September 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1965 |
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Use Journal Wanl Ads [ Nahwalzel Man Injured In Fall From Ladder l .n h| UMdo.^.,6 1L^..I^ I. Ct !^.,:,, h|¢;,.^.,^ U^.^,,^J A,. ILl..,,,(',',.^I,,l,,.d !Jla
, ,I By JESSIE TUPPEa Frank Hewson won t be among UI! Vl lauguopUIt I PUUplG III EL, LQWlb VH|iQt;/b I|UIIUiGU Vii lidi )Lll|lQ 131ClllU
LAKE NAHWATZEL -- A the hunters as he's hobbling '• "* • • ' AI " theYl IU[O
• "1 By LIZ ,LL ON m Tacoma Formerly the secre~ a nest egg : ....
touch of frost has brought brA- • • /
Lowre Or ans . d around on crutches after a fall . . _ HARSTINE -- The most lm- t,ny to CongJessman Thor Toleff~ many cases betel
hant color to the foha e aroun , " ....
L s
bje their breath had a wonderful time. erings were successful. On the anyone can tell us what this dead Seattle and
Scientist Su ot .. AND MRS. Marvin Albert 7:30 a.m. ferry Wednesday came branch look among the apparent- velous reviews.
are visiting Mrs. Albert's parents, live large h)aded trucks headed ly live cedar tree is? Please ad- the benefit of'
"We must look deep into realism Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hale. The A1- for the state park and driven by vise, phone 42(;-8903. Did you all David's ?[urch
instead of accepting only the out- bert's, who only recently returned members of the Salmon Club of notice the vine maple is extra wishing a ticket
ward sense of things." from an eight-months tour of Eu-Olympia who, with the Chamber special bright red this year? No
This statement from the Chris-' rope, plan to make their home inof Commerce and Olympia Yacht need to visit New England to see
tian Science textbook (Science Seattle. Monday, Mrs. Hale ac- Club, chose the day for their an- beautiful autumn colors, we have
6 7o On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
Counly Savings &,Loan Assooialion
I I I _
could be near their mother.
Mrs. Archie Kelley and son, Da-
vid, home for the weekend, visited
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith in Ab-
erdeen Saturday. In the evening
they all went to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Leggett, in Aber-
Last Saturday visitors at the
Hector Barbour home were Mrs.
Ernie Palmer and infant son from
Sunday the Barbours went to
the Puyallup fair.~
Dinner guests at the Sam Dig-
gle home were Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Legacy and family, and,
Henry Legacy, of Tacoma, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley,. Matlock.
and Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures by Mary Baker Eddy) is a
central theme of the Bible lesson
to be read Sunday in Christian
Science churches across the world.
The subject is "Reality."
'Scriptural readings Will include
a verse from Habakkuk in the
Old Testament: "For th~ earth
shall be filled With the knowledge
of the glory of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea."
If yours is one of the thousands
of Washington and Oregon families
changing to better heat this fall..•
companied them to Seattle for the
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William
Gilbert entertained with a lawn
picnic honoring family September
birthdays. Mrs.. Dennis O'Neil,
James O'Neil and Sam Hanson
we*;e the honor guests. Enjoying
the sunny fall picnic weather and
good food were Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hanson and Cbris, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis O'Neil and Dennis Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. James O'Neil, Mr. and
MYs. Timothy O'Neil and Paige
and the Gilberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan re-
turned Friday from a week's trip
to Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Cal-
gary and Radium Hot Springs in
Canada and then home by way of
Spokane and Wenatehee. The beau-
tiful scenery' and wonderful weath-
ef made it a most enjoyable week.
HOOD CANAL P,T.A. was Men-
day evening. President Jim Lucas
introduced the teaching staff. Mrs.
Pill and Mrs. Sjoholm' explained
teaching m~rziculum of the lower
grades at Hoodsport. This being
the first meeting of the year was
a get acquainted meeting. Refresh-
ments were served at the end of
the meeting. I
The fifth grade children, taught
by Mr. Lung, h~ve been studying
Indians. Wednesday Mrs. Steve
Johns took her unusual collection
of Indian artifacts to school for
the children to see, told them the
history of each article and for
what it was used. Among her col-
lection are baskets from Canada,
Oregon and Washington tribes,
beadwork, a blanket, baby cradle,
.grinding stone and handle, hand
carved canoes and a canoe bailer.
