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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Record on the docket in Justice Court be- Correa during We : Patti and John Vessey, cabin, $1,300; 1. C. Newman, add to building, $500 and George Purves, resi- dence, $14,000. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- 22012 103rd land Ferry for the week" ending $13 for- Sept. 16 were $262.50, the Mason Box 643, County Engineer&apos;s office re- $13 forfeit; ported. 7518 34th SW, SHELTON POLICE COURT passing, $13 Appearing on the docket in St. Rt. ' Shelton Police Court before Judge defective Rolla Halbert Monday night were 'valid license Warren E. Jagnow, 710 Cedar Port Orchard, St., Shelton, faulty equipment, forfeit; Gordon $13 forfeit; Terry L. Pierce, St. Bell, Tacoma, Rt. 1, Box 188c, Shelton, speed- Antone ing, $29 forfeit; Ted Vanders, Shelton, no Edgewood Apartments, Shelton, forfeit; Rich- no oper,tor's license, $18 forfeit; Arcadia, Shel- Clide Crawford, 1503 S. Second forfeit; Law- St. Shelton, drunk in auto, $50 144, Allyn, no valid op- forfeit ; John 127, Union, travel, driving $100 fine, Doyle 1, Box 200, operator's It- Herbert Brum- 31, Shelton, Martha Tacoma, $13 Holt, St. Rt. minor in consuming It- weekends in in possession liquor, $50 in jail; Gail forfeit; Donald Holloway, 1314t Ridgeroad, Shelton, speeding, $29 forfeit; Edee Larson, 104 E. J St., Shelton, speeding, $33 for- feit; Leo J. Beyer Jr., 1,287 Monteray Ave., Monteray, Calif., minor consuming liquor, $50 for- felt; Ronald G. Anderson, 650 Dearborn, Shelton, minor in possesesion of and consuming liquor, $22.50 fine, $2.50 "costs; Howard T. Erick, drunk in Public, $25 forfeit; Grant Hart- line, 221 S. 3rd, Tumwater, drunk and disorderly, $25 for- feit; Stanley Thompson, 4?,3 Cook- son, Shelton, no operator's li- cense, $18 forfeit; Deloris Boyn- ton, 627 Bellevue, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 hwfeit; Frank E. 2, Box 98, Johnson Sr., 406 S. Seventh, stop at stop Shelton, disorderly con(luct, $25 Madsen, forfeit; John H. Johnson, 406 S. speeding, $17 Rt. 2, speeding, 1:11 29th SL SW, ]aie of travel, Mahler, Rt. I, m'gligen! (Iriv- McMillan, >', Bremerton, l.ol)erl St., Olympia, Richard tqaslside $1., Seventh, S h e 1 t o n, disorderly conduct, $25 forfeil; Harry Harp- er, 1307 l¢.idgeroad, Shelton, drunk in I)ublic, est:ape from custody, $50 forf(,il; Denis(' Beaulieu, Rl. Box ?,0, Shellon, defective (,quipmenl, $12 fin'- fell; Selh A. "Fullle, Cameron llolel, Shelhm, drunk in publh.. $25 forfeil; Rodney W. Anderson, RI. 2, Box 325A, Olympia. drunk in puhlic, $25 forfeil; Ilarvey l{.obinson, Aberdeen, drunk in public, $50 fin(', 1(I days in jail; Weather High I_z)w Precip. September 14 79 43 -- September 15 87 46 -- September 16 92 50 -- September 17 ' 88 55 -- September 18 77 50 -- September 19 76 52 -- September 20 80 54 -- Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ported by the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday thru Monday to average four degrees above normal. Normal high is71; normal low, 44. Rainfall expect- ed to average less than normal. City-County Record Lawrence Woolsey reported a female German Shepherd mis- sing. Gerry Lou Giest rel)orted some- one slashed the top of her car, a convertihle. Harold Monson reported a wal- Kidney Machine Film To Be Shown A+ IWA Hall • The Shelton Eagles Lodge and IWA Local 3-38 will be co- sponsors, for a lecture and film on kidney machine operation and treatment at 8 p.m. Sept, 29 in the IWA Hall, Speaker will