September 23, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1921 |
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• A 'OIlqf '--'----"
.iLSON. -.,OUNTY ffDUP,T. RIDAYi-ffEPTEMBER 23, 192.
TAX PROBI00M: ..... ' ..... '' ' rha°ir%ne caore2:r%?ai?%t72nomt Indus,. [ TATE VALUATION' DECREASES H|i|||ij||||||||m||||||i||||||--U
i The total avera.gc annual value o . ----------- , -- , .... --
The "Lower the Cost of Government League" has the Whington potato cro, Is. l'/ (Continued fom ge 1) [-- =
• • , , . i round llgures, $12,000,000, of the barle t •ill raise,:a sum equal to $20 per -- , ...... 3
compl!ed:and Issued leaflets whmh affordsome very m- ;ca[fPe$g3e,tO?l,::0ot5 r eta:: u $8o0t0%0, $f lathed l child, which necessitates the ---- __ __ _
terestmg figures for the information of taxpayers over J000 000. of ,,l frul,s Icept a,): raising of a revenue by the state for --== • []
th °€°+ " ":+ +": ..... :^_,- :- ,1. ^.e.e^... ,^ ]or a total of $.tl.000.000: Deduct I public school purposes of $7,517,400 = 't%1 1 ,- 1A A £ []
v ua atU lllvlt,V bllVll UUIIIU¢II, LIt)II 111 bllg .I.J.UI'U bO ithls from the amount nf the 1920 I UntD thg anlnlintln. ,,.,I++ .... : [[] It. • I |r=-| "11/,4 I • -'1Z.41 |..8 • | ___
aid taxin ...... ]tax levy, $72,665,820.11, and we find make .... 2 ........... ":'"" ....... -- .d%.B.qA.IL 1[,!1 .L -
g bodies in seeking out items which mi ht be that the tax bill (x (( s an estmmte of the indirect re- _ ----
• g .... ,00,ue o, ivenu .............. 1"
• .... i these crops by $31 660 820 11 Add to es, 1 Will no DC possmJe 0 zig- -- []
pruned without dis_turbmg the efficiency o_f local and i[e2J:m000,000 the average'a'nualvalue]Ure out the tax levy for vublic school I= ,' A T 11 --
sme government• That part pertaining toMason Court- produeUo], Yh°ftWaT120t.'0 ' co, urposes, but with the increased hum-[_--
...... !we still h'a $ ' ' '. 9. d er of children and the lower assess- -
ty s prlntedm full m this msue and should be carefully 0letT t a$Zn fe$'d6g5led valuation of the state, it is safe [] wail vapcrs -
read Dy every taxpayer. ! mated value of the 1921 appleltO predict that there will be a'ma-[- , []
-. i crop of the state is $40 0O0 000 and of ]terml increase over the tax le of --
In the comparative statement of taxes levied for all the wheat crop $3 000 0'00 'The value '4 8" '!" . . ! vy I '
iintSSci°!anid:thh!!!l!:ihen!i! tiiiliiieiii]ivllbiiiiiig:itei!ii I all F:l p:;emr:epdrcm;at40aTe°Zenlg i
mg about half the increase m exes during the previous !v!¢l%a::alteeot%hll;,hl, Jtn[uthonaoggtee r tc:,l orJ| :O Z :Veal:tn .off: (Varmshtfle |
seven years• The nex laresz kern oI increase is ShOWn . e state is approxi:-/stitutions at 2 849 r, in ...... I- or lnCluclecl in recluc- -
. . • = ately $13,000,000, or practically $60- 1 58 mills here| ...... " .... s ....... . • []
m school taxes, which 3umped from $57,133 to $84,909 00.000 ,css than the. tax levy ' I • _ ._ of ore lewed for their I- hen.)
