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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Shelton heading to Port
Orchard this Friday
It was a game of two
halves for the Shelton High-
climbers on Friday, Sept. 16,
when they played at home
against Central Kitsap.
"It was a good first half,"
Matt Hinkle, head coach,
said. "The kids competed
well but then
composure in
half. We had a
CKHS .......... 53
Shelton ........ 14
Shelton at
SKI-IS,, 7 p.m.
we lost our
the second
lot of dumb
close with
during the
first half,
ending the
first quar-
ter tied
7-7 and
going into the second quar,
ter down 21-7, a situation
similar to last week's game
at Black Hills.
This week had an en-
tirely different ending. In
the final 24 minutes of the
game, the Cougars scored
32 points, 21 of them in the
third quarter alone.
"Central Kitsap is a good
team," Hinkle said. "In the
last couple of years they've
been top-tier. We fought in
the first half and they came
out and fought in the second
and we didn't respond well."
Along with more penal-
ties than the Highclimbers
would've liked to see, the
team also saw one of its se-
nior starters transported
from the game on the
stretcher. With 1:21 left in
the third quarter, senior Joe
Strand broke his ankle.
"Joe is doing fine," Hinkle
said. "Joe's is Joe; his com-
posure is real solid. He's
dealt with a lot of adversity
and how he responds is very
See Shelton on page C-5
Journal photo by Emi y Hanson
Members of the Shelton Highclimbers take a knee to pray for their injured teammate, Joe
Strand, before he is transported from the field. During the Highclimbers' home game on Friday,
Sept. 16, Strand broke his ankle with 1:21 left in the third quarter.
$helton's Hannah Garcia comes up for air in the
meet at home on Thursday, Sept. 15
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
100 butterfly during the girls' swim
By EMILY HANSON cases faster. We're pretty pleased Youngquist said. "She looks like
In its first two meets of the sea- with the best times we've gotten, she has a lot of potential to get
~on, the Shelton girls' swim team especially with the lack of blocks." pretty fast. It just takes work."
has come away victorious both Youngquist said the Shelton Sophomore Hannah Garcia said
;imes. pool is not deep enough to allow for she feels pretty good about winning
On Tuesday, Sept. 13, the Lady the use of blocks, the 100 butterfly.
~Iighclimbers outswam WilsonHe stated that the younger girls "Somebody's got to win, I guess,"
~Iigh School for a 100-85 vicory on the team this year are doing she added. "It's kind of scary be-
~efore sinking Timberline at home well, especially Hannah Womercause it's a really tiring event and
[13-83 on Thursday, Sept. 15. and Felicia Hausinger. a lot of people don't like to do it be-
"The girls have done very well," "Womer scored some points cause it's kind of hard."
3hadYoungquist, headcoach, said. for us and Hausinger, a sopho- Garcia won this same event
;Our returners are right where more in her first year on the team, against Wilson and said the 100
;hey were last year and in some placed fourth in the 500 freestyle," See Swimmers on page C-5
SHS's Fennel returns from
2 season-ending injuries
By EMILY HANSON juries.= .....
"He has returned from
In the first game of Zactwo season ending injuries
Fennel's sophomore football his sophomore and junior
season, he tore the labrum year to emerge as a team
in his shoulder, ending the leader," Hinkle said.
season for the Shelton play- Fennel didn,t start play-
er.. ing football until he was in
In the first game of his ju- middle school because he
nior football season, he tore was, as he puts it, "teeny."
his MCL or the medial col- "I wasn't allowed to play
lateral lig- so I did gymnastics, soccer
~ ament in aqd baseball," Fennel said.
his knee, "I got a lot bigger one year
ending his and my parents said I could
season, play football and I lost all
Under- interest in other sports."
standably, Fennel said he enjoys
the first football because, for him,
game of it's a calming sport.
his senior "It's hard to explain, be-
Zac s e a s o n cause there are people out
Fennel was a bit there trying to kill you and
s t r e s s fu 1 rip your face off, but there's
for Fennel. a great brotherhood," he
"I was expecting to get in- said. "I respect the coaches
jured but now that we're a and how can you not love
few games in, it's cool to just Hinkle? It's fun to go out
be out playing the game," and hit people."
Fennel said. Though Fennel has par-
When he recommended ticipated in track and field in
Fennel as the Athlete of the the past he said he is think-
week, Shelton head football ing of doing rugby or power
coach Matt Hinkle men-
tioned Fennel's previous in- See Athlete on page C-6
Mariners' scouting director visits She ton Health and Rehab Center
Fay James, a resident at Shelton Health
md Rehab Center, has not wanted to get
,ut of bed for weeks.
On Wednesday, Sept. 14, the center had
visit from the Seattle Mariners in the form
"Knowing the Mariners are coming today
makes me feel better," James said. "They're
the only reason I'm out of bed today."
James' name badge has her name and
the word 'Mariner go to'.
"I'm in a position to start a Mariner Fan
Club," she said. "If anyone needs to know if
,f Director of Scouting Tom McNamara. the Mariners won, I know and I keep sched-
"I caught the fever in 1995," James said, ules around for people who need or want
peaking not of an illness, but of her love one."
Dr the Mariners. "In '95, the Mariners said McNamara's visit stems from meeting
Tchy don't we try for the wild card?' and Jay the center's executive director, Lee Ayers,
:he Bone' Buhner said'let's go for the Whole at a rotary meeting at the Alderbrook in
hing' and they took the division." January.
James said the owning a dog led to her "We were with the general manager, Jack
aeeting Mariners outfielder Ichiro at spring Zduriencik, and the Mariners were gracious
raining, enough to speak about their plans for the
"I had my dog with me and his interpret: season;" Ayers said. "I asked Tom and Jack
r said he loves dogs so I said to bring him if they thought they could come visit, then
ver. He talked to the dog more than me," I emailed Tom and set up a date and time."
ames said. : : McNamara said he figured he would
She said She tells her friends her dog Comeup and ScOut out the center.
poke back in Japanese and that it turns "I was touched to find out how many fans
ut that Japanese dog barking sounds ex-
ctly like English dog barking. : ..... : : ....... ...... ,
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Seattle Mariners Director of Scouting Tom McNamara, center, visited
the Shelton Health and Rehab Center on Wednesday, Sept. 14.
McNamara learned about the center after meeting Executive Director
Lee Ayers, right. Rotary Past President Jackie Ross is to McNamara's
See Marinerson page C-4 right.
Thursday, September 22, 2011 . Shelton-Mason County Journal~ Page C-1