September 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 21, 1967 |
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Skokomish Heaffh Cen,e[ °Has Gra Opening
....... *.". • nd
With the opening o th near the Skokon%ish riv the ments, singing and guitar music, porated in the State of Washing-
eee Slmk°mish Health Center a new Bremert°n highway °n H°°d and games in the gymnasium t°n as a n°n'politieal' n°n'see"
day has dawned for youth--and Hood Canal. adjacent to the Center, are yours tarian, group of physicians, den-
Indians in particular--physically An immediate end reached has free," he declares, tists and laymen, seeking to
and socially on the Skokomish been the introduction of a family Initiating a move in their cam- better physical and moral fitness
yells ready for
'cause the High-
their first
coming Friday
They won
at Elma last week
Rah, for the
who sponsor
page every
each home game:
support as the
to give either
When the mar-
top notch bar-
manager of
is holding a
Sale this week. All
are part of the
so it's all
raarked down to
good values.
has bargains
just right for
weekend me-
save you money
You need and
on hand. From
that is) than
Seat belts. Stop
of THE
says he's hold-
and just for you.
just wander in
OWner of ItVI.
TOy, has sold
that is) than
Mason County.
raore "parking
'68's so...there's
Price cut on the
and take advant-
right away too.
the '68 models,
debuting this
features are
and most of
Offering free cof-
tornach to enjoy
over the
leads us into
original) that
a woman.
lovely lines"...
OWner of EVER-
gigantic Wal-
it in the
?er o£ MII,-
a com-
iiklhg,' '
Make sure,
that you
a look. Ted
serve you, as
nanager of
nat top notch
ng for you.
neWs for this
. ton or in
N. Han-
' Mark's Ca-
is, Minn. will
ncipal service
Scopal Church,
a native of
of Transat-
here to at-
ar and
: try it
YOu r
er With.
Alabaster. Alabama. So, the
next fimae you need something
for the home or for yourself,
walk right on in and take a
Since it's football season,
PAULE¥'S is again spon-
soring the punt, pass and kick
contest for all you kids. Make
sure you register for it and
then practice, and practice some
more. There's always a winner
from Nfason County and that
winner might go to the nation-
reservation announces William H.
McGhee, president of the L. D.
McGhee Foundation, Inc., which
sponsored the project
The Health Center is located
in a renovated building tempor-
arly released to the Foundation
by the School district on the
Iwer Skokomish School grounds
Lions Plan
play hour every Saturday night
at 6:30 p.m. in charge of the
Skokomish Health Club. Joe
Andrews, an Indian resident of
the reservation, is acting presi-
(lent of the Health Club. He in-
vites every family in the com-
munity to take part in this
"new venture of sociability and
betterment Films on health at-
tractive to young people, refresh-
paign to detect and treat dental
problems in young children of
the community, a free dental ex-
amination will be conducted
Sept. 24, at 4-6 p.m. in the
Center by a visiting dentist, one
of a team of doctors and dentists
who are members of the Founda-
In October a pediatrician will
give free physical check ups to
all children whose parents de-
sire this service. Only the simp-
lest type of medical and dental
examinations will be given at
this time, until such time as
among under privileged and
ethnic minorities.
Contributions are now be-
ing received," he says, "and are
tax deductible. Send them to L.
D. McGhee Foundation, Inc., P.
O. Box 603, Shelton, Wash.
for sale. 5 bedrooms, hot water
heating, large carport, modern
kitchen with appliances,
drapes. 426-3590• K 9/21-28
Guy Beekwith, owner of BECK- Arrivals more adequate equipment can UPRIGHT :McPHAIL piano. $50.
. ' ...... none zo-4128 or 426-8262
a diamond sale this week that a e n a r The i.. ,. wteGnee ,ounuauon, - ^--: ^-
is second to none, anywhere! Inc., reveals McGhee is incor- iw /l-z,
for one or not, you better stop in. SlIEI,TON GIL'NEIIAL HOSPITAL P.m --- -
At these low prices you can't begin to solicit for its c¢)m-
munity birthday calendar ,,,is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cotten- t The 1968 t
afford to pass up the chance.., week, according tu club presi- ware. R()ute 1, Box 312, a girl,
George Valley, owner of dent Howard Thomason. Tiffs is Septemi,r ]3. ;' MODEL CARS are HERE,';
EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE the sixth year in su(:cession thal Mr. :rod Mrs. R()v York, Star
CENTER, says watch the new the club has offered this cahm- I<oule 1, Box 100, "a girl, Sept-
programs and the world series dar to the pui)lic and enables ('tuber 14.
on a color TV. Why not? Prices everyone in Mason County lo Mz'. anct Mrs. Felix G. Brazeau i i
won't get any better, than' they become friendlier t)y knowing Jr., 2220 Adams street, a boy, , 1967 MODEL CARS ON'SALE
are right now, so don t wait and when a certain person has a S('ptenll)er 14. i It
don't niss out . . .
That's--30---for this week, but birthday ,)r anniversarv. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Strong, i egu ar y $ 11 i
remember this. Shop in Shelton, Thomason slated lh:d file club Star Route 1, Box 151, a girl, R I J
save a bundle and als° save wear is able t° h°ld the annual f°shzr S'plember ]5 i $2"00 ONLY I L 0 i
and tear on your nerves, parents picni(, an(i t() i)uv las- Mr. and Mrs. Rennet1 E. •
ses for need,," ehildr(!n {}n'0u!4h i'i(,ru(,, 18-10 Summit Drive, a
b°v' Sel)tember 17" 1 NE
Ray Prouty, hairmm of the ,'h', and Mrs. Coy I" Willis, WE ED PARKING SPACE.
ealc-ndar comm'ttee slated that 106 Arcadia street, a Rirl, Sept-
any(me, including individuals or ('tuber 18. II
be included in the listings to
contact either himself at 426-637,1 220 Cota 426-4529
days or Howard Th()mason at ,..,.,,m,.,,=*,,,,.,. =-- _ ,,d
426-8615 e;'ening.;.
