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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 22, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 22, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'97 Ford Ranger Ext Cab. low miles- $4,995 '02 Mercedes 320 SL. like new. ,,,.,$11,995 '94 Honda Accord$31995 '01Toyota Tundra ........................... $10,995 !:! !~ i i i!iiiii~!i!i!i i arm:corn i :::!i!i!!i:!i!:! : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i:ii?!i liiiii:;ili!iii;i Larg selection / TAKE IT EASY? BY JOSEPH ~GAR. P.T. While cer-The patient's medical team can make tain restric- any such determinations, tionsmay If you're looking to increase mobil- applyto ity, and diminish pain and discomfort heart disease during day to day activities, we can patients, the help. We design individualized treat- prescription to "take it easy" no lon- ment plans for each patient to maxi- ger necessarily applies. For instance, mize mobility and physical function- patients suffering from various cardi- ing. For additional information, call ac disorders (including recovery from SHELTON PHYSICAL THERAPY heart attack and bypass surgery) may AND SPORTS MEDICINE. We have want to engage in cardiac rehabilita- been providing physical therapy care tion that helps them return to previi= for Over 32 years. You'll find us con- ous levels of health and functioning veniently located al 2300 Kati Ct.. and prevent cardiac problems from Ste. B and can be reached by calling recurring. The main components of (360) 426-5903. New patients are cardiac rehabilitation are exercise, welcome. Same day appointments education, counseling, and behavior are available. modification, much of which physi- P.S. An EKG will likely be given cal therapists have large roles to play before a cardiac rehabilitation pro- in administering. Having said all that. gram begins, which will then be used it is important to point out that certain as an ongoing monitoring method by types of exercise may be contraindi- the physical therapist. cared for some medical conditions. The 2.5-mile racetrack at The Ridge Motorsports Park in Shelton track will soon be paved with highway grade asphalt. crosses over the Journal photos by Natalie Johnson ridge. The De pite d lays, mot rp rk on schedule for winter events By NATALIE JOHNSON of schedule and I'm not happy about that." The 173 acres of forestland that A wet spring interrupted work on encompasses the Ridge Motorsports the track, Powell said, but pre-sched- Park, just outside of Shelton on West uled winter events should not be im- Eells Hill Rd., is finally starting to pacted. look like a racetrack, and Rod Powell Dealing with an endangered gopher of the Ridge Group, who is developing population also presented a delay. the project with co-owner Joe Manke, "By the way our gopher habitat is couldn't be happier, doing great," Powell said. Powell said he recently got "giggly" The first layer of paving on the track during a track test in his truck. The will be a mix of asphalt much like that test started out slow, but after 30 laps found on a highway, which while not didn't end that way. as high-quality as a racetrack mix of: "Then l went into giggle mo~. I asphalt, will still work as a racing sur- ' ' ;A~ said, 'I'm gonna speed up, he said'.~ face," Powell said. That layer will be in Several delays have set the project place in the next several weeks, back about three weeks. Powell origi- :, The race mix is much more delicate nally estimated that the track would ~ and needs very predictable and stable : weather conditions, he said. least have a highway surface by Au- ~ "We may not get the race mix on "It was me being over-ambitious ... -~mtJ1 spring," he said. '%Ve need ten I thought mid-August for the highway days of no weather fluxuations." lift and early September for the race Until then, Powell is trying to look mix," he said. "We're three weeks off on the bright side. "One of the benefits of going through the winter without the race mix is if it settles we can deal with it." he said. Before the highway surface is ap- plied to the "roughed-in" racetrack, crews are still working on creating a level surface for the drag strip, Powell said. One end of' the strip is heavily re- cessed in the ground, partly for noise abatement reasons. The other end is raised above the ground, to create a completely flat and level surface. "If things go as planned, we will have some limited winter events," Powell said. Crews plan on constructing the raceway's many buildings during the winter. Powell and other track enthusiasts are looking forward to the first events at the raceway. "The regular schedule for 2012 is al- ready sold out," he said. "We want the local eateries to be prepared." PUD 3 Everybody! I'm inviting my friends and customers to see me at: Formerly of Mell Chevrolet & Gillis Auto Center Titus Will East 6404 Martin Way East Olympia WA 98516 (360) 438-1448 • Cell (360) 402-2624 PlusTax & Repairs if Needed s99~ Value i ~|]~ ~ |3~ ~ jl~a~ ANDSURROUNDINGAREAS / Heat Pumps * Electric Furnaces * Gas Furnaces • Air CendiUoners * Service Contracts Lic~l~ B~lldcd & [~rsu[M # ,ll~lt~l 3t~ / PTCS G~:tliibd ~60,'{~2° inci{~des 3{~l~{Iald 1: ~i: Page A-2 plays | I waiting game on Radar Ridge By NATALIE JOHNSON Advance Glass Shelton 2316 Olympic Hwy N "Next to Super Kleen Car Wash" Plus installation labor 426 0985 (most models) "' 11~2~ After three years of at- tempting to permit and build a wind project at Ra- dar Ridge in Pacific Coun- ty, Energy Northwest and The future location for project partners including Mason County PUD 3 have quarry. again found themselves in a holding pattern, have proposed to mitigate Matt Samuelson, assis- any damage to the bird tant power supply manager population. for PUD 3, said the project's The location for the wind main setback has from the project, Radar Ridge in Pa- start been environmental cific County, is the current issues, mainly relating to location for an active rock the endangered Marbled quarry. Murrelet, a duck-like bird "The additional mitiga- native to the area. tion could make the project "We're waiting for not economical in today's [Washington State] Fish market," he said. and Wildlife to come back Since the project's cre- with comments on the draft ati0n it has been hampered (Environmental Impact by one setback after anoth- Statement) EIS," he Initial estimates said the The EISis usuallynot re- project should have been quired for this kind ofproj- completed by late 2011. At ect, but the project partners this time, the project has elected to do the study be- not yet been permitted. cause of the economic con- Beyond the ecological is- cern they had already expe- sues, now the energy mar- rienced, ket may not even need the Samuelson said he ex- power Radar Ridge would pects Fish and Wildlife to produce. ask for extensive measures, "It's the perfect storm beyond those the partners with the renewables mar- Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, September 22, 2011 Courtesy photo the Radar Ridge Wind Project is an active rock ket," Samuelson said. ther building or selling the "There's just not a market wind project. there ... that's not saying The incidental take per- the project won't go forward mit would indemnify the ... it's at a standstill right project against lawsuits if now." the wind farm "takes," or While environmentalkills, harms or negatively groups have argued that affects the birds. the proposed wind farm "Once we get back the would damage the endan- comments from Fish and gered marbled murrelet Wildlife then it's a pro- population, the PUD and cess of... negotiating with other partners have long Fish and Wildlife to come contended that studies to the actual terms of the show effects on the birds to permit and what actions be negligible, are necessary to be in "The kicker is we've uti- compliance," Samuelson lize the best science avail- said. able," Samuelson said. The PUD 3 dropped its The project partners participation down to .5 hope to get Fish and Wild- percent earlier this year life comments on the Draft and hopes to recoup its loss- EIS by the end of 2011, en- es in the future. abling them to acquire an "If the project is permit- "incidental take permit," ted and can be sold we can which would be the first get some of our investment step in permitting, and el- back," Samuelson said.