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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
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Harstlnet Ferry To Head For Drydock In Tacoma MrOndCly Morning By CARMEN YATES bout four and five years old The Paul (affees son, Ernie, the Esther Goctsch home last were the great granddaughters and his wife and their two Thursday for a good cause. They • HARSTINE -- The Harstine of Gar and Hilda. They were children from Vancouver drove joined forces to can pears for II will make its last run at 9 p.m. dressed in yellow dresses and up to Aberdeen last weekend to their folks Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sunday evening before it leaves also carried baskets of yellow watch the first football game at Carlson and had a good gab the Island for its second semi- and orange mums. They along Grays Harbor Junior College fest while they were working. annual drydocking this year. It with their escorts of about the where their son, David is start- Besides Esther the other two will leave for Tacoma early same age just about stole the ins as a freshman. Then they gals were Helen Simons of Har- next Monday morning. At this show. The little boys were the came on to the Island to spend stine and Dorothy Chapman of time it is known some deck nephews of the bridegroom, the rest of the weekend with Pickering. planking needs replacing. Other The best man was the brother the ChaffeRs. The Harstine Grange was un- necessary repairs will be deter- of the bridegroom and the or- The Art Lees will be taking able to have a regular Septem- mined at the Coast Guard in- ganist, Bob Peterson was a their daughter, Patty, to Pullman ber business meeting due to spection after the ferry is put cousin of the bride. Incidently, this Friday where she will be a lack of attendance last Friday in drydock. Transportation for Bob who by way of occupation freshman at Washington State evening. Those who came went the Islanders will be via Martin is an interior decorater, really this year. to the Glenn Yates home to Goetsch's boat the Wanderlust. went all out in trimming the Suzie Glaser had as her share their pot luck supper. It is anticipated at this time the car. guest this past weekend, Bey Grangers are reminded of the ferry should return by the fol- A Garden Reception was held Workman• Booster Night a t t h e F ai r lowing Friday if all repairs are at the home of the bride's The Glenn Yates had their Grounds a week from this Fri- er a minor nature, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton first dinner party in their new day night, September 29. Chet and Zelda Streckenbach Williams in Puyallup. All the home last Saturday evening. The The Chuck Bridges family held forth with a big barbecue nieces and nephews performed occasion being their son, Rusty's joined his brother, the George for a family reunion of Chet's a job at the reception and the seventh birthday (his birthday Bridges family last Thursday to family. All gathered at the girls were all dressed alike in actually being last Thursday, go to Ft. Lewis to pick up Ken Streckenbach's cabin hidden in the same kind of material and September 14). Those present in- Bridges, who .had just returned the woods above the ferryland- style of dress. The Grandmothers eluded be t h s e t s of Grand- home from Vietnam. He is the ing. Coming the longest distance did the pouring, parents, the Stan Yates and Dale son of Mr. and Mrs. George for the reunion was Chet's sister, The young couple had been Peughs. Carol Bengelsdorf and Bridges of Hoquiam. Mrs. Mabel Hollingsworth from her two children of Tacoma Saturday evening a WeIcome Green Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. going together since their first came down for the special din- Home Party was held in his year of high school instead bf her. A special surprise guest, honor at his Uncle Hank Keller's Roy Streckenbach and their their last year as last week's family came down from Seattle. was his bus driver. Florence home in Aberdeen. Between 20- Roy is a brother. Also present paper stated. Jerrells. Glenn's brother, War- 0 relatives and close friends at- were his two sons and a daugh- Billy and Andy Stamborski had ren and his wife Bonnie who tended the Welcome Home. ler anff their families. Jack and as their weekend guests, Andy's had come down from Auburn to Also on Saturday Chuck and Bruce both are from Seattle, sister and her husband. Mr. and visit the Stan Yates also came Mirja helped move her grand- while his daughter, Rev, and Mrs. lcGinnis of Seattle. Also for the birthday dinner. Their father, Oscar Lougren from the Mrs. William Rizer are from from Seattle were Bob and niece Margaret, daughter of McCleary HosPital where he has Winslow on Bainbridge Island. Vonnie Stamborski and their two Mr. and Mrs. Harley