Co. at the Mason County Fair last month attracted many visitors. There were 141 persons who signed the guest book which the company kept at the display. While most were from Shelton and Mason County, there were three foreign countries, Japan, France, and Africa, represented among those who signed. There were also signatures from persons from New York, Texas, Colorado, Oregon and California. Shimeks A÷ Reunion • Dr. and 1YErs. J. T. Shimek, Shelton, were honored guests of the Alumni Association of Oregon Dental School at a banquet in the Sheraton Hotel in Portland Friday. Dr. Shimek was among the graduating class from the school 50 years ago. There were 24 members of the class present, all the way from British Colum- bia to California. Dr. Shimek is semi-retired. His wife is a teacher at Mt. View School. Scie?tist Services Night Classes Start Nexo! °Week t,o+o00,o00 School be+,..+ + of salvation." An adult education program ;it the high scho})l. 'r ,fed per,'ons are asked This verse from II Corinthians to meet at Room 15 in the Anle building at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25. The fee for lhe course will be $25. is the Golden Text of this,we2k,s Lesso0-Sermon on "Reality ' to be read in all Christian Sciende chm'ches on Sunday. Garden Supplies 10% to 50% OFF REDUCED ! KNITTING WORSTED here. t eooperalive e[forx he- tween the Sholton scri(xfl Dish-tel and Olympic College in Fremer- ton is sche(ItlJ(,d fo starl nex! week. Regisl.ralion for the l0 classes heing offered will be Sel)l. 26 and 28 from 6:3(1 to 9:30 l).m. Plant Gets Safety Award • The 60 wol;kers lit Siml)son Timber C()ml)any's Olympic Ply- woott Planl in Shellon ('onq)lele(t one year wilhout a disahling in- jury Sept. g. Howard Curtis, general safely supervisor, said the next safely goal for the plant is its all-time record of 64g consecutive a('ci- dent-free days. Emph)yees of the phmt were treated to coffee and cake and presented with safety awards at the plant Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday classes will /eKn Sept. 26 and "Ihusday :l;tss6 .:Jlggzogin Sepl. 28, The rlasses will conclude I)ec. 20. Course fees will be $6 for each ('rcdil hour unless otherwise specified. This does not in(:lu(te the cost (if supplies and text- books. The college reserves lhe riKhl Io rancol or chan.<\