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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX ..........  MASON COUI JDURNAI FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 192I I II II I I I II I I I II II II I II I I Jl IIII II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I [ II I I I I I II I IIIII II I I OCTOBER Brunswick Records --ON SALE TODAY-- Brunswick, in its October release of super-feature records, meets the taste of all music lovers--ballads, operatic and orchestral selections, and song and dance novelties, with the del/ghtful versatility which characterizes all Brunswick music. To select from this list is to own what is best in phonographic reproduction. Check the Records you wish to hear--then let us play them for you. 30016  Impromptu in A Flat (Chopin) Pianoforte 50[0 1.50 t Leopold Godowsky 10037 I Air des bljoux (Jewei$one from Fuust) Act. I!1 1.80 I (Gounod) (in French) Soprano . Florouce Eoston I0035 J Murechtare--(Neapolitan Sent) (di Giacomo--Tosti) 1.00 }. Baritone in Italian . , Gioseppe Dmaim 30015  Jahraeit (In Memoriam) ($ilberta-Silberstein) L60 t Soprano in Yiddish , • , • Dorothy Jnlloa 10041 [ SmmishDao (Granados.Kreieior) Violin $olo 13027  Pals Moon (Glich.Lowan) Baritone • Richard BonalS 1,95  Mah Llndy Lou (Strkhlan Baritone . Richard Bonelli 13026 f Minstrel Bet (Moore) (Irish Air) Tenor • Thee. Katie When Irish Eyes As Smi]lns (Oicott-GrnFf.BaHI 1.95 1. Thee. Karlo and Crescent Male Trio r Ben Bolt (Enl[lah.easa) Contralto F..]lzabeth Leanox 5065 l Robin Adair (Kappa/) (Scotch Air) Contralto 1.00 Elinaheth Lennox 2124 " Woodland Echo (Wyman) Violin.Flute.HarD Gondolier Trio • 85 . Juanlta (Norton) Violin.Fiats-HarD Gondolier Trio f Sweet and Low (Royce.Johnson) Soprano an JCo.,ntalto 2128 J Irene Audrey aria r..muy .ario • 8S 1 Honolulu Honey (Wss&amp;n-Apnlefleld'_ Dyson) .... L Tenor and Baritone . Chas. Hart and kJtiott haw 2127  Tuck Me to Sleep (Yount-L*wia-MsYer) • 85 "5 Billy Jones and Strond Male Trio L If You Only Knew (Fission- Van Tilasr) Baritone Ernst Hnre 5062  Down at the Huskin' Bee (Rosenold) Criterion Male Quartet 1.00 " A Little Close Harmony (O'Hara) Criterion Male Quartet 2123 [ Peck's Bad Boy (Sarazan) • . Strand Male Quartet • 86  Annual Protest (Off to School) (Psyche) Humorous Recitation , . . Fdeda psyche 2126 ( Down At The Old Swimmin' Hole (Wilson.Brennan) 85  Tenor and Baritone • Billy Jones and Ernest Hare • "( Mimi (MacDonald-Conrad) Tenor . P, . Billy Jones 2130  All By Myself--Fox Trot (lrvinB Berlin) Bonnie Krueser's Orchestrn .85  Saturday--Fox Trot (Brooks) Bcnnlo Krueser's Orchestra 2125 ( Sweetheurt--Fox Trot (Johnson) Carl Fenton's Orchestra .85  I've Got the Joys--Fox Trot (Akst) Carl Fonton's Orchestra r Last Waltz--Introducing "Now Fades My Go/den Love , [ Dream"ires "The Last Waltz" (Oscar, Straus) Y  Carl Fenton s Orchestra • 85  MJiaudppiCradlo--Waitz (Olman) CarIFenton'sOrchestra TheJournal Stationery Shop Sheiton, Washington No. 600. I"0T10 TO CP.ZDZTO],8 TO 3'IX, H CT.A.IM In the Superior Court of the State of WaShington for Mason County (In Probate). fin the Matter of the Estate of MARY A. McREAVY. Deceased. Notic is hereby given, That Letters ,of Administration on the Estate of Mary A. McReavy, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 10th •lay of September, 1921, by the 8aid Superior Court. All persons having olatms against :said estate, are required to serve them .with the necessary vouchers upon me at the law office of Alden C. Bayley, BheltoB, Washington, that being the place designated for the transactl0  of the business of the estate, within six months after the date of the first pub- llcation of this notice, to-wit, within six months after tho,16th day of Sep- tember, 1921. and fie the same with the clerk of this CoUrt together with ,proef of such service, or they shall be ,¢orever barred. Dated at Shelton, Wuh., this 16th ,day of September, ,1951. * H. E. McREAVY, Administrator of the Estate of , ! , I L I Mary A. McReavy, deceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Administrator, Shelton, Washington 9-16-10-7-4t ONE STRIKE FUND More than $2,800,000 or $40 per capita has been contributed by un- ion printers to the strike fund since last May the first, when 15,000 men walked out in various parts of the country. Most of them are still out t while work is