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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 914 LTON--MA 0N 30URNAL--Published tn "Oh tmas oWn, U.S.A." ghel¢on, Washington Thursday, , I , , i @ East Enders On The Move Out in the east end of our county things have been happening ....... good things. (h'al)eview folks, with justifiable pride, put their new fire fighting facilities---a new fire station and a new fire truck---on lmblic disl)lay Friday evening at an open house session whicli drew 125 visitors. With this addition at Grapeview added to the new Ben- son Lake facility and the long existant quality facilities at Belfair mid Victor-Allyn, the east en(1 by-and-large is in ex- (;ellent pt)sition to give its residents top-grade fire pro- tection. There is a gap in the Pioneer district which needs fill- ing to complete the east-end picture and it is to be hoped and strongly urged that this situation will be corrected be- fore long. Belfair has long been a model fire district with its four separate stations at Happy Hollow, North Shore, Bear Creek, and Belfair proper. THE HOME FORCES--Grapeview's volunteer fire- Engen, Chief Les Rice, Phil Hardy, Orville Kager, men number 23 in all. Fourteen are shown here, Art Zehe, Russ Wells, and Bill Somers. Kneeling-- Legs_! Publications NOTICE t)F GIIOUNi) ~VA'I'F,I{ BIt:lIT AI'PLICATION NO. 7786 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFI~'ICE OF SUPERVISOR OF' WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia. TAKE NOTICE : Thal J. B. MIKLETHI~rN of Shellon, Washin~.;t.n ,n Sel)hunl)er 15, 1965, filed applic:ltion for pern)it to with- draw ])ni)ltc ground walerfi I l] r¢,II!2'h Two (2) wells siiualed within SW J L SW!:~SWh of Section l, Township 20 iN., Range ,t W.W.M., in Mason County. in the alnount of 250 gallons per IIllll" iute, sublect to existing rights con- 'tinuously, eac]l year for the DUrD,~W of g'.uil domestic supl)ly (40 "tra|l(,~.s and 1 home) i Ally (,bjcetions must be aceonlpanied by a |Wo dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Sup, err,so, of Water Resources within I.hh'[y (30) days from Selltember 30, 196fi, Witness my hand and official seal this 16th day of Set)tomber, 1965. M. G, WALKE, R St:,te Supervisor of Water Resources. 9/23-3O 2t NOTICE OF IIEAltlN(I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission ,,1' the Cily of ,qtmlt,.n has eoml)leted and place(] on file the preliminary budget for tlm kJl Ly t,l ~neiton lor the year 1966 a copy of which will be furnis md any taxpayer upon rcquest NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN timt Legal Publications Legal CAI,L FOR BII),~ The COFII,IliSsioneFs of Mastln Collniy Public Utility District N~. 3 will re- ceivo sealed bids for one 40' [lydraulic Derrick and L't,dy al th,dr ol'fice ill S]lelton. Waddling!on lip ill 1 :'~(I i)..m. O,'tol~er 25. 1965. at wilich tinle they will be opened and In b e y rend. SI)e(:ificr~l iq,lls are as follows : One liydraulic Derrick - ,10 ft.. with el Hltill IIOllS rotat h-~n. Cal)acily to I.)~, 9.000 lira. al 75" fully extended and 2500 Ills. fully extended at horizontal. 8,000 Sh('ave /-lead Winch at the (!lid of Derrick. Turu tabh, h) operale on ball bearings and to develol) 26,0(}0 inch Ills. of IolIqlle, 1)errh:k to be nlonuled o;!er l'oar axle ~tlld e(tulpl)od wilh ,tile set Of ilydralllie jaehs, indi- vidually controlh,d frolll b[Ise Of tow- er. All cylin(h,rs to h,we pilot controlled check "¢lllx(~s. Controls tO b(" Opel'tll0d from both sides of h)wer base wilt) Sel)t(unber. 1965. IIIoIor star! and stol) switch, taeh()m- ESTHER ('ter. winch, pole cqaw. P.T.O.. and Executrix eli,rigger controls tit tower l)ast!. Anna I,ei~ Tandem hydraulic systenl to (,)perate LESTER STR I)oolll and digger Attorney for Waterolls f,llI h)rqne P.T.O. wilh Peol)les Nat. eh!