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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!!:: 23, 196B SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 20% OFF or .. Doz. or ........ Ea, Featuring Our VNF U.S. Choice Beef... Any And All Cuts Go At Phone 426-3179 DISCOUNT SPECIAL.. • aRADE "A" HINDQUARTER ROASTS... COOKING DIRECTIONS ON PKG. LB. (TRA FANCY bELIcIOUS... SPECIAL FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES FRESH AS A DAISY .................................. HEAD FANCY CONCORD ........................ 5 LB. BASKET FANCY LARGE BELL VARIETY .................................... EACH LIBBY PORK OR BEEF 15 OZ. TIN TOP QUALITY 4-Roll ~1 Pkgs. i./ U SCOTT'S Big Rolls CRUSHED OR MINTED CHUNK No. 1½ .......................... Tins PACIFIC PEARL .......................... 6½ oz. Tin FACIAL TISSUES ........................ 200 2 Ply Boxes DARIGOLD FANCY iI .......... ........................................ POUND CARNATION EVAP, TALL TINS $, APPLE MAID ............................................ GALLON DETERGENT REG ............. 33 69,,z,""° '10, All Cuts Go... Steaks, Roasts, Ground Meats, And Others All At... SUPER DISCOUNT SPECIAL ... FRESH MEDIUM SIZE ... MEATY GRAND WITH KRAUT. LB, ARDEN GAL. ICE MILK 12 GAL. Morton 26 oz. Pkg. SALT . . . . . 2,/25 Snow Mist Chunk ~2 Tins • . . . . 4/31 C&H PURE CAN E 10 LB. BAG Bags - Red Rose 48 Count Box TEA . . • • . • Crackers NBC Lb. Box RITZ . , , , , m II LIBBY'S ........................ NO. ¼ Tin DELMONTE FA'NCY ........................ GIANT 20 OZ. BOTTLE DEL MONTE PINE-GRAPE- FRUIT .................... 46 OZ, Tins W.K. CORN 12 oz. Tins * SHOP-RITE'S FROZEN FOODS ROUNDUP -k Welch's Frozen 60Z, Tins BANQUET FROZEN Always A Big Value! FOR Banquet Frozen Apple - Cherry- Peach or Custard FOR BIRDSEYE FROZEN 10 oz. Boxes MINUTE MAID FROZEN 6 OZ. TINS ORE-IDA FROZEN FRENCH FRIES, TATER TOTS OR KRINKLE CUTS 16 OZ, PKG. I We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smih .. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 23-24 & 25. LIMIT RIGH' 'S, New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 Kamilche Couple HonoredAt I House Warming By NORMA TAYLOR KAMILCHE---A surprise house- warming was given to Ira and Helen Stansbury Wednesday eve- ning at their home by friends -- the Owen Millers, the Art King- hams, Mihh'ed Blacl(welder l~ffie Decker, the Harry Simmons', Nel- lie Hanson, the George Cowane, the Len Coles, the Eldon Todds, the Cab Raines, the Henry Ungers, the Paul Wheatons, and Walter Stansburys. Helen had on her paint clothes and had an evening Of work all planned and Ira was busi- ly going over insurance papers with Henry Unger when the merry group descended upon them with all their best wishes. The honored couple were presented with several pieces of fireplace equipment, and a delicious assortment of pastries was served at refreshment time, made by some of the guests. The traditional birthday song, sung a little off key by children, and a large and very gay birthday cake made to resemble a pink ele- phant made Wednesday evening a very special night for young Edwin Taylor at his Uncle Justin and Aunt Carol's house, where he was given a birthday dinner party. Sunday guests entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto were Mrs. Lois Kilwine and six children of Seattle. Marliene Otto came with Mrs. Kilwine Sunday after spending her summer living and working in Seattle. House guests this past week at the home of Mrs. Florence Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, who make their home in Canada. Visiting this week at the home of Mr. and lVh-s. A1 Lord is AI's sister, Mrs. Fred Slingerland of Elverett. Sunday, ]Vfr. and Mrs. Roy Slingerland of E v e r e t t, Mrs. George Nevcrs of Tacoma and Mrs. Edith Adams of Seattle joined the A1 Lords for dinner. Friday morning, Mildred Black- welder and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Effie Decker, drove to Portland to the airport, where MYs. Decker caught a flight to Colorado, after spending a week visiting with Cecil and Mildred at their home. Thursday, the A1 Lords enter- 59 rained Mrs. George Andrew:~ of Yakima at their home for the day. A REGULAR M E ET I N G of Progress Grange will be held Fri- ~ day at 8 p.m. The third and fourth degree work to be held at Progress Friday night is postponed until October 22 and will be held at Progress. The dances began on Saturday night at Progress Grange Hall with music by the Tune Toppers. Working on the dance committee were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morkert, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cammack, Mrs. A1 Lord and Mrs. Florence Taylor. The next dance will be Oct. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Burke made a business trip to Tacoma Saturday and then motored to Puyallup to attend the Western Washington Fair. Mrs. Frances Simmons spent her vacation last week in Portland, Ore., taking care of her new grandson. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Un- get drove to Tacoma to enjoy a Sunday dinner with Mrs. Evelyn Ruff. No new pupils have enrolled since the opening day of school and all has been exceptionally good. However, a few colds have showed up but nothing of a serious nature. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Skinner, the county nurse, gave vision tests to all pupils in the scho~)]. This is something the pupils look forward to and last year several pupils were fitted to glasses as a result of these preliminary findings. The Shelton Lions Club sponsored sev- eral of these students and secured glasses for them. The bookmobile v i s i t e d our school last Friday and we're pleas- ed to report; that while the school used this library facility to a great extent, the pupils established the enviable record of not losing a book during the entire school year ,of 1964-65. Visit to the Puyallup Fair had to undergo a last minute change when it developed the teachers would have t'o attend Teachers Ed- ucation Day Sept. 24. Tickets will be provided to the children and parents chaperoning them by the school. The teachers are looking for- ward to the train ride to Camp Grisdale and the lumbermen's din- ner to be provided by the Simpson Timber Company. They plan to leave Shelton at 8 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Friday. The school board met at the school Sept. 18 and adopted the budget for 1965-66 year. Because of federal money provided by the Elementary and Secondary Acts of 1965; funds will be available to en- rich the curriculum for the coming year; especially helped will be the textbook purchases, the library and special teaching equipment. A check of last year's Kamilche graduates show that each of the seven graduates is now attending the Shelton Junior High School. They are Linda Sage, Candi Davis, Steve Hills, James Kelley, Kathy Petty, Larry Swantak and Monte Marshall. Several of the boys have high hopes of makii~g art least one of the athletic teams in Shelton; although they report competition there is rough and tough. Sept. 16 the school board met and passed a resolution requestiang the auditor to place on the Nov. 2 ballot a resolution permitting our school to receive the usual 14 mills for school purposes. This is the same procedure used by all Mason County schools and if passed by the voters; we will receive the full State Apportionment. With one Father, even God, the whole family of man would he brethren. --Mary Baker Eddy,