Some of the articles are more than
100 years old.
The canoe bailer was one Mrs.
Johns' grandfather used in mak-
i ing canoes and is something few
i people nowadays have ever seen.
To say the least the children were
Oct. 3, a party honoring Mrs.
Frank Robinson's 90th birthday
will be held at the Hood Canal
nual sahnon barbecue for 70 offi-
cers from Ft. Lewis, their guests..
The military came down before
noon in several large cruisers Lo
arrive for the salmon bake. When
the Salmon Club departed on the
4 p.m. ferry, they gave out" ferry
crew a large salmon, apparently
they could not consume all th'e
fish provided, or maybe they
caught same during the picnic! "
:Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons
!and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mc-
Culloch have just returned from a
fishing trip in Canada. They were
l up in the Okanogan country near
Hope and PenticLon, B.C., at Lake
Bolean. The Simmons caught four
fish in four days and had a grand
time. Mr. and Mrs. John Hitch-
cock came up to join the group
but arrived after the Simmons
left. They came home through
Beliingham where they visited the
Lummi Island Indian Reservation
them here.
When the ferry breaks down,
why does it ahvays happen when
it "effects us? If we were just
going to town to shop or have
fun it wouldn't matter, .we could
go another day .and prot)ably
i didn't want to go in the first place.
Last Friday just after the 12:30
p.m. trip a crank case difficulty
developed. The 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
trips did not run and the 4 p.m.
ran late• It was Capt. Martyn
Goetsche's day off. He was going
into town to shop and relax. One
of the things he was planning to
purchase were some car parts. He
is repairing our sctmol teacher's
son's car, which broke down on
the Island while he was visiting
here. This is the way it turned
out for Mart, and us.
Mart did not get any relaxation
on his day off, he had to repair
the ferry. He did not gel the auto
and on home then, through Ed- parts so a school teacher in Ore-
mends and the Kingston ferry, gon is going another week with-
THE HARSTINE Island school out his car. Our teacher's son has
is the proud owner of a new amt our station wagon truck. This in-
beautiful large clock, donated by 'conveniences ~everal people on
LeRoy's Jewelry of Shelton. It is Harstine for whom we have pro-
an elect~:ic clock. Larry Jerrels raised to haul this and that for. CHAIN
did the wiring. Like taking an orchard ladder up
Huckleberries are getting ripe. to Ainu Anderson's to pick apples , profess1(
So much fun to go out in the and then take the apples away for arscanm!
• Big, new
woods and along the roads in this sale in boxes. ~ut0matic
autumn weather and pick them. We cannot deliver the mallard mcancut:
Take a large shopping bag, shake , ducks we raised to those wanting n'matlCoiling.diel~
the berries into the bag. When yell them, our wagon is in Oregon. One Into afas
get home fill the siuk with colddoes froth at times! Everyone on ...nobel
water, dump the berries in, wash, Harstine goes to town of neces. :lne. StrellCu~treeS
pick over and put in plastic car- sity at least once a week. On our zhs only 1.
tons and put in freezer. Mighty ferry, part of the County road n.hvailab'
nice to have these berries for pie, system, this costs us about $200 (Dome
us rod
muffins, puddings or hot cakes, a year! $1 a round trip, slightly
Here is a recipe for Huckleberry iEG, II
less with the commutation ticl~ets.
pudding passed down in my family. We pay taxes high :and
Very popular during World War I]
!for it takes no butter except in higher than many people on the I
I sauce, and cream can be substi- mainland, no fire or police protec- eH
tuted. The same pudding can be tion and a road link that works
some of the time! Now don't say p;:n
made using blueberries: "why live on Hats(ins if a situa- We Se
Beat one egg, add one half cup tion' like this exists". Many arts-
granulated sugar and a half cup wer, some inherited land wJ]ich i~
buttermilk or sour cream. Sift to-
in and help her celebrate. Mrs.