progressing under the [open shop plan. The strike never had a chance for success, being a demand for a 44 hour week with 48 hours pay. The demand came just at the time when the entire country was asking for a reduction of war wages, so obviously the strike Was unpopular. Assessments for strike funds may also become unpopular in time. AID TO FARMER AIDS ALL When the house passed the senate bill which would make $1,000,000,000 available through war finance corpor- ation for stimulating the exportation of agrieultural products 'it took a step toward reviving world-wide commerce and giving the Amertcan farmer a market for his surplus products abroad. At present European nations are willing to buy but they are with- out funds. What they need is credit and that the United States govern- ment proposes indirectly to give them. After all, as an export]ng nation our prosperity is largely bound up with that of the rest of the world. We are the center of the world's greatest commercial, financial and industrial system; and. for its own sake this country must help to stimulate re- construction abroad, not by giving alms but by furnishing raw materials for European industry, and selling foreign nations our own products on credit. No. 329. County Tax Foreclosure :NO. 12. BUMMOIB 'O PU'JSY...XA'£"J[ON Z In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for Mason Coun- 4 Municl- Maon County, Washington, a pal Corporation, and one of the Coun- ties of the State of Washington, Plaintiff. "Versus. H. A. Thomas, George A. Thomas, Hen- ry A. Thomas, Ry E. Thomas, Mrs. H. L. Smith, Mrs. Sidney H. Grant. and all other persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claim- ing to have an Interest in the real estate descrived in the complaint herein, Defendants. The State of W'ashington to H. A. Thomas, George A, Thomas, Henry A, Thomas, Roy E. Thomas, Mrs. H. L. Smith, Mrs, Sidney H. Grant, and all other persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have an interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein and hereinafter described, Defendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that Mason County, Washington, one of the Coun- ties of the State of Washington is the holder of a certificate of delinquency, Number 12, issued to Mason County, "Washington, on the 19th day of July, 1921, by the County Treasurer of said Iason County, and filed in the ofllee of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County and State aforesaid and the l County Clerk of Mason County on the[ same day for the amount of delinquent] taxes and accrued interest thereon upon [ the following described real property" i a.n herein below described, the same being the amounts then due for the sears 1915 to 1920 inclusive, together with penalties, interest, and costs thereon; said property being asse.ssed to H, A. Thomas and George A. Thom- as, Henry A. Thomas, Roy E. Thomas, Mrs. I-I, L, Smiti, Mrs. Sidney ]:-I. Grant, claiming an interest therein: Tract Number 2 of Section 4, Town- chip 19 Norttl, Iange 6 West, the same being five acres in a square form in the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter (NAV.%) of the Southwest quarter (S.W',%) of Section 4, Township 19 N. 1ange 6 .Vest W, M., In :Mason County, -Washington. Taxes Interest Total 1915 ........ $0,39 ...... $0.26 ...... $0.65 1916 ......... 41 ....... 22 ....... 63 1917 ......... 42 ....... 16 ....... 58 191S ..... . .... 41 ....... 07 ....... 48 "1910 ......... 58 ....... 08 ....... 6¢, 1920 ......... 46 ....... O1 ....... 47 Tot'.[ amount of unpaid taxes $2.67 total amount of unpaid interest $0.80, total amount due on said tract $3,47. All of the above described real proper- ty lying and being in Mason County, Washington and all of said delinquent taxes paying interest at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum to the 6th day of June. 1917, and the rate of twelve per cent per annum subsequent to the 6tt day of June, 1917. You are fu---'the notified that the plaintiff above named will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for said Mason County for a Judgment foreclosing its lien against the property herelnabove described and yot are here- by summoned to appear within sixty days after the publication of this sum- mons exclusive of the day of publi- eolian, and defend this action or pay the amount duo