(:lrie shift sl)eedollleter and goverIlor Hoqu|anl,Wash. drive, and I-h,liey Rioter speed govel'lll)r to be furnished and installed. Two-speed Digg.u' with 20" Pengo Auger to bcfurnished. NOTICE OF Hyd. Pole Claw tilting typeto be NOTICE IS furnished, the Body to be :t steel fhtt deck UI)~Iolyn. County NOTICE TO IN TIIE SUPER: STATE OF FOR THE Ill the Melter 01 LEIGHTY, NI )TICE IS Esther Nelson lies qualJfh!d as tah el' AURa L( 'hill all ])el'Sons saidestate are ,faille, duly v( trix at the ter Stritnmttcr. Building, Hoqui/ fih Ill,! same al)(,ve-entitlcd l)roof ¢)f StlCh I( months after publication of in Six nlonths ltnnd~t f in n ofho~ riven m~fl v nn v o f v n Standing---Orin Buckingham, George Lewis, Joe Bill Spooner, Julle Stock, Don Pogreba, Ed Okonek 11 ..... tiers, ... _n ...............Tel, ....l. r cen.l. _d- , a~ ,~ .. , . the City Commisshm (,f the City of 95" wide 1)y 12' hmg. with side ecru- at 8:00 p.m., , • , -, -,- -- Shelton will nleet in tile Colnlnfssi(,n- pa)'tnmnts. C(mu)artment, under and Cady's Real ers' Room at the City Hall on tile 4th ttcross bed of i)ody for shovels, l)ea- Washington, for ded a new fire,engine to its facilities. .... GRAPEVIEW--- Tile Grapeviewbusincss transacted was the elec- ~lowing minor surgery the previous day of October. 1965. at 2:00 p.m.. for vies. et('., with doo,'s both sides, all-Ill,, final budget uongratulatlons are in oruer to the Grapevlew corn- Fire Hall open house held last tieR oi officers which resulted as I week. munity for taking this forward step in fire protection. May Thursday evening was a splendid follows: president, Ernest,Re Nick- I Combining business with pleas- tile purpose of fixing the final budget prox. 24" wide, 12" - 14" high by 94'" Any taxpayer for the City of ShelteR for tile year - 96", or width of body. Front side ]leard concerning • . • success with more than 100 per- laus; vice president Sally Ander- FlIe Chief Les Rice and his 23-man vohlnteer crew never ~ . . . lure, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller are 1966, and an.',, taxpayer may appear at compts, to he 18" deep by 42" high by ED BERBER said meeting and be heard for or 50" long, and to have (2) vertical doors Secl•etary o ha r,~ll¢~d infn .~o~¢nn h,+ th,~,,,va ~-a~,~,r ~,~,~ .,, ~n,l{,~ sons attenoing. ~.ym Goodrich, Su- son; secretary, Murial Seiners and [back in Graneview this week The ~,. ,~,~..,~,~ ...~v ,~,..~a,.J~, ~uu u~a..j ~ ~w~uj ~L~ l~avM,~*J ~I~*M- , . . -- • against any part of said budget, eaclL Co,npartnnmted with (4) ]lUll out ' . . . pervtsor of Fwe Training from treasurer, Louise Ewart [Millerswho are now llvin~ in ALMA K, CATTO, Clerk drawers, curb side, tilt down, with pea ii needed Should fire occur the Washin~t,,n ~ta+~ ne,,ar~,~o-* ..... " ' - ° ^, ..... ,. . .• ........ ~, ..... v ........ Armur ~ene announced that I Spokane, spent Monday night with City of Shelter segregated bills, shelves with adj• di-WOMEN'S UT an entirely OiTTerent nazure rs zne o'o-,z-yourselT pro- of Vocational Education, spoke at "Fair Day as enjoyed by our the Julius' Stocks Their plans for 9/23-30 2t riders, material hooks. Rear stel), 10" ' H, D. bumper with ,non-skid diamond ject which North Mason school district folks have under- the open meeting of the V.F.D. school children for suite a few [the week included makin~ renairs ~ plate. Deck of body to be 10 g, ShelteR Hotel ...... and impressed his audience most ~ ° "* taken to provide lis:hts for the high school athletic field .... " " years, has been altered• Instead of ;on their Treasure Island place, as OF REGISTRATION BOOKS dianlond plate over hardwood. Body to Mille s Diner ....... Volunteers ha e provided tlle" knowledge which will il- zavor.amy. . ...... going.on MasonCounty d.a.y., tick- well as visiting with friends in RegistrationNOTICE iSBooksherebYforgiVena]i thethatveting,the skirtingbe completelYwith wheelUnderc°ated'eutout,16fromga' metalfront Lumbermen'S -.. ........................ l(•Ollowing the meeting, the l,a- e~.s wiu oe issuer ~or the cniloren S this area Precincts of Mason County and the eonlpls, to rear of body. 4" channel Evergreen Drug ~n~;on~.te ule rlelO ICe.Dell at vtr~:uauy no cosl; to me dies Auxiliary served cake, coffee use for Sept. 24. Parents will be Notice'to all grape lovers' Ac- City of ShelteR will be closed for cross memt)ers. 6" channel hmgitudi- Sunbeam Bread • and punch. Many local folks at-expected to escort them as the cordin~ to the infallible sa~e of ORIGINAL Registrations on Sunday. rials. Pintle hook. H.D. at rear wiih A Bettman's ...... .~ This sort of community spirit is heart-warming and tended as well as representatives teachers will be taking part in ~h~ v~'n~Va,.a~ .tnh~ x~o~hn,~ October 3 1965 until the day follow- Frame. All lights and wiring to Wash• , .......... , ................. , ing the School District Directors Elec- State Law and ICC code. ATA con- Morgan Trans certainly should be cause for a feeltn of unit and ride from the following fire depart- Business Education day and the aur lohal~ran~a w~l] ha v~adv f~r tieR, the County Board of Education Rector at rear for trailer ligllts - 7- Hoodsport Lun~ ' g Y P ........ ~-,.- ............. ~--- Election and any other Special Elec- way trailer connection. Color - Red, .... ments: Bainbridge Island, ShelteR, school bus will not be available ek of High game-~ among the residents of the commumties corn rlsln the • picking about the first we tieRs lleld in concert therewith, on Equipment to bc guaranteed for a North Mason school district ' p g Suquamish, Bremer~onA Union, Sil- THE GRAPEVIEW Grapenuts O~{bber. "'" .................... Tuesday, November z, 1965• period of one year (12 nlonths). Shop High series-- ' " • vsroam, r~:avy xara w!ty, ~rowns- 4-H Club wound Up its past year's As Of this Sunday the Grapeview HOWEVER. Registration Books win nmnual to be included. remain open for TRANSFERS only, A Certified check made payable to "---~'~------~ Vllle, wedge,e, ~.elfa~r, Olympia, activities with a meeting held Grocery will be closed on Sundays through Sunday, October 17, 1965. Said the District of 5% of the bid price Bettman s 4 Kare lreat I"or us ~eavecK., mountlag.e Terrace, 'Ta.- Monday night at the Fire Hall, 14 for the season, Transfers covering only 1he voters nmst accoulpany tile bid. 440), Morgan ( Our atomic has th +i-e~+ "~,,s'- ..... coma, yukon...vlaroor, victor an~ members beirig present.- Main bus- " "Missy', the big yellow dog be- moving from one Precinct t,) another The' Conmfissioners reserve tile Hotel 4 (Lois / within the County (cuts,de the City right to reject any or all bids and to bermen's 0 (t ............. , .... .~: ....... =.~ .._.~ ,^, ............., A.kiyn. ~:speczauy.wemomea among tRess at hand was the presentation longing" to the Henry Gatlins has of ShelteR) or moving fronl one Pre- select the equipment which in their • ~UIII(2~ unrougn .e lll~LLltlIll (JJ. I'~tUIU ~bll(l t(21~Vl~lOIl, ~L ~I't2~b I trLlS group o~ wen-wishers was re- of ribbons and monetary awards disarmeal'ed as'oflast Sunda~'An~ ctnct to another within the City of judgment will best serve the needs of Sunbeam 3 (Be boon to the small and out-of-the,waycommunities which [grOg wSh:lt:nve~r~zi£h~arTmenD{ for Demonstration Day.