September 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 23, 1971 |
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• 23, 1971
Jrnber 38
~n County
~t 2 Oct. 4
on its 1972
tnary budget,
this week,
receipts of
elPts include
clerk's office,
sheriff,s office,
'eal estate and
taxes and
from the
ticipates a
at the end
of $249,894
,243 in the
~ClUded funds
.deputy. The
:or salaries is
to $114,700
;in tile budget
including a
to $28,000
of vehicles.
J he
of six
ars, such as
Year and
plan to
a four-wheel
Which the
o.w has. He
two 1969,
for the
lPared to a
of $53,884.
to a
Work on
idea would
Work traffic
roads which
now. His
inson said,
on traffic
largest budget
ALAN L. CRAWFORD, right, Field Office Chief, Bureau of Aviation Safety,
National Safety Transportation Safety Board, and a representative of the
Federal Aviation Agency, inspect the helicopter which crashed in Vance
Creek Friday afternoon.
Published In Shelton, Wa. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Wa. 98584,
under act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving, at
227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere.
4 Sections --30 Pages
10 Cents Per Copy
request comes from the assessor's
office, which is asking for
$191,600.60 for the coming year
compared to $180,199.80 for the
department this year.
The proposed budget
anticipates continuation of
the present staff, part of which
STATE SEN. MARTIN DURKAN poses with a young
booster, Jennie McGee. Just before this picture was snapped,
Miss McGee had presented a song at the salmon barbecue
sponsored by local Democrats Saturday. (See story on page
laas been funded under the state
program to help assessors bring
assessments up to date.
Some state funds are available
for continuing the program into
next year.
Other budget requests
compared to budgets for the
current year are:
Extension Office, $17,539.96
COmpared to $15,541 for this
Auditor, $93,365 compared
to $67,585 for this year. The
request included one additional
deputy and $4,500 for rental on
book keeping machines.
Civil Service, $620 for both
request and this year.
Voter registration, $I,050
requested compared to $650
budgeted for this year.
Clerk, $27,875 compared to
$25,560 for this year.
County Commissioners,
$38,335 requested compared to
$33,271 budgeted for this year.
Garbage disposal, $16,155
requested compared to $15,750
budgeted for this year.
General Administration,
$29,715 requested compared to
$27,255 budgeted for this year.
Justice Court, $26,693.70
compared to $21,859 budgeted
for this year. The request includes
$2,400 for a deputy clerk and an
increase from $600 to $2,400 for
judge pro tem.
Juvenile Probation Office,
$38,857 requested compared to
$35,675 budgeted for this year.
Miscellaneous, $166,485.93
compared to $162,836.38
budgeted for this year.
Prosecuting Attorney,
$55,240 requested compared to
$32,562 budgeted for this year.
The request includes a request for
$15,000 for deputy prosecutor
compared to $6,000 budgeted
this year and $3,600 for extra
help compared to $600 budgeted
for this year.
Superior Court, $35,160.50
requested compared to $35,012
budgeted for this year.
Treasurer, $95,788 requested
compared to $74,085 budgeted
for this year. The request includes
$6,600 for an additional deputy
and $9,000 for rental of book
keeping equipment.
Regional Planning Office,
$26,290 requested compared to
$36,092 for last year. The budget
does not include ~lcq 500 for
(Please turn to Page 2)
A helicopter, contracted to
the U. S. Forest Service here,
crashed into Vance Creek Friday
afternoon after the motor quit
while flying water to a slash
burning mop up operation.
The craft was piloted by
James Ratliff, an employee of
Western Helicopters, Tacoma,
which owned the craft. Ratliff
smfe~ed only minor injuries m the
Robert Barstad, Ranger for
the U. S. Forest Service Shelton
Ranger Station here, estimated
the damage to the craft would be
about $50,000, or about half the
new value.
Ratliff was on his way back to
the slash burning site from Haven
Lake where he had dipped up a
bucket of water, when, as he
passed over Vance Creek about a
mile above the big steel railroad
trestle over Vance Creek the
motor quit and the craft crashed
to the bottom of the steep gully
through which the creek flows in
the area.
Another helicopter from the
same firm, which was operating in
the area also, went down to where
the pilot was hovered while he got
into the basket along side. He was
then taken to a nearby road
where he was transported in for a
medical check-up.
Barstad led a group consisting
of two mechanics, a
representative of the Federal
Aviation Agency, Alan Crawford,
field office chief, Bureau of
Aviation Safety, National
Transportation Safety Board, and
Les Larson, fire dispatcher for the
U. S. Forest Service Office in
Olympia, to the scene of the
The other company helicopter
lowered tools and equipment
down to the mechanics who
dismantled the crashed craft so it
could be removed.
The damaged craft was
trucked to Tacoma Industrial
Airport Sunday.
Barstad said the Forest
Service had started slash burning
operations about four days before
the east winds, which are
currently keeping the area dry,
came in.
After the drying east winds
started, he said, Forest Service
crews began mop up operations
on the burning to avoid the
chance of it getting away.
He stated all logging on the
Olympia National Forest has been
closed and will probably remain
closed for the rest of this week at
Kent Man
Jerome J. Lillehei, 35, 24415
Pacific Highway, Apt. D, Kent,
was arrested by the Mason
County Sheriff's office on a
charge of second degree burglary.
