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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Students To New Building Big Task the major primary grades roorft addition in per- educational a tremendous Superinten- matter how ; the success of a on the and you can teach- the board of say that we do minor problems changes. studied and some changes. to be a complete bus drivers by Lad this will not of this the parent fur- for their to ride on with it a re- a few regula- Safety of all stu- is heavy and a split class are trying to eat we have two however, if the s.Sary we have an Chef in Ma-s. Myr- that could handle Perhaps better L the district Her :shows this "to be to visit the kin- gym lobby, a good tem- e have 34 stu- Which would nor- sessions how- aide we are morning ses- is slight- 357. Sept. in grades intiaYS a Problem in *" ':E of a school and Ik_ ,l educational ro- Uve t .... P {W, r e rest of the I:'Y ,_' xt year will de- i'le: °°n the results of ,lIt'c.-Miss Gayle ' tlill Bryant have laders divided be- .., rae rooms. The 4 elected officers :J "ko presiaent, : -% V" . • 0day! '68 ,v. Olds Betty Strickland, secretary and Mark Grubb Will be the Sergeant- at arms. EIGHTH GRAPE--There are 40 eighth graders returning to class this year and are being shared by lVI. Margaret Sey- mour and Carl Fellstrom. The class is planning a candy sale in the near future for funds for a field trip and a skating party. There are five new students in the eighth grade. Jeff Bean coming from Seattle, Bob PAtter from Griffin, Keith Visser from Con- crete, Marilyn Martin coming from Yelm and Diane Broshears by the way of Motmtlake Terrace. SEVENTH GRADE  David Bah', Warren Murphy and Terry Anderson are the new students in 1V[rs. Barbara McDowells class. While Mrs. Florence Dir- stine, who is herself new this year, greeted Betty Robbins and Frank Ritter to the seventh grade. FOURTH GRADE--Mrs. Edna Burnett and Mrs. Esther Packer share the fourth grade, which has 16 boys and .18 girls. The fourth grade along with the fifth and sixth, is located at the Lower Skokomish School, while grades one through three and. seven through nine are at the Junior High School. New students are 1VEarya Fuller all the way from Ge/'many. Peggy Murphy hailed from Bellevue, Dennis Visser from Concrete, Stacy Martin Matlock: coming from., Yelm, and new- corner, Mark Lindgren. THIRD GRADEiViss Ellen More greeted six new members of the class this year. They are Andrew Wlldns of Yelm, Larry Jay from Pasco, George Velkon from Artesia, Calif., Jimmy To- bin from Kandlche, Laurie Mar- tin from Yelm and Patty Ander- son of Granger. Sept. 10 saw two pupils celebrating their birth- days, Loralne Blair and Jimmie Tobin, both turned 8. SECOND GRADE---K_cs. 3can Moore finally has her class set- tled down to some hard work af- ter • having been short of desks. Nadine Fuller brought a German song book to class which the class enjoyed very much. Seems as though one Benny Ward is the Champ baseball player. FIRST GRADE--Mrs. Lucille Livingston is boss of the first grade and is settling down to a joyful year. The class is working on math and also working with clay. Mrs. Myrtle Himebaugh is teacher for the other half of the first grade. KINDERGARTEN -- Mrs. Vir- ginia Pill aided by Mrs. JoAnne GruUb have 34 children in the kindergarten. This nice group of children are learning to adjust to school, to prepare them better for next year, to share and fol- low the rules. Tracy Connally had her birthday Sept. 5 and Levi Sanchez celebrated the 9th. Past Officers To Be Honored • Past