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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 21, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 21, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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D . FQ¢ FAST SERVICE Phone 426.4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday For Sale 14.1 ILOSTLESS refrigerator, $199.88. Call Sears, ask for Norm, 426-8201. S 9/21 FOR A FIEE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- tactic demonstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS oz room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at el- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn POLE AND ALDER wood for sale, $18 cord, delivered. Phone 426-2582. N 7/20 tfn VACUUM CLEANERS We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- For Sale _ - _ _ WOOD HEATER for sale. $65. Phone Hoodsport 877-5315. E 9/14-21 TULIPS, DAFFODILS, Crocus and Hyacinths are available at Cooke's Feed Store, 219 South First. C 9/14-21 FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn 295 SQ. IN. COLORED T.V., re- duced $50, now $499.88. Call Sears, ask for Norm, 426-8201. S 9/21 HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn ALTO SAXOPHONE, excellent condition. $200. 426-8690. O 8/10 tfn HI5 14 AC with cable blade, drum, very good undercovering and runs good. $3,500.00. Will consider items on trade. Call McCleary 495-3398, eves 495- 3259. Mc 9/7-21 P WITH Wo addltio nd. FOUR (4) insertions for Wanted HANDYMAN wants ]ODS. Clean- ing, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn IRONING DONE in my home mx days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NeLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Help Wanted PICKERS WANTED Trans- portation will leave Court- house at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday for blueberry pickers. 8 cents pound. Eber- hardt Blueberry Nurseries, 352-8031. E 9/7 tfn HELP WANTED -=- Part-time maintenance man. Ideal for re- tired man. Housing available. Phone Mrs. Latham, Shelton Manor Nursing Home, 426-4552 days, or evenings 426-2410. S 9/14 tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Nurses Aides, Housekeeper, Part-time cook Steady Employment. Allyn House Nursing Home Allyn Phone 426-3795 An equal opportunity employer 9/21 Pets, Livestock - - - -_ - TROPICAL FISH for sale. Fancy guppies and platties` 426-6148. W 9/14-10/5 : - -_ _ • For Rent FOR RENT Three bedroom apartment, partially furnished. garage, available about Sept. 10. Walker Park addition. Phone 426-4827. R 9/7 tfn FOR RENT -- Bachelor apart- ment at Bayshore, furnished, water also furnished. $25.00 per month. Phone 426,4846. O 9/14-10/5 FOR RENT One bedroom du- plex, stove and refrigerator only. Call 426-2704. 118 West Birch street. L 9/14-10/5 FOR RENT 2 - Bedroom apartment, utilities furnished. No children or pets, $75.00 month. Also available 1- Bedroom house, ideal for retired single man or co:'ule. Part- time maintenance man need- ed. Work could apply towards rent. Phone Mrs. Latham, Shelton Real Estate _ _- _ _ FOUR BEDROOM house, close to school. Substantial down payment. Call 426:8113. B 5/18 tfn HILLCREST 2 bedroom home at 941 E. Cascade. Large garden area. Phone owner 426-6190. S 6/15 tfn 120' x i00' COMMERCIAL zoned highway lot, good Mt. View lo- cation. Phone 426-2897. B 9/14 tfn 4.PLEX Clean furnished ground level one bedroom units. $20,000, terms. 