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Lloyd Prouty proudly displays his new Babe the Blue Ox statue Thursday.
accompany Shelton's historic Paul Bunyan statue at city events.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
The statue will
Bunyan's buddy Babe comes to Shelton
By NATALIE JOHNSON The ox isn't just a statue, he said, would replicate what we had back
but also has a mechanical neck that then," he said.
After parading through the streets can move from side to side, and noz- Prouty is still accepting donations
of Shelton alone since 1995, Paul Bu- zles in its nose that are rigged to to help pay off the statue. Donations
nyan will finally have Babe the Blue blow out mist. can be deposited at Heritage Bank or
Ox to stand beside him. "It makes the kids smile, that'sOur Community Credit Union.
Since March, Lloyd Prouty, who why I do it," he said.. Both Prouty's Babe the Blue Ox
owns Shelton's historic Paul Bun- Prouty plans future upgrades to and Paul Bunyan statues wil] be on
yan statue, has worked hard to raise the ox, including a way to cover up display all day Saturday in the Our
enough money to purchase a copy mechanical parts in the statue'sCommunity Credit Union parkinglot
of Babe the Blue Ox. On Thursday, neck. on Olympic Highway North.
Prouty displayed Babe for the first "What we need is someone who's The duo's next appearance at a
time in downtown Shelton. good with leather who can make an parade will be at Shelton's annual
"I'm ecstatic," Prouty said. authentic towing harness ... That Christmas parade.
Former County Commissioner for District 3 Ross Gallagher applied to take over
county on Monday.
Joulnal photo by Natalie Johnson
his old job at the
didates Gallagher listed the Belfair sewer
Can project as one of the top issues for the
Continued from page A-1 commission.
"I feel that the Belfair ERUs
to continue the legacy of commission- (Equivalent Residential Units) are
er Lingle including his widow, Joyce fair," he said.
Lingle. Like Gallagher, other candidates
"With all due respect to all ap-for the commission position in the
plicants I believe the citizens of the 2010 election interviewed on Men-
county made it clear," she said. "I day, including Terra Dittmer and
would like to continue to be their Tom Randall.
voice and listen to them." "I think we need to get of' the good
Alan Tahja spoke of knowing Jer-old boy way of thinking and personal
ry Lingle through the local Masonic self interest when you're in a position
Lodge, and how he felt called to run like this because it's not about that,"
for the vacant position. Dittmer said. "It's about being a lead-
"Jerry was an inspiration for me," er to your people."
he said. "He inspired some hope in me Randall spoke of his take on pelt-
and I'd like to continue Jerry's work." tics and growth in the county.
Marlene Taylor, former Port of "I'm truly an independent," he
Shelton Commissioner, became emo- said. "I don't think there should be
tional when speaking of Lingle's work any parties really involved in county
and said she didn't run previously out government because that's the part
of support for him. that divides the county. Everybody in
Former district 3 commissioners the county has to work together. We
Annette McGee and Ross Gallagherhave to create jobs in this county."
also threw their hat in the ring for Several members of the Shelton
the position, business community also applied, in-
McGee served for 12 years in thecluding former Shelton-Mason Coun-
commissioner, and Gallagher's bid ty Chamber of Commerce executive
for reelection in 2010 was stopped at director Terri Jeffreys, Clint Ferrara
the primary, and Steve Bloomfield.
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Bloomfield said he would bring
"common sense, intelligence and ex-
perience across the board with our
natural-resource based community,,'
to the job.
Randy Churchill, a member and
president of' Kristmastown Kiwanis,
also applied and spoke of the need for
new businesses in Shelton.
"I have a lot of ideas that we could
reach out and bring new businesses
to tiffs area," he said. "Being a real
estate broker for 27 years I think I've
got great communication skills, I can
reach out and bring people together."
The panel initially prepared to in-
terview 16 applicants, but John Price
did not show up for his interview.
The panel will present their rec-
ommendations to the county com-
missioners this week, Ring Erickson
"I had hoped to make [a decision]
by [Sept.] 27th," she said. "I antici-
pate that this group will probably
forward to us a number of names and
we asked them not to prioritize - I'm
hoping tbr three to four."
Commissioners Ring Erickson and
Sheldon hope to announce their pick
at the Tuesday, Oct. 4 commission
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September 22,2011
- Page A-5