commanders and past presidents will be honored to- night by W'W'I Madrona Bar- racks No. 1462 and its AUxil- iary. A turkey dinner Will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial hall. Those attending are to take their own table service. Bottle Collector Club To Meet • Bottle collectors are invited to a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the multi-service center, 2nd and Grove. Bottles will be traded and ex- hibited and a name will be de- cided on for the club. Air Force Needs Women Officers • Officers are being sought for the Women's Air Force. Po- sitions in personnel management, education and training, adminis- tration, intelligence, accounting and finance, as well as other challenging career areas are now open to women with baccalaure. ate degrees. Women who qualify receive an Air Force commission after a 10-12 week officer orientation Alumni Dance SchedulFd course, Specialized advanced training in colleges and/or Air Force School is available in the For Sep÷. 30 A÷ Schoc youngfield of W°men'Sstudy. academic major By DORA DEARING • MATLOCK The Mary M. Knight Alumni Dance will be held at the Matlock Grange Hall Sept. 30. Also Sept. 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. the Mary M. Knight P.T.O. will serve its annual Harvest dinner. Mrs. Robert Trenckmann has spent the last two weeks with her folks Mr. and Mrs. Jones in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Palmer are spending this week in San Francisco with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis of Portland, Ore. called at the Port- man home Tuesday morning. At noon, Mrs. Augusta Portman a.nd Carl Portman were dinner guests o{']:rs/ Thellna rt- scher of Elma: Tuesday evening the Pormans were guests of Mrs. Lula Oiens. Mr. and Ma-s. R. E. Bradberry Allan Tupper. The latter left Friday for Lackland Air Force base in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman and family of Tacoma were Sun- day dinner guests at the Dick Tupper home. It was a joint birthday dinner in honor of Bill Christman and so,. Mrs. Augusta Portman, Carl Portman, .,Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash, Mr: and Mrs. Edward Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaler attended a Piflochle Party Saturday night at the Bob Dawson home near Shelton, The party was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Stice who leave this week for California. Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier and daughters BrenqR and Liza of I Olympia were Sufiay dinner guests at the Lud . ossmaier home. A bridal shower was • eld at the Jack Mitchell home in accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tacoma last Friday night in Thomas Rowe of Shelton spent honor of the Misses Nancy and a couple days last week in Vic- Margaret McGarvie. Mrs. Andy toria B. C. On their return home 1VcGarvie, Mrs. Carl Jacobs, at the air port the Rowe car was hit by another car and quite badly damaged. Mrs. Brad- berry's back was injured. Mrs. Rowe was quite badly bruised. iVY. and Mrs. Phil Hardie of Shelton spent Tuesday afternoon at the R. E. Bradberry home. Mh'. and Mrs. •.Dick Tupper and daughter Susan were recent visitors at Edmonds with their mother, Mrs. Jessie Tupper and Mfrs. Lawence and Mrs. Lud Rossmaler attended from Mat- lock. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Fo spent last week in Canada. They ferrixi to Victoria and Vancouver Island and then drove across to Rock Creek, Canada to visit the Jcn McGarvie family. They came back to South Bend and spent the weekend with the LeRoy Boothe family. -;. € i;., " ay,s mOdern refrigerator-freezer never frosts Food acka es n the freezer :'--"'Clear • " P g li., of frost, and labe s easy to read. You don t waste refrigerat on power !;;:,. rlg up fr ' " : " ost anywhere n a modern electr,c refrigerator-freezer. the up-to-date housewife ... let a modern.frost-free electric refrigerator- er Store your food safely and conveniently for you! P.U.D. No. 3 JACK COLE secretary JERRY SAMPLES Manager Henricksons Host Family Visitors • Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Henrickson during the month of August were her brother, Ruben Warner, and his wife, of Venice, Calif.; her step-brother, Chester Johnson and wife, of North Hollywood; and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Langrock, of Palmdale, Calif. Visits to West- port and the state parks in the area impressed the visitors very much. i:7_.Iiti ... and don't turn your back on s blaze! A-1 USED CARS '65 Ford Falrlane Wagon '65 Volkswagen Sedan '64 Plym. Valiant 4-Dr. '64 Stude Lark 2-Dr. '64 Chev. BeI-Air 4-Dr. '64 Mercury Montclair 2-Dr. Hdtp. '64 Chev Impala 2-dr hdtp '64 Falcon Futura Cvt, '63 Ford Falcon Wgn. (2) '63 Ford Fairlane 500 4-dr, '63 Merc. $55 2-dr. Hdtp. '62 Plym. Valiant Wgn. '62 Volkswagen Bus '62 Chev. BeI-Air 4-Dr. '59 aids 4-Dr. Hdtp. '58 Pontiac 2-Dr. '55 Mercury 4-Dr. Used Trucks '65 Dodge Cab-Over P.U. '64 Ford Falcon Ranchero '61 Dodge Y2.ton Pick-up '60 GMC -ton Pick-up '55 Ford 3/.ton Pick-up '59 Chev 1-ton Flat-bed '42 Dodge GI 1-ton Stake Jim Pauley's Bob. Jim . Bill - Dick 5th & Railroad 426-8231 f J I I The MONEY SAVERS Store AD EFFECTIVE SEPT. 21st thru SEPT. 27th 120 Cota Street Shelton, Washington We're holding prices down T Everyday Low.: Low! $.4 VERS!i $ SAVE $ EVERYDAY Prices RIGHT GUARD Spray 300 Ct. FILLER PAPER DEODORANT  7 oz. size WIDE & NARROW Mfg. Sug. Price $1.49 ,1o9, Mfg. Sug. Price 98€ 59 ¢ Money Savers Price Money Savers Price PKG. MOTOR OIL 2 gal. can PEPTO BISMOL 1 .,, su, ,.o., 79  Mfg. Sug. Price $2.39 can $ 69 Money Savers Price Money Savers Price CAN DOMINION 2sl. Toaster Mfg. Sug. Price $15.95 $ R99 Money Savers Price v EACH EVEREADY htteries C & D CELL Mfg. Sug. Price 25€ ea 19 ¢ Money Savers Price ANACIN Pain Reliever FOLEY .Flow Sifter 100TABLET 5 CUP Mfg. Sug. Price $1.33 Money Savers Price Mfg. Sug. Price $1,8 $1 49 $ 19 Money Savers Price RUBBERMAID Spatula ALKA SELTZER 25 TABLETS Mfg. Sug. Price 39€ 29 € Mfg. Sug. Price 69€ 59 € Money Savers Price Money Savers Price LISTERINE Mouth Wash PLA TEX Rubber Gloves 14 oz, size ALL SIZES Mfg. Sug. Price 1.09 87 € Mfg. Sug. Price 98€ pr. 79 ¢ Money Savers Price Money Savers Price eR. RONSONOL Liter Fluid PEPSODENTTooth Brushes 12 oz. c.n ADULT SIZE 49 " 54 I Mfg. Sug. Price 59¢ € Mfg. Sug.. Price 69¢ € Money Savers ; ice Money Savers Price • I I I " " MISS BRECK Hair Spray 13 oz. size Mfg. Sug. Price 99€ 79 ¢ Money Savers Price 100 Cf. ENVELOPES STANDARD Mfg. Sug. Price 49€ 39 ¢ Money Savers Price THERMOS Camp Lanterns CLAIROL Nice 'n Easy SINGLE MANTEL ALL SHADES Mfg. Sug. Prioe$17.45 =119 7 Mfg. Sug. Price$2.00 =14  Money Savers Price EACH Money Savers Price VICKS Vaporub GILLETTE Super Blades 15= PACKAGE Mf,. Sug. Price 98€ 85 @ MfK. Sug. Price $1.9 =172 Money Savers Price ' Money Savers Price PKG. HEAD 'N SHOULDERS SHAMPOO  Large Tube Mfg. Sug. Price $1.10 ca. 89 ¢ Money Savers Price THERMOS BOTTLE QUART SIZE Mfg. Sug. Price $3.69 12 77 Money Savers Price ZH Everyday Low Discount .Pn'ces At Money Savers IIIII J Thursday, ptember 21, 1967- Sheiton-Mason County Journal- Page 17