September 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, Se
. Fo.. s.,o I I I
For Sale Used Oars Used Cars For Rent Real Estate Real Estate
BALDWIN SPINET piano, $6ff5; Stor- W OQD'-FOR~SALE.-~$I6.per cord. I ........ A .......... f . rIPeR S~'~E~9"PO-NTIAC. ~h I HOUSEKEEPING APTS " One and COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom Angleslde I~k~P UNIO~oo~ ~ "
ey and Clark spinet piano. $695; J)ellvereo in ~nelton ~'none 426- FI(21~-UF P~I) UA2a~'mk¢or sale o r. ( " "
,,r~b. ' .~ ..;~..~- ] ... A^ Term- .Do A.~. ~ o.~. +fn I Phone 426-4f/4.). S 9/16 tfn [ two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities home., nice yard, garage, wood-shed. ] • " g oa uanai
.~,,o.~. ~ ~/~o t.. I ~'~' ~. ~-~.~. ~ o/~o ~ [ ........ I supplied 426-2081 B 5/27 tfn
Thomas two-keyboard organ, $495. • I~---- 1963 DODGE POWER WAGON fibre-! N-ICE=I~I-- -)iie~-~mnt~one Owner moving, will sacrifice. 426-4710 [ 3 or 4 bedroom house. Large living
Sherman and Clay, 205 West 5th, after noon daily, P 7/22 tfn room and kitchen, fireplace, garage
Olympia, Phone 352-3791. S 7/1 tfn Sporting (~oods ]1951 ,~-TON FORD pickup good con- glass camper. Phone d26-8384 or 426- I - _ ~ GHT • p .: p~ t .. , ~; ....... and workshop. $5,750, Terms~ Call
FOTt-'-SAL--E------Sever~-od--use-d ......-- I I .................................... mH~. "Pw~ wh~.l, ~..H..' U e* 1..~6877r. "-- " -'m N ,,9/9"16"23. I NorthDear°°mslxthIurmsnea's.t InquireD. 8/26 7JLetin DO YOUR FLOORS LOOK DINGY no [ Bill Pearson 426-2471. P 7/15 tfn
~.--*-.-----=.-~.-~-~..~.-~. . ..~---~[ 4 ft wide, 3 ft. high. Good condi-[19,3 BUICK SEDAN 'Special radm I ........... matter what you do? Cleaning Sere-I~
freezers reconditioned and guaran- 1~ A~'T mA~'A~ crmser ~,.= ~ " Phone 42 ...... i
h n 'r.h.~nn .uth~.~a a,,~l ~..t~l~ [ tion, ~ 6-3766. V 9/9-23 ] heater, two new tires, phone 426-3504 [ FOR RENT ,Mt. V ew Community Club ices Co., phone 426-4376, 426-8188.. TWO BEDROOM log nouse on one
teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration, ~'l~o~"'~'~"~'~n~ ......... ~.~ ~/;J~'~ 1 ~-fi,:D--a~ ..... ~a~. - ~-~- ~. ~.~ afler 4 p.m. K 9/23 tfn | House anytime. For information call 1/7 tfn acre wooded land, modern, partly
~-LE-C~I'ROI~UX!27 South Second.sA~rv_lCe._~mdW 7/1 tfn [~e aze-~oa. "r ~/z~ t~n [..~ W.~re~. ~l~w [~e°nr:r'ator clean 1952 WILLEYS 6 cyi. for sale 'as "l-,~, [ 426:-3959 or 426:.2406_. M 6/18 tl:n ~T~--E~---I~ ........ .'~ - ~ .~ ..... I OncfUrnished'mile fireplace,.,vest Lake$6995'Nahwatzel$300 dn.
:uAMPER FOR SALE..-- 805 I runs gosd $250. 426-899.0. B '9/9 tfn ] $65. 1952 Dodge, $125. Phone 426-3747. I BACHELOR APARTMEN'~- for runt. ?o~,°d~tg~y ~l~erbn2;ieH~l~rrgestC°rner l __Plm~,~ 426.:.40_33. P 8_/12 tfn TELEPHON~
supplies, John Rice. Phono 426-6108, i ~auroau Ave. or ca~l azv-~±xa. I--' .............................. I S 9/23 tfn I a~ .... .~ms w.,.,.f,,.,,~ ph,,.~
f ................... ~ .................
