September 21, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Head Sfarf
Open House
• Parents and friends of the
Head Start program are cor-
dially invited to attend an open
house in the class room between
9 a.m. and noon next Monday.
Classes are held in the new
Methodist church. Coffee and
cookies will be served.
It is hoped all interested per-
sons will attend and feel free to
ask questions. Materials and toys
will be on display.
School will start for the child-
ren on Tuesday and Wednesday,
with half of the class attending
on each of those days and a
full attendance on Thursday.
Car Ix)ols have been arranged.
Head Start extends its thanks
to the community for the sup-
port it has received since the
school started. With the open-
ing of the new session volunteer
help is eagerly sought for the
kitchen, class room and play-
ground. Anyone interested in
working with children is asked
to call the Head Start office at
Baptist Church Is Scene Of
Rains-Larson Summer Rife
• Miss Judy Rains and Daniel
Larson were married August 26
in an 8 p.m. service in the First
Baptist church. Parents of the
bride are Mr. and Mrs. Paul
E. Armstrong, Shelton. Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Larson of Park-
land are parents of the bride-
I:ev. Arthur L. tNals l)cr-
formed the (touble ring cere-
mony with about 125 relatives
lind friends in attendance. Tall
white lapers wilh pale blue and
yellow ribbon' on the cande-
labra and penthouse baskets of
tall blue and yelh)w glad€fit dec-
orated the church.
The bride was given in mar-
riage t)y her stepfather, th'r
gowo ()f irnlJrle(l ('ellen brocade
was trinmed with Venice lace
and fashioned in l)rincess style
with so, loped neckline and long
bell shaped sleeves. Ih'r shoulder
length veil w;ls of silk illusion
at lathed It) a headpie(.e of
snlall chiff(m and ilhision flowers
e(te(t with p(,arls She carried
New Club For
a bouquet of while snowflake
pores and trailing ivy centered
with yellow garnet roses.
MaM of honor was the bride's
sister, Linda Pains, who was
dross(,d in a slreet 1,,ngth I)rin-
tess style dress of cotton bro-
cade in pale yellow. A daisy
hairband was her headpiece and
she carried a bouquet of daisies
and leather fern with pale blue
ribbon streamers.
l)ressed in pale blue cotton
brocade dresses styled the same
as the maid of honor were
bridesmaMs Kay Lxertcher and
Susan Larson, sister of the
brideroom. Y e 1 1 o w ribbon
streamers were used (m lheir
matching I)ouquols.
Acling a' t)et man for his
hrolhor was GeraM Larson. John
I;u'son, also I)rolher of the groom,
t¢enn('th Strausz and Aaron Ochi
ushered. Music was furnished by
William Archer who a(.companied
soloisL Miss Sandi Flc(l ql.
Mrs. ArmslronL{ wore n yel-
low three-pi(,ce knit suit wilh
mut('hing ;l(.cessories and Mrs.
Llrsiln used aqua at.cossories
with her heige la(:e dress. Bolh
m()lhers wore corsHf{i's of gel'-
Debbie Maranville
Miss Maranville
To Tell Of Trip
I)ebbie Maranvill', wh() parii-
ciDate(l in Ihe I.O.O.F. tour to
the United Nations an(t other
points in Eastern United States
and Ca na da will tell her
story of the trip and show
i I, The first in'etink' of the
/h)memakers Club will be held
at 10 a.m. npxl Tuesday in file
Mason Co un I y multi-service
cenler. 2rid and Grove. Mrs.
Peggy Copl), county extension
auent, will he uest speaker and
Jean thischel will (lem, mslrale
making Christmas cards.
Housing Problem
To Be Discussed
• Peol)le with a housin t:wol)-
lem are invited h, the Mason-
Thurslon (7 o U 11 1 y Conllllunity
Housing Project meelinR to be
held al 7::It) p.m. nexl Tuesday
in lhc Tumwaler multi-cenler
acrl)Rs fronl the Olympia air-
Anyone needing translortation
is aske(t m e.all the Mason County
Multi-Service Center al 426-2568
or 426-2571. Cars will leave tile
local service center at (;:,t5 l).m.
with the last car leaving at 7:10
Bridge Club
i Seven tables were in play at
the Monday night meeting of the
Shelton Bridge Club. Winners
for north-south were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Ekmnett, Bruce
Kreger and Mrs. Bill Batchelor,
Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby.
For east-west top honors went
to Bob Eliot and Bill Lueke.
Vic King and Ida Clothier,
Mary Keller and Etta Rector.