- Receiving word~f her whereabouts would ~ 19~5ATEDshelt°n' this 13th day of September, the BOARDDistriCt'o~ COMMISSIONERS Mil!O'Scenter 13 (Jo(Hi can ~ attract the great artists like the metropolitan centers• . P three blue ribbons was Bonnie Ben- much appreciated by the family• Edwin W. Taylor. Pres. ~or zu years, and Mr and Mrs e Hi k and Few people have the privilege of seeing the great artists ................. - ........ •son; two blues, Alic c s . ' ...... ' " ' RUTH E. BOYSEN T.W. Webb, Vice Pres, Lumber 1 ,,. ,, . ~u~ rat'~r u~ zuaua r~aroux-, r 1 o ne 1 lif ora Jack A. Cole, Secretary • Gee gm C ay~ n, o h ue, C ~ , ~ Auditor & Registrar for In person , but next Tuesday evening ShelteR, fortunately, Mr. Parker is in charge of the Ta- Do,,tn ~nd ~'o+h,, Hicks Art and r~,,^ 11" ~,~ rl~ I'~t,~.~r Mason County, Washington. 9/28-30-10/7-14-4t , ,.~.v ,~ ,~. .L*.,.~., j , .l.q~U~ JIM~ ~I.~II qk31~b~ .... will have such an opportunity. •coma Vocational School s new fire Kim Nicklaus Nancy Ewart and • J 9/23 It David Rub,neff, one of the great contenlporary must- school. Joel Zehe, Bo~nie SensoR also won No. :ml3 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAl, RE- C cabin to party who could make sonm tans, the type of artist almost never seen in places smaller The beautiful floral arrange- three red ribbons. Winning tworepairs 426 6769 ' E 9/'23 tfnIN SUMMONSTHE SUPERIoRBY PUBLICATIONcouRT OF THE I"ORT I)ISTItlBUTIoNAND I'ETITION FOR t h,_~ ~,,n¢+~,~ will a.l)I~o~P in n~-~a~ ~ ~haltr~ th~nlr¢~ ta the merits were the work of refresh- red, was Art Nicklaus; one red, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR • ,¢~t *-,~c~uu*.~, ...... x-~ ....... 1 .... v** ..~ ,j...~.~v.., ~..,~ ............ M E M A l I MA U IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE t,~h .... ~ Oh,h :merit chairman Ethel Buckingham,Steve Rehard, Alice and Kathy 6 M MOVI .~ CA ER with iglt SON CO NTY "~'"'~"'~ "~"~'" l who "was assisted b,, committe'e ~,~,-- ~'~'"^ ~""~- ana Mike meter, maple rocker, Presto deep= EUGENE E. TAYLOR and FLORENCE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Rub,neff all tll]I"~''~I Cnniv;auaI in +h{~ ..o~,.,~+ ,,~,,,o.I ..... #. ~.... ~_~, a..~uu,~_~.~,,zt~ .. ~ , fryer bathroom scales, electric TAYLOR his wife Plaintiffs MASON COUNTY ..... , ~o~,,~.. ,~ ,,~ • .. ~...o ~Ol~W~u, pa¢~.~lwomen ~nlrley t'ogreoa, ~nlriey sensoR, while _~im NicKIaus sec- stove:ice box, and miscellaneous ' ~'s ' In the Matter of the Estate of nlS l[lnerary SO he Call niake possible what has normally I Engen, Leoma Kager, Ruby Lewis end ribbon was a white one. Mason articles. Phone 426-3560. W 9/23 E. A. LIBBY, if l'iving, and if de- WARREN J. TOBEY Deceased. " ,, ceased the unknown h(irs at law of Mary Greys Tobey, Executrix of said been the imI)ossible for smaller communities. Not only, whiletheclev~ County F.air r~bons .have .no,yet ~OR SALE- serge-warner 20-inc-h E. "A.' Lib'by' the Estate of LUlian Estate. has filed with said Cou,'t her rnnf h~ inoh,dam erda ,~a~,~,~.~l ~,~ao~no¢~ af ~ohnnl~ler naRes ot L)OrlS ~tOCK IaSillonea Deer receives. _H'OUOWlng LnlS, ~re- chain saw, used six hours, like new, Libby deceased; HANNAH PETER- final report and petition for dis- ~iTgl'ever "i;e';;e,~ ....v .........vv ......... ' .......... ]the replica of our fire hall which sideR, Joel Zehe oolle(~ted the pro- $97, See FRANK AT JOURNAL. SON, 'ARTHUR ANDERSON and AN- tr,bution, asking the Court to settle t4 r e h k Pro d deed S 9/23 tinTONE ANDERSON and all other p(, , ,. , %' , ....... ]g ac d t e ca e. u in ,ject bo6ksand the meeting was .... ; , . . ;.. said ret)ort, distribute the property to r'llS Woros oTTer aovice ~o our youl:n which 0111~ ~. nla~.,}must have been our fire Chief Les ad~ourhed 1965 66leadersMrs ~ sons or l)arues unknown cmimlng any the l)ersons