together with costs and penalties, and in ease of your fall- so to do Judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certificate of delinquent taxes, penalties, Interest and costs against the lands hereenabove described. Date of publication of first summons August I2, 1921, Any and all papers or pleadings may be served upon th0 undersigned or the undersign- ed Attorney for Plaint/if at the ad- dresses hereinafter g,n. A:DA C. CLOTH, County Treasurer of Mason County. Washington, ourt- house, Shelton, Waal CrZAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for Plaintiff, Rooms-¥ & 8, , Lumbermen's Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. 8-12-9-23-7t. • , II I I What Women Can Do --with can of paint and "a little work that's fun." E want to be o, a;cl to women who wish to keep the home always splck and span, so we maintain a "paint and var- nish service" that makes it easy ork and fun to do many little painting jobs yourself. We make a special llne t)f paints, varnishes, etc., for "home work" after 72 years' experi- ence with paints and painting practice. They are paints that spread easily, dry perfectly and give the best lasting results. Master painters and interior decorators use them for the ¢cienticfic paints and varnishes are the easiest to apply. They cost no more, and sometimes less than others. What pleasure to have home things always looking bright and new! What fun l to view your own work neatly done l Sur- prise yourself. See what you can do with "just a can of paine or varnish" in your home. Use Fuller's products." Fol- low Fuller's simple specificat/ons for the work you want to do, and you'll make transformations that will be a real delight. Rcmember--don't let surfaces rotit costs less o paint them. "Home Servlce'P=|nfs Varmlshes- Enamels M'f'd by W. P. Fuller & Co. WHERE TO BUY: Impor- tant that you get tte right ma- terial so be sure to go to the right store for Fuller products. Cut out the coupon to the right aa a memo to drect you, Eemember--doa't allow sur- faces tO rot. It cest lOSS tO paint the Write tl$ now--a postcard - for booklet of Fullers Specifi- cation "Home Service" Paint Products which tells just what to buy for the work you have in mind. Send full description of and get o$ree.advice On any kind OI painting Joe yet; want tO do. For all atertor Jobs of painting it, is advisable to obtain the services of a Master Painter Decoret Varnish Stains Stain and Varnish with one applies- tlon. Decoret refinishes with color and gloss the worn and scarred surfaces Of fur- nlture, floors and in- terier woodwork. The color of any nat- ural wood can be matched. Made in 8 colors. The Decoret Line is composed of White Enamel.Ivory Enamel, Stove Enamel, Screen Enamel and Bronze Finishes. For Furniture DECORET is "Ful- ler's Specification" for refinishing in color any wood surface. It stains an varnishes in one application, furniture, floors, chairs, wtckerware, etc. Also for radiators, lamps, chandeliers, pic. frames, iron bedsteads, etc. Also makers of Rubber-Cement Floor Paint, All-purpose Varnishes, Silken- white Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Vat- aish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Porch and Step Paint. W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. 15, San Francisco ]Pioneer Paint Manufacturers fe Years Established 1849 Branches in 16 cities in the West Dealers Everywhere i1 mm mat mmm mm mm IIB mm Mll mat mmm D SAVE THIS Cut this out and put it in your pocket- book or handbag as a memo) Fuller's "Home Service" Paints ao sold by the following in your cityt Thomas O'Neill Shelton, Wash. "WHEN IS A SALMON" IS A LEGAL QUESTION SUPERVISOR DARWIN PUTS LOGGED OFF LAND Logged-off land for tale to actual settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up PROISS]ONAL CARDS FISHERMEN RIGHT ON according to location, topography and ]of the late Dr. Wells. LIMIT character of soft. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred - Salt water sahnon fishermen must payments at the rate of six percent decide whether they wish to fish for per annum. Liberty bonds taken in[ J.T. SHIMEK small salmon or go after big ones, payment at par. according to the present state bag I DEST [Postofltee Build.g. Shelten, closedand possessiOnseason hastimitS'been Althoughset on saltn° SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY  Open 9 to 12---1 to 5 waer fishing, a bag limit has been Evening by avpointments, placed on salmon trout that makes it necessary to go after either large " or small fish and not both. Under the revised game laws of OLYMPIA SHELTON MAIL STAGE TEMPORARY DAILY SCHEDULE In effect while McCleary detour J. necessary du. ring highway paving. LEAVES OLYMPIA From Bus tatiom (Phone 22) 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m. LEAVES SHELTON From Hotel Shelton Washington the limit one fisherman may have is three salmon more than 15 inches in length, or 25 salmon not more than 15 inches in length, the weight of the small catch not to exceed 20 pounds. It is also unlaw- ful for fishermen to have salmon less than six inches length in their pos- session. This ruling relative to bag limit on mixed catches was rather con- fusing to fishermen, and L. H. Dar- we, supervisor of state fisheries cleared up the situation in a letter to the Monette Hardware Company. According to Darwin's letter, any fishenan may not have more than three fish in his possession if any of the fish are more than 15 inches in length. Darwin's explanations are: First: If a fishe]-man had two large sal- mon, which are more than 15 inches in length, he could have only one more fish, whether large or small. Second: If a fisherman has 20 small salmon between six and 15 inches in length he cannot have any salmon in his possession which is more than 15 inches in length. In other words, a fisheanan must either go after large or small fish and trust to luck not to get both. However, if the fisherman pur- chases a ermit to angle for commer- cial use, he may catch as many big and as many little salmon as he may desire. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influ- enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat- mont. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE I taken internally and act through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys. tern. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by lmprovins the general health and assists nature in doing its work. $200.00 for any case o Catarrh that HALL'S CAT MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, OhiO. I STADIUM I <. .. CaPt. We. Brink wa a caller at the Hansen farm for Sunday He came down from the ingersoll Mill o look at his pleasure launch now after it is finished. Ed Cronquist went to Tacoma last week on business. He returned home on Saturday, bringing one of his brothers-in-law with him. Mr. and Mrs. We. Blomgren and two daughters wore callers at the Hanson borne on Friday evening. The men folks talked over farm work while the ladies chatted about their canning and so forth. R. F. Johnson came home on Sat- urday evening to see his kidlets and rebrned to camp early Sunda.v. Charles Somers, Jr., of SeattIe, s I- getting to be a regular Sunday call- i_fie er at Stadium. !,,i  S. Hanson took a crowd of people over to Heron on Sunday in Cat. -- Brink's pleasure boat the "Merry Widow." Hank Hanson called on Ted Rau- schert on Sunday. Mrs. K. Sund's new house is loom- ing up. Won't be long now before Caroline will be casting the okl house aside for the new one. Eric Adegard is failing trees for one of the nearby camps. Judge Britton returned home last week after spen(Ung some time in Tacoma on business. CarI Blomgren and Rob Johnson motoed to Allyn last Saturday eve- ning. Eric Adegard came home Saturday evening to see how the weeds were progressing in his garden. S. Hansen is sawing wood now for the post office. Everybodv is busy around here, some shipping frnit. The prune crop is light here this year, although the grapes are looking fine. ,Tack Frost was a caller here the other evening. He nipped the pump- kin and squash vines, but the other garden truck seemed to be unharmed. IOTICE O Z,AgT'G 0' STaT:R :ANDS To All Whom It May Concern: This is to Certify, That the follow- ing described lands, situated in Mason County, Washington, will be offered for ease on Tuesday the 4th day of October, 1921, at en 'o'clock, a. m., in front of the Court :House of Mason County, at public auction to the high- eat bidder for a term of five years or less in quantities not exceeding one section to any one person or company, Each bidder will be required to deposit a certified check, certificate of deposit payable to the County Auditor. or