September 23, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1921 |
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to you
Have you seen the latest Wood- ] new features not found on any other
stock Typewriter, containing several[ machine" Look over these good
points at Journal Stationery Shop.
New York folks aren't as far tea
moved from nature as :some folks
think Sixty of them. headed by,
L. M. Littauer, wio has ideas all
his own regarding too many clothes,
being undesirable, moved acros',the
Hulson to near Plainficld,.N;dJ.,x
and established "Free-acres,'whcre.
no blue laws are recognized and all
return to Adam and. Eve. apparel..--_
9r nearly so2,
• ,I..¢ 2., , •, •
Grange Aid held a quilting party
at the Hall last Saturday evening. The
ladles were busy quilting while the
nlen pla.ycd cards. I,unch was
but who took tile cake?
Huckleberries are ripe but like hen's
teeth, few and far between, and you
are lucky if you find any.
l,]lsworth Itllton was sawing wood
last week for ]Irs. La]locque and this
wtmk he ix sawing wood for Mrs. %Vest.
lie has a sawing machine.
Miss Eula l)aniels left last Monday
for Centralia lo visit her sister, 1Mrs.
]L F. Nt,qy.
]liss Clarlee "Woodall spent last Fri-
day night and Saturday with the home
17olks on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Young moved
into their ncw honle last week and
IIOW are closcr to school than before.
The Vanderwall's lind quite a big
fire last Thursduy when they burned
thtdr slashing.
:Mrs. (L C. Ve.t, Mrs. Vm. 13aniels
snd Carl S\\;vanson were Monday callers
ai the Listen home. e
]:[ave you seen ({ardner yet or is tie
staying aL some hotel?
VIlss Ruby Sheffield returned last
Thursday from Tacoma where she
silent a week visiting relatives after
attending the wedding of her sister,
:Miss Pearl Stleffleld to Fred Flea.
September 10th at Olympia. Every-
body wishes the newlyweds much hap-
and good fortune.
Face the Future
Forget the Past
A fortune cannot be made with the money you have spent.
Deposit your money in this bank and pay your bills with
checks. You will then know why and where you spend your
You can also take advantage of an apportunity to buy at the
right time, without the risk of carrying money in your pocket.
For convenience and Safety carry your bank account right
here at home.
State Bank of Shehon
Shelton, Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Ira IAbby and children TARIFF IS DEFENDED 1
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. BY SHINGLE MAKERS
I Elmer Wlss on Plckerlng last Sunday.
LAKE CUSIIMAN NOTES Mr..(leo. Dlggs brought Mrs. l)lggs
from Olympia in the launeit last Thurs- Washington, D, C., Aug. 29.--
day. She brougitt her nieee, little American shingles are being crowded
),]'rs. Joseph DunhaIYl sliest the v, eek Florence Alverson, with her for a visit.
end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. Vanderwald and sons and M". from domestic markets by those of
"Mrs. Clay lCerry at Fredson Hros.' Carman were business callers at: th( Canadian manufacture, the senate fl-
lAnton home last Saturday.
i calnp. Walter Schumacher of Shelton is vie- hence comlriittee was informed today
Mrs. lL J. lernier end !irs. Fern ittng this week at .iris grfandmother's by a delegation of shingle manufac-
%Veston spent Friday at Camp One. Mrs. John Swa:nson. turers headed by n. E. Case of Ray-
Mrs. A. Anderson and son David Airs. Gee. ])lggs was a l,'rlday morn- mend, Wash., and George Bergstrom
left Tuesday for Seattle. ing caller at )drs. ltarriman's:
Mrs. (L C. West and daughter Jnyce of Everett, Wasll.