be Lee Cook, Tenino, state chairman of the kidney fund for the Eagles. Also on hand will be local patients being treated on a kid- ney machine, who will ex- plain the procedures and ans- wer questions from the audience. The sponsoring groups invite the public to attend the meeting. Maria B. Rublin Dies In Germany • Maria B. Ruhlin, 53 died September 3 in a United States Air Force hospital in Germany. Her borne address was 1218 E. Fairmont street, Shelton. Mrs. Rublin was born May 21, 1913 in Bonn, Germany. She is survived by her husband. Rohert R. Rublin, of Shelton; one daughter, Miss Jeanelte M. Rublin, Shelton; one hrother, Peter Ver Furden, Cologne, Germany; and an aunt, Mrs. Minnie Fasany, Miami, Fla. A graveside service was held let with $70 missing after he ac- at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in Shelton cidentally left it at Evergreen Memorial Park. Drug. A car driven hy Grant Hart- line hit a parke(l car owned by Rudolph Ovist, pushing it into another car owned hy John C. King. Jeff cry Dinsmore rel)orted someone look his wallet from his home. A vehicle driven by Gwendo- line Johnstone, Victoria, B.C., hit a utility pole at First and Cedar. SIIERIFF'S OFFICE William Walker reported ?,0 panels ()f l)re-finished plywood, 10 panels of pressed board and a pre-hung door were taken from his i>rol)erly at Star Lake. Dorothy Chandler reported her home I)roken inlo. l{on Walls relx)rled he found a lire. Hattie Ellison Succumbs At 70 Richard P. Reck Dies In Auburn Harstine To Have Sanitary Land Fill ttarstine Island has the dis- als. In a Land Fill a cat is used to make a trench approxi- mately 150 feet long by 8 feet deep and 10 feet wide. The dirt is piled on one side of the trench so that automobiles and pickups can pull up beside the trench to empty the waste material. When the entire trench has been filled to about a depth of two feet a eat is run over the mate- tinetion of having the first Sani- Richard P. Reck, Route 2 taw Land Fill in Mason County Box 510, died suddenly Septem- as opposed to the present Gar- ber 13 in an Auburn hospital, bage Dumps located around the Born July 16, 1889 in Publitz, County now. Gerniany, he moved to Mon- Gary Plews, Santarian for the tana in 1905. After several other Thurston-Mason County Health moves he settled in Shelton in District in an interview this !947 and operated the Lake week pointed out the major Nahwatzel Resort until 1951 when differences between the two types he sold out and purchased an of ways to handle waste materi- rial the full length, compacting apartment house in Shelton. He then worked as custodian at Irene S. Reed High school from 1952-57. He is survived by his wife, Ingrid, of the home; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Ed Garre, of Auburn; one brother, Ernest, of Portland; two sisters, Mrs. Greta Boet- tcher of Vancouver and Mrs. Hulda Keyes of Wenatchee; and three grandchildren. A graveside service was held at Mountain View Memorial Park Saturday with Rev. Horace Mounts officiating. Anna York Dies On Vacation • Anna C. Ym'k, of Route 2, Box 222, died Monday in Wauke- gan, Ill. where she was visiting her (laughter. Mrs. York made her home in Mason county the past 12 years. She was born in Kenosha. Wis., May 7, 1897 and prior Io her retirement lived in Waukegan where she worked for lhe Illinois Bell Telephone Co. for 34 years. The funeral service will be heM at 11 a.m. Friday in the Batstone Funeral Home followed t)y interment i n S h e 1 t o n Me- morial Park. Survivors include one son, Richard