after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. E 8/12 t n | 1956 CHEV. 2-door hardtop, 8-cylinder, [ ~-aSW-~TVrTn~-~v(~w~o--~_ooa '.,~;m" I H-oa~nort 8v~-5@1 z.i,-hthousc Mo-
~/7 tfn ~ ¢~n l~t~l~ u~+~r p~. , ............... -- ....... _ , ........... .__P_l~one 426S87_65_. _. Mc 7/29 tfn FOR SALE BY OWNER -- Three bed-
1963 HONDA 55 Trallblke for sale, Call | ~£~" .... ~= ........ ~h ~;= [ tion. Also 1945 GMC pickup with '55 [ tel. L 9/16 10/7 TWO LE-~EL cleared canyon -e~e ] room home. 1325 ft. floor space fire- R BEDROOMS M
"C%IRISTMASTO~N, O,S.A." rubber 426-3521 after 5 p,m, M 8/26 tfn ]~'~--0#' "___~!Y ~'~Chev. motor for sale or trade, Phone ] ~ bulldln~ lots Inside city on Ca,~it~l I I lace hardwood floors plastore'd six ~,~..~t.., ~tt'llg
stamps for sale at the Journal, $1,~ ~-~-~~~~ ] 1956 CHEV -- 2-door hardtop, Six cyl-] 426-2582. N 9/23 tfn I FOR RENT -- One bedroom house on Hill. $350 each. Your terms, P~one ye,ns old, double carport, built-in v .... ~-. • =.,~¢
£ each. 227 West Cots, 12/1 tfn ~....,.-~,, ..~v.v...., ..~..,.~.,.~, ~=.v- k , , 1
merit -" ~-~"- ~-'-~ a--'--l-- .. I inder, stic shift, $350. Radio, heater. I .... I Lake Nahwatzel, Oct. 1 to June , 426-85RR N 6/lO ten range. ~'enceu pack yaru, ~.ocatea L~r~e luL. ~.v--.v,
[OU CAN PUM~ more water and ~--utlf .................. ~l~_=a I Phone 426- 539. P 9/16 tf I I.~4- ~ ~ [ $30 plus utilities. Contact E~ ~[ on 110 x 140 ft. lot on Mt. View. en, open in the.~,
o~ u~ ~uo~a ~amu. a-no~u moon - I ! ~ ~ ~ ~.' ~taa~a I ~-,..~.. ~o ~ ~ ~r ~+~. oh ISLAND LAKE tor s mer run or I Pimne 426-8431. M 9/9 tfn n~. ~;~l~e At
longer with Fairbanl~ Morse pumps, vort TR 7-5244~ 1]19 tf~ ~ ...... i f ale ns _ ~,,,, .... =~o ...................... . .
See them at Shelton Electric Co., ---~-1 1951 FORD V ctoria or s . Ru I ............... I CIt 2-8697. 9/16-23 year round living, 115 ft. of water-I ..... ' .... ~" .... --~,
4t19 Railroad. 9/16 tfn LICENSED, equipped 40 ft Charter I good good tires$:125. Phone 426- | ~.u~'~" ~- ~vlaie, rcaumn ,t~on~ peking- I --~ front, suitable for one or two faro- I OWNER MUST SELL 3-z"ear. -u,u ....... .~.,=. age. $15,500.. ~~.