:Mrs. Clarence I,atham had as her were in Shelton last Friday to consult Shingle mills in British Columbia
uests for a few days this week, her 1)r. Gage in r,g'ard to the hoaltl of are operating at full capacity, the
sister, Miss Geneva Shelton of Shelton the latter. They were dinner guests
of Mrs. 3ohnson and Mrs. MeEwen. witnesses said, while half of the fac-
and 1Miss Catherine l,air of Seattle. :Mrs. ,VhaIey and ]rs. Maddicks were tortes in the Northwestern United
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Vanderpool and Setm'day evening callers at ]Irs. J. l,'. States are shut down.
family and Miss l:aiherine Forrest re- Jacoby's. Case and Bergs trom recommended
turned Monday after a week spent at S. tl. ]qllton went to Shelton last
Sumas, %Vash. Mr. Vanderlool's moth- Sunday to cnsult l'r. ,Vhtlloek.
v returned home with them and will :Mr. and )drs. Gas Swansor and
:lstt Ilere i',)r a while, daughter Mrs. Jcnnlngs and (,hihlren.
:Mrs. E. A. Hox and Airs. J. M. Sign- all of Tacoma. were last week end
land of Camp C)ne called here oh visitors at Mr. and Mrs. ]WeInlosh's.
Gee. Dlggs is building a barn for
%Vednesday. Tile Tatler. the %Vashington State Logging company
.... this week.
Mrs. :Martin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gone Young and Mrs. Ira LIbhy wer
L0gEed-Ofl Land
For sale in this County to Actual
Settlers on easy terms, price
$5.00 per acre and up. Write for
map giving all information.
Weyerhaeuser Timber C0.
Tacoma, Washington
Delivered 8655
This is the surprisingly low figure at which we are able to deliver you
a new model 1922 490 Touring Car or Roadster right now. But we cannot
guarantee .this price for long because the company has warned us that they
will very likely be forced to return it to the old figure again.
This is a "rock-bottom price," so take advantage of it. Place your or-
der at once.
Prices f. o. b. factory are as follows: Former Price New Price
Roadster .......................... $625.00 $525.00
Touring 625 00 525 00
Coupe .............................. 975.00 875.00
Sedan ............................. 975.00 875.00
Delivery .......................... 625.00 525.00
(Freight and tax additional)
Stewart Speedometer
Harrison Radiator
Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting Sys-
Remy Ignition
Valve-in-Head Motor
Willard Treaded Rubber Battery
Zenith arburetor
Demountable Rims
Foot Accelerator
Electric Horn
Oil Gauge on Dash
One-Man Top
Three Speed Transmission
New Spiral Gear Rear End
New Hand Emergency Brake
Oil Pump
Water Pump
Four-Door Body
Pockets in All Doors
Curtains carried in Neat Pocket in
Top. (Not under back seat)
Plate Glass Windows in Rear Curtain
Speedometer Drives Off of Trans-
mission. (Not connected with
front wheel.)
Robe Rail
Legal Light Lens
Combination Foot Rest and Tool Box
Slanting Windshield
Steering Gear: Spur and Gear, ad-
justable for wear. (Not direct drive)
Springs--Cantilever type, front and
Both Brakes operating on rear Wheels
Underslung Front Axle
Timken Bearings in Front Wheels
The new
model which
has just
arrived has
many new
Come in and
look if over.
Shelton Garage
shopping" in Olympia last Monday. They
wont with Mr. Grlndrod on hoe regular
Arthur Anderson spent last Sunady
at the A. G. l'eterson home.
John Sheffield, mail carrier on
route, broke an axle of ills car last
londay. He summoned Guy Water-
bury by phone, who helped him to
finish the run for that trip and he
was on the Job again Tuesday. !
Miss Elsie Peterson was a Tuesday
morning caller at Mrs. Roy Daniels.
E.I. Meaeitam was a business visit-
or to tle Capital City last Tuesday.
He made the trip in the Foes launch.
Mrs. John McIntosh spent last Fri-
day afternoon with Mrs. Gee. Diggs.
Alfred, Linton and Carl Swanson
butchered a big beef for the latter last
Tuesday which was delivered to the
Smith and Cllne Logging camp on
%Vednesday. There are about twenty-
five men working In that camp now.
Mrs. J. F. Stotsbury of Southside
and niece, Mrs. Cox and children of
Seattle. were Monday callers at Mrs.