The club meets at 7:30 p.m.
each Monday in the PUD audi-
torium. All bridge players are
5 Miles South on Freeway
Show tarts at Dusk
Jane Fonda "k Dean Jones
Cynthia Madison-Tom Lowe
Exchange Vows In Olympia
• Exchanging rings and vows
in an afternoon ceremony in
Olympia's St. Michael's Catholic
church September 9 were Miss
Cynthia Louise Madison and
Thomas Richard Lgwe. Father
Albert LaPierre and Rev. Horace
Mounts performed the rite.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Kenneth J. Stevens and
Roy D. Madison, both of Olympia.
She attended St. Martins College
and is employed by the Depart-
ment of Housing at Western
Washington State College. Her
lmsband, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Rolland B, Lowe of Shelton,
is a Shelton High school gra(tu-
ate, attended the University of
Puget Sound lind is a student
at XVSC.
(liven in marriage by her
flither. MJss Madison wore a
gown of chantilly lace with
Venice lace apl)lique completely
t)or(terin the full bouffant skirt
and square cul neckline outlined
,ith aurora sequins. The fitted
bodi(e was designed with long
tapered sleeves and was ac-
cented in the hack with a large
denias .!p r,phfa not is satin bow securing the full
l)ictures taken along the ,route ..........
copti(mOmld in the church in the DUD auditorium. The " ,o a ,, ,,, ........ u ,,¢ veu
tMof Th6 bride's color scheme Public. is inviled, lace and aurora sequins. Pleated
Venice lace edged her full
length mantilla of silk illusion
which was given height by a
tiara of pearls. She carried a
spray of cymbidium orchids,
white spider chrysanthemums
and silver leaves accented with
a cascade of white lace.
Wearing identical sleeveless
The trip was sponsored and
paid for by tile Shelton Odd
Fellows Lodge No. 62 IOOF. The
Bus Tour started from SIx)kane
where the young people of sopho-
more and junior high school
era(les gathered from this part
of the Northwest.
They were gone about four
weeks. There were 36 on the bus gowns of pale blue brocade with
including 1 h e young people,
chal)erones, lind lhe driver. They
went east through Canada, stop-
ping lit Expo 67. and then into
the United States to New York
Cily, Getlysburg, Washington,
D.C.. lind many other points of
interest They returned to Spo-
kane by way of northern United
Miss Maranville won the right
to tile trip through a diffieull
written examination and a closely
scoop necklines and empire
waistlines defined by self fabric
bands tying in a bow, were the
bride's attendants. Miss Sandi
Madison was maid of honor for
her sister with Miss Nancy Shay,
Mrs. Rick Papiez, Miss Susan
Madison, sister of the bride, and
Miss Jeanne Simpson as brides-
maids. Junior bridesmaid was
1Wiss Teresa Madison, also sister
of the bride. They wore short
blue lace mantillas and car-
ried silver and white ribbon
baskets filled with blue and
white spider chrysanthemums
and fern.
of yellow and blue was carried
oul here in the flower and candle
A five tiered choc()late wed-
cling ('ake was decorated in
while with yelh)w roses an(]
lol)pe(l with white lace hells.
S(,rvii'I were Miss Fh ,Fence
, I e V O n S and the Mosllameg
Velm;i Davis. Fred Crow. llar(M
S(,hnader an(t Lee Carlsoil
The guesl book was in char<e
of Miss Kelly Fredson lind Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Dornin attended
the tifl table.
Following a short wedding
trip the newlyweds are al home
in Corvallis. Ore. where he is
studying fro" his masters degree
m business aclministrati(m, l-re
is a graduate of Washinglon
State University The bride, a
graduate of Shelton High schcal
and Olvlnl)ia Vocational Techni- contested speaking contest held
eel Inslitule was employed by in M]arch at the IOOF. hall.
Simpson Timber Co. l)rior to She has a very interesting story
her marriage, and many nice pictures.
Top Sports Car
70, 000 Sold Since February 23rd
A Successful Year for a Car and a Salesman
co-hit See AL, September 21 and Find Out How the '68 Firebird is Even a
Chad Everett Dean Jagger
T inO FIGHT" Better Buy_ for YOU !
;4 " Top Salesman
Pae 8- Slelt0n-Mason Oounty Journal- Thursday, September 21, 1967
00OUND lH!tl
Bruce Hartley of Elma was
the best man. Serving ;is ushers
were Jeff Haskins, Shelton,
cousin of the groom; Steve Burk-
hart, Eugene, Ore.; Dave Re-
line, Ta(:oma; Don Neuensch-
wander, Shellon; lind Bradfor(l
Lowe, I)r()ther of the groom, was
junior usher.
Pale pink gladioli lind pink
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
IVing Tree Cafe.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.m., court house.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p,m.,
DUD conference room.
Hood Canal Woman,s Club,
11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse.
WWI Veterans and Auxiliary,
turkey dinner, 6:30 p,m., IVfemo-
rim hall.