R. York, Tacoma; one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Waukegan; two sisters and a brother, Miss Agnes Sandholm, M:rs. Edward Mitehell and Leon- ard Sandhohn, all of Kenosha; and seven grandsons. Californian Dies On Visit Here • Emma B. Hall, Maywood, Calif., died in Shelton General hospital Monday at age 78. Mrs. Hall was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wally Mohrmann, of Hoods- port. She was born Dec. 20, 1888 in Leipzig, Germany. The funeral service wilt be held Friday at Rice Mortuary in Maywood, Calif. with interment in Rose Hill Cemetery, Rosewood, Calif. Surviving are two sons, O. P. Hall, Salt Lake City, and Jack E. Hall, Fullerton, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Grace Klein, Lynwood, Calif., and Mrs. Wally (Gladys) Morhmann, H o o d s- port; 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. it as much as possible. Then a- bout 12 to 18 inches of dirt is pushed over the compacted waste. This layering process is continued until the trench is completely filled, at: which time a new trench is made right next to the one just completed. The two-acre sight aIx)ul tAr-<. miles south of the ferry l;,ndim, is in the process of being l<.as-d from Robert Kenny of S+.allle. PLEASE BE Only you can prevent forest fires! m ; LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Marriage Licenses Applying fl)r marriage licenses in the Mason county auditor's office tile 1)asl w('.'k were : • Hattie Lavina Ellison, 70, died at her home, 623 Wyandotte, Friday. She was born Aug. 14, 1897 in Hoodspert and had lived in this area 40 years. She was a member of Ruby Rehekah Lodge No. 75 and IOOF. She is survived hy her hus- band, David Oren Ellison, Shel- Ion; two sons, Warren of Bfise, Idaho and Herbert, Seattle; five grandchiMren; two brothers, Lift Restrictions Frank Ahl, of Shelhm, and Earnest Ahl, Honolulu; four sis- • The Department of Natural lers, Mrs. Ewl Simmons, Mrs. Resources lifted logging restric- Laura IJJrd and Mrs. Louise lions in part of the county at His property adjoins the John Budd property on the Low road. A right of way has been acquired from Pope and Talbot. The new Land Fill will fill the increased need for an adequate disposal sight. When all the paper work is completed the two acre site which was formerly a sawmill site wilt be completely cleared and the trench made with a turn around. It will be covered on a periodic basis, which will of- course be more often in the sum- mer months with the combina. tion of warm weather and more usage. The additional summer residents together with increased aetvity at the State Park will m"an considerable more waste material. It has been determ,ined one acre is required per 10,000 people per year using this Sanitary Land Fill system. Plews emphasized that the type of material taken to the Land Fill area will have to be limited to normal household waste. I% Items such as washing machines, refrigerators, car bod- ies etc. will have to be disposed of on the individuals own land or taken to the city dump in Shelton. The Land Fill should be ready for use around the first part of October. The site will be well marked with signs. At that time M)Ton Gunderson, 24, Port the old Garbage Dump will be Orchard, and Nancy I<elley, 23, covered and closed off complete- Port Orchard. Patrick Ahlers. 28. Seattle. an(1 Ruth M. Kessler, 25. Seat t le. Arnold V. Ellit>tl, 29, Bremer- ton, and I)onna M. Kenney, 28, Bremerton. Roy tlaney. 19, Shelton, and Rita Jones, 18, Shelton. Roscoe Barrett, 21, Aherdeen, and Vera L. Evans. 