lecessity sheba Glae' Isuppo, tlus maing an increase in • • • . _[]-
and road taxes are a close second with an increase of taT|he taxpayer should not'ask thai the, higher edu'cational tax of 0,769. ]_-- : : ; Thin m your opportumty to fix u -[]
ab°$20"000" - " '-• '- ..... !°mra/{:lnamtwrreCmiteYnt°ruSh221tdeiSt(Lc" J mie bns o'haor o-I- that extra room at a saving. Do n0 p ffi
ne curren expense iuncl wmcn carries au me gen- bill We must°lerec%Znzn:rdht PcaeYrtn ]nus pond retiremen t fund tax. levy ]-- • dela,,. Me , ........... -/ ...... -
eral expenses of Mason County shows the increase from improvements are necessary to the ]VO by the people at the 1920 elec- I= _ • J _ -- up ,yuux xuuzl u, nu . --"t
years. This would indicate that the ordinary ex--30 o- " . 8 00 to [eneral fund ..... . . . l-- ,. .... -
• • nl,iuter mile, if they are weil built tarv ur anti or mid- _== ze sure you order enou h, for the -
penses of carrying on the county affairs have not shown _ ..... e_laxpaycrs can afford It" It Is . p noses, both of which ll l= ....... g
. • I w/thngns for a country school district jpro)ablv be decided upon within the |-- paerns wzll close out fast at these re- =[]
a marked increase of late years, and presumably there is I ..... s than two dozen pupils to |next two or three days." l"., • =
little chance to prune except in some minor items to off- I t u naec$1s0'0f: c°°tlhh°Use if the dis- |,S duchons. []
• • • . L' afford it but it is fell taxpaycrs, can /.OTZ 0:!, 8A. O1 -afD8 A -- []
set increases m other directions penditures ......... Y .to make .ex-| Uv-D FO AX-8 D -Aenw " "- Wln¢ftIFJTt]qs "n ,n,, k.- ..... ---
• ' • • no real nec'essity exists and w u-A-z, m-at-m O' 'ASX. m= ,. ..
. Leaving the state out of consideration as local m-]tax bur-- ': ...... hen the I . XG'I'O" t-- .., ........... a. m___, ...... • , []
, .... , d. , reaoy more tnan the - wnuuw *n na uesl 1 inch =
fluence will have no effect, the Mason County taxoaver. I Pr°.pert'. v can afford to carry, I NOTICE I ......... I-- . .... gn, es _
. • • a , ne tax problem is one of , . ..... ,**',*--- IVEN. That - " --
ff he feels called upon to demand reductions m taxes, I }.ere t, to every_resident of thc *'Sl::e lent 15ndcnfo%rmtltY XtotahrndofP.rsunant too an [= wine, a dec a yard.
" " / vvasmngon, it maes no difference " - ..... • ..... " -- []
must look for them in the tems for schools and roads, whether you pay direct taxes or not. Z issi°ners of 'ason County, XVashlng .. [] , =
• .... because every consumer must a . n, duly mad and entereu upon their [] --=
IS there a district in the countywhich can afford to sacrl- proportion of the tax bill. TlPeYhhJ /.c'dir°nitth2 t12ethTrd:dv..°_f_ September, ][] __ . __ ffi
• " • tax rate ancots em lo m . , . •urer or ason _ . []
flee anything from ts schools as now conducted, or other [reason that excessive, p t)-Y-]en^ t for. the /Coun.ty, %Vashington, to sell the lands I m" _1t%1 I 11W #'1 I1'€%'I I'% ..... =
districts which are fully satisfied with their roads and l:dondac"Ityand busnesstmlnWa3v:e; / °n2r%ya¢t;°°nes°riub:/L atChleUircn%/°sgtna-[ 1 .lkl'- I[*all k2tOttlUllK;ly []
• ? 'rile drift of [axatlon in Mason ]as such County Treasurer, on tle 15th . []
ask nothing more for next year. The Journal hardly/ty may be readll,, as ....... ,,- .... Coun-,(Jay of October, 1921. at tile hour of [] '
............... e ........ the,,, o'cloeK, a.m., at the front door of - Sho
hopes for lessened demands for schools or roads next Ire,lowing which ,,i;, - e statistics It he court house in Shelton. Mason Court-]
_- p --compilation of com)aratlv
has been' levied foZr'" snow you wnat[ty, %Vashington, will offer for sale for -
year. du;:tn- 'th " " different purposes eash to the highest and best bidder at l- SHELTON ASH NGTON [][]
• ascertain e last seven years. You can said sale the following described lin(Is [] , W I []
Fortunately, Mason County has been fairly conserva- lncreas¢s fa °m those tables where the I sttuale lying and being in tile Cnunty [] . --.