He was arrested at a residence
in the Belfair area by Deputy
Charles Mustain.
A HELICOPTER from Western Helicopters, Tacoma, hovers over the craft
owned by the same firm which crashed in Vance Creek Friday. The
helicopter in the air was lowering tools and equipment to two mechanics
below. They dismantled the disabled craft in order to get it out of the steep
gully in which it had crashed.
Several contests for school,
port, fire, cemetery, water and
hospital district offices in the
county developed as filings closed
Friday at the county auditor's
Six candidates have filed for
three positions in the Mary M.
Knight School Board, although it
still was not settled in which
director district one of the
candidates lives, according to
Auditor Ruth Boysen.
In District Two, incumbent
Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. is opposed
by W. Lee ltunter.
In District Four, incumbent
Clarence Palmer is opposed by
Edward Heller and in District
Five, Buelah Mueller is without
opposition unless it is determined
that Kenneth Gribble, an
incumbent, is also in District Five.
Mrs. Boysen said Gribble
would be in either District One, in
which the position is not up for
election, in District Two or in
District Five. She states Gribble
was to come in to her office
Wednesday afternoon to
determine in which district he
There is no candidate filed for
District three, which was recently
represented by Danny Walker
who has now moved out of the
School District.
There are three candidates for
two positions on the Grapeview
School Board. Stuart Marks and
Theodore Hoffman are vying for
the seat on the board now held by
Donald Pogreba. Incumbent
Phillip Hardie is unopposed for
In the North Mason School
District, there are three
candidates for one position as
incumbent Kenneth Leatherman
is opposed in his bid for
re-election by J. E. "Gene" Foster
and Anthony Hannan. Unopposed
are R. L. Sills, for the position
now held by Wendell Harder and
Carol Wentlandt for the position
now held by Theodore Blair Jr.
In the Pioneer School District,
incumbent Geraldine Brooks is
opposed by Carole Meacham and
incumbant John Cook is opposed
by Reid Mitchell.
There is one contest for the
three positions open on the Hood
Canal School Board. Incumbent
Wilbur Boelander is oooosed in
his bid for re-elec(ion by incumbents Alice Pope, William
Charlotte Celestine. Unopposed DeMiero and Homer Stewart filing
for re-election are Charles Linder for re-election along with ttarold
and John Hawk. Aires, who is seeking a position
In the Southside School on the board.
District, Charles Swenson is There is no contest in the
unopposed for election and there Belfair Water District Commission
was no candidate filed for the in which incumbent Charles
position now held by Harold Kovak has filed for re-election
Johnson. and Bruce Whitman has filed for
In the Kamilche School the position now held by Milton
District, Larry Kegg is seeking a Byerly.
position on the board. Neither W i 11 i a m B a t s t on e is
incumbent, Harry Fletchernor unopposed for re-election to the
Anton Ellison, filed for Mason County Hospital District.
re-election. In Fire District filings, there
In the Shelton School are four candidates for three
District, for which filings were positions on the commission of
held in July, Robert Kramer is the formed Cloquallum Fire
opposed in his bid for re-election District. Incumbent Ernest
b y D r. G e or ge R ad i ch.Loertscher has filed along with
Unopposed are incumbents Ernest Randall Morris, Clifford Harto
Hamlin and Thomas Weston. and Thomas Crawford.
In Port District filings, In the Tahuya Fire District, :
contests have developed in the incumbent Jesse Cates is opposed
A llyn and Grapeview Port for election by Robert Sanders.
Districts. Unopposed fire district
In the Allyn District, commission candidates are Paul !
incumbent Harold Hillman isSharp, Belfair; Ed Bartolat and
opposed for re-election by Delmar Orville Kager, Grapeview; Carl
Griffey and Roy Mitchell is Emsley, Arcadia; Lou Donnell,
opposed by Leo Livingston. Allyn; Otto Wojahn, Union; '
In the Grapeview Port William Hunter and Edward
District, incumbent Ted Nolden, Skokomish; Thomas
Rauschert is opposed by Orville ' Savage and Ray Schweitering, Fire
Kager. District 1 1, and Lawrence
Unopposed port district Hansen, Matlock.
candidates are Henry Bruemmer In Intermediate School
Jr., DeWatto; Oliver Ashford, District 113, which includes all of
Shelton and Louis Curl, Elwin Mason County except the North
Blumer and Earl Nelson, Tahuya. Mason School District, former
No candidate filed for the position M a s o n C o u n t y S c h o o 1
now held by Dick Addleman onSuperintendent J. W. Goodpaster
the Hoodsport Port Commission. has filed for a two-year unexpired
There are four candidates for term. tte was recently appointed
three positions on the Belfair to the position. He is opposed by
Cemetery District with JoeWiest, Olympia.
A Mason County Civil Service
hearing on the dismissal of
Deputy Sheriff John Hays has
been scheduled for 9 a.m.
Monday in the court house.
Sheriff John Robinson said he
had been notified of the date of
the hearing, which involves
Robinson's dismissal of Hays after
an incident in which another
deputy was accidentally shot in
the leg in an incident in the jail
area last spring.
Robinson will be represented
at the hearing by Gerry
Alexander, Olympia attorney who
serves as assistant prosecutor. ~:
Prosecuting Attorney Byron
McClanahan will serve as advisor
to the civil service commission.
tlays is represented by B.
Franklin Heuston, Shelton