thereto entitled and to dis- . • • -- , J ' " • ]~ " right, title, estate, lien er interest in charge said Executrix. Said report and ter art,st can g,ve. His appearances are an educatmnal de~-[Rice, Elizabetl~ Gatlin and Mrs, Louise Legal Ublle ,tlons the real estate described in the com- petition will be heard on the 29th day of October, 1965, at 9:90 a.m. in the ication to the developme{ t and advancement of musical art- I Many Grapeviewites were sad- Ewart announced that the next ~ ]plaint herein; Defendants Courtroom of said Court. in the Coun- istry in the schools of America. " I dened to learn of the passing Of meeting will be held-Oct. 1, after Franchise Apl~licatlon No• 1232 ] THE STATE OF WASHINGTON "TO ty Courthouse at: ShelteR, Washington. Mr ~,,h{n¢~FF'~ ~,~,,~,~n~ .~..a.~.,.,..,,~ ~.~.,,,~,~ ~... ~.~+,~..~ } Joseph Tschida last Thursday atschool at the schoolhouse• Eleven NO~ICE OF ]IEARING ] E A LIBBY if livln~ and if de- Dated this 16th day of Sel)tember, v ..,-,~..,1,v.~...o..,.w ~.,vt,=u u~ ,~ ,.~u,~ a 1 were also resent Incident In the Matttr of the Applkatmn of s o l f ";'~" ~"":"*'~ "" , - the Harrison Memorial Hospital du ts p , ' - " ! ~ ' c(~a,.e~l, the unknown hei'rs at aw o 1965. g g s :~u tu al annals, in Bremerton "Joe' as he wa~ ally4-Her Nancy Ewart was a ...... ". ~ . "~ . .. [E. A. Libby" the Estate of Lillim LAURA M'. WAGENER cal hi hli ht in ShelteR ( 1 r , , Pacific Northwest Bill Telephone Co ~ Clerk of The Superior Court I • , *-, • ~-. . ,lor a lrancalse to c()nstl'ucl:, operate I T,ihhv doooa¢~,'~d, nnd rill nther nersonn __ -- .... ] known to all of us, was born June guest demonstrator, at tile rural- and maintain aerial telephone cable up- I or~pa'l:ti~s-uz~no'wn"c"la'~r~lin'g" any rtght'~ ROBERT L. SNYDER a n|a 1 9, 1881, in st. Paul, Minn,, where lup Fair Sunaay atu~rnoon, snow- on a pot:irene[ rr~mary ~tate kilg~lwt~y ] title, estate, lien or interest In the125%Att°rneYNorthat LaW5th M~-=....-- ...M..~ em,~,v,,ev~,~ ~ ~,~=~,u I he w~ -o~,~ ~.-,~ o.~,,.~.l~n ~o ~ iRe" how to nrenare and eat an ar- me. z~, ~r¢ ~, m mason woRn,y, wasll- ] real estate described in the complaint Shelion, Washington There is a void in ShelteR today felt by many people, ]began doin~ contractin~ work:,,choke Sounds good to'me WHEREAS the Pacific Northwe~L]he2:em" - ...... 9/28-30-]0/7-3t • , ~ r~ ...... • • ' .... xou, ann each o[ you, are nereoy regardless of their religious persuasions. [there but joined the Army during lThe "Mr. and Mrs." Bowling Bell Telephone. Company, a corpo]'a- ]summoned to appear within sixty (60) ~ ) ~lOn has Ille~ Wltn Lne wasnlngl.on s ) l~ Wmld Wal I He was 1 iced nl days aft~ r the date of the fil t I ubh ether Mark Wiechmann has ]eft' St Edward s Catholic/ ' " ~ P~ ~ " League has begun its 1965-66 sea- Stat~' Highway Commission und(l "th( ." !~'- " ~ i't 't!li~ NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINC • • • .... m n ' s i il ' "" • 's" , , . cation of mis' slnnnlons, m w , wl t Pursuant to Chapler 2i6, Laws, 19591 Parmh to snend hl~ r-ln~lnln,- ,,~,~ ;,, o v~+{,,~n~anf |o~ d~ /cO pany D 34th E grocer w t ]son. Parhmpating once again are provL mRS of Chapter 47.44 RCW and ]sixty t60~ days after the 26th day you are hereby nolificd that at 2:00 ..... n-...~ ,,.L.. ,, ............ ..,_:,:,:__ _~ , .... , ...... ]whom he saw service m France• I the Don Pogrebas Joe Engens, amendments., thc~•eto, an appllcatl(]n ]of August 1965 and defend the above- o'clock P.M.. Pacific Daylight Time. on x~to~ttul~l~ Ill,tit tllt~ Y~iDuIISIDIlILI~ OI D~III~' tile nll'l e ! i ........ ? ..... o for a [rancnme to construc[ operale ' ' i rt -- ' -- o S~ iRa! n at1 . • 'l o~s oer ...... entitled actmn in the Super or CoU af n ~