live in the conduct of its affairs, and as the circular sa-s noreased your tt[x burden , . . _. r_ " .. g -,,'it" []
1 .... e ocen maue Whlcn nave/of Mason State el .¥ahtn tnn to
d, Studv theme figures carefull I' t.ots One (1), 'r.wo (2) Thre (3), [] ="
........ . Y, eom-.Four (4) lve (o) Sien 7 an Illllllllllllllllllllllllll|llll|llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
makes a. better showing in holding ts taxes down than Lrh2em with the budget estimates i Eight (8)' o/ Block ':A"" '':otu ()c (1 l "||"||'l'|'"|||l||||l||||||J||J||j|
mos o£ me counties i, gent jyUmmenatY on e able ttpass lntel-lto Eight (8) lnch, sh, e 'of ,ib,ek ""rv" .......... , ....
• • no--, .... - ' .-- .... /roposeu Ix-lanu ots One (1) to Elzht tS b,o.h,' A llg £/ance aur¢lay, .cooer IK](N'S L 'P' xrxrr _
-- ¢, .- Hultures Tot next year wnen the bud lye of |Rio . ,, ,, _ .. ........... - . . A--,. zvx* Ltrtxu
get hearing a ho - .- -- el i C all In tl e P at of 1st Earlwin Hall, Shelton gven by
• gs _r ....... ,vleteavy's' upplomental ddttlon' to h
Go.mty Analysis. I nion City, Mason County %Vashtngton , " , I real, Peter B. Kyne s
' " • ason - t e Mason County Fan" Assocmtlon. Pride of Pale • ,
County Tax Levies Show lncrease00 Taxpayers in the State of "Washing-accqrdtngto the recorded plat ,herod/; M22c bY Callo(lys Orchestra oflne,, book on sale Sa, turday, Sept. 24,
• on, In almost every cOUnty are this a the oiiice of the Auditor of said ¢,,.a. !,.UU. dOUl'nal taionery Shorn
-- YFatra:Ya'.egn°Sta(l°ublheth,:pa,°'r't{tl."lYnenmaand and omclal seal
The problem el txation is today the eclvlng from government whi s* .... ,-, three Years ago In .home inst e,s "the ] s "].gnu (lay of SeDiembor lqOl
mo " e'h ..... ,u • • , . an_ ,_ _.. • .... , , - •
-- st hnpnrttnt question belore the require them to pay thirty-five ulillion increase is even more than doubl'i ADA C. CLOTHIER.
memc'an P unJtc. Tt}e tax..rate has odd dollars more for it in 1920 A Vht]e it iv true that Mason County ls l Treasurer of Mason County,
Jlns{cret,seuo.:osL lo.. the point 0f con - th_e r did in 19147 th_,. , little more fortllnate than mos't of}9.23.1 ..... %Vashington. -- . ..-- ....... ,
tn ......... .,tp,+nuwwlJJ cont.]ue . 1|ere are the otliclal figures, conlpilod t}le other counties in this respect, still {'°"t'-t'!--- rl, M---£ O e t IJ 1 *
in;-tov-;{2,.Z,2Sl:.7:...[e wj.,- ]r)m. the records of the state tax corn- the n)crease is entirely out ot' proper-] ...... -- ||_/ I,u_ rlQn IV lgcv
• , . o -. =.; ,----.. ate.t.m [ puu- mmsloner giving the total taxes LIOn tO ally inoreased benetits th • J (.;ALL FOR .=. a ,w.v,, ,11. JI.U,LIL .L
,*c ou * e ' " , ..... levied • .-. e tax- BIDS I Jl. t.;.