~MBER'r'S OYSWER-B~iy'Store-for boat. Radio, depth finder. Moored I .... 'vn..~.o Sl~'~Hi~m" ~ -q/~- tfn [ ese. howarD. ~nono ~z~-z~, n .... u ] FURNISHED MODERN one bedroom l!ies enjoyment, Call 426:.8589 any- Available July 1 at $2,250 below list- cludes closing ~
. Sale or h!ase. Liberal terms to right at Westport, $3,500 cash. Phone 426- [ ........ -. ..... ............ [ ~. o~-~ [ house near Twanoh park Private time. L 7/16 tfn [ ed price. 616 Seattle St. L 7/1 tfn like this attracu~
party. Route 1 l~ox 225, Shelton. 8405, H 5/27 tfn J FOR SALE' '57 Pontiac 2 door hard" [ ..... J beach, $100. Includes heat, light and THREE BEDROOM house n~ar school ~ ..'~
pl~one 426-8768, 9/23 tfn 1965 RAINIER travel trailers and Sky- [ .... --_ _ _ " ... " [ wanted utilities. CR 5- 2418 collect, stores and churches. FHA appraised. [ dar %tre~t~--M~kaeer^~f°me l~l~^~°ea 4~e~- 4 BEDROOMS
HOMEMADE CANDIES bY A1. Peanut lark horse trailers on sale now at l ~P'sio~aa~;oJema~tr~raUt°ma~ ~ran~'l I S 9/16 t f~n $11'900' Pl]ono 42~'4791" f 9/16 tin .... ' U " ~2~.2. 2Y-- 130' of creek fro,,
..................................... oou~. £I 01~ Lln
brittle, a specialty. Many others Bheltonc.Union Service S tio, .SS I misslon'and rubber.'$356. Phone 426-]AD LWouWILLebo by teda h° en §htlFOR RZN - Unfurnished two bed-
: awtilable. Order nowl Phone 426 ..... ~_~ ...... Y--~'? "~= ! 6706 V 9/16-23 I ..~/ " ~ .....'_- I room mouern, new apartments on FOR SALE -- One 60 x 120 ft. loton [ ~ hearth fireplace,.~
~267. E 5/20 tfn GUNSMITHING, new and used g~,, I ' [ sau.J. , ~ ~/~ ~n Mt. View. Wail-,to-wail carpeting, Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East J FOR SALE -- Rentalproperty. One 8- Garden spot. ~
/ scopes and reloading. Dean's Gun i VOLKSWAGEN PICKUP -- 1957, very I WANTED -=- Baby sitting, my home. draperies, laundry facilities, appix- Cascade Terms available. Phone 426- ] bedroom, one 2-bedroom. and one .¢.2.~ h~ndles
3361. H 6/24 tfn 1-bedroom house. Good condition v ..........
SEVERAL USED house trailers, large Shop, Union, Wash. Phone 898-213~. [ .~,~ .~.mH~. ~-- ..... ;-~o except I Call morninus 426-8584H 9/2 tfn [ ances, private parking and private .... ~ .... I close to school and business district, _._ ~[~
arid small for sale, HerD's Second [ Friday night or Saturday. 426~6744A [ WANTED_ Ironing In my home 90c [
Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 898- D 3/4 tfn g .......................... ~o v ..... o ..... - ..... ____ locked storage space. Heated swim- FOR SALE -- Mt, .View, mrge_three ] 2328 Adams St Phone 426-4238 4 BEDROOM~ ~_~
~-~-P,--~--~+-~ ,~^^~ ^^--~ mine pool, $99.50 month. Contact oeuroom name witn garage Wasn- ' ~ .Ao ,o ....... ~,~
o.~.~,~-,~ ~ o~-- ~uu,~ ~u~,,,~,~Um ~ w o/~u-ou, ,on hour. --..~..~-"° 40~..642o~. .~v. 11/~,..~ tfn ' ~,.~.=~.. ....... ---~.~--~ ~...~.a~a ~m --~ ~-,--~/~a ..-~e" ington & 'K'. Phone 426-8598. ----- ~- ~/~o un ~paclollS llVln~f~l~
2457. H 6/10 tfn $50. Phone 426 2289 after 687/29 tfn 1~ [ WoIL.L.oDuOs ~DABY~TING4~ .~92°me ]L--~B-ERT~YSTER--B-ay-Store--for ~ [ drilled well new septic system, two FHA Possession'
flea SALE -- Used steez, plates, pipe, W 8/26 tfn HOME IN COUNTRY -- Five acres menu ~'mor • ,
pulleys and shafts. All tY1~ sal-, ~, ~-uled %5" Call after 6 " m 426 ! ~ • x ~ • -" - -- -- I sale or lease Liberal terms to right ~i~uu~D $1~J0: wa~errront name,, I bedrooms el'own dormitory uu
rage. Shelton Junk Co., First and FOR SALE -- 10 ft speed boat glassed .a , ¢u. ~'" ' - 1"1 6/17 tin ,
/ ..... ..' .... ' - *-" [8649 La 9/16 fin] ~~---[ party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. three years old' approximately 10001 4 u ~ ' ~k~ ~ ,¢.. -~
Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tin noncom anu traner ~uo or oest oiler r .... 26-~44 .......... ,~r
.... t ........ ,. '. ~ .......... [ ~|CERTIFIED HOME for nu sery care Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn sq. ft. Two bedrooms, mahogany [~~ 4 BEDROOMS .