Robinson has been a continuous
member of the Hood Canal Wom-
an's Club since 1928, is a Past
President of the club, and wrote
the lyric for the club song, "Home
gether one cup flour, one teaspoon
soda and ¼ teaspoon each of cin.
namon, nutmeg and allspice. Add
to first mixtu~'e reserving a little
Woman's Clubhouse at Potlatch, 2 of the flour mixture to flour one
to 4 p.m. Hoodsport, Potlatch a~d cup berries, add to batter and mix
dr°pl gently with a fork so as not to
crush berries. In place of butter-'
milk or sour cream, fresh milk
and baking powder may be used.
Bake in greased loaf pan or in cup
cake form, 325 degree oven for
about 45 minutes.
Near the Hills". Mrs. Edward For the sauce, boil for five min- .
Radtke wrote the music, utes--one cup sugar and one cup
MRS. EVELYN NICHOLSON, water, add two tablespoons but~
Mrs. Oran Lee, Mrs. William Ler and half cup sherry wine, or
Bearden, Mrs. Edward Radtke and one teaspoon vanilla. Serve all hot:.
Mrs. Dwight Pierce attended Am- This is not a rich dessert. We
aranth Social Club Monday at Mrs.usually, the four of us, eat iL all
Mary Tiffin's. Assisting hostesses but'it can be stretched to serve
were Mrs. Kitty Williams and Mrs.Six. We usually double the recip~ '.
Florence Heintze. Others present and put one pudding in the freezer
were Mesdames Martin Smith, Eva wrapped in wax paper and foil or
Simmons, Helen Simmons, Emma in the foil pan used to bake same
Hammond, Pearl Pohl and Edna in.
Hoshor. • Think we can be justified to ca!l
MR. AND MRS. Robert Beard- David White, "old brittle bones .
en and sons, Don and Brad, attend- Just before school opened, he
;ed the Fair at Puyallup Sunday. stepped off a step and broke some
Archie Calahan and father, D. L. bones in his left foot. With a walk*
Calahan were Fair visitors Men- ing cast he managed to be an ush-
day. er for his cousin Kathleen Archer's
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumate took wedding. Just after the wedding
Jane to.Ellensburg over the week- on the island, coming home after
end so she could enter college dark, .,% dear. deer jumped out.
there. Judy is nursing at Harbor and threw mm off his Honda.
View" Hospital in Seattle. David now has a broken collar
Mrs. Lee Niles of Tacoma and bone and several hand lacerations.
Mz~, Esther Morgan of Wapato, What luck! School just opened and
hOW could one use
#~pent ,Wednesday visiting Mrs. crutches,, to
~ase the foot, w
Niles' sister, Mrs. Dwight Pierce. ~ hen the collar
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton bone is broken? Anyhow at this
of Seattle Were guests Wednesday time, we hear David is managing
and Thursday of Mr. and Mrs: Ed- attending scnoo~.
ward Radtke. ,. Sunday mncneo~t guests at The
The bar • raf er Ma les were mr and
g t s and breezeway P _ _ • Mrs. Donald ~[
rafters at the Hood Canal Worn- McFadon ot '.racomaand their dis- Heavy Duty Top-Loading Wash( iif
art's Clubhouse have been recently tinguished szs~er E~ily Walker, • 4 Automatic Wash Cycles •
painted. A freshly painted sign Washington ~.u. _ Correspondent ; i
also adds to the attractiveness of for the Tacoma News Tribune, Automatic Water Saver • NeW
the" g~O~mds. Emily is west on vacation, visiting and Water Circulation System '
Enamel Tub. Cold Water Wash rt
: ................................ " • Flush Rinse plus Deep Rinse •
Safety Lid Lock . '
"n the -'~ .... "'"
l! Sound . f~ateglcally located, .....
'. ~mterl~Imn~nt and d~ppIng district • pining ~" ".
/J (~'fne ~)P • BeaulY aM Barber tnS~b=uV;~t 5err|Co Model CK-6520
Ji ~ Enterl~lnmer~ nightly in b WESTINGHOUSE 21" INSTANT-oN#~
6 Seconds • Instaw~. Color Fidel~
sur~ immediate, "iotally Pure Col
IJ ~,A~Ob~l,~ ~ FPJ~K GO~'Z' Manager Zl HIGH BRIGHT Picture Tube--
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419 Railroad Ave,