18. H()(lUiaz+o. See Today! '68 Chev- Olds Delivery Now! ly. MARY M. KNIGHT Scholarship Fund Benefit DANCE Matlock Grange Hall SEPT. 30, 1967 9:30 to 2 a.m. Music by ' $1'I q), . Arnold W. Aronson Shelhm Iio- Smith rel)orled the door Rose, of Shelton, Mrs. midnight Tuesday. n the ;7 1' i/,,; (r';;'i: tel, Shelhm, drunk in ,)ublir, $25 '-Me!i)' . ; ., '2 . all. , and. . • , . Johnn _ ,.,vv,-onH. ra h) his h(,m( hM I)((n broken I dna Hamts of Hoodspott The restmctlons were lifted in V  aRrMeu,,-n $1 q  "' An'fell" William S Ninemire, R1. ' ' l )r]('] • , ' " . open. The funeral service was heM Areas 5 and 15. , . # ] L Jim| | U| 1323 K H " I' :, Box 462 SAt,Ibm drunk m :., a ]snn::) '  ' ' . ,,:,:i:' i,:t! ' Ti:')!i:b(ide t:!;<:k;:!i teol e lnhrn+Ml((:l.i?::ylprene!" (hT(re?eP!)+irnXingU:oi Music Box 1 llm+tLe • 42. r==ew I Admission eedin+, ¢1., r.., puhli(., $2.) forfeil; [+a,onard Kel- " ...... ' ' ' ' " " t " " " " ' ' " ' " " "" h'r' l"n'esl Gr"ve' Ore" mm°r ,,:L:"i.,kenfrom.,sh:.d "p tionYol]o:ed ":" 'g' + " trea'; ' " =0,oo,. +=+.,,0= ,.z, OF},It, consuming liquor, $25 forfeil; P "'": Vernon S. Kenyon, St. RI. 1, Box ,. . ........... -- , {)i'l ( idk ' R.t. 2, Box 509 16:,A. Shellon," lrunk in I)ul)lic, ..  --  _ -- -- .ll.4a. s' inor eonsut(- $25 fo,'feit; Jim Duley, 742(; Cal- + , ........... "" ,.' :t1+16 i-+inb ;" " : +r ..... ff6enta" ag, e. ,Seattt< ?+(h-ti+k:i in  ' ' .+. ?: :>,-i ,:+., ,, ,r" : ' ...... '  + ...... l ,IL'ENT' public+$25'.forfeit - , .... ..... , See the New Shows the World Ser on l Mi0 t)X 371, Pouls- (TrY BUIIJ)ING PERMITS tit license, $50 BuiMing permits al,Prov(id h.v ' -- les -- (!OIIK the city of Shelton during the li - past week were to K. Gncsteloff, +.+ ............. ++n+++ I 'I %"'P.Y Iu's,;n"f,.,",;;' ,qRE D'EI'.II'r,IENT IPI COLII'I Friday Sept. 15, 4:55 p.m., (.ar fire at  Simpson Timber Co. in a car ' owned hy Kennelh Reinerlsen, k'hie Olyml)ia caused $10 damage. l'y s n " Co. ag'finsl Sept. 16, (;:10 p.m. fire in a 1 • tl(. S, fo'rh)¢,,,:,, :,r truck I)e ng worked on in the ! ¥ + .......... I n I 'IX "(2' ntracl M om'tan Bros. garage, $111 danl- b p mmission a- age. . USl Tavern un- Sept. 18, a grass fire a! Ihe !llt''*lll.,ur ' ' Steve Fcllstr°n) residen¢'e' 1317 i  COLOR I 1 ' O IIlnlers aeainst Fairmonl. >0,,:,os S,,n,ers, ,,,:,.','ON ,.o,.,,' (ontacl. Roy Renecker re )orled s,)me- ,h'l'n,;. NG ! EI{'M]'rS one l't)()k a stalue fronl his l;twn. ',.O.x,,, approved I)v William N. Dilhm reported :itl'l'00'00Y C°mn00issmn s°nm°ne lhrews°mething'H his I T v BY Illl...00_ ....... ++! / Pii,Pnday were It) car, i)real,:ing lhe windshield as vlh b n, residence lie was dr ring ah>ng Ellinor St. Ytl b. ll'ker. cabil'l A car drive'n i)v Ervin l-[errel ',.t@lvee, cahin $1 and a nu)tureycle ridden t)}' ++,_+0 ++.+ ++ I 0 AVIO TORjjl i i i IR!( "Ski, residence' and Arcadia. Curtis suffered a ID. rlekson rest" I)l'<)kt,I1 leg and was taken tO   eific Vu'ti'n Shelhm Gener'fl Hospital llerrel k."A,, -. Un " , , 0 ' " • h"tl; '-; Lyle Shaw t<)ld officers he did nol see the  *.)Uglas Rich'- nloh)rcvcle |)ecause of the sun ' ' $3 200 " ' " s " Ill his eyeJ. ! ('°"++,, i'el00em¢ ] [ TSIIURGH PAtNTS *I -'-++ THERE:SG6TTOBE I 'I i I {)tY"PI(: STAIN i i i ,.,,ttLh00th a'va+ila'blein many e°l°rSum" ber C0. t i +(][.liD I)0 1900i)l00ll[]il] I]l/I "l I"111'. + +2''''2= a: / __2 'd & c°ta Streets APP NE$ • 'I"Y • sTEREo • FURNITURE "++++'tlIRI .,..o,,...+,,,,o ++++ -- Cota Street, A P P L I A Thursday, September 21, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3