426-2897. B 9/14 tfn BEAUTIFUL BROOKS]DE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn SALE/TRADE- l& acre, Hes- peria Park, no smog or floods. Near Victorville, Calif. Utili- ties. 877-5429. D 9/14 tfn THREE BEDROOM home, 2 car garage at 727 North 4th. $10,- 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231 days. 6/15 tfn NEW 3 BEDROOM 'home on Cole Road. Phone 426-4079. M 9/14-10/5 Real Estate FOR SALE or Trade for older car, 1967 Mustang Fastback. Excellent condition. Call 426- 2080. S 9/14-10/5 FOR SALE or Rent: 4 bedroom farm home with 5 acres, creek, 5 miles from Shelton. Phone 858-2316 or 426-4985. B 9/21-10/12 FOUR BEDROOM house, Ham- mersley Inlet, daylight base- ment, two fireplaces, sun deck, drilled well, boathouse, fruit trees, shrubs. $28.000. Also 51 acres, stream, about 20 clear- ed, timber. $330.00 acre. 426- 3819. F 9/21-28 PURDY REALTY GIG HARBOR -- 857-2121 YEAR AROUND OR SUMMER 85 ft. of no bank waterfront, ap- proximately 400 ft. deep. Eastern exposure. Wooded and secluded location. One bedroom home. partly furnished. Carport and workshop. Ideal for summer or year around living. Asking $13,- 750 and terms. Call for appoint- me,ut. Call Julie Stock -- 426- 6705 or 426-6911. FOR sALE  partly 2 bedroom houSe lots % r. out, between 5-6 p.r. g BY Price MusT 3 bedroom 426-6413 or 3to 5 basement, double tance to -I4T' Priced RIG " 3544. M J/2tfn LOCKER BEEF -- 2 year old steers. 200-225 lb. average side. 49 cents lb. cut and wrapped on halves. Stewart's Food Bas- ket, Mr. View. 6/22 tfn WOOD FOR SALE -- Alder, fir, maple, Jack pine, any length. Immediate delivery. $18.00 per cord. Call Belfair CR 5-2302. D 7/27 tfn FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn TULIPS, DAFFODILS, Crocus and Hyacinths are available at Cooke's Feed Store, 219 South First. C 9/14-21 NEW CALl( BOOTS, 9½E, cost $40.00, take $25.00. Lawn um- brella, never used. $15.00. 1129 Railroad. G 9/21 IT'S TEX,RIFIC the way we're .selling Blue Lustre for clean- Rent FURNITURE AND TOOLS=or sale. Phone 426-6404 or inquire 1736 Washington (Mr. View). Y 9/21 30 IN. ELECTRIC range, choice of colors. $159.95. Phone Sears, 426-8201, ask for Norra. S 9/21 ANTIQUE PUMP organ, good condition. $125. Call 426-6611. C 9/14-10/5 USED UPRIGHT Piano. John- ny's Music Box, 205 Cots st. Phone 426-4302. J 9/14 tin FOR SALE --  inch nylon lined wet suit, used twice, $40. Call 426-2551. D 9/14:21 GET YOUR WOOD NOW! Don't wait until cold weather. $15 cord. Call 877-5862. P 9/14-10/5 FOR SALE--22 Cat with winch. Phone 426-3851 after 5 p.m. E 9/14-10/5 WELI.AGED FIR sawdust for sale. Also mushroom compost. Will deliver. Phone 426-3000. W 9/21-10/12 GARAGE SALE: Antique furni- ture and dishes, clothing and miscellaneous items. Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1725 King st. M 9/21 SPRING BLOOMING BULBS! 10 lb. sacks, mixed daffodils, $3.69. Daffodils, hyacinths, tu- lips, crocuses, all kinds of spring blooming bulbs. Mt. View Garden Shop, Olympic Hwy. North. 9/14-10/5 Immediate Delivery HOTPDINT 10 Year Free Replaoement L Warranty WATER HEATER The Hotpolnt Custom Glassline water heater provides the ultf- mnto in automatic A ssfe, effi- cient operation. ,,-n best of all, it is laeked by 10 year tank repleement warranty. Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center _ . Cash or Consign FOR SALE -- 2 yr. old Black Manor Nursing Home, 900 SQ. FT., TWO bedroom home, __Sporting Good s . Angus heifer with calf. Call 426-4552, or evenings being remodelled. Will take Mr. Realy state KELLY 426-8129. W 9/14-21 426-2410. house trailer in tr00e One mile Need TWO MCCULLOCH outboard FURNITURE F  rr T--dde -'-[  9/14 tfn out Arcadia road. L 9/14 |1i year Welsh pony. Want cattle matching motors, long shaft [25 h.p. handpull, 28 h.p. elec- tric start), controls and extra props. Phone 426-2411 or 426- 3375. K 6/15 tfn SEDAN CRUISER, excellent condition, nice family boat. sleeps four. Also boat house. Both for $2500.00. See at Shel- ton City Dock or call 426-6477 days. T 8/3 tfn COMPLETE LINE of Kawasaki motorcycles from 85cc to 650 cc Cooke's 219 So. 1st. 426-2612. C 8/17tfn ....................... I i pa00an Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Topsoil- Fill Dirt First Bankcard Honored GLENN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON Used Cars 1955 CHEVROLET Hardtop, stick shift, $200.00. 1958 Chev- rolet Hardtop, $225. Inquire 1129 Railroad. G 9/21 1959 RENAULT, good condition, cheap transportation, $300. 