cash, equal in amount to the first year's rental of such ]and In accordance with his bid, together with $2.00,, the statu- tory' fog for issuing a lease. No improvements shall be plaed on State Lands except by written permis- sion of the Commissioner. No lessee shall without the written consent of the Commissioner remain in possession of the land or improve- meuts after the expiration of the lease. Application o. 14832. All tide ]and o,m Lease) of the second class, a defined by section 1 of chapter 8 of the Session Laws of 19ll, owned hy the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the following described uplands: In front of lots 1 and 2, section 32, township 19 north, range 3 west VS. f., with a frontage of 46.24 lineal chains, more or less, measured along the meander line according to a certi- fied copy of the government field note of the survey thereof on file in hc office of the Commissioner of Publi Lands at Olympia. Washington. Annual rental $30.00. Term of lease 5 ears. The above described lands will be ]casf,{]. subject to all the terms, con- ditions and reservations of the stat- utes, now provided for the leasing of School and Granted lands. NOTE.Reeelpts for deposits made with applications to lease may be used by applicant only, as cash on date of lea,lng. Witness my hand and seal of office affixed this 0th day of August, /921, State of WVashington, County of Thurs- ton, as. CLARK r. SA%qDGE, Commissioner of Ptlblle Lauds of the State of rashington, 8-26 9-80-6t. 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. L. M. STEWART, Prop. N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices Wash. J A. L BELL ABSTRACTS , Loans and Real F. ae e Bell Bldg. Shelton, Wash. R. LEWIS ATT0ATLAW, Phae 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 &8 Dumbermons Btdg.) ALDEN C. BAYIY Mon County Abetact & Title Co. BI. Oppesite ,ate Bank of halton PHONE 231. Shelton. Wash. GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Immrance and Con Fire, Life, Ekmlh and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON HARRY FORD Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards at Shelton. I I l l l Shelt0n Market and Ice Plant The Best of Meats and a Reliable Service at Right Prices J. F. BICHSEL, Prop. I I, iiijJillii!n =- w, HOTEL SHELTON BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT Confectionerp, Cigars and all Soft Drink m m m m m i mm mm mm u m me m EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mar. _= _= iHHiiiiiif SAVE YOUR SHOES by letting us repair them at the proper time. It means a great saving at the present price of shoe You can rely on our work absolutely. We han.dl, e a line of the best loggers boots and heavy and hght work sts at prices that are lower. IL M. ROSEHOLT, SHELTON STR, S, G, SIIqPSON H THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.81. Round Trp $5.5f| CHANGE OF HOME'BOUND SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921 Imve Shelton Monday. Weun.elay and Friday at 8:80 . In. Rog from Tacoma Tuesday, Thursday and atxlay at 1:00 p.m. Dock open till 6 p.m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 8. - I I SmTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY EARING State of Washington, County of Mason. se. In the Matter of the Petition of F. M. SISSON et al, for a County Road to bo known as the VICTOR ROAD. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given, That the re- port and map of the County Engineer In the matter of the road above men- tioned, has been filed in the office of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, said 'road being des- cribed in said report as followS: Commencing at a point in the road near the Victor School I-Iouee, running thence southeasterly and ending at Salt Water on Rocky Bay, the whole distance being about one mile and 3907.7 feet and the wfldth thereof being forty feet, said road to bo known as the Victor Road. Therefore, it is ordered by the Board that the hearing of said report will be held by the Board of County Commis- sioners of said County, at their office at the Court House in Shelton, N'ash- tngton, on the 8th day of October, 1921, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. Done this 7th day of September, 1921. W, A. HUNTER, S. W. BLANTON, V/L .E. DANIELS, L _ County Commissioners ION] V. DOYI], Clerk of ths Board. 9-9-90-4t.