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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
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• •N[00i p÷i ...... * Q by Soro mist Joan uim I ef l_ ,,. ever, nuptiats at St. Club Me s Joan Ellen Quimby became the 1 The Soroptimist Club of Shel- i bride of Gregory Wayne Branch, August 11. The Rev. Clarence ton held its first regular business Lody of St. David&apos;s and the Rev. meeting of the fall season Sept- Society Editor Marj Jacobson Phone 426-4412 Daniel ttevenor of St. Paul's ember 13 in the PUD conference Episcopal church in Bremerton IF Yi:)U WOULD like something different to take to that next potluck, or for a family treat, give Willie Quinn's Orange Crumble Cake a try. It uses a white cake mix and is easy and quick to prepare. With Willie in the above Journal photo is Allison Luhm. Cake Mix Is Base For E, sy To Fix Orange CrumE,le Cake • An excellent take-along cake for picnics and potlucks is Willie Quinn's Orange Crumble Cake. It is quick and easy to prepare, using a white cake mix over a crumb mixture, which is topped with orange sections and more crumbs. Especially de- dicious served with whipped cream ! Willie often takes this cake to lodge potlucks. She is active in both Royal Neighbors of America and Degree of Honor. ORANGE CRUMBLE CAKE 1 pkg. white cake mix grated rind of one orange 1 can mandarin oranges, drained or 2 large oranges peeled and sec- tioned. (YRU IYIB MIXTURE Vz cup chopped nuts 1/3 cup brown sugar 2 Tbs. flour Mix cake according 1 pack- age directions, adding grated orange rind. Put half of crumb room. The club's new president, MAcki Coles, had a full agenda and a lively first meeting ap- pointing Committee chairmen and discussing and looking forward to the 14th annual meeting of District No..1 which will beheld ,; October 7-8 at the Tyee. Shelton !: ' i club will host the Sunday morn- ....... ing breakfast. Virginia Grout w a s elected delegate and Jeanette Hansen alternate to attend the District meet. There will be much in- formation to share at this busy event. Other new officers for the local club are Jeanette Hansen, vice president; Frances Frint, secre- tary; and Ruth Boysen, treas- urer. The next meeting will be a combination supper and work- shop to be held at 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday in the Holiday .... Beach clubhouse. VFW Has Annual Dinner For Gold Star Parents • The annual dinner honoring Mason county Gold Star Parents was held by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Aux- iliary last Friday night. Ap- proximately 60 persons attended. Chairman Mrs. Alice Haines introduced the guests and pre- sented each mother with a gift and corsage and each father with a boutonniere. Following dinner Mrs. Teresa Lambert showed slides of Alaska. The fifth district past presi- dents Club met last Thursday night in Raymond. Attending the VFW Auxiliary school of instruction held Septem- ber 10 i rort Orchard were Mrs. San ; .J Mrs. Larry Godwin. t.cports of the school will be given at the next regular business meeting of the Auxiliary, October 6. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS LENHART Lynne Stevens Is Bride Of Tom Lenhar÷ In Augus÷ Rife • A Spanish arrangement of /Vfendellshon's "Wedding March" was sung as Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emerson Lenhart walk- ed down the aisle following their August 26 wedding in the Shelton First Methodist church. The bride is the former Lynne Scott Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John liam Aho and Miss Elaine Zehe were dressed in costumes identi- cal to the matron of honor's. In short dresses, also styled to match the others, were flower girls Stacy Hoskins anti Melissa Brassfield. nieces of the bride. William Aho and Michael Hoskins lighted the candles and officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Quimby of Shelton. Parents of the bride- groom are Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Branch of Bremerton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore her aunt's wedding dress, a floor length gown of reembroidered lace over satin with a full hoop skirt and flowing sweep train. Her man- tilla was of matching lace at- tached to a cluster of pearls. The bridal bouquet was of white gladoli and pink roses. Miss Elizabeth Quimby, sister of the bride, was maid of honor in a floor length empire styled gown of emerald green brocade. She carried a nosegay of pink' gladioli. The bridesmaids, Misses Janet Maranville, Lynda Hay and Ann Quimby, sister of the bride. wore empire styled gowns of emerald green brocade and satin and each carried a nosegay of pink gladioli. Jill Ellen Craswell was flower girl with Brian Howe as ring bearer. Both are cousins of the bride. Robert Sellar was best man with William Berentsen, Ronald Faulkner and Peter Farsje as attendants. Ushers were Rodney and Mark Branch, brothers .of the groom. Robert Quimby, brother of the bride, was the acolyte and Mrs. Charles Lewis was organist. A garden reception followed at the home of the bride s par- ents on Hammersley Inlet. Orchid gladioli and greenery decorated Ta s