2 Schwinn bicycles (girls). Ph. Union 898-2516. L 9/21 1959 STUDEBAKER Lark, good condition, $175. Inquire 225 So. 7th. F 9/21 1958 CADILLAC 4 door hardtop, needs valve job, all other good. $485.00 cash. 877-5850 after 6 p.m. S 9/21-28 I Sere Today! '68 Chev- Olds Delivery Nowl MELL CHEW 1st & Grove • 426-4426 Wanted - _ - _ - WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Two million feet alder logs. Smith Hardwood Mill, John's Prairie. Phone 426-3464. • 9/7 tfn - v00p00vJ0000-J, farms and ranches if prices and terms are reasonable. Write LANDMARK PROPER- TIES, INC., Box 25, KEN- MORE, WASH. 98028. • 9/21-10/5 WANTED: Alder poles, 5 to 3 in. diameter, 10' and 8½' long. Price per pole 25¢ and 18€ at Beerbower Spool,Mfg. Co., Route 1, Box 152, Elma. B 9/21-27 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tfn Services PIANO INSTRUCTIONS High school student with pro- fessional backing. Call Cinda Watson, 426-8239. W 9/7-28 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- or Shop, Hillcrest, Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn CERAMIC CLASSES, 11-4 daily, evenings by appointment. All kinds of greenware, tools, brushes, bisque, and glazes. Mr. View Garden Shop, Olym- pic Hwy. North. 9/14-10/5 CHILD CARE given in my home, 2 years old and older. Week- days only. Phone 426-2707. E 9/21-10/12 FOR FREE information on mon- ey and debt problems call Phil Smith, collect, Bremerton 377- 8575. U 9/21-10/12 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tfn PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771. Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil. peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravd. Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn BATON LESSONS Beginners $1 -- Private $2 Certified Teacher, United States Twirling Association CAROLYN RHODES Phone 426.4214 9/7-14-21 LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tf Pleaser Only you can FOREST FIRES! or farm machinery. Ph. Belfair CR 5-2807. D 9/21 SIX YEAR OLD Pinto Gelding, very good riding horse Eng- lish or Western. $300.00. Ph. 426-4029. C 9/21-10/12 ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, AKC registered. From good hunting and show stock. Phone 426-4561. C 9/21-10/12 FOR SALE Beagle male, 4 months old, registered. Phone 426-8706. C 9/21 PUPPIES to give away. Cute 8 week old part Cocker & Pe- kingese. Call 426-2426 after 4 p.m. J 9/21 TINY TOY POODLE Puppies, one white, one silver, beautiful size and build, reasonable. Ph. 426-4936. B 9/21 Puppies! A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest Terrier in the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. New Litter of West Highland White Terriers Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (White, Texas Breeding) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton. Wash. For Rent FOR RENT -- Bachelor apart- ment or suitable for working couple. No pets. Inquire 722 Pine. P 9/14 tfn FURNISHED one bedroom du- plex, $50. 426-3908. B 9/14 tfn FIVE ACRES -- 4 bedroom house, partly furnished. Phone 877-5505. S 9/14-21 ONE BEDROOM trailer house for rent. Phone 426-3169. B 9/21 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom fur- nished house, $65 per month. No pets. Phone 426-8527. K 9/21 FOR RENT -- Waterfront two bedroom cottage, furnished, $45.00. 877-5528. A 9/14 FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house on Lake Nahwatzel. Stove. refrigerator, water, elec- tricity furnished, $100 per month. 