Yates of been confined for about seven Mr, and Mrs. Stan Snth and children. Phoenix Ariz. who is stay- weeks to her parents, the Larry their three girls came out from The John Hitchcocks were +n with the Warren Yates Saeger's home in Shelton. Mirja Shelton. Willa Ann Smith is joined at Schafer Park by their prior to returning to Ellensburg will be putting to use her Practi- Chet and Zelda's daughter. After son, Lyle and his wife Marlene for her Senior year came down cal Nurse's Training in helping the big reunion was history the and their two girls. Marlene's to visit her grandparents. At the care for him during his recup- Jack Streckenbach and Start folks, the Roscoe Pages of Olym- present time she is 'observing' eration. Smith families stayed overnight pin also came for the weekend at High Line as part of her On Sunday the Bridges family here on the Island. The Roy of camping, college work for one month, attended a horse show at Menlo Three sisters got together at . enroutc back to Harstine. Streckenbachs returned to Shel- Prior to the weekend of camp- ton with Chet and Zelda to spend ing the Hitchcocks had been on Saturday night and visit with an outing to the Ocean. On their Mabel Hollingsworth, who will way down they stopped in Monte- Unions guest for an extended visit be- fore she returns to Wisconsin. Jim and Ella McAuliffe were taken completely by surprise last week when their son, Mike, and his wife, Betty and their daughter, Gina drove in the yard late Monday afternoon. They had been looking forward to seeing them at Christmas time on their trip to Calif. The visitors stayed just a week leaving early last Monday morn- ing. While they were here Ella and Betty spent one day at Southsound Center doing some birthday shopping for Gina who celebrated her second birthday last Saturday on Harstine at Grandpa and Grandma's. Friday all celebrated with dinner out at Steve's Gay Nineties in letqrn here they planned to stop enroute in Santa Clara, Calif. to vsit Mike's relatives having stopped in Pennsylvania to see Betty's family• Their desti- nation is Twentynine Palms, Calif. where Mike will have a total of 54 weeks of schooling starting in October, The First Methodist Church in Puyallup last Saturday was the scene of the Gar Williams' granddaughter's wedding. The evening ceremony uniting Pam- ela Williams and Don Wlliams (no relation prior to last Satur- day) in marriage was carried out in fall colors, The bride's mother, Mrs. Clin- ton Williams made the wedding gown out of Skinner's Satin. Im- ported French lace made the cuffs on the % length sleeves MEMBERS of the Ambassadors Youth Grop of the First Baptists Church are planning a "fifth quarter" following the football game Friday night in the Lincoln Gymnasium. Featured in the entertainment is former night club at- traction Chick Nilson, Seattle, a ventriloquist-comedian. Therewill be refreshments also. All high are welcome to attend. Here, four church group, work on the project. Left steve O'Neill, Karen Cole, Jennie smith and gert. Hoodsport: Local Woman Leaves On Trip To Japan And Hawaii sane to visit the Jewetts, a By LOIS PIERCE at the Masonic Temple at Union. Fred Kilbourne are Mr. and Mrs. Minor J' wells Jr, couple they had met last year Firemen Answer  ||a || |o- Potluck luncheon at noon. Canal Junior College at Cupertino. Diego, Calif, at Organ. Pipe Monument i n • HOODSPORT Mrs. Esther Court, Order of Amaranth will Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mayte +oa oy00.ut ca,, Alderbrook C-i ney h m Fire jarvis left today for Honolulu, meet for their first fall meeting have received word their son on the Art Pitchers, some friends Hawaii: She will fly by jet to sept. 27, at 8 p.m. at the Sgt. Rodney iViayte has left Jap- they had traveled with in a Tokyo, Japan, then Manila, in Temple.  an for Okinawa and should be caravan. Then on to Westport. the Philippines before arriving :Mrs. Adele Kaare left last arriving home very soon. At Ocosta they stopped for a in Honolulu. In Honolulu she will Friday for her home in Bishop, ffY[r, and Mrs. Janms Orr, visit with the Roberts who have By NANCY VRAHNOS and the children. They came be the guest of her daughter and Calif. ]Vfrs. Nora Kaare went to Wichita Falls. Texas are visiting • UNION Eighteen members of our Volunteer Fire Depart- ment responded to a fire • alarm at Alderbrook Friday morning at 1 a.m. No damage result- cd from a chimney fire 'in one of the cottages. After thoroughly been mutual friends of Hitchcocks and John's br(:u, •. Paul, for many years. In fact, since Paul taught school for many years in Ocosta. When John and Buela returned home this past weekend, their by way of Reno, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vest returned home Sunday from a trip in Eastern Washington. They first stopped in Leavenworth