September 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1965 |
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~g,,ma~EL KIDD Art,,. *h,t ,~.,te all z.e():i~h.,~io~ er ~r. [, : ......................... s,,.inada and throuzh the Caribou ~unday sinner guests of Mr. andTacoma spent tile weeKenD at the ~un'.
~We welcome to our hooks in Mason C,,unt.~ will be Mr. Richard Cockburn retm'ned]~. Mr. and M,s. 3. D. Simpson .of]Train and as far as Williams Lake. M~s. Eml Walke~. Eaz:l Walker home, .Mrs. Larry Mz'.~md Mrs. Lud Ross)namr
~' ~r. and Mrs. Melvin closed until after the school elec- last week from Sunnyside after ~r(!merton spent ~un~ay. w~n/They planned to ga quite a ways Bill Walker of San Diego has winker anti oaoy wm spena this spent the weekend a.l llu, James
Bwh'"~*ul'en formerly of tion iiTov 2 spendiug two weeks vacation withJlhen" mother, Mrs. o. c~. ~mgle. jfart'her but it was so cold at WiN ~ 30-day leave from the Navy, week here. Rossm,~ier h~ime in ~hil{on alibi
~'~ navel, moved into the _h_)', Matlock. _nrecin,, ct .,o..v ,) his. parents.. He. also. went on .sev-Il°n. . . ] liams, Lake, 18. degrees, they. after which he will go to. Spain. MR, AND; MRS ...... RAI P]-I Roth th(:n, tl;e{'.. ,all •,tth,nde(l- lh(: I'u~ai.. -
~~ u,uor to the Ed Pear- ms" re~-i,~ter with Dora Heat:in'- eraI f shing trips there. ' Mrs. Ray Kzmmerly and child-/thought they had better get home for two years. He is spending hzs rock and family spent Suuda.'/ in lup f~i)' on Sun lay.
"~ 18 .Y 8" F~ " " ....
[, '£ ,o .loyet tho the Sa,sop prec,uct wl,h Mel-
L-T_~°rrecnons ~enzer b', Tzenckmann
108ill " ". ' , ~ ' ' •
)ie~z~get" wno ,s mov-Bobble aLtende(I the ministers' con-"
--."'~', into town to an
i°,a ~ranklin. We'll be ventiOUdavs lastatweek.Skyk°mish for three ~'
:to Call on you in your ~,IRS. AUGUSTA Portman and
~rs. Barker. . START YoUR Washington
Mrs. j. W. Stoner nave Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Portman of
r0~ a two-week vaca-
~,Wyoming where they Shelton, spent several days last,~ ~, 0
~tten days with Mrs. D. Portman's sisLer and family,
~er and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanley. " ,~ a.imal Kingaom "
~)'S, Clarence Davis at Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of .Z~" \ .....
b)Pell and Harry Ktdd Montesano were Sunday dinner ~ E J~LBU~ RES
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elviu'~ pICTUR.t,., Ann OLOR plClU= ~,
~uay raorning from Sea- Hearing. ~ arid ~uv C Alaska wllere they Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey eautiful full color. the home of Mr. ' packets of b. it is avad"
~¢lChappell in Cordova. and children and Henry Legaeey, Z -[here are 21 _ "e collect,on and packet ~'
all of Tacoma, were Sm~day din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- pt. - • ited t,me . _ er you-~,
of the trip is to hunt "W 'ctures in the e.nt~r ~ onlY. Each _,,a ~$'
~HSitors in the Pall- ward Valley. '~ able ~ur all?/t res that teach ?g that live ~'
~hO~he of Mr. and Mrs. Deny and Lori Goodburn of contains cu v,~-u .... ~nating ~oru,~ ,,,e~ -_
Shelton spent last week at the R. ~ • about the ~a=~ = PoUPONS as u, ~.~))
~rtSeher were her par- ~' m'n-d,s .... rid use the rRE,E~'~'vE! start todaY~ ~.
~dMrs. Ricl~ard Matt- E. Bradberry home as a new ~ in uu ...... ,,,cEK anD ...... . ,-
~thers, Gary and Date daughter was born in Olympia to ~ APPEAR EAC~ ~" , ,~O~q D~OWI __,,,~u ~'A
[~' Dale was overnight Mr.she hasand beenMrS' namedMerlandconnieG°°dburn'Kay. CLIP CO'-'_'_. ~t.~_.,," c0uru," ~" ~',
and Mrs dwa, d Valley II
CALLERS in the and sons David and LeRoy were .i-~)~D~_V~4r-t-
home were Mr. and Sunday evening supper guests at
G rown
[~'Y CAL
on home
~ ~Iadsen and daughter,
r~t~e,r Son of Tacoma.