426-8323. T 9/14 tfn SMALL THREE BEDROOM fur- nished house. Inquire 226 So. 7th. Phone 426-8113. B 9/14 FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584 S 4/6 tfn FOR RENT: Nice light one boa- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn FOR RENT: Furnished down- town apartment. Carlon Apts., Phone 426-3011. See manager, Apt. 3. C 8/3 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn FOR RENT -- Small unfurnish- ed one bedroom house, 3 blocks from the Shelton Hospital. $45 month. Phone Hoodsport 877- 5350. P 8/31 tfn ACREAGE WANTED PRIVATE PARTY desires 10-40 acres, wooded or old farm on county road. Mason-Thurston counties location. Send details --D. A. Shuffin, P. O. Box 556, Wauna. Wash. Phone 857-4230 eves. 8/31-9/21 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Corner Lot -- 100' x 120' Sixth & Railroad Phone 426.8190 A 11}10 tfn !o R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE What you have for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn TRADE Have client who _ to trade h 3 bedroom home on 125 ft. of no-bank bulk-headed waterfront. He'll take a truck, a boat, a trailer, a cat, acreage or even equity Real in a house as down payment. You name your trade and we'll consider it. Call KURT MANN, Realtor-Exchanger, ANYTIME  tate at 426-6592. 9/21 _ - _ - _-_ - Real Estate HOOD CANAL, Pebble Cove, 2 bedroom cottage for sale. Near Alderbrook Inn. Phone 426- 6190. S 6/15 tfn 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 721 Alder, $8500. Some cash. Also one bedroom house, Dayton area, some acreage, $8500, some cash. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn FOR SALE Mt. iew. 3 bedroom home corner lot, completely redecorated. 2004 Laurel. Call after 5 p.m. 426-6356 F 8/15 t Bay East Vacation and Permanent Homesites Totten Inlet on Puget Sound For Information: Phone 426-8745 Shelton 8/17-10/19 LaBI$$ONIERE Real Estate NEEDS HANDYMAN TO FINISH RENOVATION: Carpeted living room, large kitch- en, faraiy room combination, with stainless steel double sink, 3 bedrooms, bath, 2 lots, Mt. View, close to school, church and new aospital site. Only $6,500. Call BeY Thomason 426-8615. SOUTH SIDE LOCATION: 3 bedrooms, and recreation room, 1 ½ baths, large utility breakfast room, dining room, living room with fireplace, kitchen with all appliances. Garage in basement, lovely lanascaped yard in nice res- idential area. NEW3 BEDROOM HOME: Close to schools and shopping area, living room with fireplace, compact kitchen with built-in range, dining room with glass doors to patio equipped with gas barbecue. This lovely home in- cludes 2 full baths, utility, gar- age. Call today to see it now. Low down payment will put you in im- mediately. LOCATED IN NEW DEVELOPMENT: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, utility, family room or extra bed- room. $15.000. We have several under $12,000. Call to see them anytime. ACREAGE AVAILABLE: 10 Acres with Small Creek. In- cludes small unfinished house. Call Bey Thomason. Call 426-4666 Bey Thomason 426-8615 LaB/T.TON/ERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 119 SO. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. DOWNTOWNs2 FIREPLACES Full basement, 1Vs baths, 4 bed- rooms and a huge .family-activ- ity room. Corner lot, .,sidewalks and much more. It's below $20,- 000 and vacant, so call to see it now. 3 BEDROOMS--ANGLESIDE And it's quality throughout. It's appraised at $14,500 but owner will sell for $14,000 and will in- clude carpets, drapes, range, re- frigerator, washer and dryer. All you need is $400 and a year's tax and insurance to move you in. This is good, so call today. 5 ACRES, COUNTRY HOME With 4 bedrooms and a .com- pletely remodeled kitchen. It's an older home with lots of charm, several outbuildings and it's close in. It might just be the place you've been looking for so call to see it and we'll dis- cuss price and terms. 2 BEDROOMS, CLOSE IN Can be had furnished or unfur- nished. View of town and bay. The price is $6,000 unfurnished and we'll dicker on the furnish- ings. Will also consider trade for bachelor-size trailer. 