ff0R SALI~ --- Large ssl~tlon ot ~- ur uo:t~ u~p~r~t~y ~ ~ a~ugn-/t ' ' '"'~ ~"" mature mo*~e- ~eferences Ph .......... den fireplace lovely walnut living REDUCED TO $3 009 Small neat W~ll lnca ed
I lin 608 Arcadia 426-6221. Mc 9/16-30 II .... i. ~ n =~ 11 ~.~ ..... ...... _ o.h..;" [ WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, aowntown roo~n and di'ning room with w/w I two bedroom l~'ouse, partly ' furn- nice-~am~l-v-tho~e
winditloned ranges, refrigerators,' ~ I| nprn ~]~[~ |[ ..,o.a~v~, ~ o/~ ~2 [ location, clean, dry storage, Phone patio in rear, 9 x 20 covered patio ] thly, Conmder late car or small trail- of hvlng spac .
__pl!ance~ashere'c~_~ter.dryers" Eella & ValleYs/5 tf~AP" HUNTERS ATTENTION -- Best q.ual-~ | ~~ ~B~[~ |] HOME REPAIR WORK carpentry [ 426-8211. L 8/4 tfn carpeting .... 18 ~ 30 plastic-covered ished $1400. down, balance $25 men- ' ' ~ e '"~"
ity, fully guaranteed binocumrs, [| ~'m.~ ~Jr~N~ I[ cement and brick work, roofing. ~Od-~~~-'~ I)e~oom in front overlooking bay with cute [ erhouse. Located at 208 E. Pine. $13;750. 'FHA ~
DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphof [ from $25.40 at Zieglers Camera Shop, ]1 II Osborne General Contracting. I "=?* ....... "-~'--~=-=,'= ~'-~ ~" ',~' little upholstered bar tucked in cor- 426-6953, D 9/2 tfn clnsin~ ensts
[ 124 N. 2nd St. 9/23-30 10/7 3t l| 63 Falcon Sedan []Phone 426-6241. O 4-1 thn ]Bissoniere Agency, ~-~666 or 4~- ner. Beautiful view of Harstme Is- J
~tery cleaned by Cleaning Services ' "~''°"~"' "''~ .......... " ..... o-- •
uompany, phons 426-4376 or 426-8188, . , IRONING DONs`. -- 90c an hour one ...... ,., ___ land. Short sloping path to top of ] WILL SELL up to 300 feet choice no- __ .~
Miscellaneous 63 Country Sedan • ~ r m
. i i 1/7 tfn , day service if desired. Call -~93. EDGEWOOD APTS. -- Two bed DO s new stairway down 50 steps to clean. I bank waterfront, Pickering Passage. 2 BEDROOM~ ~
NEW MOON mobile ~omesi Nation'e [I ............ II L9/19 tfn [ furnished. Large rooms, lots of clos- gravel beach with marine railway. ~ Phone 426-6034. M 8/11 tfn This may be the ~'
best seller, your best huy. DeTray's CARD OF TII~NKS I| "~3 Pore, ve, ~tl0K I| [ et~. Clean and neat, $55 per month, Underground' power to beach. Was CHOICE-WATER~'-R--0NT~-I()0--i'~.-.-.-.-.--~" Iookin ~for. I~vel
$16,800--ow.ner.. will .sacmhce $1000 I hank, bulkhcaded, gravel beach, with CR f~nog ~A aPP]]
Mobile Homes, 1617 Fends Road, We wish to express our gratitude I| . .. |~WANTED --.Cedar logs, Versapanei, [ References required, Phone 426-8584. or tnrow ]n an our mvc~y new zur- [ two story older four bedroom home ~I"~(~R .....
Olympia. Phone 852-2907. D 10/15 tfn to everyone for all the lovely gifts [| '63 Ford Convertime I! ~*or~ of Snelton ~nuus~mm ~'ark, I S 8/18 tfn
[and kindnesses shown us after our ~1 I| Jonn'sPrairie. Phone 426-6426. ]rT~-FU~T~HED~..~ ......... * niture, plus washer, dryer, range[ adjoining Walker Park. Call 426-2078. a ales, ~
recent fire ' vr Monz J 3/18 tin ...................... "~'~"
Msny thousands of items to choose "~r and ....... mFh II61 Che Diet a I mont downtown, Large, four rooms, '--hurryrefrigerat°r'out 11BringmilesYOUrnorthCneCkof Shel-bOoK [~!r A 9/23 tfn 3 R~t~ROOMS H!"