Nc,w Mrs. Gregory However, since joining Christ- mas Town Tops Club when it began shortly after the first of the year. she has not had the opportunity of enjoying it as often herself as she would like to. Although Willie and husband Don have bily two daughters, both of ]om-are married, she has done so much babysitting in the past 12 years she has a hard time getting used to the quiet when there are no "little ones" around. The Quinns have two granddaughters. Mrs. Hall Hosts First Meeting Of Beachcombers • Mrs. Marge Hall was hostess for the first fall meeting of the Beachcombers Garden Club last Thursday. Co-hostess was Mrs. Kay Sanford. Mrs. Elma Anderson presi- dent. conducted the business meeting, with old business being taken care of before lunch, Dur- ing the noon luncheon members diseussed summer aetivities. New officers were installed by Mrs. Orville Kager during the afternoon session, Mrs. Ann Wesl- berg took over as president: Mrs. Emil Gaetana secretary; and Mrs. Orville Kager, treasur- er. The next meeting will be held in the home of Mrs, Earl Ter- rell October 12 with Mrs. Ed Grigg assisting. The theme will be Golden Splendor, with ar- rangements of dried materials or driftwood to be made by members. Two new members were wel- comed to the club. Anyone in- terested in joining is asked to contact Mrs. Orville Kager for information. mixture in bottom of prepared 13x9x2 cake pan. Pour cake bat- ter over crumbs. Top wilh orang(" sections and remaining crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minu|es, or until done. May be served with whipped cream. Credit Women To Meet Tuesday F. Stevens, Grapeview. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. anti Mrs. John N. Lenhart. Cleve- land Ohio. A friend of the bride, Miss Izvara Kleinhemple. of Chile, sang the Spanish. song and two Members of the Mason county other numbers accompanied by Rummage Sale I Members <)f the Pickering Homemakers Club will hold a run]mae sale September 28 and 29 in the PUD auditorium. Doors will be open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Credit Women are reminded to lake their manuals to next Tues- day's meeting to be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Timbers res- taurant At the September 12 meeting Glenn E. Correa was the guest speaker. His talk was on bank- ruptcy procedures. Mrs. Olavi Aho. Rev. Horace Mounts conducted the afternoon rite in the church decorated with g r e e n and white chrysanthemums and gladi- oli with greenery. Aisle bows and streamers graced the pews where api)roximately 150 guest were sea ted. The bride's floor-length gown of white linen was styled with three-quarter 1 e n g t h sleeves, scooped neckline and empire waist with a delachable train. the house for the occasion. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. John Longmate, Mrs. John Sell, Mrs. Beverly Baldwin and Mrs. Raymond Ensign, all aunts of the bride, and Mrs. Robert Griffith, Miss Beverly Branch, Miss Teresa Baldwin and Miss Janet Longmate. Attending the guest book was Miss Patricia Walton. Groom's cake wis passed by the Misses Patricia Craswell. Carol Long- mate and Debra Howe, all cous- ins of the Also ass Patricia and christine the gifts Shrum Following Banff and couple are where both University bridegroom Sixth and Corporation. A roses held her shoulder length veil. Her crescent shaped bou- quet was of chrysanthemums and stephanotis with two gar- denias. Her mother and father gave her in marrmge. .atron of honor for the bride was her sister, Mrs. C. Michael Hoskins. who wore an olive green floor length dress with an empire waistline and trimmed In yellow. Her veil was held with a green rose and she carried a diamond-shaped bouquet of green-centered chrysanthemums, Bridesmaids Mrs. Morgan Brassfield. sister of the bride, coma Rife For Karin Lund, Tom • Candle lighted topiary trees of dec[) coral roses created the setting in the First Covenant Church in Tacoma for the even- ing wedding of Miss Karin Louise Land and Thomas Clyde Temple last Friday. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. assisted John Tomatch and Ntis A. Lund of Tacoma. and Morgan Brassfield with seating the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. the guests. Donald W. Lenhart Temple of Shelton were united was best man for his brother, in marrmge in a candle light A scalloped neckline accented ceremony officiated by the Rev. the sleeveless light olive green Dr Bror O. Lundgren. The dress Mrs., Ste .a wore with :Sathe of,,,the bride matching accesbrits. Mrs. Len- :?idown. the nine whieh:':£vas'.rim- harrs light' blue hat matched reed. by cathedral candles and her linen dress. Both mothers wore corsages of white roses. A yellow and white maltese cross cake with lemon filling and yellow roses was served at the reception following the cere- mony. Assisting with the sei-vmg were Mrs. Sivert Garethun, Mrs. Ann Westberg and the Misses Coralie Anderson. Leanne Arm- strong and Mareella Westberg. Mrs. Robert Geist attended the guest book. Ann and Marcella headpiece of three white Westberg were in charge of the gift table. The bride, a She/ton High school graduate, graduated from the University of Washington this summer where she was as- sociated with Kappa Delta so- rority. She will teach in the Claremont Junior Itigh school in Oakland, Calif. this fall. Her husband attended Otfio State University, got his masters degree at New York University and (lid I)St graduate work at the University of Washington. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity and employed by the Bank of California. They will be topiary balls. She wore a gown of angel skin peau, fashioned with an empire bodice of alencon lace and seed pearls. The p6rtrait neckline and flared elbow-length sleeves add- ed an elegant contrast to the floor length A-line simplicity of the skirt. The skirt was accented by a detachable train which was appliqued with lace motifs. A crown of pearls and aurora borealis crystal adorned a three Mrs. Dennis Krumm, Mrs, Wil- living in San Rafael, Calif. MRS. THOMAS the bridesmaids cnlered. L. Ger- Lars-n ald Larson sang two numbers TereSa and Mrs. Glenn L)vrak, sister passed of the bride sang thc "Wedding Bror O Prayer" to lhc couple. The The bride's mother selected a graduat green satin I)roca(le sheafl and lIigh matching coal with gold acres- lbc Un series anti a corsalze of g)hl orchids. The bridegroom's mother wore a sheath of t)eilze with a matching floral patterned coat and green accessories. Her cot- satin was of green orchids. Serving at the receplion held in the church parlor were Mes- dames Rber! Temple. Maruarel Johnson. William Lures. E. E. While, Allan Land, IIelge Land, tiered elbow-length veil of im- ported bridal illusion. A feathery cascade bouquet of gardenias, stephanotis and tropicana roses accented with ivy added the finishing touch. Miss Judy Bailey was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jerome Faulkner, Miss Jane Larson and Mrs. Gary Wood. Their gowns of coral re- versed satin were fashioned with empire bodices accented with tailored bows, elbow-length sleeves and scoopcd necklines. Fullness at the back of the floor-length A-line skirts gave the illusion of a flowing train. Veiled headpieces, matching ac- cessories and cascading topiary bouquets of coral roses com- pleted their attire. The flower girls, Julie and Becky Smith, wore dresses of the same style and color as the bridesmaids and carried baskets of stock florets and roses. Gregory J. Lund, nephew of the bride, was the ring bearer. John W. Temple was his brother's best man and Dennis Temple, " De Glass. Arthur Smith and Gary Wood ushered the guests to their seats, Allan G. Lund, brother of the bride, played the "Trumpet Voluntary" accompanied by the First Fall Meeting For ESA • The first fall meeting of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority met September 13 in the home of 1Vrs. Glenn Sowers. During the evening the schedule for the I967-68 season was adopted and reports were given by chairmen of education, welfare, ways and means and social committees. A round table discussion on Wolden; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ed Dunbar: treasurer. Mrs. Tom Ogden; and parliamentar- ian. Mrs. Bill Kimbel. September 11 nine members went to the Tacoma Little Theater to see "Chicken Every Sunday". ESA's Tacoma chap- ter sponsored the evening as a ways and means project. During the early part of Set)t- ember members catered three the history and purpose of the jobs. Proceeds from all caterings organist. Louis E. Larson, as Chester Richey, L. G e r a 1 d Rebekahs To Meet sorority was held as an euea- go toward local welfare projects. . ...... .,m--t--.----t- -- tional program. Educational di- The meeting next Wednesday f -3 . oor i I will hold a regular meeting at and Mrs. Ken Evans. Dick Holland. 8 p.m. this Friday in the Odd Officers for the season are: At the close of the meeting Fellows' hall. Plans are being President, Mrs. Ray Rice. vice refreshments- were served by made for a birthday dinner and MR, AND MRS. CLARENCE LANNING, Union, announce president, Mrs. Ky Wilson; re- Mrs. Sowers and co-hostess, Mrs. party for the.rrmmbers, the engagement of their daughter, Jan Marie, to Chief Pet- cording secretary, Mrs. Bob Gene White.  iSeeToda¥! ! ty Officer Tim Shanks, sonofMrs. GladysShanks, Shel- q----, =_ -- -- --,i ....... " ] i DANClNfi EVERY SAT. NlfiHT I', ,on. He is a Shelton High school graduate and she is DANCE LESSONS I ' .:o0 ,t,, z:oo i later.presently attending SHS. The wedding date is to be set "Ta Ballet "k Acrobatec ! I I '65 [Chev. Olds [ -__. ,.__.......,.__.__......_..._.._...| P * l . TIeBEST l I i W i YouShou|dKn°w''" ' I N EACH SATURDAY at the i ' irl cOu"T"Y I/ESTE"N Iu$| '' [ Delivery | CUNT WILLOUR [ imrod Club Building i ,, l :i :!! , i H DearbornandOlympic 1 I ' / ff5: i!i!: !! Life Insurance Pn°tects what  ' ADMISSION $1.50 Now i;;:: . ? you save while you save it. $ " c . ! Featuring: TEX MITCHELL" and HIS BAND  |1., IMeLL Grove • 426.4426 CHEVll = ' iI N/W 1717 Olympic Highway NATIONAL North I l I or ERIE ;2,72,,°v ', L. G00SCH MI DT "I $ Located Ph'one CR -2248 or CR 5-2922 on the Old Belfair Highway I  Ph. 4;-8139 LhC" 'rl" ur" n" '°r Livl"g i . -- l Page 6 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 21. 1967