J. F. Jaeoby's.
Frank l,aRocque called at the Mea-
eham-Foss farm last Tuesday. i
A. G. Peterson called at iie Ltnton
home Sunday afternoon.
v]r. !|rid irs. Vanderwahi spent S)n-
day ,t|'ternoon at l.h* John S'ylallSon
Mrs. (I. C. West visited the school
y aflernoon and also made a
short call at the AVhaley home.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Vm. 13aniels returned
borne last Thnrsday from Tacoma
where they spent four days at tie
county eonlmissloners' convention. 'Phey
tool( a trip up the mountain, visited
the Soldiers' Home. the Sumner can-
and the asylum and report a
very enjoyable trip•
Thos. Clyde of Olympia spent a few
days this week at the Grindrod home
at Cape Horn.
Letters received from :Mrs. .Tames
that the duty of 50 cents per 1,000
shingles now carried in the Fordney
tariff be increased. Sixty cents per
1 000, they said, would be "very mod-
erate, while $1 per, 1,000 would be
0 01' ur BTAI w 'r.&.lD
Notice II hereby given that on Tu-
:day, the 4th day of October, 1921, be-
tween the hout of ten o'clock in the
forenoon and 4 o'clock ta the afternoon,
commencing at ten o'cloeit in the fore-
noon of said day, In front Of the main
entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shaiton, County
of Maon, State of Washington, either
by the County Auditor of said countF,
or by a member of tbo Board of t,te Commissioners of the Stats of
Washington. the following described
state lands, together with the Improve-
met situated thereon, will be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
£pplioaton o. 11594.
SE of NE of section 16, town-
ship 19 north, range 5 west, W. M.,
containing 40 acres, more Or less, as-
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $600.00, subject
1o application No. 779 for an easement
for right of way for county road now
on file in the office of the Commission-
er of Public Lands. Improvements
appraised at $1,095.00.
Applioatton o. 1136.
N%V of NI of section 16, town-
ship 22 north, range 4 west, W. M.,
containing 40 acres, more or less, ac-
cording 1o the government survey
th,'r('of, sppralsed at $600.00, subject to
application No. 10474 for an easement
for right of way for a transmission
line heretofore filed by the City of
&ppUca*don 0. II3S$.
Lot 1 of section 16, townshln 22
north, range 1 west, W. M., contaln|ng
41.50 acres, more or less, according to
lhe government survey thereof, ap-
iraised at $871.50. Improvements ap-
praised at $450.00.
dd lands will be Iold for not II
an the appraised value above stated
and wpon the terms and conditions foi-
a OI --Not
Evans state that she is well and is lm ha oae-tenth of the pule
located at Rosehurg, ()re.. and sends price mult be paid at the time of le
her greetings to old friends, ,_..__. _ ,t° tks offiee makim4g the ,,u'Ie' "&e
wo are proud of the fac ti,.at ,ver:"r.v_-.b- ;
have one of the best schools In the y"__''--,"-',' .. , -- --.'-
" x to the omcer man@ une le tne iul(
county but didn't know it would pro'elL.^, . ^. ...............
s -- [ cno appmIeu vvue ut ..
attractive to everything but it seem ]'.=€. . ...*a*.. .,..
that it does for last week a couple Ieh'gF'i'g o'rc{*'s -rice must be
spotted fawns crossed the ball ground[-aid nnuailv hsreafterVwith Interest
and last Monday the boys chased a I" " ents at the
• - en all deferred paYm rate
hear to the woods.
The oystermen are getting ready for
lhe busy season and the culling houses
are being moved from the beach to the
beds. There are two at anchor in
Swlndle's Cove.
:Mr. Davis. an electrician for the Ajax
I,]leetrie company of Tacoma, has been
at the :Matthes home and wired the
new house for lights, tle first of the
Vtrhy not use those speclal labels
for your reserving. Jellies, pre-
serves, vegetables and relishes, also
blank labels. Journal Stationery
day the 4th day of October, 1921,bo
tween the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon and four o'olo In the after-
noon, commencing at tm o'clock in the
forenoon of said davY. in front of the
main entran door to the County CCurt
House in the City of Shelton. Covmty
of Mason, State of Wmhington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of the State of
Washington, the timber on the follow-
lng descTibed state laud will be sold at
i puhlie auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
£pplioation 'e. 10976.