Pontiac announces the
great American sport for '68
Wide-Tracking has never been farther removed from jst
plain ordinary driving. One look at our stvlistq '68 Pontiacs
should tell you that. One ride will convince you!
Our sporty new Tempests and Le Mans are new from the
wheels up. There's a new 175-hp Overhead Cam Six. New
sports car feel. Smoother ride. Supelior stability and response.
Disappearing windshield wipers on all GTOs and Le Marts.
Even wider Wide-Track. And' you can choose from two new
regular- or premium-gas 350 cu. in. V-8s!
Our fabulous GTO boasts the neatest engineering innova-
tion of the year--an exclusive evolutionaV new bumper.
It's the same lustrous color as the car. Btt t won't chip, fade
or corrode. And you wont believe what thts bumper does
Llrqttl yOLI see it with yOLlr OWn eyes!
Naturally, our new Bonnevilles. Grand Prixs. Catalnas,
Executives and Venturas wont take a back seat to anyone!
Especially with their bold new ntegral bumper-grilles that
ae nearly twice as strong as before. There's also new
Wide-Track ride. improved Iqandl]ng. Smoot;er engines. And
more new features for your protection, ;I, a buzzer that
warns you when you forget your ignition k(
Isn't it about time VOU decided to give uo plain ordinary
driving? Don't fritter away another hour. See your Pontiac
dealer today and start Wide-Tracking!
Grand Pnx Hardtop Coupe '" ,.
See the Bonneville, Brougham, Grand Prix, Executive, Ventura, Catalina, GTO. Le Mans, Tempest and Five Firebirds at your Pontiac dealer's ............. .
Pont ac Motor DIvsto
& Railroad
3 Credit
Plans to
Choose from
'tll $:30 p.m.
Several different styles and sizes (Reg 98€ to $1.98)
Copper Molds . now 88 ¢
5 patterns & 5 styles In each pattern (Reg. $1) IMPORTED
Glass S÷emware . now 88 ¢
SILICONE Thick pad and
roning Board Cover . 88 €
ssorted sizes- Green, Red and Amber (Reg. 90€ to $1.10)
Beverage Glasses now 2/88 €
FOR HOT COFFEE--One Group of Colorful (Reg. $1 to $1.50)
Mugs . ..... now 88¢
Durable Metal in Black or White Design (Reg. $1.30)
Was÷e Baske÷s . now 88 €
One Group Assorted Men's (Regularly to $12.00)
Jacke÷s . . . . now $5.88
One Group Men's and Young Men's, Name Brand,
in Assorted Colors (Regularly $6.98)
Wide Wale Cords now $3.88
One Group Men's and Young Men's, Name Brand,
in Assorted Colors (Regularly $8.00)
Wide Wale Cords now *4.88
One Group Ladies -- Sizes 5.6-7 (Regularly 49¢ each)
Briefs . . . now 3 pr. 88 ¢
One Group Ladies (Values to $1.75)
Seamless Hose . now 2/88'
One Group (Values to $2.00)
Travel Accessories now 88 ¢
One Group, Bubbling (Values from $1.25 to $2)
Ba÷h Oil, Creme
Rinse & Shampoo . now 88 €
One Group Ladies (Regularly to $4)
Knit Tops, Swea÷shir÷s
& Blouses . . . now 88'
Orlon & Wool Sweaters
Includes: Brand Name Cardigans; Pull-Overs in Turtle Necks,
Jewel Necks, Poor Boys. Colors in Brown, Beige, Pink, Green,
Navy, Wine and Blue. Values to $15.00.
'4.88 '6.88
Seven (7) Only Ladies SHAGGY (Values to $21.95)
Short Coa÷s . . now*7.88
One Group Children's Knee-Hi & Over-the.Knee (Reg. $1 to
$1.39) Sizes 6-7V2, 7-8*/2, 8-9*/2 -- Orlons & Cottons
S÷refch Sox . . . now 88 ¢
One Group Children's SHORTS, SHIFTS, SHIRTS, etc.
(Reg. $1.85 . $2.25)
Sporfswear... now
One Group Children's, one and two piece (Reg. $4 to $10)
Dresses & Surfs
Washable Cottons, Many No-iron
$2.88, $3.88, '4.88
Solid Colors and Plaids (Reg. $5.98)
Bonded Fabrics now*l.88 yd.
Cotton Rib Knit Available in four (4) colors (Reg. $3)
Poor Boy . . now 2/-'1.88
Cotton 7-Wale (Regularly $1.29 yard)
Corduroy . . now 88' yd.
One Large Group (Values to $2.00)
Yardage . . . now 88' yd.
One Group Assorted Colors and Styles (Regularly to Ik%49)
Aprons . . • now 88 € each
Close Out Cotton Terry (Regularly 69¢)
Dish Towels . . now 2/88'
Paris Originals (Values to $9)
in Many Colors, Weaves, Plaids & Solids
Woolens . . now $3.88 yd.
Thursday, September 21 1967, Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5