to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Delzer and their children. Then on to Wenatchee to visit with their sister iYhs. Bertha Blankenship and then on to Omak and Idge- cliff to visit with his brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Vest. grandson, Mary Carnes, had checking the property to be sure arrived to spend some time on no active fire or sparks remained, the Island before starting college, fl-e firemen headed for their Last week on Tuesday the At- homes to continue their inter- ran Kanouses of Flora Vista in rupted slumber. the ed of the visit and being a brother of Maude Kanouse knew it was her birthday and joined thereto celebrate her special day. The Wayne Brownings re- salmon. turned to their Lakewood home Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner after spending the week at Sid along with Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Mary Baunsgard's house Codekas of India, Calif. just last week. Mrs. Mildred Kaizer of Lake- wood is spending a few days as guest of the Jim Lohrers. Some of those attending the Western Washington Fair at Puyallup were Thora Seward and Helen Lammers who went open- ing day. Sunday Florence Jer- rells accompanied Jim Young and his son Jamie to the Fair. They came, back to the Island by way of Bremerton where they and a wide border of the same called on Harlan and Patty Jer- lace was at the hem and also rells. The four pupils who make appliqued in the short train up the Harstine School accom- which fell from folds, The should- panied by their teacher, Mrs. er length veil fell from a crown of pearls. The bride's sister, Mrs. Carol Rarey was the Matron of Honor. The bridesmaids were all. dres- sed in orange and carried bou- quets of yellow and orange mums. The little flower girls a- son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. May- nard Cox' and family. The first meeting of the new year for the Tiny Tim Ortho- pedic guild was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Ran Goes Sept. 6. Mrs, Tom Connally was co-hostess. Guests were Mrs. Rick Sharpes and Mrs. Mick Simmons. The next meeting will he at Mrs. Simmon's Oct. 4, at In Brewster they visited another Aptivities this past week leaned brother Fred Vest. He took them torcl the. outcoo.:.type •as:the back to Leavenworth and then weather continued warm and. on to Sedro Woolley to visit Mrs. fair, Frank Dean and Clarence Fanning went to Vancouver, and did some fishing on the Columbia. They came home with some nice Eastern Washington to Visit be- fore returning to her home at Fort Brags, Calif. and Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Kaare left Monday morning for Fort Brags. The Kaare's came for 1W_r. and Mrs. Matt Kaare's 50th Wedding cele- bration and stayed on for a short visit. Reported ill this week are Mrs. Mae Dean who is recuperating Vest's son Laurence Shaffer. He brought them home and coming with them was the Vest's grand- son Kevin. Improvements are being made on the road going up and by the new Fire Hall. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Updyke James's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. art at Blue Ox Beach. Both James and his wife are in the Air Force and stationed at Sheppard Airbase. Open house will honor the young couple Sun- day at the Orr's, 2-4 p.m. The summer home of Bruce Aplin at Indian Beach has been sold by the Hood Canal Real Estate to 1Yr. and Mrs. Martin 8 p.m. The Guild has the school at home and Mrs. Herb Boeck I. Van Dye, Redmond, for a record books again this year for who entered a Seattle .ospital summer horrm. TOe Red Hop- sale. for treatment and obsafion kin s who teach 'in Shelton are Leslie McGhee left over the weekend for Peninsula College in Port Angeles. The Blanche Radtke Ortho- pedic Guild met last Wednesday with Mrs. Allie Robinson. Thir- teen were present. Members made arrangements for their rummage sale Friday at the. PUD building in Shelton, 9 a.m. returned from a 25 mile hike on the Wilderness beach area of the Olympic National Park. They were gone five days with only the sky for a roof: They had a wonderful time and the weather was just right. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones and their son spent the weekend in Puyallup. The first day they took in the fair and found the lights in the evening making it another completely different fair. Sunday they took a trip to Mr. Rainier. The day was clear and the view was spectacular. were Mr. and Mxs. Shigeru to 5 p.m.. Kawahara and family of Resida, Calif. Don Loveless departed for Okinawa Thursday. His wife and children- will remain with Mr. and rs. Pat Nilson until hous- ing can be found in Okinawa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce attended the wedding and re- ception Of Pearce's ister in Belfair Saturday. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Gardner Sun- day were Mr: and Mrs. Paul Sunday. Marc Phillips is at Sunayvale, Calif. and attending De Anza House guests of Mr. and Mrs. residing there-at present. • Mr. and Mrs. Jan D. Esary, also school teachers from Salt Lake City, Utah have purchased a Our community was saddened Saturday by the news of the death of Ms. Oren Ellison. Hattie was a member of one of the oldest Hoodsport families, the Oscar Ahl's. We extend our sin- cere sympathy to the entire family. Mrs. Minnie Erp and daughter Jenny and Mrs. George Fulerton and children, all of Seattle were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radtke. d.r. and Mrs. Nell Simmons ,Others attending the Puyal- Codekas and Mrs. Wayne Far- and Mrs. Helen. Simmons have Cora Morton and her husband, lup Fair were Mr. and Mrs. Ed rel of Costa Mesa, Calif. returned from: a visit to Sitka, Harry, went by bus to the Fair Hamilton and' Mr. and Mrs. Nell this past Tuesday as a field trip. Puter and son, Len. Alaska at the home of Mrs. Their driver was Florence Jer- Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, Mrs. • WASHINGTON STATE 'ranks Helen Simmons' son, .Frank, and rells. Jean Moore, Clara Eastwood and 4th in the United States in mink family. Weekend guests at the Anna iVr. and M!rs. Paul Polson travel- production. The state's 230 mink The Canal Court Amaranth Glaser home were her son, Bill ed to the Civic Center in Seattle ranches produce furs valued at Social Club will meet Sept. 25, and his wife, Mary of. Tacoma. to attend the opening session of $10 million annually, summer home at Holiday Beach. the Episcopal Church National MEASLES SEASON way to predict how serious a case of measles will be or what after-efects it will leave, we can, however, predict that a single shot of measles vac- cine will protect your child, probably for life, from this potentially serious disease. Your family doctor can give this important immunization to your child as well as pro- tection against tetanus, diph- theria, whooping cough, and polio. Our prescription department stocks many different types of vaccines, and biologicals for your physician. Your doc- tor, llke you, depends on us for. fresh, properly dispensed drugs, always available when needed. Common measles is on the way to becoming an uncom- mon disease because of the new measles vaccines. Still, in the three years that ,accines have been available, only slightly more than half of the susceptible children have been vaccinated against this dis- ease. • 2he number of measles cases starts to increase" when schools open and ris stead- ily until late spring. In addi tmn to keeping the children out of school and" disrupting the household, a severe case of measles can seriously dam- age Your Child's health. Eye-. sight and herring loss, pneu- monia, and brain fever .may result. Although there is no W00ANT AD TEST +; Neil00 Pharmacy t Fifth & Franklin. Sts.426-3327, Emergency Phone 426-216 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30, Saturdays 9:30 to 6:00 Convention, S e v e n thousand    A   m. people attended the session. Also Fm.. __ ..m..,m- -- m present Was a 500 voice choir. Mr, and Mrs. J, E. Bishop ! To +he Members of Local 3-38 I returned home Thursday from a three-week •trip down into t " " • " " " '. . " California.ped and visitedOn the way they stop- !their grand- r A run'0ffforthe office of busiIless.agent wili be t YOUR 34 YEAR OLD $ San C1emente to take their conducted soon. grandson Jan home in time for '6s A Chev" 0tq Delivery NoW[ MEi;t; 1st & Grove t'42 : Pe 18 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 21, 1967 LIVES WITH YOU HAS mer with them. They spent some t The union needs the best qualified person to fill i i on• T OF WO FOR b Ye00g time visiting their daughter and I " RK mother of Jan, Mrs. Wilda Clarke, this office,  The Business Agent Sh()uld have the: I i, t Knowledge, of. processing Local 38 members' YOU SHOULD ... • CORONET " a. Put him up :for adop f| ' DODGE • 440 4-Dr., Low Mile-  " Knowledge, experience and d 'r to processun- b. Move while he,s :asleeP" j age, P. Str., Radio, i AutO. Like new $2295  ion members' rights under Washington State labor !laws and.federl labor laws: .. " ' i €. Place a sifuafions waste =' '63 CHEV IMPALA Hdtp. ' Excellent Condition. t.. i • .... t Journal Clmsifieds : . , " $1295 e and desire to represent the ' Knowledge, experienc " " ." .. • . • • _1.'/ ' i 64 DODGE DART 4-D'r.  union members on Changes in working conditions. O help him find wor, Automatic I Charles Savage is the best.qualified to fill this '63 CHEV NOVA, Clean. "  $1095 . important job, ! + M. I j • , I00OD/00 = , • Preeident.ete•ct .VicePresident:eleCt ' I Front & Railroad (Paid Pal. Adv. by Sparks & Di'ebick) 0 426-8183 I I " ' ----..------.-..-_-..-v-_ ,; " __ .  -- _ -- -- D-.,m,-,m-.m.m, "