Timber on NE of section 16, town-
ship 23 north, range 1 West, W. M£
containing 160 acres, more or less, ."
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $6,849.00.
.ppioation o. 11372.
Timber on NW of section 16, town-
ship 22 north, range 4 west, W. M.,
containing 160 acres, more or less, as-
cording to the government survey
thereof, a.ppraised at $6,152.50, subject
to the rights ileretofore acquired by the
City of Tacoma, under aP111ication No.
8640, in accordance with the provisions
of chapter 125 of the laws of 1907, to
perpettally back and bold water upon
and over said tract.
Timber on WVa of SWA of section
16, township 22 north, range 4 west,
'W. M., containing 80 acres, more or
less, according to the government sur-
vey thereof, appraised at $2,872.50.
Said timber on said land will b0 sold
for not less than the appraised value,
as appraised by the Board of State
Land Commissioners in the manner
provided b law, a statement of which
is now on file In the office of the
Auditor of sld county.
Terms of sale are: Csh to be paid
on the day of sale.
The purchaser of Umber on state
lands will have five (5) years within
which to remove said timber, with the
privilege of securing extensions of
time under the statutes governing.
The Umber on the above deacribed
lands is offered for ale in purnce
of an order of the Board of State Land
Commisiioners, and m order of lale
duly Issued and ce'Ufled bF the .m-
missioner of Publlo Indi of the 8rate
of Wahington, now on file In the oce
of the County AUditor of d unty.
Commluloner of Publlo IngM.
$-6-9_60-6t. . ........
of six pe¢' centare per emnum, t.ogether
with aoced interest on any aance
the same rate: ]Povidd hat anb"
may make full payment ot
Iteret and statutory fees at
time and obtain deed or state
Will Also Saw Your
Logs On Order
Mill Located on the
Bay near Shelton
Hi, ST
Manufacturer and Dealer
Passengers, Baggage
and Freight
W. H.
Cigars, Tobaccos and
High Grade Candies.
Guns, Ammunition &
Sporting Goods
Try our fresh
roasted peanuts
All the Daily Papers
patemt. The purchaser ot land contain-
ing timber or otlr valuable matca-lal
is proklbited by .zw from cutting or i I
removimg any luoh Umber or materials
without first obtalnhng consent of the of chapter 109 of the Seision Laws of
Cmmissioner of Pub.lie Inds or the 1911. relating to eamements for rights-
board, until the ruH amount of the of-waF and the rrlng of timber,
purchase price has been paid and deed stone, mineral and other products over
lesued, the sams. '
All salee of state lands are made The above deeeribed lands are offered
iubJect to the reservations of oils. for salo in pursuance of an order of
gases, coal. ores, minerals and fossils the .Board Of tate Land Commlsaon-
of every name, kind and descrlptlon, erI, ode%¢: ole_d:lo_llued
and to the additional terms and con- anl ceruuea oF e mmm oner ox
ditions reIeribed In the act of the law. I PubUc Lands of th.e tata of Wahlng-
islaturnnnnnvd ah O 1(mY hI,-'. I ton now on hie In the omce Ot lte
ioction "(--'.,,-7-%',n','..k'f o v -----'.-;'; Ioounty auditor qf said oounty.
.............. I CLRK V. SAVIDG,
°.shg°"land .l, bo sold ,ubet to I cmlssioner of P.b,,. d..
the terms, condlttoni and reservations 18-S_O-$O-6t,
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Painta, Otis, Varnishes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Chirtain Polea mad Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for one year.
Lumber and Shingles
and tapered, SIDEWALK LUMBER in 6 ft length% ,
if desire& CEDAR BEE BOX LUMBER. ]
Shelt0n Lumber & Shingle C0mpan¥