. s n .,ss,tjla u*oy ao to th,.ar, own fox all purposes, for each of the last pay.trs have received. The taxpayers Bids are hereby called for trans-
private allurs, seven years: . o: Mason County should also remember or| .... NOW LOCAT D
It is usclesstokick about high taxes: y , that the tax )roblem is p. m.g certain school children in E IN THE NEW SCHUMACHER BLDG.
when your t. tttemeut is recetved ear Total Amount Levied . { . not local, but DIS r r. .
and th n rein .... 191,i , is a growing menace to ind'ustry and t lC No. 30o. Bds to be opened
..... el in silent the rest of the .,r. ............. ' ...... $36,814,416.31 bus hess all over the state Saturday Oct 1st- 192 + 9 ,, ,, We Buy and Sell Home-rinsed Meat
:,'eat" There is )nly one Way 't) reouee x.,o . r. , ' • , , • , a l .,.
....................... $37,448,o38.91 1he suite |axes collected in M'ason and l'ght is reserved by the Board Fresh Meats and Fresh Fish "" . ,
to reject any and all bids. For in- of All Kinds Always On Hand
(formation as to route and service
taxes and that is by the reductlou of
public expenditures. Any cuts in the
expenditures of public funds must be
made at the time the budget estimates
are prepared.
Under the law, county, city and dis-
trlc% govcrnments must prepare annual
budget esthnatcs of' expenditures for
the next ensuing year. These cstlmates
for next year are now being prepared
and the budgets will be printed in the
official pap(r of your county during the
month of September. Final public har-
ings will bc hcld the ilrst Monday In
October, at which time any taxpayer
may appear and voice his protcst or
pproval of tile proposed expenditures.
Duty of the Tazpayer.
It i's the duty of every taxpayer to
:study the tax question and the budget
,estimates. If you find contemplated ex-
;pendlturcs whlcb are excessive or un-
1916 .................... $37,466,7S5.05
1917 .................... $43,225,284.24
1918 .................... $'t7,722,683.30
1919 .................. :, $60,142,841.03
1920 , ................... $72,665,820.11
Study these figures and you will find
an increase in the tax bill of more than
four million dollars between |he years
1917 and 1918; an Increase of more
than twelve roll]ion dollars between
1918 and 1919: and another increase of
more than twelve and a half million
dollars between ]919 and I!}20, or an In-
crease of 829,440,535.87 in thc last
three years, from 1917 to 1920.
All of these figures represent the ex-
penditures of publle funds, hence It
will be seen that taxes can only be
reduced by reducing expendi-
tures. Any redistribution, without
reducing expenditures, will not lessen
necessary, appear before your board of the tax burden. Neither does the rem-
county commissioners, your school . edy lie in producing new sources of
,board or your municipal authorities, revenues. If more money 13 raised t
and register your protest. Ask your will merely mean, undcr the present
.neighbor to do the same. lays|era, that extravagant offic,%ls will
The public officials are spending your nave more to spend,
money and you should have something ,The only relief "or the taxpayer lhs,
to say about it, tn the reduction of',ures
County this year .show an increase of
33,616.39 over the levy of 1917, of
which amount, $18,t96.25 was for stt|e
general fund purposes. The total slate
tax levied against property in Mason
County in 1917 was $50,228,97, and in
1920, $83,845.36.
Tie taxpayers have been told that
state taxes do not amount to very
much when the entire tax burddn is
taken into consideration, but the ,fact
that similar increases, tn proportion to
the amount of {axes collected. 'apiSear
in every county throughout the state
should be considered in any analyss of
the tax problem.
Between the years 1917 and 1920 the
total amount of" taxes levled by Mason
County for all purposes--state, county,
city, schools and roadsincreased $76.-
554.89, The total levy for 1917 was
$232,241.98, and in 1920 the levy was
8308,796.87. The increase for coum
roads during this period was
and for county schools, $25.654.24.
If the taxpayer will compare private
business conditions of 1917 with busi-
ness conditions now it will be readily
seen that there is little Justifleation for
any increase in taxes.
