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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lilllwaup: [ Local Girl Gets Baby Brother For Birthday Gift By FRAN(TES CATTO Jim Ross, Mrs. Nora Beryan and Mr. and Mrs. Andre Michelle, I LILLIWAUP--A birthday pre- had a new experience in gather- sent for Cheryl Therese Lysen, ing oysters at low tide. who became one-year-old last Walter and Virginia Allison of Friday, was a baby brother, Triton Head returned recently named Tirrmthy Ned, born just from Montana, where they at- the day before at Shelton Gen- tended a reunion of Waiter's eral Hospital. Parents of the two family from Helena and Balti- are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Lysen, whose home is on Canal more, Md. There were 12 pre- sent for the gathering at Placid View Terrace south of Lilliwaup. Lake, including Walter's son and Proud grandparents are Mr. his family. The weather was and Mrs. Ernest R. Lysen, Sr. favorable for the sailing and and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stock-.othe r boating activities at the land of Seattle, :who planned to come Sunday to welcome the lake especially enjoyed by this new arrival and to celebrate family group. The Allisons were gone for ten days. Cheryl's birthday. Timothy came home with his mother on Satur- Wednesday of last week proved day. an ideal day for a trip up to Lysen is with the U.S. For- Hurricane Ridge, shared by the estry in Hoodsport. Carl Hansens with Mrs. Hansen's Pinochle players are nvited brother and sister-in-law, Mr. to another card party to be held and Mrs. Charles Witham of Sept. 22 by the Lilliwaup Corn- Seattle. The WithamS came to nlunity Club in the Lilliwaup Ayock Beach Tuesday for a mid- Community Hall. Playing starts week visit. Eva Hansen was to be hostess Wednesday to her at 8 p.m. There are prizes and refresh- bridge-luncheon group, but when ments and all are welcome to the play was cancelled, the pen- come and get acquainted at insula trip was arranged. these neighborhood parties spon- Mrs. Allie Robinson entertained scrod by the club. Friday night's members of the Blanche Radtke hostesses will be Mrs. H. J. Orthopedic Guild at her Indian Runge of Ayock Beach and Mrs. Beach home Wednesday of last Oran B.  of Blue Ox Beach. week. The group, of which Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Starr White re- Dave Collins is president, has turned Tuesday from a trip to slated a rummage sale to be Cal'ifornia, where they visited, held Friday from 9 to 3 in the relatives, including Mrs. White's PUD building in Shelton. mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tahja at Mrs. Louis Schaufler was host- Conttche, and a sister who lives ess Tuesday at her Eldon home at Lake tahoe. During their at an afternoon party to honoz  twelve-day absence Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. I_xm K. Webb. Ann's birth- Ernest Campbell, S h e 1 t o n, day was Sept. 11. brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. As a belated celebration of the White, stayed at their beach recent birthday of her daughter, residence here. lYrs. Mack Knutsen of Olympia, "The water's too warm," said Mrs. Jack Catto and Mrs. Earl Mange, manager of Rest Knutsen enjoyed a mother-daugh- While park resort, when we ter dinner-and-movie evening in asked about fishing and if it Tacoma Sunday. Before seeing isn't about tire for the silvers Sidney Pottier in, "To Sir, With to come in. "They're still out Love", they went to the West- in the Sound and it'll take a gate Convalescent Center for a rain to bring them in. The fish- visit with Mrs. Catto's mother, ing has been very slow," he Mrs. Frank Robinson. added. ]Y£rs. Robinson's condition is New residents of Indian Beach improving, as her 92nd birth- are Mr. and 1Y£rs. R. G. Vander day, Oct. 3, approaches. She has Schorr of Portland, Ore. and . had alnost daily visits from their three children. They moved her family and friends. A re- Saturday into the Dave Collins cent visitor was a niece, Mrs. home. Two of their children Nellie Salisbury of Sparta, Wis., are of school age. who came with her son, Francis Dave Collins is busy readying Salisbury, a test-pilot for Boeing. his equipnent for an ,anticipated Previously, the Salisburys had moose-hunting expedition to Can- made a trip to Lilliwaup, where ada. Dave plans to leave Sept. they were dinner guests at the 29 to go up north of Vanderhoof Catto home. On this visit they and Will be accompanied by two were accompanied by the son's nephews, one from Pendleton, rancis ("Dec") OV, and one from KerLt::}  test His wife Ira has otherplainse}:i./ in planes a trip to Sacramento, C al i f. from cbildhood days, and was while Dave hunts. She will leave one of the two who built the the same