~£'ekson attended the
L~:agr With Mr. and Mrs.
I~th and was one of the
~.~g Judging Team.
~K~on attended the fair
~,~',~e Frank to take part
[(~b met last week
Anderson as hostess.
officers was held and
~ia llst next week. The
~g Will be Sept 28 with
• :~arlow as hostess.
~:~rs, Bili Brown and
~a"~ With the Don Her-
#t Shelton attended the
tr SUnday. _ ertscher
R~tS. Dennis Lo ; .
~Y, Were Sunday sinner
~fr.. and Mrs. "Hartley
~,~abella Valley.
~naron Evers and AI-
~he ok part in the Dress
I~'q~.Ptlyallup Fair Sun=
~,,mree girls plus Nancy
]~. gave demonstrations.
~t0 the Shelton Valley
[~I[~. Charles Willis are
~!:~ttage Grove, Ore.,
IL~d--~:~ settle in Olympia if
~:~2 house. Charles will
IE. Cat Fort Lewis as a
YMcKeown of Salem,
the Sam Diggle home.
Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano
called on Mrs. Augusta Portman
children and four Gibson girls of
Ore., dined in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Hulbert Wednesday
. evening of last week. Mr. and
Mrs. McKeown will be leaving Sa-
lem soon for a church convention
and will be visiting the Robert Me-
Keowns (Donna Hulbert) in Blue
Island, Ill., and taking their wed-
ding gifts and household furnish-
ings to them.
was weekend guest of his sister,
Mrs. Alma Baker.
Charles Brown was on the Jun-
ior Livestock Judging Team from
the Shelton Valley Clovers at the
Puyallup Fair.
Sunday afternoon callers in the
Wayne l~vers home were Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Gundersen and daugh-
ters Nancy Lou and Mary of Rain-
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mclrvin
were Monday evening visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Friday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Merlin Rickards were Mrs.
Dick Giles and children of Union.
Viewing wedding pictures Sun-
day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Hulbert in the Alvin Hulbert home
were Mr. and Mrs. J. Stroud and
children and Harold Stroud. Mrs.
Hulbert had observed her birth-
day Saturday so served refresh-
ments of cake and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd, Shel-
ton, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Todd Saturday.
Sunday dinner guests of the
Merlin Rickards were Mrs. Eliza-
beth Byrd and grandchildreu and
Bill Spear of Skokomish Valley.
, =,Ne.S ,:'~~u !
I ~_-___--
[ t Attention- s-he-rm--- -n and-E e -
~. _ = 6 a.m. for Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily
li : Elevator Launching- Any
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t! i~une F~edr,okson owners Noxt to A,uar,um
I i: *~ ~Ood Canal near Potlatch on HWy. 101 near power hou~
[~:: _ -- Our Specialty --
[~,ii ~ BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-lickin' ~ood)
We feature SEAFOOD, too! "
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[ Tradewell's K l-lb. I) Pillsbury Best (5c off label) lb.
[ IL Finest ................................................................ 0 pkgs. I I I (Tradewell 5 Ib, bag 55c) ............................................ Bag 07-
) Silk t- I C Toasties 18 oz,, Grapenut Flakes 13 oz., /
ooc $ %EAL " • • ........ L~ -
, )SUE • .......................................................... 6 ,,,s: I
White Sugar Crisp 14 oz, Post Tens oz
ilZ l Crest Extra
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Label ............................ :.., ........................ Size -- =2ADULT -- $1CHILD
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20 Lb. No. 2 SPUDS • • • • 69¢
Sweet Tooth Treat Caramel
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Peach 24 oz. Size
SNOBOY - 10 oz. pkgs.
CUT CORN . . . .
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SNOBOY = Reg. or Crinkle Cut - 9 oz. pkgs.
• • . . 7/ 1
SNOBOY: Baby Limes, Broccoli, Cauliflower - 10 oz. pkgs.
• . • . • . . 4/89¢
Minute Maid (12 oz. Tins 29¢) 6 oz. tins
ORANGE DELIGHT . . • • • . 2/29¢
Prices effective thru Sat., Sept. 25, 1965. No sale to dealers.
Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.