• T ma ........
from: . Large ~eseQunt~. We p~ .,~ . - ~zrs, r~ooer~ ~. ~ t [| li AUTO PAINTING $40 and up. Also / heat furnished. Adults only. lnquiro ton on Allyn lnghway. Take ha s [ FOUR BEDROOM HOME for sale or r~. ^~ ~ .... o-t, l
freight, t~nelton Marzne ~upply, HE~- anu zamlly ~| '60 Ford Galax]e V8, At. |I house trailers boats etc. Phone ] 119 .East. Cedar St., phone 426-4895 Road and follow signs. R 7/8 tfn [ rent on five acres, four acros in .......... ~.~..
crest M 8/8 tin I ROAST BEEF Harvest dinner at Mary ]| , II 426-4323. Inquire 1262 Cots St,._ . I oz' ~2~-q,~si. t~ v/z~ un ~-~------~-~-~--~-~-:~m--~ [ Christnms trees. Eight miles out, age, $7,500. l~ Y
FOR SALE -- Oliver AG-6 frontcnd ~ M. Knight school gym, Oct. 2, 6-8 ~| 60 Ford Sedan II ~ 4/~ ~n ~]E2~T--AiNZ)-CLE~ *' ....... bath home by-- Mt, ..... Vmw'~ ............ school. Will I $5,500. Phone, 426-2582. N 9/23 tfn $600. down,
loader, /953 G,M.C. short logger. I p,m. Adults $1.25; high school 75o; (| ||~/ for rent. Suitable for couple with FHA for $450 down. 426-6526. I~ - ,J~
Ready to work. Phone 426-2024. [ grade school 50c. 9/23-30 I| '60 Ford V8, At. [[ ing, back filling sewage systems. [ one child, No pets. Call after 4:30 S 9/9 tfn [ 2 BEDROOMS l~
__ , E 8/26 tfn I S~I'----D.~VID'S--EPiscoPA-L--church [| |[ Reasonable rates.'Dietz Kadoun, ph. / p.m. 426-8129. U 9/23 t fn
FOR--~--~d-~--~fective--~nd~ rummage sale at the church, 10 l| '59 Galaxie 2-dr, H.T., V-8, A.T. |/ 426"6893" 7/22 tfn ~ ~~ Inquire [ ~|=~=~ ~=r~ A neat home w.~
, inexpensive advertising. Just call I o'clock Friday, Sept.24. 9/23 I| || WANTED -- Alder saw-logs top pric- I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Bar-Din Enterprises, 311 Cookson. I ~||r_ ~ | ~t~t yard. 2 car pav~
................ • ' ............. vow, ~J~j v
The Journal, 426-4412. 8/19 tfn [ , , - I| ,~u ~.a ~ -r I[ es paid. Any length. Phone days I one bedroom apartments, two blocks Phone 426-8113 3/25 tfn 1 nan ~,,., ~12 0a~
" " li 4 ~ enin 48 30 from bank shopping center Appli
r Classified Service II ........... |/ Cheha S 7 8-3800 ev gs 7 -35". " :, . . .. - 50 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD, hh)ck ] REALTY. I ~rC • down.
~)R-S~-~-~-~cal' wild f]owe~r hol}ey. , !| ....... || ' C 2/11 Lfn| ances, nea~:, no~. water, garoage 8er- from highway 101. close to rebabil- I "
Call 426-8867. L. G. S]atcr, ~oute z, ALLYN NURSING HOME, license No. II ........ I/TRAINEES WANTED -- Men and we-I tubs showers. Ample storage. Quint, itation Ccnter. Timber electricity, ]4 B-'~r^'~" ~ .... ' .................. ~ ..... a~ P~
B~X 22A, She]ton, 9/9"23 .O |'~),r ...... ~ .................. vice furnlshed, Tiled ~sinke, bath- ,.],.,,! r ...... h.,[.,i.i.,. 'o) il',.i]( .... I ....... p .... j~ ................ 70 ......... .