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF hall.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.-5 p.m., court house base-
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., fair
Welcome Chapter OES Friend-
ship Night, 8 p.m., Union Mason-
i0 hall
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
PUD No. 3 commission meet-
ing, 1 p.m, PUD conference room.
County commission meeting, 10
a.m., court house.'
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium..
Goodwill truck in town. Phone
426-4847 for pickups.
M'o:)se Lodge. 8 p.m., airl)ort
D0gree of ttonor, 8 p.m., Me-
morial hall.
Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall.
Mason County Credit Women,
7:?0 a.m., Timbers restauranl.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Tinlhers reslauranl.
City contnission meeting., g
p.m., city hall.
Teen Meet, 7:30 p.m., nmlli-
service center.
Drivers license examiner, 10
and white chrysanlhemums ac- a.m.-5 1).m., c()url house base-
tented with louches of blue, men(.
f]anke(t I)3' lighted h]ue tapers Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
l)rovided the floral decor for the cHui'I house annex.
reception held at the Tyee where Chubs Chlb, 7:30 p.m., nmlti-
the couple greeted their guests.
Assisting were the Misses
Terry Turner, Marie Fuller,
Diane Turner, Sheila Ryan, Jerri
Haskins, Kathy White, Deanna
Moreland, Jan Turner and Lori
Yost and Mrs. Roberl BaMwin,
Mxs. Dale Yes( an(i Scolt Madi-
Providink, vocvl selections for
the reception was Mike Carper
service ('onter,
Mason County Hospiial Dislrict
Con]rllission, 10 a.m., court house.
ESA, 14 p.m., hondo of Mrs.
l)ick I |olland,
Soroptimist Club dinner and
workshop, 7:30 p.m., Holiday
Beach clul)house.
Toastnlaslers Club. 6:45 a.m.,
Timbors reslauranl.
Home Rife Uni÷es Coupl00
• Relatives and close friends
attended the September 1 wed- place in
ding service of Miss Frances parents, Mr.
Sophia Ross and Joseph Arnold Seattle.
Panorama Hall Ch,00,-les
white linen
Is Si÷e Of Firs€ lolls at the
and a white
Mee÷ For Io÷ans a sbo,
by the bride
single white
• Iota Chai)ter of Delta Kappa A
Gamnla, Teachers' Honorary Russian Sal
S.ciely .f Thurston and Mason lowing lhe
Counlies, held its firsl nleoling boneyllll)Oll
Iff lhe fall September 9 in Pane- newh'weds
l'ama hall. Bremerton.
The business meeting was O 1 .v m P 1 c
called to order I) 3" lhe chat)ler gra(hmtes (t
presidenl, Mrs Gene LaDue, fol- ....and sl'c ' S Yl r
lowing an inf,)rmal l)roakfast of Washi,ngton'
pun('h bowl and visitation session.
During the snmrgasb()rd lunch-
con the members were enter- ,,wesTern
rained I)y Mark Schlichting who Ni,
delighted lhe group wilh a folk -- A hip
song ,our ,,f l.:u,<,,,e a.d ,be Frien s
North a,,d South Americas ;::
The 1967 sehohu'ship recipients, • Members of gcl
OES are inviled i1) IN]
Sandra McArthur of Ten(no, ,.,.. r ,
Kathy Bolonder ,,f Shelton and weslern cI°ll,::i.ll, l':.';rl,d.
l{ebecca Blue of Olynll)ia, were and atlel)d II11il- ""' -"L ll't;l'
intro(luced. Each told of ber col- Slyle Friends )111-' "
lege lflans, he fun and pri/'c;1. Ihl/
lit { P'q,l0ll{I
Mrs. Walter Olson was in(re- dr°UPv inmeCts thli'mlhC "i i l'' |;'l(;I.!}
ducod by Mrs. Jennie Bhmk. pro- a e a't;
for II ;lL_
accoml)anied al the piano hv Golden A{(' Club potluck, 6 '{rilnl chairman, and ,,rove an ]Vre hi)ors
• • - dfl
50 ( ell -
Shayne Larson. Following a wed- p.m., Memorill h t . informalive talk on "Norlhwesl ..,t,r.!i
ding trip t,) Crescent Lake, Mr. Pickering Homemakers Cluh Indians' Creati\\;ily", which she sale. .:'1 hC 0f[l '.l
and Mrs. Lowe are al h( me in rumml ge. si.le, 9 ..... a m -5 p m i]lush'atod., wit n 1\\;'. India 1 Th.'re7.,1:) P.'"" \\;'" F'ida)' .,
Beltingham. PUD auditorium, artllac|s from the sla!e museunl. ,it .,
- :, i .......................... Z:.
A..o..¢i.g !'
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HOOSE THE model of your choice from a local
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