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September 22, 2011 |
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Diabetessupport groups to hold annual buffet luncheon
The 2011 combined Mason Gen- Cruse and staffwill prepare the fol- 426-1611, ext. 3301 (from Allyn meeting room, also from September
ral Hospital & Family of Clinics' lowing popular menu: salmon with 275-8614 ext. 3301). to June Both meetings are free and
/~helton and Allyn Diabetes Sup- a citrus glaze, roasted herb pota- The MGH Diabetes Support open to people with type I and 2 dia-
~Jort Groups buffet luncheon will toes, green beans with slivered al- Group, affiliated with the American betes, their friends, and family. For
~bature tbod, fun, and prizes with monds, spinach salad, and dessert. Diabetes Association, meets at the more intbmaation call Sue Barwick,
i)iaBingo. This year's luncheon will (An alternative entree can be avail- Hospital every third Thursday of R.N., certified diabetes educator,
oe held from 12:45 to 2 p.m. Thurs- able upon advance request.) The the month from September to June and director of the Diabetes Well-
day, October 20 in the Ellin0r Room cost is $6 per person, and reser- and the Allyn Diabetes Support ness Center at MGH at 427-7332
it MGH. vations must be made by Friday, Group meets every fourth Thursday (from Allyn 275-8614, and ask for
MGH's Executive Chef John October 14 by calling Michelle at of the month in the Port of Allyn the Diabetes Wellness Center).
Health boards, commissions, and committees looking for citizen participation
The Washingtml State De-tions; they include the Board nots, and others, idents of'Washington. Regu- compensated tbr time spent
• partment of Health is looMng of Physical Therapy, Athletic Many of the groups havelar meeting attendance is an at meetings and other ap-
fbr members of the public to Training Advisory Commit- immediate vacancies; others expectation of service and is proved activities.
.,erve on a variety of health- tee, Board of Pharmacy, Den- need a pool of qualified can- vital to the success of each Information and applica-
~'elated boards, commissions tal Quality Assurance Com- didates for futm'e openings, team. Members are reim-tions are available at www.
md committees. There aremission, Board of Massage, Appointees must be citizens bursed for certain expenses
24 groups accepting applica- Vetermmy Board of Gover- of the United States and res- related to travel and are or by calling 236-4887.
Mason County 4-Hers place at Puyallup Fair
Mason County 4-H girls
Kylie Dassow, Abby Chris-
man, Beth Snider and Eu-
dce Randall competed in
~:he senior division Western
}aming show at the Puyal-
]up Fair.
The girls represented
Mason County by placing in
he top eight out of all six
gaming events.
This is the first time Ma-
~on County has brought
i~ome this many top eight
Abby Chrisman placed
:burth in the state in two
i~arrel flag and brought
imme red ribbons in Inter-
rational Flags, Texas Bar-
:els and Idaho Figure Eight
and a white ribbon in show-
Eunice Randall placed
fburth in the state in Inter-
rational Flags and brought
ihome blue ribbons in Key-
pole, Idaho Figure Eight
md showmanship. She
~cored a red ribbon in Tex-
as Barrels.
Beth Snider was the
Courtesy phoLo
From left, Kylie Dassow, Abby Chrisman, Beth
Snider and Eunice Randall show their ribbons.
grand champion in Keypole, a blue in showmanship.
placed eighth rathe statein Kylie Dassow brought
Pole bending, tburth in the home a red ribbon in show-
state in Idaho Figure Eight, manship and white ribbons
mghth in the state in Texas in Keypole and Texas Bar-
Barrels and brought homerels.
Courtney Robbins and
Richard Walbaum H
Pastor Glen Keeft~ married Courtney Rob-
bins and Richard Walbaum II of Shelton at 1
p.m. Aug. 6, 2011. at the First Baptist Church.
She is the daughter of Don and Val Rob-
bins of Shelton and he is the son of Richard
Walbaum I of Key Center and Bonnie Wal-
baum of Shelton.
The maid of honor was Alyssa Smith;
bridesnmids, Kaitlin Smith, Jen Wheeler,
Amanda Sy]vain, Tiffany and Brittney Rob-
bins. The best man was Bruce Walbaum;
groomsmen Mike Leeberg, Matt Braur, Zack.
Fahnkoph, Charles Sylvain and Morgan Pe-
terson. Ring bearers; Mathew Farmer and
Ehjah Sylvain; flower girls Alyssa Farmer;
piano was Joey Walbaum.
Both Courtney and Richard graduated
from Shelton High School.
The destination of their wedding trip was
of month
Kris Davies, lead decision
support analyst for Mason
General Hospital & Fam-
ily of Clinics, was selected by
her peers to be "Employee of
the Month" for September.
She has been with MGH fin.
nearly five years - working
in Quality Improvement (QI)
and Decision Support. As a
decision support analyst, her
objective is to provide the
hospital administratiw~ team
and all departments with spe
cific quality data reports that
assist in decision-making ac-
tivities and
"I really
love , what
I do,' said
I~'is, after
recel v'lllg
her award.
Kris is also
Kris a certified
Davies medical as-
sistant a
she used while working in a
medical center before coming
to MGH. "My commute (to
the medical center) was long,
but because my husband's .job
was in Mason County I wa,
able to shorten it by coming
to work for MGH."
Davies' nominator described
her as one "that has, with grace
and confidence, provided lead-
ership (to her department). She
has an infectious smile; she
always has a positive attitude,
and is a diligent worker."
Originally from Montana,
Davies moved to North Da-
kota and started working in
the medical field in 1988 for
the North Dakota Medical
Association and a local hos-
pital. She later moved to this
area to be closer to her thmily
and began working at Provi-
dence Medical Center in Se-
attle before going to work at
a clinic in Silverdale. For the
last seven years, Davies has
been married to her husband,
Garry- a paramedic and fire-
fighter in District 5.
Davies has a 25-year-old
son, Adam, who attends col-
lege. When she is not work-
ing, she loves to make jew-
elry, golf and boating.
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 22,2011