1914 TO 1920, Z:IffOT-UBZlF
State---General 2 '7.
he " • ............. J $ , 1,48] $ 11,202.73
' * ' , • [ $ , 63.95} 26,238.13
c el ................. 11,245.72] 12 403.321 13,281.68 12,514.69J 11,594,871 ]2,800.48I 26,238,13
Military ................ 629.56} 1,240.60} 1 214.67 1,787'061 1,688.241 1,713.36 1,749.22
:Highway .............. [ 14 279.781 15 503 47 15'176 49 14,868,011 14,080.531 14,234.98[ 14,576.72
:Ilgher Education .,...:., { 5:995.981 6',5110| 6'364'67 9,407.211 10,341.63 9,010.19 9,212.50
Capitol Bldg,, Rect., ot ) 319.28 | ' '
................... 3.609.921 6.581.13 3.830.78 5.830.66
Total Taxos .... ' 4--,2 61,173.74 51.853.74
'County--Current Expense.:.[ I,_44.24, 52,180.26{ 43,1
41.428.66 r" 41,913.31 45¢858.42
Indebtedness , 70.Z]J ],499,96 11,132,56{ 7,556,17' 9,949.81 8,262,74 7,999.71
Soldiers' Relief ......... 202.911 137,69 204.73[ 195,1{)' 77.731 1,052.92[ 1.113.36
Total Mls. Co. & Dist.{ 60,017.36[ 53,817"ij1 t 54,531,021 0,051.38 51,456.201 51,228.97f 54,971.79
Road anz.l Bridge, General...{ 20,291.981 21,960.741 21,597,491 21.150,061 20,538.77 20,957.23 23,322,78
Road and Bridge, District.,| 39,026.97' 50,855.141 51,136.80 45.576,71 48,859.10' 49,542.69] 55,179.28
Total Co. Road Taxes 59,318,95[ 72,815,88] 72,734.291 66,726.77 69,397.87 70,499.92 78,502.(,6
School, General ............ 12,529.78[ 14,496,85 14,037.41 15,361,99 12,998.32 13,554.05 13,253.17
School Districts ........... 44,603,33 36,451.05 43,591.51 43,893.30 63,995.95 46,873.64, 71,656.36
Total School Taxes.., I 57,133.111 50,947,90 t 57,628,921 59,255,29 76,994.27J 60,427.69] 84,909.53
City Taxes ................ I 6.250.55 6,836,231 6,276,60 5,979.57t 6,321.721 5,894,77 6,568A 3
Total Taxes Levied ........ $219,236.731 $227,327,89 r $238,411 071 $232,241,98' $265,343.801 $239,995.00i $308,796.87
• evlv figures x*epresent expendituros for ths next ensuinff Tear, u for tnstnes, 1920 levy rspes_= 1921 expenditures.
A close investigation sf the operation.{ The taxpayer must reall,'e lt,at he,
of state, county, city and district gov? I himself, Is largely responsible "or high
ernmer*t in the .State of Was/ilngton, }taxes: ta/e is the real ,mlprit, beeause
cove:ng the pemod, of th 9 PtSt seven|he has permitted someoac ese to run
year,.reVeazl: a' most stt'ling, codl- { hl. business without rbstratht :
toln-.;c2, ¢.w,il]{s.,ll arouse } What:would happen to, you 'Mr Tax-',
yry "tax)u.q,., In,., t,¢ sme o tile lr "ou ado,t ^, *'= --= -'--L *.
--' '' ' ' I • , o' l ttl iile jaTv]sll
ng]0mtn.2.l,L.]='l..;_ L,' ( / method of spending, wb;ich,o charae-
" $me'ur¢ ; ' [ti'tt, of state coulTtY"and city go-
• [W y; ',mlI/: lgd (. scpqgl#; { _ ,° 8ome Comparisons. "
nmreased from,'$38,l,416,1 "to' $72.-] 'Iut let us now c)mparo the "tax
R,2D'..l-afl,Jlreas.e ,b $35,$47,403,S0.|crop" wlth the valueIbf, i:$b'm?(bf t"he
,What ,ar'e the peopl% of.this state re-J state's Important product n d se
'# "l r , ' " '!,; {t ;'
J====-'=;'= =='- =-L----n.+n<,_ ==-=-_ v====-=_- -== =5;,.=-'==.'
It It's AccessOfit.lSl,.00e ff00ve Them
Following are listed some 6 the: auto ai;¢essories which
we have here on our shelves• You will find oweine very com-
plete, our service the best and our prices right. "
PLIERS' ' : '
Tendsney to riLensr Taxation.