4 NEW HOMES That will be ready for occupancy in 60 days. They'll have 3 bed- rooms, attached garage and are located on Mt. View. Built with FHA inspecuons and appraised at $15,000. Only $500 down--Call nOW. SHORECREST WATERFRONT LOT 70 feet o fine small gravel beach with 350 feet of depth. Nicely wooded, water and power to lot. Owner asks $7,000 but will listen to offers. Why don't you make one ? ENJOY WATERFRONT PRIVILEGES Without paying waterfront prices. Let us show you a fine proper- ty at Phillips Lake very close to public access area. A great trail- er site. completely fenced and cleared. $1,500 terms." WANTS TO TRADE Have client with modest 2 bed- room home at Totten Shores -- wants to trade into two or three bedroom home with acreage, up to $15,000. Prefer North or Northwest of Shelton. Call Kurt Mann for details. 426-6592. 2 BEDROOM- NEAR BORDEAUX SCHOOL An excellent buy for a starter home. Do some work on it and then trade it for the home you've always wanted. It's $5,750 and very reasonable terms can be ar- ranged. 2 BEDROOM -- 21/'2 ACRES It's about 9 miles northeast of town. Good concrete foundation, new hand split shake roof, 60 ft. drilled well and much more. Owner transferred and must move with job. $6,300 and we can arrange terms that you can live with. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 Railroad Avenue CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME A coil YOU'LL TAKE PRIDE In owning this beautiful 2 bedroom home proved part of Mt. View. this home is conveniently eluding fireplace, spacious t room, covered patio, 2-car carport, compact, easy-to-care-for yard. Let us home today. CHOOSE YOUR OWN DECORATOR coLORS We have two brand new 3 bedroom homes pletion. Here's your chance to ing into your own new hom.e. Clude teplace, family r6dln, built-in appliances and garage. It takes including closing costs on FHA financing. 3 BEDROOM NEAR THE AIRPORT Here's a dandy just waiting for the budg et come along. 'l-he dead-end street kids. Along With the pleasant age, workshop for dad, and morn compact surroundings for her part in $9,500 it can be financed through FHA ing costs and $75 per month, you'll agree, rent. PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM HOME You will like the quiet surroundings and this home located just outside of Shelter. price is just $8,950 and you can bUy via FHA. Give us a call. BIGH UGE--SPACIOUSI! There are a lot of words to describe this side family home, but we would suggeSt immediate appointment to see it. Just besides the 5 bedrooms are built-in ing, extra roomy living room, 2 full places, garage and a carport. It n priced right at $16,500! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? This two bedroom home just pleasant valley and is priced at a big lot, too, with an additional SECLUSION Here's a dandy 2 bedroom and den of Angleside on a large wooded lot. fect tor the famil) that wants a lots of shrubs and a pretty yard. We ed with the charm ottered by this fine $17,500. HOW 'BOUT THIS? See this 3 bedroom home on aboUt city limits. You'll need to do some will have a fine suburban home when outbuddings too. Easy contract terms a ATTRACTI VE--ECONOM ICA L3 BEDRI Very close to elementary school and it in good condition throughout. eludes a garden and would make an home includes built-in range and oven place. Other features include drapes adds up to an awfully nice package a few hundred dollars for initial ix TRANSFERRED.! That's a word meaning f( only reason the owners of this char would sell it. Recently redecorated taste and surrounded by a yard it's delightful. It has a gas furnace room for extra convenience, and it's Owner will even sell FHA, minimum UNEXPECTED!! A dream is really hard to realize if home on about 5 acres with a irrigated garden, fruit trees, bordered with an attractive garage and shop, concrete walks $16,950--But we have it and if nice the house is too!! THE BOY NEEDS A WORKSHOPII Dad wants a patio for but attractive floor plan and a private bedroom and a fire in the turn, this Mt. View home just fills FHA appraised. Take a look yourself. HIMLIE R 1717 Olympic Highway N. EWNiNGS CAt,00S00,, DICK KNAUF 426-8110 f.r VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501 -- DAv PN 20--Shelton-Msson County Journal - Thursday, September 21, 1967