day and wil! visit first plane in Sparta. Mrs. Salts- friends, bury's last visit to Lilliwaup to Bud and Jerry Hays of the see her cousin was in April, 1949, Lilliwaup Motel took a weekend when she experienced her first away from the business to meet earthquake shock while shopping some Yakima friends and en- with Mrs. Catto in Seattle joy a visit with them in the White Pass vicinity. Faith and Lewis Evans had as visitors Saturday her brother, Smokey Says: ST/kT I STI CS 1:1:ulmion Increase e. ,, POSSIBILITY- More E,f fires! Please be extra careful! THE SHELTON MOOSE LODGE was pre- sented the trophy shown here at the an- nual State Moose Convention in Yakima recently. The trophy was presented to the lodge for having the greatest gain in mem- bership in the state for lodges with under 250 members. The Shelton Lodge had an &_ Dayton: increase of 108 per cent, from 62 members to 129. With the trophy here are members of the lodge who attended the convention. Left to right, front row, are Cliff Howard, George Doak and A1 Nagel; back row, Otto Hanson, John Anderson, Gerald Wat- ters and John Long. Local Man H¢,nored Af Birthday Par÷y I FOR By MABEL KIDD I DAYTON- J. W. Stoner was honor guest Friday night at a small gathering in his home. Mrs. Stoner served birthday pie and ice cream to guests Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baldwin of Arcadia, recently of Reno, Nev., Mrs. Tom Skillnan, Shelton, and Mrs. Cliff Evans. Houseguests of Mrs. A. E. I_m- ke are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hale of Yuca'ipa, Calif. Don't forget the Harvest Din- rmr at Dayton Hall Sept. 24, spon- sored by the community club. Be, ginning at 3 p.m. with games for the children and dinner at 5:30 p.m. This is potluck style and please bring your own sil- verware. Children must be ac- compamed by at least one parent. Everyone living in the Dayton area is invited to attend and get acquainted. RADIATORS Repaired and Rod Out Auto Glass Installation Body, Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'S A00UTO BODY (behind Kimbel Motors) 7071/2 S. 1st 426-3604 See The $1 --iid ?.2ERCURYS riday and Saturday Free Coffee and Doughnuts 111111 5th and Railroad I ley" 42b-8231 A great mystery has finally been cleared up. In talking to Mrs. Spike Scrogham, I learned that the straw scattered over their field is to hold the rrmisture in on new seeding. Many have been wondering. Mr. and Mrs. LalVoyne Sievert and children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mrvin Lick and chil- dren to the fair Sunday at Puy- allup. eighty-second birthday. Mrs. Pete Bloomfield, Mrs. Pat Johnson, Mrs. Claude Mc- Irvin, Mrs. Mabel Bishop and Mrs. Evelyn Wood enjoyed Sun- day at the Puyallup Fair. After- ward, they called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Manley of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. A1via Chapman visited Saturday evening in Aber- deen with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hackney. Conbacfs Let For Park Work 1 Two contracts totaling $1,378,- 812 have been awarded for road projects at Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks, the De- partment of the Interior an- nounced this week. At Mount Rainier, portions of the Nisqually Entrance Road, located in the southwest corner of the park, will be reconstructed under $777,577 contract awarded to Harry H. Hawkins of Seattle, the lowest of two bidders. The project involves a total of 21 miles of road. Retaining walls will be repaired and reconstruct- ed, bridges over Kautz and Tahoma Creeks reconstructed, the Paradise River Bridge widened, and a new parking area built at Paradise Inn. The work is scheduled to be com- pleted' by the contractor in 210 days. At Olympic National Park, 5.3 miles of the new Heart O' the Hills area access road will be graded and base surfaced, and an additional mile cleared for later construction. The work will be performed by Scarsella Bros. Inc. of Seattle, whose bid of $601,235 was the lowest of eight submitted. The work is scheduled to be completed in 210 days. The road, extending south- ward from the City of Port Ange- les, where park headquarters is located, to the Heart O' the Hills area in the northern part of the park, replaces an existing sub- standard road. Right-of-way for the new road has been acquired by the State. See Today! '68 Chev. Olds Delivery Now! MELL CHEV 1st & Grove • 426-4426 Visiting with daughter, Mrs. Allen Tibbits for a month was  Mason County J. C. Cosby of Evansville, Ark. While here. he celebrated his .. Directory | Business BRAKE and FRONT END 14 POINT Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Les Fields Auto Parts, Inc, 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Auto Repairing • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE 142 W. Cota 426-3926 1 Beauty i , Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Chain Saws I New and Used • Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 5:30 - 10 p.m., daily Mike's McCulloch Shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4639 Draperies I . Custom Made • Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 Drugs I • Helena Rubinstein I , Cosmetics | • Prescriptions I • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I NELL'S PHARMACY I 5th & Franklin Ph, 426-3327 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 WATCH OUT FOR Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Landscaping • Lawns, rockeries, trees, s rubs • Free Estimates • Top soil, tilling, leveling SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Masonry • Fireplaces • All Brick and • Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Paint C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall • Co'-Ca-Namel A-Plex • Brslla-Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Rental Service I Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Travel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 SPECIAL! 22 Regular $9.95 VALUE $ Pace 15 - ShaRon-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 21, 1967 Here's What We Do... . Inspect and clean brake drums Clean and adjust brake shoes for full contact Clean, inspect and repack front wheel bearings We Clean and inspect grease seals We Clean and inspect wheel cylinders We Inspect and refill master cylinder We Inspect shock absorbers Check front end camber We Check front end caster We Check toe in We Adjust toe into factory specifications We Inspect muffler We Inspect tail pipe We Inspect steering linkage CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SHAUB- ELLISON 125 E. GROVE 426-3333 Worship Foursquare • Church 910 East LEWIS B. W Sunday School ........ , C. Y. s & CadetS ...... Evening Service :..- Bible Study (Wea.).- I Mt. View l Alliance Church [ Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. I Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. I A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. I Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. ALEX C. MOTES, Pastor 1  i I: • Northside Baptist Welcomes You To ItS Worship Service 9: Sunday School 10:' Evening SundaY, Rev. Tom Ha 123 West C Street First Church of Christ, Scien' 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church Wednesday evening testimony meetings Reading room located in church. Reading 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Mon.& Fri. Wed. evening FIRST CHRISTIAN CHuRcH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Interim Minister from Puget Sound College of the Bible School .......... 9:45 a.m. Family S Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at SHELTON ASSEMBLY 1521 Monroe Street MASON YoUNGL SUNDAY SCHOOL " . ............................ 11: MORNING WORSHIP ...................................................... CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ........................................... EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .............................................. 7: !WEDNESDAY --- FAMILY NIGHT Fishermen's Club P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cota SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1967 Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTES Theme: TO BE ANNOUNCED Program: JERRY MILLS, Head Football Coach MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CH MISSOURI SYNOD pa t°r 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. zscHOCHE' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1967 9:45 Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes ........................ Morning Worship ............................................ 8:45 and Subject: "THE DOCTRINE OF THE ANGEL St. David's Episcopal Church , Fourth & Cedar, Shelton. Washi.ngtst°n .. The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, prie y¢,. The Church is always open for'meditation apP 9:30 A.M -- ChUiCh SCOO "* 11:00 A.M. '-= Holy Communion and Serr0r The Methodist Church G and King Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. Firs÷ Bapfisf Church Fifth & Cota Sts. Arthur L. Beals SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1967 9:30 A.M.Bible School 11"00 A.M.Topic: "THE CURE FOR WORRY" 6:00 P.M.Youth Groups 7:00 P.M.Topic: "WHAT HAPPENED UPSTAIRS?" Fai÷h Lutheran ChurCh 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a,m. Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a,rn. 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a,m, "A FRIENDLY CHURCH" Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor PLEASE HELP SMOKEY ... prevent forest fi00s