, In prec'edlng matter we have attempt-
eli *o show the general tendency to
higher. ,t.axation throughout the entire
sttte giving the ctuse and the remedY"
,|6'.he pplied,> In this. summary it is
hc',prpoe to deal sntirely wJth the
situation i 1K0sort County; In both
flstance,..Jaowever .,:_|)he ¢ause is the
same-:-negloct.,, o' Pihlio duty.,.0n, the
part ;f. the iptyers*-,-nd ,th saxne
remedy rnust(be, aPplied , :. , , (,,
Taxes .will" neer be. redtloed.t until
some rdstrMat'ls.p]aced.0: th0 .expendi-
tire of' phb]io funds raised "by "txgtion
and proper restrtffht Will ie'vi'i' be
p]ac,ed on, public, expenditures un£tl ,the
Utxpayera ard thorbughl 0r$'.a'n,lz'd '.4rid
stand ready to exercise vgttng
power as a single united foree :
If the taxpayers of Mason County
were organied they would soon be able
to control the tax situation in Mason
County and would also be a factor In
forng reductions in the cost of oper-
ating state government
The remedy for high taxes lies en-
tirely in the hands of the taxpayeis,
By their voting strength they can force
action on the part of their public offi-
cials and no other course will serve to
solve the problem.
Attached will be found a table of
comparative statistics, taken from the
official records of the state tax com-
missioner at Olympia, giving the de-
tails of taxes levied for all purposes in
MasOn County. during ths period of 1914
to 1920, inclusive. These figures tell
the tax 'story from every angle, but
they do not show what the levy will be
for next year's expenditures. These
levies are now being made up in the
form of budget estimates. Prcseqt In-
dications are that still further ta¢ In-
creases aro being c'onsidered and/will
see the undersigned clerk. Good Service JOE RABICHAUD Prop
Mrs. Annie King, At " Shelton,
Clerk School Dist, No. 805, Low PHces s Wash.
Elma, Route A.
Greatest Shoe Value
003.89 s3.89
The shoe pictured here is the greatest shoe value we
have been able to offer in five years, and when you see
the shoe you will agree with us that it is a real shoe, built
for hard wear• We carry this shoe in el.thor caE toe or
plain toe; they': i are made of extra good, solid leather
' " s0tes and heelS heavy, sole leather counters, th upper
::.?:;. !-;eather'!s nfusd with oil and as nearly tth'pi-00f; as! I :
'':: ;' ': ...... ' ;Ida||her:caiqUe ade. ": : ':;" ::'.""
' *We have on of these shoes cut open and you can see
the inner consuction; you can see just wha you are : -
buying; nothing is hidden, and there is no paper or other :
substitute used in the place of leather..,:
During the Fair we are giving as a premium
.. One barrel (four sacks) of Olympic Flour, for
the best loaf of bread made from Olympic
: Flour• Order a sack now and compete for this
'" b:i ".i." . be made unless the taxpayers pr,eSent
You will always find these and iTlhr.0rt]ier necessary ar- their :'side of thc case "with s#Jeient
ticles here for your convenience.' ',--' ' ' ...... ' forCe When final hearlngs are 'hleld on 00ILL
• estlm'ates the first Monday "MI Oc_ M00AS 0' w00s,
' C' ''DRING he tlem for the taxpayers of Ma.on THO
"FAIR WEEE.'!i.. I' ant' to act is NOW. The .onl pro-
NEEDH00 & C[,OTH|i{R t tlat¢ountsls the one that it,made s
fore the budget estimates ar adopt- , ',.
. -d; and any potest, to be successful, .,
., nust be backed by voting force• .
" - ] " ?":•" " ....... t ;¢ ] ., .LOWER THE COST OF.GO3gE]RN- " "
€==-==="=---=7%-====,.', ===='=-======-- ..... _ .... ' _ ....N[ENT L'EAGUE. .. ,, :. ;
-- .... " ;, .Mehlhorn Building, Seattl, 'ash ;=-== ....... ==-= .......... ======= ........ -
- '' t , . vL /""" ;,,:'.,'.UJ ]=",r:,. I.
"" _7