I~ I ...... LE---:-'Hot{si~]~old--t~'nitm.e, q2FL Allyn, Wash, Reasonable rates. )|=~=~.||~.]~'~[~ |[ men at. Shclton Mobile Homes. All ] clean, attractive surroundings. Also 8~wner "'2"~5 ~'1~o~':tl'z'"'.~l"bert" St." P'(~)';t I kept, older home in Hoodsport =-- 1 Duplex, each ha~0
china, cut glass, fostoria, Millwright Privat.e rooms, Nurses in attendance. )| ~ ~l~ml~ || crafts, good pay, steady work. Ap- | bachelor units for single persons, Angeles, Wash. S 9/23 10/7 [block from school and shopping furnished. Ren~s ^t
Phone 426-3795 9/23 10 14 Iuy at office 8-4'30 daily Sheltonelectric kitchens tiled showers ex- ~c---~g ]center. $12,500- good terms or a thly. $7,900. on ~"
tools. Phone 426-30{;1 before 5 p.m. " "- '' / J| ~~ |[ All err ' S 9"23 tfn] " " '" " ' s
S 9/9 tfn~V/NDOW -WASHING---SERVICE--at [| I[ "P • / ' haust zans, ouilt-m uresslng room .
D[~:Y-A'i~,=i)E-I~.--~'t~I~tc(~-~;od:-i6-18 iri. reasonable rates, according to job. l| '63 International I/2 Ton, 4 cyl. |1 ALDER AND MAPLE logs wantedI ?h:re: l~rt~2rY~°n~a~t%tti~ter bcdro~mm. All ~nccd-in yard :Phone ]G.I. financing. ' down.
.......~lelive]'ed in Shelton area. $]6 I)er Call 426-8657. S 9/23 ]l ,=~ ~^..~ I/ "~^- ~ ~a~ -- • l[ 5-9 inch $20 per thousund' 10-111 _ '_ '/ L .... ~ 426-2190. M 9/23-30[ i~(
II uo ru,u ;/2 .u., "~- ..... urlvc II inch $:40' '1213 Inch ¢52' ~1'4 inchI ann neau uooa Dens, oz course. ~=~lThree bedroom spectacular Hood OFFICE a
.... cord. Call 426-3856. B 9/16 10/7 B r Iron lO&tterles radla- , ' ~ "~. " '~ ' " Lawton A ts. 7th & Pine. Shown
W~, ~ ~C ap ......... 61 D d e I n 6 C I. and over $o7. Auburn Academy Fur- by appoin~ent, Phone 426~212L )fn
,o.. oo. . =.,... o, =, II .... o ,o_ II nitro'e, Auburn. Wash. TEmpe 3-[ ~]Canal view home. Fireplace, elec- nil1,
haul or we lmul. Call 426-6760. unelton Junk UO., ~rst ema MU=II 'bU Poru y'2-ton P'icKup II 0478 9/16-301 -- --.-~- ~ [[trlc heat, nice yard, beach prlvl- Eve
Streets. Phone ~18-8626. $4/7 trail, ' ' ' I .... f~ IJleges. $14,250- good terms. John Devere,X'
...................... 59 Int., H.D. Y2-Ton ~ SMALL UNFURNISHED house for
F 9/16 tfn ][ WANTED ~ Rug wcavlng. Also rent on Oyster Bay, $30. Phone 426-
~)-n~" FUR2~AC~ CL]IL&--NZNG, repalrUl~,.,i~- ,== ~-.a I/: .......
~ ru.- ~on V 8 ~ / f a!
atallatloml, oil conversions. Shelton/I 72" , - , • • |[ or s o. J~none 426-6469. Alvin xxiide- I 2342 B 8/12 tfn ~F ~x:~f" |[ Hoodsport 4 bedroom older home Andrew Hulder ~
able prices, dresses 50c up; skate out- Sheet Metal CO., 821 So. Third. Dial[! Ht~mma I[ brandt, Rt. 3 Box 561, Shelton. " ............
fits $].00; l)ajamas 75(:, Many more. 426=4792. S 5/1 tfn/I ,.... ..,.~n_ ., 11 H 9/16 10/71 .... ENT Trai~er s"ace ctoso to ~ ~Nfl/~~ I[close to shopping center, & school ....... ---nett
co,tact Lau.'a Sl,,:f icld 426-22 6. ,u .ra,I ..... - I/Fireplace, large yard, corner lot, no.era; D.,
PIANo SERWC - /I __ I/ .................... I downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn
an= .ec,,n.c,a .......... " ? $7,750 --- terms.
A-I:~i;'(TSXXOPHONE for-sale. Also G.E. ..=.,. ~.=H., w...o,.R Call Olvm-la|||=m ~t~•a|~m~ ~ |] month, Prefer dependable person [WARM ROOM Food Lockers for rent.