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Athl Fennel said he hangs out with his friends
ete and plays in a garage band called Playing
Continued from page C-1 for Grandma.
"We play everything," he said. "We're
lifting, though he thinks the two conflict not being serious, we're just having fun.
with each other. Whatever we feel like playing that day, we
"Since it's senior year, I'm thinking about play."
hopping into anything I can because it's my Though most of the songs he and his band
last chance," he said. perform are covers, Fennel said his friend
In addition to playing sports for the Ben Johnson writes some of their songs.
Highclimbers, Fennel is an honor society "Ben is phenomenally gifted and he'll
student with a 3.5 to 3.6 GPA and he is also say 'Hey, I wrote a song last night with ev-
in Running Start, working on finishing his ery part. Let's play it' and we will," Fennel
AA degree before he graduates high school, said.
Though he is planning on studying more He stated that he tries to sing, but he's
and getting a bachelor's degree in business terrible and that he plays the guitar and
and he says he loves football, Fennel stated the bass but that he and all of his friends
he doesn't expect to play once this season's switch off on which instruments they play
final game is over. each time.
"I don't expect to be picked up for a college Fennel expressed uncertainty about the
team," he said. "I mean, what kid wouldn't future.
take it? Free college, it's an amazing experi- "Everyone keeps saying 'You have to
ence, but I'm not expecting it." know what you want to do' but I haven't
He said he has been considering East- found my calling yet," he said.
ern Washington University and Western Though he's certain his football career
Washington University and maybe Central will end with this season, Fennel said he'll
Washington University. miss it.
"YOu're always supposed to have that big "No one ever wants to stop playing foot-
plan but not everyone does," he stud. "Most ball but it's a high school experience and
kids change their majors once they get to when it ends, I'll go on," he said. "I'll have a
college, so I'm not sure [if I'll stick with life, start a family some day. I love football,
business]." but I don't want to spend my life doing it. I
When he's not in school or playing sports, will miss it, though."
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Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 22,2011