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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 22, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 22, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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........ MGH to host CALENDAR 12STEPS Friday Optimist Club meets sec- Thursdays Third and Cota streets free women's 7:30-9 a.m., Shelton ond and fourth Monday at Noon and 5:30 p.m., Alcoholics3 - 5 p.m., Freedom in Recovery, Mason County Chamber of Taylor Station Restaurant, Anonymous, 125 West Cota Street New Horizons Church, 307 East F health event Commerce Board of Trust- 62 SE Lynch Road. 5 p.m., AA, New Community Street ees Meeting at the chamber Church of Union office, 310 Dalby 4 - 6 p.m., Gateway to recovery board room, 215 W. Rail- Wednesday Road, Suite 3 at Gateway Christian Fellowship, Mason General Hospital & road Ave, Shelton. These 10:30-11 a.m., Shelton 5:30 p.m., Overeaters Anony- 405 S. 7th Street Family of Clinics encourages meetings are open to all Timberland Library pres- mous, Mason General Hospital, 4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport Li- residents to celebrate Nation- chamber members, ents Family Story Time, Washington Room brary for women only al Breast Cancer Awareness for children 3-6 years. 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony-6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anon- month at the Women's Health Saturday Join in a program of sto- mous, The Right Path, North 80ymous, Spinners Gone Straight, Event presented by Mason 10 a.m.-2 p.m., the Ma- ries, rhymes, songs and Tribal Center Road. St. David's Episcopal Church, 324 General Hospital & Family of son County Family Fun movement games that 7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Epis- West Cedar Street Clinics from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Resource Fair will focus mainly on children copal Church, Third and Cedar on Saturday, Oct. 15 at the be at the Olympic Middle age 6 and younger. For streets Mondays Hospital's main entrance. School in Shelton, locatedmore information call 7 p.m., Friends of Bill W. Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 The Women's Health at 800 E "K" street. This is 426-1362. Chapter at Hood Canal Commu- West Cota Street Event is open to all women, a free event with activities nity Church, 81 Finch Creek Road, 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anony- offering free health informa- for children and family and 3--5 p.m., SheltonTim- Hoodsport mous, Belfair's New Hope, Belfair tion, screenings, and services prizes, berland Library presents 8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Community Baptist Church by healthcare profession- Teen Gaming Lounge, for Mountain View Alliance Church,7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Epis- als. There will be free digital 5-9 p.m., 12th Annual teens. Play Xbox Kinect, 314 East J Street copal Church, Third and Cedar mammogram screenings for Water Sounds Native Art Wii and other games, watch streets the first 50 women aged 40 to Auction at 150 SE K'WUH- movies and have refresh- Fridays 7 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 65, who are uninsured or un- DEEGS-ALTXW, Shelton. ments with friends. Snacks 11 a.m., NA, United Methodist Mountain View Alliance Church, derinsured - a service funded Silent auction begins at 5 and supplies provided by Church 1900 King Street 314 East J Street by the Karen Hilburn Breast p.m., live auction begins at the Friends of the Shelton Noon, Al-Anon family group, 7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane Health and and Cervical Cancer Fund; 7 p.m. Traditional dinner Timberland Library. For Saint David's Episcopal ChurchRehabilitation Center, 2430 North Susan G. Komen for the is served at 6 p.m. All pro- more information call 426- Call 427-6831 13th Street Cure of Puget Sound; and the ceeds benefit the Squaxin 1362. Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, Washington Breast, Ce~wical Island Museum. 125 West Cota Street Tuesdays and Colon Health Program. Thursday, Sept. 29 6:30 p.m., Celebrate Recovery,6:30 p.m., AA open meeting, Insured women may make an Monday 7-10 p.m., Taylor Sta- 419 Railroad Avenue. ChildcareHoodsport Library appointment for a later date 1 p.m., The Friends of tion presents John Lucas provided. Call 426-8461 10 a.m., A1-Anon Step study by calling 427-9590, option3. the Sheltotl Timberland and Randy Linder perform 7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport Li- AFG at St. David's Episcopal Also featured will be free Library will meet. The at Taylor Station Restau- brary Church 324 W. Cedar Street cardiac testing, blood pressure Friends of the Library rant and Lounge, 62 SE 8 p.m., NA, Ellinor Room, Ma- 7:15 p.m., Narcotics Anony- screenings, diabetes testing raise funds to help with Lynch Road, Shelton. son General Hospital, 901 Moun- mous, Mountain View Alliance and self-assessment, and infor- library programs, fur- tain View Drive Church, 314 East J Street ruction on the HPV vaccine to nishings and other items 6:30-7:30 p.m., Shel- 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous, prevent most cases Of cervical outside of the regular ton Timberland Library Saturdays at Mason General Hospital, 901 cancer; as well as clinical breast budget. If you have some presents Discover a New 10 a.m., Overeaters Anony- Mountain View Drive exams, nutritional services, volunteer time to spare, Hobby: Couponing, for mous, Saint David's Church mini massages, and healthy the Friends group needs adults. Heather Clarke . Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 Wednesdays refreshments. For more infor- you. For more information "The Coupon Queen" will West Cota Street 9:30 a.m., A1-Anon family mation on the Women's Health call 426-1362. explain how to use cou- 7 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, group, Skokomish Indian Assem- Event, call432-7706. pons, rebates and sales to Ellinor Room at Mason General bly of God, 1925 Highway 101 5:30-7 p.m., The Advi- save hundreds on grocer- Hospital,901 Mountain View 11 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Come See Our 1st-Run sory Board for the Whur- its, drug store items, ser- Drive United Methodist Church 1900 M OV| ESI. ston Mason Regional Sup- vices, and more. Clarke 10 p.m., The Point Is,Easy King Street ~ port Network will meet at will present techniques Does It, 125 West Cota Street 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Anon- ~[[|()~ C|N~=~ Thurston County Health for finding, using and or- ymous, Spinners Gone Straight, 24-HOUR MOVm INFO 426-1000 Dept., 412 Lilly rd. NE, ganizing coupons. For Sundays St. David's Episcopal Church, 324 Olympia, Room 107. more information call 8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and 7:30 West CedarStreet Cor,erof~t,~F,nk,. 426-1362. p.m., AA, 125 West Cota Street 7 p.m., NA at Mountain View 6 p.m., Mason County 9:30 a.m., NA, PUD 3 Hall, Alliance Church, 314 East J Street ~~Noneyball Daily 3:45, 6:30pm Additional Shows , ~'i ~ Fri-Sat 9:15pm 5EN ORCALENDAR °°phn ae Dally 4:30, 7:00pm Additional Shows Unless otherwise noted, all events day before Monday 9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing circle Fri-Sat 9:15pm take place at the Mason County St- 1 p.m., bingo 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 10:45 a.m., Zumba class Sat-Sun 2:15pm nior Activities Center at 826 W. Rail- 2 p.m., treats from Lean on Me at 9 a.m., beginning line dancingNoon lunch: sweet and sour [] road Ave. The senior center hours Home Care 10 a.m., intermediate/advancedmeatballs with pineapple | --NOWOPEN-- are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday line dancing 12:30 p.m., bridge sign up daybe- [~$~ ~/~ ~W through Thursday and from 8 a.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. Living well throughfore, double deck pinochle I Serving all or~anic, fair trade espresso drinks to 3 p.m. on Friday. The telephone Foot care by appointment better senior financial literacy work- 1 p.m., bingo with Adele desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi shop 1:15 p.m., take control of your [] *ALWAYSFEWERTHAN8MIN. 0FPREVIEWS* from noon until 12:30p.m. 9-11 a.m., open line dance Noon, lunch: tuna sahdwich on health (registration required)| ~ ~ ~ ~¢:~ 9 a.m.-I p.m., sewing circle wheat with lettuce and tomato Thursday 9:15 a.m., Friday walkers (meet 12:30 p.m., game day Wednesday Foot care by appointment at Huff and Puff Park) 1 p.m., beginning watercolor and 8:30 a.m., porcelain doll lace 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga 11:30 a.m. music Buttons and drawing class draping class 9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/ad-Bows 1 p.m., pinochle 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi Fm.9/23 - SUN. 9125 vanced line dancing Noon, lunch: sponsored by MC- 2 p.m., treats from Capital Place 9 a.m., beginning line dancing 9-noon,,EZCrafters SAA: pizza, birthday celebration 10 a.m., intermediate/advanced 10:3~1]:30 a.m., blood pressure with root beer floats from Capital Tuesday line dancing checks Place Foot care by appointment 11 a.m., music with Evelyn 10:45a.m., Zumba class 1 p.m., MCSAA goes to the mov-8:05 a.m., gentle, restorativeTrenckmann Noon, lunch: sliced turkey andits yoga. Noon lunch: beef stew with veggies ham 1 p.m., oil painting with Paul9-11 a.m., intermediate/advanced 12:30 p.m., game day 12:30 p.m., bridge - sign up the Kucharik line dancing 1 p.m., pinochle Regularly Regularly otb ' Wishing You 50 More Love from --- Bob, Beth, Barry, & Bonny , iiiiiii Come Meet Your Local Volunteer Firefig ters Mason will be holding a BBQ: h Saturday, Septemb 24th i from l:00-5:00pm. 4650 West Dayton Airport Road ;iS Hamburgers, hot dogs, salads pop will be served. Also for those wi interested we will be signing people l Printed in Shelton, WA, USA ~ using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Prl Ith Thank you for recycling. SOY INK Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 22,2011 - Page B-3